What All Labs Need to Know about Recent Developments in Meaningful Use

What All Labs Need to Know about Recent Developments
in Meaningful Use: Why Medicare Penalties Loom for
Physicians and How Labs Can Execute
Better Interfaces at Less Cost

Webinar – Wednesday, March 25, 2015

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Please be advised that no purchase orders to attend the live Event will be accepted after 11 PM EDT (“live participation cut-off”) the day before the Event.  Customers may still purchase the CD recording of the Event any time after the live participation cut-off.

 Big Meaningful Use challenges lie ahead for many
of your 
client physicians. Learn what you need to know to support
your clients in a smart and cost-effective way!

Big challenges lie ahead for Meaningful Use and the federal government’s electronic health record (EHR) incentive program. That spells lots of trouble for any clinical lab and pathology group that is unprepared!

One fact says it all. Did you know that, of the 1,956 ambulatory “complete” EHRs certified in 2011, only 547 were certified at the end of 2014? That means 75% of certified EHR systems have failed to gain certification as compliant with the requirements of Meaningful Use Stage 2.

Most lab managers are surprised to learn that nearly 1,500 EHR systems are likely to never become certified as compliant with MU-2. As a consequence, many of your client physicians will be stuck with an EHR product that does not certify as MU-2 compliant, and thus likely to be assessed a penalty of at least a 1% cut in their Medicare reimbursement, as early as this year!

At the same time, your lab may see a flood of requests from client physicians in the process of buying an MU-2 compliant EHR product to replace their existing EHR system. And when they do buy a new EHR product, your lab will get the first call requesting an electronic LIS-to-EHR-interface to support lab test ordering and lab test resulting.

If this sounds like déjà vu, it is! Your lab has already gone down this path once and spent plenty of money and lots of management time to implement an effective LIS-to-EHR interface with all your client physicians. Now it faces the possibility of spending a similar amount of money a second time!

To help you understand all the challenges, and to provide you with smart solutions, THE DARK REPORT has arranged a timely webinar titled: “What All Labs Need to Know about Recent Developments in Meaningful Use: Why Medicare Penalties Loom for Physicians and How Labs Can Execute Better Interfaces at Less Cost.” This 90-minute webinar will take place on Wednesday, March 25, 2015, at 1 PM EDT.

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You’ll learn from two leading experts, Ken Willett and Pat Wolfram of Liaison Healthcare, who have been programming EHRs since the early 1990s, when the first pioneering EHR systems were under development.

To give you a lab’s perspective on all the challenges that come from MU-2, Willett and Wolfram will fill you in on a number of clever methods that various labs’ IT teams  have developed to help their client physicians get more value from the LIS-to-EHR interface.

In addition to a robust discussion about the challenges and problems associated with Meaningful Use Stage 2, your webinar leaders will also provide you with an understanding of what is coming in MU-3, which advances the providers’ use of EHR systems by adding functions to support care coordination, transitions of care, and improved interoperability. This information will give you an important head start on the next phase of the federal government’s Meaningful Use program.

Here’s just a sampling of the indispensable information
that your presenters will share with you:

  • Important changes and new developments with Meaningful Use that directly and indirectly affect your lab—and your client physicians
  • Preparing to meet the demands from physicians for EHR interfaces to support their attestation of meeting MU requirements
  • Why physicians are switching EHR products and ways your lab can help them buy a more effective EHR system (and save your lab money in the process)
  • Smart ways that innovative labs are supporting interoperability and care coordination
  • New developments in decision support and lab test utilization by payers: What the UnitedHealth and BeaconLBS experience in Florida has to teach labs everywhere



DATE: Wednesday, March 25, 2015

TIME: 1 PM EDT; 12 Noon CDT; 11 AM MDT; 10 AM PDT

PLACE: Your computer and/or speakerphone

COST: $195 per site (unlimited attendance per site) through 3/16/15, $245 thereafter

TO REGISTER: Click here or call 1-800-560-6363 toll-free

For one low price—just $195 (through 3/16/15; $245 thereafter), you and your entire team can take part in this fast-paced, insightful webinar. Best of all, you’ll be able to submit your own specific questions during the Q&A session following our speakers’ prepared remarks. This is a rich benefit and ideal opportunity for you to address specific scenarios regarding your laboratory!

Get the authoritative advice and the practical guidance you need,
with your attendance of this timely and affordable webinar

The EHR Meaningful Use certification program has had a big impact on the EHR industry—and to your lab business. Many new EHR vendors arrived, capitalizing on the new EHR stimulus funding. You may have built interfaces to some of them, yet many of them are now gone. Mature EHR vendors diverted resources to satisfy MU criteria, delaying enhancements that could have aided lab workflows. Some EHRs are still struggling to satisfy the MU-2 criteria. And to top it all off, coming next is MU-3.

During this webinar, Willett and Wolfram will discuss the impacts these changes have had on your lab outreach business and methods to effectively deal with them.  They will also give you the latest news on MU-3 and shed some light on possible directions it might take, point out the requirements demanding your immediate attention, and those which are less urgent to your lab.

How to Register:
1.  Online
2. Call toll free: 800-560-6363.

Your registration includes:

  • A site license to attend the webinar (invite as many people as you can fit around your conference table at no extra charge)
  • A downloadable PowerPoint presentation from our speakers
  • A full transcript emailed to you soon after the conference
  • The opportunity to connect directly with the speakers during the audience Q&A session

Register Now! Or for more information, call us toll-free at 800-560-6363.



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She is a member of DxMA, ASM and AMP and was a Microbiology Supervisor before transitioning to the diagnostic industry.”