Essentials for 2015 in Coding, Billing, and Collections for Clinical Labs and Pathology Groups

Essentials for 2015 in Coding, Billing, and
Collections for Clinical Labs and Pathology Groups


Webinar – Thursday, December 4, 2014

(Registration is closed – It’s not too late! Order LIVE Webinar Audio Recording)

Pathology Coding, Billing Webinar


Rina Wolf
Vice President of Commercialization Strategies, Consulting & Industry Affairs

Tom Scheanwald
President and Chief Operating Officer
APS Medical Billing

Michelle Miller
Vice President
Vachette Pathology

Are you prepared for the important coding, billing,
and collection changes coming in 2015?

Get up-to-the-minute info on key changes you should make to ensure
fair and accurate payment in the coming year!



Are you prepared for the onslaught of coding, billing, and collection changes coming in 2015 relative to how labs bill Medicare and private health insurers? Every lab that wants to do better at filing clean claims and getting faster payment must be prepared for these changes!

“It will be a high-stakes game in 2015 because both government and private payers are stacking the deck against clinical labs and pathology groups,” says Robert L. Michel, Editor-in-Chief of The Dark Report. “Across the nation, Medicare carriers and private health insurers are implementing myriad changes in coverage guidelines and reimbursement for both clinical lab tests and anatomic pathology services, in an effort to reduce their costs.

“There will be so many of these changes in how labs must code, bill, and collect during 2015 that, in a sense, the lab testing industry faces ‘financial death by a thousand cuts,’” continued Michel. “This makes it imperative that every lab’s billing and collections manager stay informed and be prepared for these changes.”

The good news: There’s still time to gear up for these changes! Get quickly up to speed on the specifics, and what you need to do to ensure fair and accurate payment in 2015 by taking advantage of this timely webinar, entitled “Essentials for 2015 in Coding, Billing, and Collections for Clinical Labs and Pathology Groups” on Thursday, December 4, 2014 at 1:00 PM EST.


Your faculty for the webinar has decades of combined successful experience in the areas of compliant coding, effective billing, and reimbursement for the clinical laboratory and pathology lab industries. This panel of experts will discuss in detail essential changes coming in both the clinical lab, and anatomic pathology billing/coding/collection arenas for 2015. They’ll examine coming changes in Medicare, including the new final rules for the 2015 Medicare Physician fee update just published, as well as what is happening with private health insurers, ranging from UnitedHealthcare and Humana, to Blue Cross and Cigna, to name just a few.

Hear first from the clinical lab side, where we will tap the expertise of Rina Wolf from XIFIN. Rina is a nationally recognized expert in the field of laboratory reimbursement, and XIFIN is one of the nation’s largest companies providing revenue management and billing/collection services to labs.

Next, for anatomic pathology practices we’ll draw on the insights of Tom Scheanwald from APS Medical Billing, and Michelle Miller from Vachette Pathology. Both Tom and Michelle possess vast experience in the fields of compliant coding and effective billing for the pathology lab industry.


What better or more timely forum for you to prepare your lab leadership and your billing/collection managers with the absolute most up-to-date information about how the Medicare program and private health insurers will change policies in 2015 — policies that will make it even tougher for labs to submit claims and be paid on a timely basis.

Here’s just some of what you’ll learn during this
information-packed 90-minute webinar:

  • Learn which Medicare program changes are likely to have the biggest impact on your Medicare billing and collections during 2015
  • Understand the different ways that Medicare carriers will want your lab to submit claims during 2015, and how to best meet those requirements to ensure full and timely payment to your lab
  • Know the specific new coding and billing requirements that will change at the nation’s largest health insurance companies during 2015
  • Benefits of training your lab’s coding/billing/collections team in advance of January 1, 2015, to handle lab test claims in ways that meet the new Medicare and private payer requirements
  • Discover overlooked secrets to generate a higher proportion of clean claims that payers reimburse at first submission
  • How to reduce the average number of days that your lab’s claims go unpaid because your lab billing team is prepared for the changing requirements that take effect in 2015
  • Gain insights into more requirements for lab test bundling by Medicare’s hospital outpatient prospective payment system (OPPS)
  • Hear about specific changes in how payment for drug testing and pain management services will be handled during 2015
  • Plus a live Q&A session to provide answers to your most pressing questions, and much more


COST: Thursday, December 4, 2014

TIME: 1 PM EST; 12 Noon CST; 11 AM MST; 10 AM PST

PLACE: Your computer and/or speakerphone

COST: $245 per recorded webinar

TO ORDER:  Call 1-800-560-6363 toll-free

(Registration is closed – It’s not too late! Order LIVE Webinar Audio Recording)


For one low price—just $245, you and your entire team can take part in this fast-paced, insightful webinar. Best of all, you’ll be able to connect personally with our speakers and get answers to your most pressing questions when we open up the session for live Q&A.

Get the right knowledge and insights now, before 2014 draws to a close

This is about maximizing the money you generate from the lab testing you do during 2015, despite efforts by government and private payers to complicate the claims submission and claims adjudication process for your lab in ways clearly intended to make it tougher for your lab! Take the necessary steps now to collect all the money your lab is due in 2015—register for our essential webinar, “Essentials for 2015 in Coding, Billing, and Collections for Clinical Labs and Pathology Groups” today!

How to Order:
1.  Online
2. Call toll free: 800-560-6363.

Your registration includes:

  • A site license to attend the webinar (invite as many people as you can fit around your conference table at no extra charge)
  • A downloadable PowerPoint presentation from our speakers
  • A full transcript emailed to you soon after the conference
  • The opportunity to connect directly with the speakers during the audience Q&A session




She is a member of DxMA, ASM and AMP and was a Microbiology Supervisor before transitioning to the diagnostic industry.”