News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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Whole Human Gene Sequencing Technology Is Poised to Be the Next Big Thing for Clinical Pathology Laboratories

Smaller, more affordable sequencers and genome sequence interpretation computers are catching the interest of pathologists and medical laboratory scientists

In the field of whole human genome sequencing, the technology continues to improve at a remarkable pace. Products now entering the research and clinical marketplace offer speedier, more accurate gene sequencing capabilities at prices that are within the budget reach of many clinical laboratories and anatomic pathology group practices.

Miniaturization and lower cost is driving genomic medicine ever closer to the routine clinical setting. The combination of next generation gene sequencers with a smaller footprint and advances in genomic data analysis technology mean that genomic testing will increasingly migrate to smaller lab settings. Dark Daily offers its readers a look at some of the latest gene sequencing products and what their manufacturers say about the capabilities of these gene-sequencing systems. (more…)

In Boston this week, the Association of Pathology Chairs Looks at Healthcare’s Transformation and How It May Reshape Laboratory Medicine

Departments of pathology and clinical laboratory medicine at nation’s academic medical centers are uniquely positioned to deliver value—but only if they act in a timely fashion

DATELINE: BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS—Today the Association of Pathology Chairs (APC) concluded its annual meeting, and transformation of the U.S. healthcare systems was front and center as the topic of primary interest. This transformation presents pathology departments at the nation’s academic centers with a range of unique opportunities, along with some serious challenges.

On the upside, academic departments of pathology and clinical laboratory medicine are well positioned to be the leaders in clinical diagnostics that utilize the latest genetic knowledge and incorporate state-of-the-art molecular technologies. Not only are they teaching this knew knowledge to the next generation of physicians and pathologists, they are often the only locally based laboratory organization in a city or region that offers these advanced medical laboratory testing services. (more…)

Vanderbilt University Medical Center Forms Nation’s Largest Clinically Integrated Network that includes Its Own Health Insurance Offering

Clinically integrated networks is one market trend in response to shift away from fee-for-service payment and toward value-based provider reimbursement

One fast-developing trend is that of academic centers forming integrated networks with various providers within a community and a surrounding region. This is related to a movement to establish accountable care organizations (ACOs). But it is also a response to actions by payers to narrow their networks and exclude high-cost providers, such as academic centers.

This business model has a mutual goal. Each integrated network is anchored by an academic medical center and is designed to foster closer interaction between the academic subspecialists and the wider clinical community. For pathologists and clinical lab managers, such integrated provider networks may often encourage participating physicians to send their reference and esoteric medical laboratory test referrals to the academic center and not to the physicians’ primary laboratory provider. (more…)

University of Michigan Study Predicts that Majority of Physician Practices Will Lose Money on their EHR Systems

Research study shows opportunity for clinical laboratories to help client physicians get more value from their electronic health record systems

For the majority of physicians in the United States, implementation of an electronic health record (EHRs) system in their practice may turn out to be a money-losing proposition. That is one prediction made by researchers at the University of Michigan (UM), based on a study they conducted.

Among other things, these findings indicate that progressive clinical laboratories and pathology groups have the opportunity to leverage the interface between their laboratory information system (LIS) and the client physician’s EHR to deliver added value. That’s because pathologists, Ph.D.s, and laboratory scientists know many ways that physicians can improve how they order medical laboratory tests and act upon the results of those tests.


Noted Pathologist George Lundberg, M.D., Sees Opportunity for Pathology Profession to be Leaders in Diagnostics during the Era of Genomics

Noted pathologist encourages pathology profession to step up and assert leadership in clinical diagnostics as it enters the era of genomics-based medicine

Pathologists, embrace molecular testing or become irrelevant. In essence, that’s the message from pathology maven George D. Lundberg, M.D..

Lundberg is well known to pathologists in America. A board-certified pathologist himself, Lundberg served 17 years as Editor in Chief of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). He continues to write and blog for a variety of healthcare publications and Web sites.

That means Lundberg has watched the evolution of medicine from a unique perspective for an extended period of time. The fact that he recently issued a clear and unambiguous call to action for the pathology profession means that pathologists  and clinical laboratory managers should take heed. (more…)

Weill Cornell and New York Presbyterian to Create New Precision Medicine Institute to Use Genome Sequencing to Individualize Cancer Treatment

Pathologist Mark Rubin, M.D., is named to direct this early effort to adapt diagnostic and gene sequencing technologies to support personalized medicine

Following several years of experience with whole genome sequencing of tumors, two premier medical institutions announced their intent to move to the next step and establish an institute to support precision medicine. A prominent pathologist was named to head up this new institute.

Weill Cornell Medical College and New York-Presbyterian Hospital established a new, cutting-edge translational medicine research facility. It is called the Precision Medicine Institute and will use patients’ unique genetic profiles to develop individualized approaches for treating prostate cancer. (more…)
