News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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Findings could lead to new therapies and clinical laboratory biomarkers for detecting and defeating antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Once again, new research shows that human gut bacteria (microbiota) may be useful in fighting antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections. The study findings could provide new therapeutics and clinical laboratory biomarkers for diagnosing and treating severe gastrointestinal disorders.

Researchers at Keio University School of Medicine in Tokyo and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard have identified a unique combination of 18 bacterial strains that could aid in combatting a particularly nasty bacteria called Enterobacteriaceae, the cause of several intestinal conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), according to a news release.

Antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections often appear in patients with chronic intestinal conditions and in those with long-term antibiotic use. Enterobacteriaceae is a large family of gram-negative bacteria that includes more than 30 genera and over 100 species.

“Despite two decades of microbiome research, we are just beginning to understand how to define health-promoting features of the gut microbiome,” said Marie-Madlen Pust, PhD, a computational postdoctoral researcher at the Broad Institute and co-first author of the paper, in the news release.

“Part of the challenge is that each person’s microbiome is unique. This collaborative effort allowed us to functionally characterize the different mechanisms of action these bacteria use to reduce pathogen load and gut inflammation,” she added.

The researchers identified a way to treat patients infected by antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria that does not involve antibiotics. Should further research validate these early findings, this could be a viable approach to treating patients with this condition.

They published their findings titled, “Commensal Consortia Decolonize Enterobacteriaceae via Ecological Control” in the peer-reviewed, scientific journal Nature.

“Microbiome studies can often consist of analyzing collections of genetic sequences, without understanding what each gene does or why certain microbes are beneficial,” said Ramnik Xavier, MD (above), director of Broad Institute’s immunology program, co-director of the infectious disease and microbiome program, and co-senior author on the study, in a news release. “Trying to uncover that function is the next frontier, and this is a nice first step towards figuring out how microbial metabolites influence health and inflammation.” Clinical laboratories that test for intestinal conditions caused by antibiotic resistance will want to follow the Broad Institute’s research. (Photo copyright: Broad Institute.)

Suppressing Growth of Antibiotic-resistant Bacteria

To perform their research, the scientists isolated about 40 strains of bacteria from the stools of five healthy fecal donors. They then used those stool samples in fecal microbiota transplants to treat mice that had been infected with either Escherichia coli (E. coli) or Klebsiella, both forms of Enterobacteriaceae. The scientists tested different combinations of the 40 strains and identified 18 that suppressed the growth of Enterobacteriaceae.

“Antibiotic-resistant Enterobacteriaceae such as E. coli and Klebsiella bacteria are common in hospitals, where they can proliferate in the gut of patients and cause dangerous systemic infections that are difficult to treat. Some research suggests that Enterobacteriaceae also perpetuates inflammation in the intestine and infection by other microbes,” the Broad Institute news release notes.

The researchers discovered that Klebsiella changed the gene expression in carbohydrate uptake and metabolism in the Klebsiella-infected mice that were treated with the 18 beneficial strains. The gene expression included the downregulating of gluconate kinase and transporter genes, which revealed there is increased competition among gut bacteria for nutrients. 

When combined, these 18 strains alleviated inflammation in the guts of the treated mice by depriving the harmful gut bacteria of carbohydrates. This non-antibiotic approach also prevented harmful bacteria from colonizing in the gut. 

“In partnership with the Broad’s Metabolomics Platform, led by senior director and study co-author Clary Clish, PhD, they analyzed samples from pediatric patients with ulcerative colitis, looking for the presence of alternate gluconate pathway genes of gut microbes and fecal gluconate levels. They found higher levels of gluconate linked to more gluconate-consuming Enterobacteriaceae in samples from pediatric patients with ongoing inflammation, indicated by high levels of the protein calprotectin,” the study authors wrote in Nature.

“Together, the findings suggest that Enterobacteriaceae processes gluconate as a key nutrient and contributes to inflammation in patients. But when a gut microbiome includes the 18 helpful strains, they likely compete with Enterobacteriaceae for gluconate and other nutrient sources, limiting the proliferation of the harmful bacteria,” the scientists concluded.

Promising New Bacterial Therapies

This research could ultimately lead to the development of fecal microbiota transplants for individuals to eradicate antibiotic-resistant bacteria in a more objective and specific manner, with fewer side effects than current treatments. 

“Harnessing these activities in the form of live bacterial therapies may represent a promising solution to combat the growing threat of proinflammatory, antimicrobial-resistant Enterobacteriaceae infection,” the scientists wrote in Nature.

According to the news release, they plan to continue research to “uncover the identity and function of unknown metabolites that contribute to gut health and inflammation.” The team hopes to discover how different bacteria compete with each other, and to develop microbial therapeutics that improve gut microbiome and curb bacterial infections.

More studies are needed to prove the efficacy of this type of fecal bacterial treatment. However, this research demonstrates how using nano processes enabled by new technologies to identify the actual work of proteins, RNA, and DNA in the body cheaply, faster, and with greater precision, will open doors to both therapeutic and diagnostic clinical laboratory biomarkers.  

—JP Schlingman

Related Information:

Scientists Identify a Unique Combination of Bacterial Strains That Could Treat Antibiotic-resistant Gut Infections

Commensal Consortia Decolonize Enterobacteriaceae via Ecological Control

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