Laboratory Automation White Paper: Achieving Best Practices with Total Laboratory Automation

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Making the Most of Clinical Laboratory Automation: Achieving Best Practices with Total Laboratory Automation in Your LaboratoryEvolution of the clinical pathology laboratory has been one long progression of advances in technology. These improvements have transformed pathology and laboratory medicine from the manual performance of individual chemistries or hematology tests to sophisticated diagnostic analyzers that perform multiple laboratory tests in an automated format. This review discusses the methods currently available to improve medical laboratory process efficiencies. It ends with discussion of the merits of “closed” versus “open” total laboratory automation applications.

The Dark Report is happy to offer our readers a chance to download our recently published White Paper “Making the Most of Clinical Laboratory Automation: Achieving Best Practices with Total Laboratory Automation in Your Laboratory” at absolutely no charge. This free download will provide readers with a detailed overview of the increase in clinical lab efficiency and flexibility dictate that medical laboratories will need to automate to achieve the cost savings, elimination of labeling errors and optimize use and safety of skilled medical technologists.

A key point in the laboratory automation design is to quantify the savings. This calculation is referred to as return on investment (ROI) or “pay-back” period. Essentially this is the reduction in laboratory personnel resulting from the application of a lab automation system. Our experience is that 20-30% fewer FTE’s are required after automation. In turn, improved staff productivity is a key element which is the key in calculating the ROI. 


Steps that are recommended for choosing an automation system include:

  1. A thorough evaluation of your laboratory work flow to understand each step of your current processes.
  2. Evaluate each vendors approach to provide the optimum most efficient solution to satisfy your laboratories needs.
  3. Determine whether an open or closed system provides the best solution for decreasing costs and improving efficiency including flexibility for future expansion or other changes.

Table of Contents

Page 3

Chapter 1. Continuous Flow Automation – Page 6
Chapter 2.
Pre-Analytical and Post Analytical – Page 8
Chapter 3. Planning For The Automated Laboratory – Page 12
Chapter 4. Open versus Closed Continuous Automation Systems – Page 15
Chapter 5.
Determine Return On Investment – Page 18

SummaryPage 19

A Case Study of iLAS’ System at WorkPage 20


A-1 About Jon Crissman, MD – Page 26
A-2 About DARK Daily – Page 27
A-3 About The Dark Intelligence Group, Inc., and The Dark Report – Page 28
A-4 About the Executive War College on Laboratory and Pathology Management – Page 29


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