Achieving Best Practices in Laboratory Operations and Workflow: How to Sustain Lean and Tear Down Silos in Your Lab

The best and worst of Lean projects that will help
your lab attain world-class performance

Patrick Maul robert giles


Patrick Maul MBA, MT (ASCP), Principal Consultant, BD Diagnostics

Robert Giles, Vice President Lab Ops, Genova Diagnostics

Order LIVE Recorded Audio of This Event!

Every clinical lab and pathology group in the United States is under pressure to reduce costs and increase profits—despite specimen volume increases and reimbursement declines. One proven response to these trends is to implement process-improvement methods. And Lean is the fastest, easiest, and least expensive way to help labs realize substantial gains.

When done properly, Lean projects can unlock major operational improvements. Even a one-week kaizen improvement event can help labs achieve reductions in turnaround times as much as 10% to 30%-while also trimming expenses by comparable amounts.

Every hospital laboratory and pathology group should consider regular use of Lean, Six Sigma, and similar rapid process-improvement projects, as a way to improve the quality of laboratory-testing services while delivering cost reductions to the parent hospital.

Learn the secrets of optimizing your lab’s success with Lean and process improvements when you register to attend the latest DARK REPORT and DARK DAILY audio conference “Achieving Best Practices in Laboratory Operations and Workflow: How to Sustain Lean and Tear Down Silos in Your Lab” that was held on December 15, 2010. Listen to the recorded session as Patrick Maul, principal consultant at BD Diagnostics, shares the insights he’s gained from working with dozens of labs the past 15 years. He’ll explain why some labs realize world-class outcomes from their Lean projects while others fail miserably.

If your lab is ready to achieve a higher level of operational performance while reducing expenses and boosting profit margins, this session is for you. For labs just beginning their Lean journey, Maul’s insights into how to avoid common pitfalls can save you thousands of dollars in unnecessary expenses and staff frustration. Even advanced Lean practitioners will be surprised to learn how often these pitfalls prevent them from achieving optimal results with their Lean projects.

For intermediate and advanced Lean practitioners, the richest payoff will come from learning Maul’s “best of Lean in labs” recommendations. Find out how the nation’s most successful Lean labs use these methods to deliver world-class improvements in operational performance, turnaround times, and staff productivity.

Most important, all these lessons are documented with precisely measured outcomes. Maul will show you how to use these “Lean metrics” to gain buy-in from hospital/health-system administrators and convert their skepticism to enthusiasm as your laboratory team delivers sustained improvements.

You’ll also get insights into how to effectively dismantle long-standing silos in your lab. Find out how to end that frustration while encouraging a collaborative work culture focused on continuous improvement by the entire staff. Best of all, you’ll master the easy steps for sustaining this staff harmony and interaction.

Next, Robert Giles of Genova Laboratories will provide examples of these insights and lessons on achieving world-class Lean outcomes.

Your lab will profit from all the knowledge, techniques, and success secrets that Maul and Giles will share during this information-packed audio conference. And don’t forget that you can have everyone on your lab team participate with you. For just one registration, they can listen, learn, and interact with these two respected Lean experts.

Don’t miss this exceptional opportunity. Order today to guarantee your participation. You’ll be surprised at how easily you can convert the knowledge you gain to measurable results in your laboratory organization. Best of all, your bosses and your lab staff will thank you for helping them break down silos, achieve better quality, and trim unnecessary costs!



COST: $245 per LIVE digital recording

TO ORDER AUDIO NOW: Click here or call 1-800-560-6363 toll-free

For one low price—just $245
—you and your entire team can take part in this fast-paced, insightful audio conference. Best of all, you’ll be able to connect personally with either of the panelists when we open up the phone lines for live Q&A.

Here’s just some of what you’ll learn during this in-depth 90-minute audio conference:

  • Why Lean is simple, fast, and inexpensive to implement.
  • What sets the best Lean labs apart and how they achieve optimal performance.
  • Why the “worst” of Lean happens and how your lab can avoid the most common mistakes.
  • The elements that make Lean projects great and how to avoid the common pitfalls that make them fail.
  • The importance of measuring return on investment in a successful Lean operation.
  • How to provide leadership and financial support for Lean.

…and much more!

How to Order Audio:

1. Online
2. Call toll free: 800-560-6363.

Your audio conference order includes:

  • Downloadable PowerPoint presentations from our speakers
  • A full transcript emailed to you soon after the conference

ORDER Now! Or for more information, call us toll-free at 800-560-6363

Distinguished Faculty:

Patrick Maul MBA, MT (ASCP), is Principal Consultant at BD Diagnostics. He is a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and a seasoned clinical laboratory consultant with extensive background in laboratory management, cost management and operational improvement, including Lean Sigma. He has specialty interests in outreach/ marketing, transfusion medicine, informatics, histology, molecular diagnostics, microbiology nuclear medicine, emergency medicine and medical technology programs. Prior to joining BD in 2004, Mr. Maul provided consulting services to hospitals, and clinical laboratories as a senior consultant with Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics. He uses his clinical expertise to guide clients through all aspects of laboratory operations redesign, optimization, and expense reduction. To enhance the development of expanding laboratories, he has successfully conducted staff-redesign programs, multi-hospital consolidation, and laboratory construction. Mr. Maul is a registered medical technologist, A Six Sigma Black Belt, Lean leader, and an associate member of the American Society of Clinical Pathologists. Other professional affiliations include membership in the Clinical Laboratory Management Association and the American Association of Blood Banks. Mr. Maul has a bachelor’s degree in biology and medical technology from Bowling Green State University and an MBA from Kent State University.

Robert Giles, PhD
is VP of Laboratory Operations for Genova Diagnostics. Prior to joining Genova in 2008, he was the executive director, global research and development, for Orchid Cellmark in Dallas where he worked for 21 years, managing complex, high-growth lab operations in multiple locations. Dr. Giles earned a master of science in microbiology, from Mississippi State University and got his PhD in medical microbiology and immunology from the University of Florida.

ACCENT® Continuing Education Credit
The American Association of Clinical Chemistry (AACC) designates this program for a maximum of 1.5 ACCENT® credit hours towards the AACC Clinical Chemist’s Recognition Award. AACC is an approved provider of continuing education for clinical laboratory scientists in the states of California, Florida, Louisiana, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Rhode Island, and West Virginia.
