Digital Pathology Imaging: Coming Soon to a Pathology Group near You!

Will pathologists soon say “sayonara” to glass slides? Plenty of smart money already bets the answer to that question is “yes”! Every pathologist in the United States and abroad should be watching developments in whole slide imaging and digital pathology systems. That’s because digital pathology imaging is a trend with momentum-and it also has the potential to be disruptive, although probably not in the short term.

One powerful sign that digital imaging in pathology is ready to go mainstream is the take-up of digital imaging solutions and digital pathology systems by leading pathology laboratories in the United States and developed countries across the globe. These are academic and tertiary center pathology labs, along with major private pathology companies. As the pathology profession’s first-movers and early adopters, it is these laboratories which set the pace for the entire profession. Their acceptance and growing use of digital imaging and digital pathology systems can be taken as evidence that the current generation of imaging and informatics technologies perform adequately.

However, there is another powerful force propelling digital imaging forward in anatomic pathology. It is the emergence of molecular assays which incorporate digital images and use either computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) or pattern recognition software to help the pathologist make a precise diagnosis. By design, these molecular tests require the pathologist to work from a digital image of the specimen. At The Dark Report‘s  second annual Molecular Summit on the Integration of In Vivo and In Vitro Diagnostics, conducted last February in Philadelphia, examples of these types of emerging assays were abundant.

Thus, the movement to adopt digital imaging and digital pathology systems is propelled forward by three discrete forces:

  • One, acceptance and adoption of digital imaging and digital pathology by larger pathology laboratories, with the goal of assisting pathologists’ work flow, improving pathologist productivity and quality, and having digital images available to share with other clinicians and to populate an electronic patient record.
  • Two, as the foundation for emerging molecular assays and tests, where a digital image of the processed specimen is then assessed by computer-aided diagnosis or pattern recognition software that helps the pathologist make an accurate diagnosis.
  • Three, the major vendors of anatomic pathology laboratory information systems (LIS) have already written interfaces that allow the leading digital imaging and digital pathology systems to integrate with their pathology LIS products. These pathology LIS vendors recognize that digital pathology images are now “prime time” for their larger pathology customers.

And don’t forget! Last year, General Electric and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) formed a joint venture. Each ponied up $20 million to create Omnyx, LLC , which is developing whole-slide imaging and a fully digital pathology system. At the press conference announcing the formation of Omnyx last spring, GE officials stated that they expect the market for whole slide imaging and digital pathology systems to be $2 billion.

These are important reasons why every pathology practice should be tracking the profession’s uptake of digital imaging and digital pathology systems. It is no longer a question of whether or not a group should acquire digital imaging capability. Digital imaging technology is now robust-and some digital systems are affordable even for two- and three-pathologist groups! Rather, today’s question is “when” a pathology group will make the investment in capital and time to acquire and use digital imaging and/or a fully digital pathology system.

That is why the upcoming Executive War College on Laboratory and Pathology Management has organized a special, one-day workshop on Thursday, April 30, in New Orleans, titled: “Saying Sayonara to Glass Slides! Everything You Need to Know about Digital Imaging and Digital Pathology Systems.” At one place and in one day, you’ll hear case studies from pathology groups already using digital imaging and listen to one of the leading pathology LIS vendors discuss issues and opportunities when interfacing the pathology LIS with either or both digital imaging and digital pathology systems.

Best of all, we’ve assembled six of the leading companies in digital pathology to introduce you to their products and discuss how they help improve the productivity of pathologists and the precision of diagnoses. Expected to participate, in alphabetical order, are Aperio Technologies, Inc. ; BioImagene, Inc. ; DMetrix, Inc. ; Milestone Medical, Inc. ; SlidePath, Inc. ; and Applied Spectral Imaging, Inc. (invited). There will also be a special two-hour exhibition where you can meet these vendors and explore the capabilities of their products and systems.

For every pathology group practice and laboratory, this “Saying Sayonara to Glass Slides” event is the perfect opportunity! At one time, gathered in one place, you can learn from users like you, hear from the pathology IT vendors, and see the products and people from all the major companies in this fast-moving field.

Is your group thinking about investing in digital imaging or a digital pathology system? Then this is your “must attend” opportunity! Kick the tires of the major vendors. Meet the important players in this field. Learn from pathology groups already using these solutions. Best of all, there is still time to take advantage of the early bird discount on registration. Use this registration and agenda link to guarantee your place at this vital event and benefit from the early-bird discount!

Related Information:

Convergence of In Vivo Imaging and Digitized Pathology Is Under Way

Recent article entitled “Digital Pathology is Growing Despite Fears”

Dark Report: Momentum Continues for Digital Pathology

Brand new! Just released is a full color program agenda PDF. (or paste this URL into your browser: )

Early-Bird Discount Registration now available online

Download Full Program Agenda

Four Easy Ways to Register:
1. Register ONLINE
2. Call 800-560-6363. Our friendly staff can register you quickly and easily, as well as answer any questions you may have.
3. Fax this complete registration form to 512-264-0969
4. Mail the one page form with payment to:

21806 Briarcliff Dr.
Spicewood, TX 78669

It is the first time all these major players in digital imaging and digital pathology systems have assembled in one place at one time, specifically to discuss the advances in this field. It is your perfect opportunity to gather all the information you need to develop your pathology group’s strategy.
