Moving from Volume-Based to Value-Based: New Business Models in the Clinical Laboratory Industry

Moving from Volume-Based to Value-Based: 

New Business Models in the Clinical Laboratory Industry


Is it time for your lab to have a strategy for delivering
value in ways that increase reimbursement
for your lab testing services? Answer “YES” to that
question and you’ll want to join us for this special webinar event!


Every clinical lab and pathology group needs to prepare to move
beyond fee-for-service payment by delivering high-value lab services
that improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs

There is a new reality in healthcare and lab testing: payers are less willing to pay fee-for-service. Instead, Medicare wants to put more outpatient/outreach tests into payment bundles while private payers are beginning to negotiate budgeted payment arrangements with labs. A related trend is the growth of ACOs and medical homes. That means global payments—some of which are at-risk—for which labs must justify their share of the money.

These are the reasons why a handful of progressive labs in the United States have already stepped up with strategies that increase the value of their lab testing services. On September 22, you’ll have the opportunity to engage with two visionary lab leaders and learn what is working, why it is working, and how your lab can benefit from developing similar value-based lab testing services.

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Your Presenters

Richard J. Cote, M.D., Chair, Department of Pathology,
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

Khosrow R. Shotorbani, MBA, MT(ASCP), President & CEO,
TriCore Reference Laboratories

Your first webinar presenter is Richard Cote, M.D., Chair, Department of Pathology at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. In Miami’s highly-competitive healthcare market, Cote’s pathology department and clinical laboratory are reacting with multiple service enhancements. You’ll hear how the lab team is using evidence based care and utilization management to help physicians move ahead on delivering personalized care within a population-management setting.

This requires improved use of information technology and closer collaboration with physicians. But the payoff is measurable improvement in patient outcomes and corresponding savings in the cost per episode of care. Dr. Cote will also discuss how labs and their parent hospitals should negotiate managed care contracts in advance of these clinical enhancements. This is essential to ensure that resulting savings will be significant and will be shared appropriately between the payer, the hospital, and the lab.

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Your next presenter is Khosrow Shotorbani, CEO of TriCore Reference Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico. His session was judged one of the best at this year’s Executive War College in New Orleans, and for good reason. Shotorbani’s lab is already delivering “big data”-based clinical services to physicians that support population management, enable the practice of personalized medicine, and help doctors achieve measurably better patient outcomes.

For example, what would it mean to your lab’s client physicians if your lab could identify infectious disease prevalence in real time? TriCore already does that! Its information system pools other clinical data with lab test data and can identify when waves of different respiratory viruses hit each region of New Mexico. TriCore leverages that knowledge by alerting physicians and hospitals, then it briefs providers about which specific lab tests should be ordered, given the type of respiratory virus that is showing up at that time in that city.

One value added service that both UMiami and TriCore have in place is the capability to pool clinical data with lab test data for the purpose of identifying patients with chronic conditions and lab results that are out-of-range, making them candidates for timely intervention by their physicians. These are huge opportunities, given the number of individuals with chronic conditions, like diabetes and cardiovascular problems.

Not only will you learn what was required for the lab to create this capability, but you’ll hear about the lessons learned and what works best when the lab team consults with clinicians to help them improve their patients’ outcomes.

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Here’s just a sampling of the thought-provoking information
your presenters will share with you:

• Reassessing how your laboratory services should be delivered, and how to best provide value to the health care system

• Defining the value proposition beyond pricing and incorporating non-commodity drivers of value

• Examples of value-added clinical services that pathology and clinical laboratories can provide to meet the market demand

• How other pathology/clinical lab groups realigned their financial strategies to meet the changes of the new payment system

• Because information is a key value driver, you’ll hear details about including informatics as a part of the retooling

• Being a collaborative partner with integrated delivery systems, ACOs, medical homes, and health insurers

• Tips for moving confidently forward with leveraging your competencies, and much more!



DATE: Tuesday, September 22, 2015

TIME: 1 PM EDT; 12 Noon CDT; 11 AM MDT; 10 AM PDT

PLACE: Your computer and/or speakerphone

COST: $195 per site (unlimited attendance per site) through 9/11/15, $245 thereafter

TO REGISTER: Click here or call 1-800-560-6363 toll-free

For one low price—just $195 (through 9/11/15; $245 thereafter), you and your entire team can take part in this relevant and insightful webinar. Plus you’ll be able to connect with our speakers and get answers to your most pressing questions when we open up the session for live Q&A.

How to Order Recorded Webinar:
1.  Online
2. Call toll free: 800-560-6363.

Your registration includes:

  • A site license to attend the webinar (invite as many people as you can fit around your conference table at no extra charge)
  • A downloadable PowerPoint presentation from our speakers
  • A full transcript emailed to you soon after the conference
  • The opportunity to connect directly with the speakers during the audience Q&A session

Order  Now! Or for more information, call us toll-free at 800-560-6363.


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Please be advised that no purchase orders to attend the live Event will be accepted after 11 PM EDT (“live participation cut-off”) the day before the Event.  Customers may still purchase the CD recording of the Event any time after the live participation cut-off.

She is a member of DxMA, ASM and AMP and was a Microbiology Supervisor before transitioning to the diagnostic industry.”