Proven Techniques To Successfully Identify Waste In Your Laboratory—
And Get Rid Of It For Good
Mark Graban, Senior Consultant, Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics ValuMetrix Services
Stephanie Mitchell, Lab Director, Riverside Medical Center
Waste, whether you can see it or not, undermines your lab’s productivity—and profitability! It happens every day in every laboratory, including yours.
Is your lab plagued with waste that no one stops to fix? Does your lab have unaddressed waste and operational issues that cause your best med techs to leave for other labs? Is your workflow uneven, frequently leaving your lab staff with nothing to do-even though you’re behind schedule?
If your lab is experiencing any (or all) of these problems, you could use some help reducing waste and restoring productivity to high levels.
This eye-opening audio conference from THE DARK REPORT is your opportunity to learn simple, proven solutions to your lab’s most wasteful problems. First up is Mark Graban, Senior Consultant at Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics ValuMetrix Services who will provide details of his three-step approach that will help you attack waste in your lab. Gain the insights and knowledge you need to identify different types of waste, methods for doing so, and typical initial improvements.
Graban will show you how to “see” waste that is often invisible to the staff in your lab. He’ll also explain why certain long-standing practices not only fail to add value, but actually undermine the productivity of your best medical technologists.
Next, you’ll get the tools you need to train your laboratory team to observe and identify waste, along with simple techniques that will motivate them to take the initiative to fix problems on their own! This could be the most powerful technique you’ll learn from this audio conference because it unleashes the creativity of your entire staff to find and eliminate waste. Armed with this knowledge, they’ll be attacking waste for years to come!
You’ll also learn about the real-world application of these techniques from Stephanie Mitchell, Lab Director at Riverside Medical Center in Kankakee, Illinois. She’ll show you how easy it is to embed a waste-finding mindset into your lab’s culture. You’ll find out how, over the past two years, Riverside’s lab has sustained its Lean gains while continuously improving turnaround time and service. Best of all, you’ll see how easy it is to apply these same proven waste-reduction methods in your laboratory.
These are effective techniques you can introduce into your working culture and put to immediate use in your lab—without hiring expensive consultants! It’s also a great opportunity to ask your own questions and get answers directly from two accomplished experts in the industry.
Take advantage of the audio conference format that allows you to bring your entire team together to listen, learn and ask questions! Don’t miss “How To Find And Eliminate All The Waste In Your Lab!” Get the inside scoop on how you can energize your team to eliminate sources of waste throughout your lab.
COST: $245 Digital Audio Recordings
TO ORDER AUDIO CD: Call 1-800-560-6363 toll-free
Here’s just some of what you’ll learn during this insightful 90-minute conference:
- How to reduce needless STAT tests using proven workflow-redesign methods.
- How to apply single-piece flow process to accelerate specimen flow.
- Unique ways to encourage lab staff to identify waste and fix problems on their own.
- How empowering your lab’s employees motivates your best workers and improves job satisfaction.
- Combine technology you own with easy operational improvements to reduce time-consuming specimen retrievals and lost specimen searches.
- Why simple job design and tasking changes keep techs focused and increase productivity.
- New methods for stocking reagents and materials using visual cues.
- How measuring phlebotomy based on “time to delivery to lab”—rather than number of draws—prevents overloading accessioning with huge batches of specimens…and much more!
Call toll free: 800-560-6363
Your audio conference registration includes:
- Downloadable PowerPoint presentations from our speakers
- A full transcript emailed to you soon after the conference
Faculty Bios:

Mark Graban
Mark Graban, is a Senior Consultant with ValuMetrix Services, which is part of Johnson & Johnson’s Ortho Clinical Diagnostics. Since 2005, he has worked with hospitals in the U.S., Canada, and England, helping teach and implement Lean in departments, including laboratories, radiology, and patient care settings. Mr. Graban earned a bachelors degree in industrial engineering from Northwestern University and was a fellow in the Leaders for Manufacturing Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, earning dual masters degrees in mechanical engineering and business administration. Mr. Graban is also the author of a book entitled Lean Hospitals: Improving Quality, Patient Safety, and Patient Satisfaction, published in 2008 by Productivity Press.

Stephanie Mitchell
Stephanie Mitchell is the Administrative Director of Laboratory Services at Riverside Medical Center in Kankakee, Illinois, a position she has held for the past eight years. She manages a staff of 50 employees who produce about 700,000 billable laboratory tests annually. Ms. Mitchell began her career at Riverside in 1982 as a nurse, and since then has served the hospital in a number of senior positions, including Director of Cardiology Services, where she developed and implemented Riverside’s first Cardiac Rehabilitation program. She received her nursing degree from Trumbull Memorial Hospital School of Nursing, a BSN from Governor State University and an MBA from Olivet Nazarene University.
ACCENT® Continuing Education Credit
The American Association of Clinical Chemistry (AACC) designates this program for a maximum of 1.5 ACCENT® credit hours towards the AACC Clinical Chemist’s Recognition Award. AACC is an approved provider of continuing education for clinical laboratory scientists in the states of California, Florida, Louisiana, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Rhode Island, and West Virginia.