The U.S. healthcare system is undergoing unprecedented change due to major healthcare reform initiatives, accompanied by dramatic new capabilities in health information technology (HIT). Clinical diagnostic laboratories, anatomic pathology laboratories, hospitals and healthcare systems now need, or are being required, to implement HIT to leverage health data capabilities, streamline workflow, improve efficiency, and increase competitiveness and cost effectiveness.
It is expected that healthcare institution administrators must evaluate the overall HIT requirements of the enterprise, but they also should take into consideration the HIT needs of the individual departments and laboratories of the institution, and how those needs jibe with the requirements of the institution’s clients.
Although enterprise-wide EHRs may provide an LIS module sufficient for the needs of the general clinical diagnostic laboratory, these same EHRs often do not meet the discrete needs of individual departments, such as AP laboratories. A potential solution to this challenge is to invest in a best-of-breed anatomic pathology-specific laboratory information system, which allows the enterprise to not only work effectively with an institution-wide EHR system, but also serve the needs of the individual laboratories and departments.
This FREE White Paper specifically addresses:
- Differences between enterprise-wide EHR systems and general lab information systems, and anatomic pathology-specific systems
- Challenges involved in selecting either or both an enterprise-wide health information system and a purpose-specific laboratory information system
- Evaluating the pathology LIS as a cornerstone of your AP lab’s growth strategy, and using gap analysis to determine the best approach for your health system and laboratory
- Hidden traps associated with enterprise-wide and limited-function pathology LIS products
- Pros and cons of utilizing a cloud-based APLIS versus a locally installed APLIS, with the option of a hybrid system
- Essential elements of a best-of-breed anatomic pathology LIS, plus EHR vendors who recognize the importance of such a system, and why
- Case studies: How four anatomic pathology laboratories have successfully utilized a best-of-breed anatomic pathology-specific laboratory system
Table of Contents
Chapter 1:
Essential Elements of an Anatomic Pathology LIS
Chapter 2:
Understanding the Hidden Traps Associated with Enterprise-Wide and Limited-Function Pathology LIS Products
Chapter 3:
To Cloud or Not To Cloud: On-Site Pathology LIS Vs. Remote-Host LIS
Chapter 4:
The Pathology LIS as a Cornerstone of Your AP Lab’s Growth Strategy
Chapter 5:
EHR Vendors Recognize the Importance of a Best-of-Breed APLIS
Chapter 6:
Case Studies
To better assimilate the challenges of selecting either or both an enterprise-wide health information system and a purpose-specific laboratory information system, and how augmenting an enterprise-wide HIT system with a best-of-breed APLIS can result in improved quality, increased efficiency, and enhanced patient care.
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