How Proposed Code-Stack Changes Will Impact Palmetto GBA’s Handling of Molecular Diagnostic Tests and LDTs

How Proposed Code-Stack Changes Will Impact Palmetto GBA’s
Handling of Molecular Diagnostic Tests and LDTs

Preparing your lab for March 1, 2012 when proposed changes
take effect 
for code-stacked claims in Medicare’s J1 region

ORDER LIVE RECORDINGS! Call Dark Daily 512-264-7103


Elaine K. Jeter, M.D., Pathologist and Medical Director, Palmetto GBA

Mike Barlow, Vice President, Palmetto GBA

Robert L. Michel (Moderator), is Editor-In-Chief of The Dark Report and


Is the era of code stacking about to end? The clock is certainly ticking for molecular diagnostic tests. Effective March 1, 2012, one of Medicare’s larger carriers is proposing new processes that will affect claims for molecular diagnostic tests (MDT) and laboratory-developed tests (LDT).

This milestone development has the potential to affect every laboratory that uses code stacks when submitting claims for MDTs and LDTs. In recent weeks, Palmetto GBA has published two proposed local-coverage determinations (LCD) that would change how code stacks are used for MDTs and LDTs, starting in the J1 region.

Palmetto GBA also released details about a proposed new “Molecular Diagnostics Services Program” or MolDx for short. MolDx will also launch on March 1, 2012, and to comply, labs would need to register every MDT and LDT, then submit clinical and scientific material for each test. This information would be evaluated by a special review panel, after which Palmetto GBA would make a coverage determination for each test.

By special arrangement, this audio conference was on Tuesday, December 20, 2011 will feature Palmetto’s Medical Director, Elaine Jeter, M.D. and Vice President Mike Barlow. You and your lab team can get first-hand information about why these proposals were put forth, along with specific details about how Palmetto GBA plans to implement the two proposed LCDs and MolDx.

For pathology groups and clinical labs moving forward with molecular diagnostics testing, this is a “must-attend” event. You’ll get the knowledge you need to ensure that your lab’s MDT and LDT claims comply with the proposed changes. Not only will you hear directly from the Palmetto GBA executives tasked with addressing the issues triggered by the growing number of code-stacked claims, you’ll also get answers to your specific questions when we open up the phone lines to Q&A from the audience.

This high-value, low-cost audio conference will help you and your entire staff develop a strategic plan to respond to the proposed new processes involving molecular diagnostic tests and LDTs. It’s information you can’t get from any other source, so be sure you register today to guarantee your place at this important event!


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

COST: $245 per digital recording


ORDER LIVE RECORDINGS! Call Dark Daily 512-264-7103

For one low price-just $195 (through 12/9/11; $245 thereafter) you and your entire team can take part in this fast-paced, insightful audio conference. 

Here’s just some of what you’ll learn during this in-depth 90-minute audio conference:

  • Why do code stacked claims cause problems for health insurers?
  • How do the two proposed local coverage determinations (LCD) address code-stacking issues?
  • Can my lab expect to be paid if it submits code-stacked molecular test claims after March 1, 2012?
  • What is the purpose of the molecular test registry?
  • How will the clinical and scientific material in support of my lab’s tests be evaluated?
  • Why do I need a “Z-Code” for each of my lab’s molecular diagnostic tests and LDTs?
  • Will there be flexibility in the timelines?

…and much more!

How to Order Audio  Now:

ORDER LIVE RECORDINGS! Call Dark Daily 512-264-7103

Your audio conference order includes:

  • A downloadable PowerPoint presentations from our speaker
  • A full transcript emailed to you soon after the conference

ACCENT® Continuing Education Credit
The American Association of Clinical Chemistry (AACC) designates this program for a maximum of 1.5 ACCENT® credit hours towards the AACC Clinical Chemist’s Recognition Award. AACC is an approved provider of continuing education for clinical laboratory scientists in the states of California, Florida, Louisiana, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Rhode Island, and West Virginia.

She is a member of DxMA, ASM and AMP and was a Microbiology Supervisor before transitioning to the diagnostic industry.”