Important New Trends on Med-Tech Recruiting, Salaries, and Compensation: National Changes, Regional Developments

Important New Trends on Med-Tech Recruiting, Salaries, and Compensation: National Changes,Regional Developments

Avoid critical shortages, reduce overtime pay, and create an environment
that fosters long-term employment 

Listen to LIVE recordings now!


Chris Harol, Laboratory Recruiter, Lighthouse Recruiting

Laura Lee Feiner, Laboratory Educator, PeaceHealth Laboratories

Moderator, The Dark Report

You may be surprised to learn that the supply-demand equation in the labor market for medical technologists (MT) and other medical laboratory scientists is changing nationally.

Skilled med techs and experienced lab scientists are getting multiple job offers. That’s why they’re asking for more money-and why many labs are willing to outbid competitors to hire these top candidates. Employer demand is another reason why other forms of compensation, such as recruitment bonuses, student-loan forgiveness, and incentive payments, are also fueling increased costs to hire and retain the best candidates.

These important developments may catch some clinical laboratories and pathology groups unawares, making it difficult for them to recruit enough med techs to maintain staffing. Worse yet, if salaries at your lab lag behind the competitive labor market, you may see some of your most valued employees leave to earn more money at a lab across town.

To get you up to speed on these fast-moving changes in the med-tech labor marketplace, THE DARK REPORT has lined up laboratory recruiter Chris Harol of Lighthouse Recruiting to lead a special audio conference, “Important New Trends on Med Tech Recruiting, Salaries, and Compensation: National Changes, Regional Developments,” held on Wednesday, February 22, 2012.

Harol is the “go-to” recruiter for many well known clinical laboratory organizations. He has the pulse of the labor market for med techs, cytotechs, and other lab scientist skills. In this concise and focused session, Harol will give you an insider’s view of the current supply and demand concerns in the med-tech laboratory marketplace.

You and your team will learn what’s different about today’s labor pool compared with just 12 months ago. Harol will identify how the supply of med techs is changing-but in ways that run contrary to popular wisdom. Because some regions in the United States actually have an ample supply of med techs.

Harol’s experience negotiating between labs and hiring candidates, makes him amply qualified to provide an invaluable analysis of what goes into successful job offers. You’ll learn why some top candidates are less interested in a prime salary, preferring other benefits, such as a schedule that better meets their lifestyle needs.

Is your lab using expensive temporary help agencies to keep enough med techs on duty? Is overtime at your lab above targeted limits because it’s the only way to have enough people to get the work done? If so, you’ll want to participate in this audio conference and get the recommended steps your lab can take to wean itself away from these expensive staffing remedies.

You’ll get a clear understanding of what drives today’s lab labor marketplace and come away from this information-packed session with a checklist of do’s and don’ts that you can use to recruit experienced medical technologists.

Next, you’ll hear from Laura Lee Feiner, Laboratory Educator at PeaceHealth Laboratories, which is owned by a major health system and operates a successful laboratory outreach program. PeaceHealth Labs has a fascinating story. It’s a fast-growing lab with hundreds of employees, yet it’s based in a rural university town with a population of less than 150,000.

You’ll learn about the innovative strategies Feiner and her team use to attract talented people to their lab-and give them career advancement opportunities that boost employee retention. The secret is to create different career paths that foster personal growth, without having to incur expensive relocation costs to move newly hired med techs into your community.

Along the way, PeaceHealth used economic development grants and distance learning programs to tap a ready pool of bachelor of science (BS) graduates already living in the community. Feiner will share how you can use these same strategies in your lab to recruit talented people, then motivate them to pursue a career path that makes them long-time contributors to your laboratory staff.

With the oldest generation of med techs reaching retirement years, both Harol and Feiner will provide tips on the best way to attract and retain the generation now graduating from school. These are the people with an entire career ahead of them that will help you build a stable lab workforce.

Find out how you can address staffing shortages and boost the effectiveness of your med-tech recruiting and retention programs when you join The Dark Report and for “Important New Trends on Med-Tech Recruiting, Salaries, and Compensation: National Changes, Regional Developments” held on Wednesday, February 22, 2012.

Listen as these two nationally prominent experts on med-tech staffing, recruiting, retention, and compensation give you the latest intelligence on the changing supply/demand situation and salary/compensations packages.

Find out how to use this knowledge to help your lab be more successful at recruiting new, highly qualified medical technicians. Creating a work environment that reduces turnover and increases retention of long-term employees translates into a significant reduction in your hiring budget.

Whether you’re a laboratory manager, trainer, medical technologist, histotechnologist, cytotechnologist, or recruiter at an independent clinical/medical laboratory (both for-profit and not-for-profit), hospital, or reference lab, this is one session you won’t want to miss.

Order audio today to guarantee your place at this essential learning session. And remember that your entire management team can learn and participate when you register.


COST: $245 per digital recording and materials package

TO ORDER NOW: Click here or call 1-800-560-6363 toll-free


For one low price—just $245— you and your entire team can take part in this fast-paced, insightful audio conference. Best of all, you’ll be able to connect personally with our speakers when we open up the phone lines for live Q&A.

Here’s just some of what you’ll learn during this in-depth 90-minute audio conference recording:

  • National trends and the current state of medical technologist supply and demand.
  • Insights about increased salaries and what non-salary compensation incentives competing laboratories are offering that could steal your med techs.
  • What successful labs are doing to recruit top-performing med techs.
  • Why a defined career path is important to new med-tech graduates.
  • How to increase employee morale to reduce turnover and the need for new hires.
  • What job seekers are really looking for and how to ensure your lab meets their employment needs.
  • How to effectively recruit new talent for your lab.
  • Learn how to identify if the med-tech “retirement bomb” is ticking in your lab-and what you can do about it.

…and much more!

How to Order Audio Now:

1. Online
2. Call toll free: 800-560-6363.

Your audio conference registration includes:

  • A downloadable PowerPoint presentations from our speaker
  • A full transcript emailed to you soon after the conference

ORDER AUDIO AND MATERIALS NOW !    Or for more information, call us toll-free at 800-560-6363



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She is a member of DxMA, ASM and AMP and was a Microbiology Supervisor before transitioning to the diagnostic industry.”