Creating Patient Requisition Forms That Dramatically Increase Market Share and Profitability

Learn how simple changes to your forms can improve
both revenue collection and patient satisfaction!

ordernow-buttonYOUR PRESENTER:

Jackie Ready, Director of Patient Services, PSA, LLC
Laura Edgeworth, HTL (ASCP), CPC-Manager of Coding Compliance, PSA, LLC
Moderated By:  THE DARK REPORT

Uncollected revenue is the bane of every laboratory and pathology group in the United States. And the deck is stacked against labs like yours because reimbursement cutbacks and payer policies that unnecessarily reject claims are making it tougher to collect all the money due your lab.

But there are ways to increase your collections. Winning labs and pathology groups have learned that submitting clean claims makes getting full reimbursement faster and easier. Now you can learn the secrets of their success: That attacking collection problems from the start and working closely with client-physicians and patients helps them get accurate billing and collection information when a test is requested-not after a claim has already been submitted.

Seems simple, doesn’t it? But it can more of a challenge than it sounds.

Most collection issues are the result of inaccurate patient or insurance information that labs get from referring physicians. Unfortunately, because labs seldom work directly with patients, they depend on physicians and their staff to provide the information that labs need to accurately bill-and collect from-patients and insurance companies.

Too many labs simply write off denied claims as bad debt rather than spend the extra time to correct and re-submit them. Do this and your lab won’t collect all the money to which it’s legally entitled-not the kind of impact you want to have on your bottom line, especially now.

But now there’s a chance for you to learn and master the same secrets of success that are used by some of the nation’s most effective laboratory billing and collection experts.

Whether you’re a practice manager, pathologist, billing manager, or anyone involved in collecting revenue for a lab, you won’t want to miss the latest DARK REPORT audio conference, “Creating Patient Requisition Forms That Can Dramatically Increase Market Share and Profitability,” from Wednesday, March 18, 2009. Listen as our panelists-two experts from Pathology Service Associates (PSA)-provide you with powerful insights, proven techniques, and simple processes that will not only increase your collections, but will also help you provide better customer service to your patients.

The key to improving the performance of your lab’s billing and collections program is to get clean and complete data from referring physicians. An easy-to-use requisition form helps, so our experts will show you some of the latest design innovations to help you create a test requisition form that will get you the information you need. You’ll also learn how to customize your form for different physician specialties and still adhere to federal and state compliance requirements.

And there’s more! Using lab case histories that take you through the process step by step, you’ll learn how a better-designed and more organized requisition form can help your laboratory generate more new customers, more specimen referrals and physician-clients.

You’ll also learn how to file clean insurance claims the first time, every time. Think of the resources you’ll save when you stop pulling up old claims, correcting them, then re-submitting them to payers. This keeps your customers happy, too, because they won’t be hit with bills that should have already been paid by their insurance companies!

In short, PSA experts Ready and Edgeworth will help you understand the benefits of a well-designed requisition form and how it can help improve your lab’s collections.

This is a “can’t-miss” opportunity to learn everything you need to increase your collections and improve relationships with your patients and referring physicians. Order today so you don’t miss out. It’s your opportunity to learn the latest and best techniques for designing effective lab test requisitions that are compliant, customer-friendly, and boost your lab’s collected revenue.

Best of all, you and your entire team can participate in this audio conference for one low flat fee per dial-in site. You can even ask your own questions and get advice from our expert tailored to your specific needs when we open up the phone lines to live Q&A from the audience.

So don’t wait! Reserve your audio CD from this timely audio conference today!


COST: $245 per live audio CD recording
TO ORDER AUDIO CD: Click here or call 1-800-560-6363 toll-free

Here’s just some of what you’ll learn during this insightful 90-minute conference:

  • Why your existing test requisition form fails to deliver the information you need to submit accurate and complete claims at first submission.
  • Proven ways to enhance your requisition form to make it physician-and patient-friendly.
  • The simple-but critical-elements every requisition form must have.
  • The easy processes you can implement to help identify and educate those physicians who submit requisitions with missing or inaccurate data.
  • Important ways to monitor payer denials and identify trends on the back end….and much more!

1. Online

2. Call toll free: 800-560-6363.

Your web conference registration includes:

  • Downloadable PowerPoint presentations from our speakers that you can distribute to anyone listening at your location.
  • A full transcript emailed to you soon after the conference

ordernow-buttonDistinguished Faculty:

Jackie Ready
is Director of Patient Services for Pathology Service Associates (PSA), LLC-A MED3OOO Company. She is responsible for ensuring that all patient and client calls are handled in a professional and efficient manner. Ms. Ready came to PSA in 1999 from Palmetto Government Benefit Administrators where she worked in the claims processing division. In her second year with PSA, Ms. Ready helped implement a National Patient Service Center. With primary focus on patient advocacy, she created a patient-friendly website and IVR system and continues to improve the service PSA provides its patients and clients. With extensive training and quality coaching, the Patient Service Center focuses on the patient experience to ensure PSA is consistently satisfying its patients’ needs.

Laura Edgeworth is Manager of Coding Compliance at PSA, LLC-A MED3OOO Company. She works closely with pathologists nationwide to identify and address pathology CPT coding issues. Laura has more than 10 years of experience in the pathology industry and is recognized as a Certified Professional Coder by the American Academy of Professional Coders. Ms. Edgeworth worked as a certified histotechnologist prior to joining PSA in 2003. This led to her interest in pathology coding, which is in addition to her work in laboratory regulations and compliance. Her responsibilities include managing PSA’s Coding Compliance Department and providing pathologists with education and training that helps improve report documentation and CPT coding skills thus minimizing the risks associated with over-coding, under-coding and insufficient documentation.


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