Lab Managers: How to Become A Better Coach and Create a More Productive Working Environment

Help your staff—and yourself—advance to higher levels of responsibility and accomplishments in your lab.

ordernow-button1YOUR PRESENTERS:
Jeffrey M. Smith, Vice-President of Leadership Development, Slone Partners and Titan Management University
Tricia Hughey, Chief Executive Officer, APP-UniPath, LLC

As a lab manager, part of your job is staff development—getting members of your team to take on more responsibility and eventually become managers themselves. But if you were never taught how to develop employees—and many managers weren’t—you’re probably wondering where to begin.

Well, wonder no more. Because a new audio conference from THE DARK REPORT and DARK DAILY will provide you with the tools you need to understand the principles of coaching and get a program started in your lab. And if you’re already coaching your staff, our panel of experts will help you hone your skills and improve your effectiveness.

As baby-boomers retire, they’re leaving holes in your management structure that you’ll need to fill with qualified people. You could bring in new managers from outside the lab, but it’s easier (and cheaper) to promote from within. As lab manager, your job is to make sure you have staff members ready to step up when needed.

Order CD entitled, “Lab Managers: How to Become A Better Coach and Create a More Productive Working Environment,” and you’ll get practical tips and techniques to help you improve your coaching skills, plus coaching models you can start using in your lab as soon as the conference is over. You’ll also get details of several case studies that will provide real-world solutions to some of your more challenging coaching situations.

Listen as two coaching and staff-development experts provide several simple and highly effective strategies for improving productivity and boosting morale. Then put your new and improved coaching skills to work in your lab.

Just how much more productivity can you expect? Each lab is different, but some studies put the return on investment (ROI) from coaching programs at a whopping 529%! We’ll even show you how to measure the effectiveness of your own lab’s coaching program.

Whether you’re a manager, director, or supervisor for a lab team, or an executive or administrator responsible for the profitability of your organization, be sure to grab CD for this new audio conference recording, “Lab Managers: How to Become A Better Coach and Create a More Productive Working Environment” and find out how to increase productivity in your lab.



DATE: From Thursday, July 16, 2009
COST: $245 per
TO ORDER CD and Presentations: Click here or call 1-800-560-6363 toll-free

For one low price—just $245—you and your entire team can take part in this fast-paced, insightful audio conference. Best of all, you’ll be able listen to the speaker answers  from either of the panelists when we openned up the phone lines for live Q&A.

Here’s just some of what you’ll learn during this insightful 90-minute conference:

  • Tools and techniques for managers untrained in the art of staff coaching and development.
  • How to get reluctant staff members interested in moving into management positions.
  • Time-saving tips for busy managers who say they don’t have time for coaching.
  • Training and developing staff on a limited budget.
  • Structured conversations you can have with employees to help them understand what to expect.
  • How to determine which staff members want to be coached and which ones don’t—and the conversations you should have with each group.

…and much more!

Your audio conference order includes:

  • Downloadable PowerPoint presentations from our speakers
  • A full transcript emailed to you soon after the conference

Register Now! Or for more information, call us toll-free at 800-560-6363.

Distinguished Faculty:


Jeff Smith

Jeff Smith

Jeffrey M. Smith is Vice-President of Leadership Development for Slone Partners. He also provides leadership training and consulting for Titan Management University. He consults with laboratories across the United States on ways to enhance productivity and increase teamwork among the workforce. Mr. Smith comes to Slone after almost 5 years of successful HR and Operations experience at Carilion Clinic where he was in charge of HR for the growing Carilion Labs company. Mr. Smith previously oversaw the HR departments in the community hospitals for Carilion as well as the HR Consulting group. His areas of expertise in HR include: organizational development, organizational change, succession planning, executive coaching, team-building, leadership development and recruiting. Recently, Mr. Smith has given speeches for War College, G-2, CLMA Thinklab, ASCLS and Kennedy Recruiting on such topics as executive and leadership development, succession planning, teambuilding, change management and strategic recruiting. He will share best practices and solutions that he has seen in the industry.


Tricia Hughey

Tricia Hughey

Tricia Hughey is Chief Executive Officer of APP-UniPath, LLC. She has 35 years of progressive experience in the administration of pathology. UniPath promotes 25 pathologists and serves multiple Denver metropolitan hospitals, surgicenters, and clinicians. In addition, APP-UniPath, LLC operates an independent laboratory, including a centralized facility and multiple satellites in associated hospitals. As CEO of UniPath, Mr. Hughey has implemented business development initiatives in cytology, histology, immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry and molecular pathology. Throughout her tenure at UniPath, she has grown its market with a focused commitment to aligning professional and technical resources with long-term strategic goals. Ms. Hughey accepts periodic consulting engagements with other pathology groups and hospitals and is a sought-after speaker at many national pathology conferences. Previously, she held positions within other pathology practice groups, hospital clinical laboratories and a national anatomic pathology laboratory.


ACCENT® Continuing Education Credit
The American Association of Clinical Chemistry (AACC) designates this program for a maximum of 1.5 ACCENT® credit hours towards the AACC Clinical Chemist’s Recognition Award.  AACC is an approved provider of continuing education for clinical laboratory scientists in the states of California, Florida, Louisiana, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Rhode Island, and West Virginia.
