Oct 5, 2018 | Digital Pathology, Instruments & Equipment, Laboratory Management and Operations, Laboratory News, Laboratory Pathology, Laboratory Testing, Management & Operations
New dichromatic color scale developed by scientists at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory could play a role in how slides are stained and how software color-codes digital pathology images in ways that make it easier for human eyes to recognize structures and features of interest
Clinical laboratories, anatomic pathologists, and other specialized diagnostics providers play an essential role in precision medicine. Imagine, however, performing surgical pathology analysis on slides using displays that cannot recreate—or worse, inaccurately display—a range of colors used in the image being analyzed.
As many as 8% of men and 0.5% of women of Northern European ancestry already experience issues discerning colors in the interfaces, information, and world around them due to red-green color blindness according to the National Eye Institute. This can lead to potential for misreadings and medical errors.
Now, research from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) holds the potential to establish a standard colormap that eliminates the impact of red-green colorblindness on visuals. Surgical pathologists, for example, spend much of their days viewing slides and/or digital pathology images. Thus, any new method of illustrating/coloring/highlighting features of interest could eventually prove to be a useful innovation in the specialty of anatomic pathology.
In completing their research, the PNNL scientists created an open-source tool called Cmaputil that other researchers can use. Could it enable clinicians and laboratory workers to improve the visibility of critical elements in samples, slides, and other visual data formats used daily at medical laboratories and anatomic pathology groups?
PLOS One published details about the development of the colormap and its potential scientific applications in August.
PNNL’s Cividis Color Scale: A Better Alternative to Rainbow Color Scales?
While the typical rainbow color map draws attention to a chart or image, it is not particularly great at conveying information—especially if the reader is color vision deficient (CVD) or color blind. Yet, despite this, rainbow scales are common in everything from local weather reports and news stories to medical images and medical studies.
Jamie Nuñez, lead author of the PLOS One study and a chemical and biological data analyst at PNNL, told Scientific American, “People like to use rainbow because it catches the eye. But once the eye actually gets there, and people are trying to figure out what’s actually going on inside of the image, that’s kind of where it falls apart.” (Photo copyright: University of Washington.)
PNNL scientists started with the viridis colormap due to “its wide range of colors” and “overall sharpness when overlaid with complex images.” They created an open-source software tool capable of taking existing color scales and simulating the visual effect of red-green color blindness using a mathematical model of human sight. Their software adjusts the scale so that color and brightness vary at a steady rate.
Their adaptions resulted in what they call the “cividis colormap.” It is a blue and yellow scale that provides an accurate change in hue and luminance when compared to changes in the data set. Researchers noted that, to their knowledge, this is the first study to mathematically optimize a colormap specifically for viewing by both those with CVD and those with normal vision.
“Here, we present an example CVD-optimized colormap created with this module that is optimized for viewing by those without a CVD as well as those with red-green colorblindness. This colormap, cividis, enables nearly-identical visual-data interpretation to both groups, is perceptually uniform in hue and brightness, and increases in brightness linearly,” the researchers noted in the PLOS One study.
Example above is of a misleading colormap, taken from the PNNL/PLOS One study. An image of yeast cells is shown in gray scale (left), with a rainbow color scale (middle) and as a person with red-green color blindness sees the rainbow image (right). (Photo/caption copyright: Nuñez JR, Anderton CR, Renslow RS (2018) PLoS ONE 13(7): e0199239/Scientific American.)
The PNNL researchers report that the colormap will soon be ready in a number of tools, including:
According to Scientific American, cividis will be added to the color-scale libraries of roughly a dozen software packages.
“While it may take some time for the full scientific community to both be aware of the need to choose appropriate colormaps and agree on preferred colormaps,” PNNL researchers note, “we hope the code we provide here can help with this transition by allowing others to experiment with the different aspects of colormap design and see how the various characteristics of a colormap affect its interpretation.”
They are concerned that the changing color spaces on future displays may make current colormaps and standards obsolete, as they display colors outside the standard sRGB color space. However, the researchers also note that any change to color spaces could result in an increase in color availability and allow cmaputil to create better-optimized color schemes.
How Cividis and Similar Approaches Might Impact Pathology
While the technology was developed with mass spectrometry and fluid flow analysis in mind, it could prove useful for medical laboratories and specialized diagnostics providers as well—in particular, anatomic pathology and surgical pathology labs.
Coverage of a presentation at the 2011 IEEE Information Visualization Conference by Phys.org highlights a similar concept for diagnosing heart disease. By taking 3D representations of arteries using a rainbow colormap and converting them to 2D projections using a dichromatic black to red colormap, Harvard researchers found their HemoVis tool increased diagnostic accuracy from 39% to 91% in their study.
Technologies and techniques designed for scientific applications often find use in healthcare environments. For anatomic and surgical pathologist and other diagnostics providers, the research from PNNL shows promise for adapting the latest data visualization trends to further improve accuracy, efficiency, and accessibility of medical images, samples, and other complex images used daily in the process of diagnosing disease.
—Jon Stone
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End of the Rainbow? New Map Scale Is More Readable by People Who Are Color Blind
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How a New Color Scale for Scientific Models Could Improve Healthcare
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Oct 1, 2018 | Digital Pathology, Instruments & Equipment, Laboratory Instruments & Laboratory Equipment, Laboratory Management and Operations, Laboratory News, Laboratory Operations, Laboratory Pathology, Laboratory Testing, Management & Operations
New advancements in mHealth, though encroaching on testing traditionally performed at clinical laboratories, offer opportunity to expand testing to remote locations
Mobile technology continues to impact clinical laboratories and anatomic pathology groups and is a major driver in precision medicine, as Dark Daily has reported. Most of the mobile-test development which incorporates smartphones as the testing device, however, has been for chemistry and immunoassay types of lab tests. Now, a new developer in Monmouth Junction, NJ, has created a Complete Blood Count (CBC) test that runs on devices attached to smartphones.
Such devices enable doctors to order test panels for patients in remote locations that also may lack resources, such as electricity.
The developer is Essenlix and it calls its new testing device iMOST (instant Mobile Self-Testing). According to the company’s website, which is mostly “Under Construction,” iMOST can provide “accurate blood and other healthcare testing in less than 60 seconds by a smartphone and matchbox-size-attachment, anywhere, anytime, and affordable to everyone.”
The company description on the Longitude Prize website states that Essenlix “uses multidisciplinary approaches to develop a new innovative platform of simple, fast, ultrasensitive, bio/chemical sensing and imaging for life science, diagnostics, and personal health.
The Longitude Prize competition was established to promote the invention of “an affordable, accurate, fast and easy-to-use test for bacterial infections that will allow health professionals worldwide to administer the right antibiotics at the right time,” the website states.
The Essenlix iMOST mobile-testing device (above) connects to a smartphone (shown right) and enables clinical laboratory technicians to run tests in remote locations from samples taken at time the test. Though still in trials, iMOST, and other similar devices, promise to expand testing to outside of traditional medical laboratory locations and further promote precision medicine. (Photos copyright: Lydia Ramsey/Business Insider.)
Essenlix’s iMOST mobile testing system consists of:
- a mobile application (app);
- the device attachment, which goes over the phone’s camera; and,
- a cartridge that holds a sample of blood.
So far, there have been two trials with a total of 92 participants, comparing traditional CBC testing with the Essenlix test. The results were within the FDA’s requirements for allowable error, prompting Chou to tell Business Insider, “Our error is clearly smaller than the FDA’s requirement, so the data is very, very good.”
Chou and his team are working toward FDA approval.
Other Testing Devices That Attached to Smartphones
Aydogan Ozcan, PhD, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Bioengineering at UCLA, and Mats Nilsson, PhD, Professor and Scientific Director of the Science for Life Laboratory at Stockholm University, have developed an attachment that they say can transform “a phone into a biomolecular analysis and diagnostics microscope,” according to The Pathologist. Dark Daily has published many e-briefings on Ozcan’s innovations over the years.
Their goal, the researchers said, was to create technology that can be used in low- and middle-income areas (LMICs), as well as in more advanced locations, such as Sweden. “I’ve been involved in other projects where we’ve looked at point-of-care diagnostic approaches,” he said, “and it seems to be very important that the devices [do not] rely on wired electricity or networks to serve not only LMICs, but also modern, developed environments. It’s often difficult to find an available power socket in Swedish hospitals.”
The molecular diagnostic tests that can be done with smartphone attachments—such as those developed by Ozcan and Nilsson—represent another way of using a smartphone in the healthcare arena, The Pathologist points out. Their invention combines the smartphone’s native camera, an app, optomechanical lasers, and an algorithm contained within the attachment to carry out fluorescence microscopy in the field.
Future of Mobile-Testing
An article appearing in the Financial Times describes some of the ways mobile technology is changing healthcare, including diagnostics that have traditionally been performed in the medical pathology laboratories.
“Doctors scan your body to look for irregularities, but they rely on pathologists in the lab to accurately diagnose any infection,” the article notes. “There, body fluids such as blood, urine, or spit are tested for lurking microbes or unexpected metabolites or chemicals wreaking havoc in your body. Now companies are miniaturizing these tests to create mobile pathology labs.”
Apple introduced the first iPhone in 2007. It’s doubtful anyone imagined the innovations in diagnostics and pathology that would soon follow. Thus, trying to predict what may be coming in coming decades—or even next year—would be futile. However, scientists and researchers themselves are indicating the direction development is headed.
Should Essenlix and other mobile-lab-test developers succeed in their efforts, it would represent yet another tectonic shift for medical pathology laboratories. Clinical laboratory managers and stakeholders should be ready, for the words of the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus have never been truer: “Change is the only constant in life.”
—Dava Stewart
Related Information:
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Tiny, Simple-to-Use Lensless Microscope Might Soon Find a Place in Pathology
Sep 26, 2018 | Instruments & Equipment, Laboratory Instruments & Laboratory Equipment, Laboratory Management and Operations, Laboratory News, Laboratory Operations, Laboratory Pathology, Laboratory Testing, Management & Operations
New metalens technology from MGH and SEAS researchers gives greater endoscopic optical imaging resolution and sample detail for anatomic pathologists performing diagnostics
Anatomic pathologists and clinical laboratories know that biopsy samples are necessary to diagnose many diseases. But, current endoscopic imaging techniques used by physicians sometimes fail to clearly visualize disease sites. Consequently, biopsies collected during these procedures may make it harder for pathologists and physicians to diagnose certain diseases and health conditions.
Now, a combined team of endoscopic imaging experts at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and flat metalens developers at Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) have developed “a new class of endoscopic imaging catheters—termed nano-optic endoscopes—that overcomes the limitations of current systems.”
That’s according to an article in Nature Photonics that reported on the research team’s study, published in Phys.org.
These nano-optics involved “flat metalenses” that promise to sharpen clarity and increase resolution of endoscopic imaging technology In turn, this contributes to more accurate pathology diagnostics and improve patient outcomes, while furthering the aims of precision medicine.
“Metalenses based on flat optics are a game changing new technology because the control of image distortions necessary for high resolution imaging is straightforward compared to conventional optics, which requires multiple complex shaped lenses,” Federico Capasso, PhD, Robert L. Wallace Professor of Applied Physics and Vinton Hayes Senior Research Fellow in Electrical Engineering at SEAS, and co-senior author of the study paper, told Nature Photonics. “I am confident that this will lead to a new class of optical systems and instruments with a broad range of applications in many areas of science and technology.”
The image above shows a flat metalens taken using a scanning electron microscope. Anatomic pathologists and medical laboratories will benefit from the better quality biopsy specimens collected because of the sharper clarity and increased resolution of endoscopes built with the new nano-optics. (Photo copyright: Harvard SEAS.)
Researchers demonstrated the nano-optic endoscope’s ability to deeply penetrate and capture images at high resolutions in various tissues, including:
- Swine and sheep airways;
- Human lung tissue; and,
- Fruit flesh.
In the human lung tissue, “[T]he researchers were able to clearly identify structures that correspond to fine, irregular glands indicating the presence of adenocarcinoma, the most prominent type of lung cancer,” according to Phys.org.
Improving Endoscopic Imaging through Metalenses
The improved image resolution is due to the flat metalens configuration. “Currently, we are at the mercy of materials that we have no control over to design high-resolution lenses for imaging,” Yao-Wei Huang, PhD, Post-Doctoral Fellow at Harvard’s John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and co-first author of the paper, told Phys.org.
Yao-Wei Huang, PhD (above), is a Post-Doctoral Fellow at Harvard’s John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and co-first author of the study paper. “The main advantage of the metalens is that we can design and tailor its specifications to overcome spherical aberrations and astigmatism and achieve very fine focus of the light. As a result, we achieve very high resolution with extended depth of field without the need for complex optical components.” (Photo copyright: Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.)
The researchers note that current endoscopes using gradient-index (GRIN) lens-prism configurations and angle-polished ball lenses are used in a range of clinical applications due to their basic design. However, this benefit comes with shortfalls. “The ability of the nano-optic endoscope to obtain high-resolution images of sub-surface tissue structures in vivo is likely to increase the clinical utility of OCT [optical coherence tomography] in detection, diagnosis, and monitoring of diseases,” they state in their paper.
“The ability to control other properties of output light, such as the polarization state, enables a host of other applications—implausible to achieve using conventional catheters,” they continue. “Several tissues—such as smooth muscle, collagen (either innate or in fibrosis), and blood vessels—have constituent structures highly organized in one particular direction. Polarization-sensitive imaging can differentiate these structures from surrounding tissue by detecting their innate birefringence and optic axis.”
They further note that nano-optic endoscopes may yield benefits to other endoscopic optical imaging modalities such as confocal endomicroscopy.
Additional clinically-oriented studies will be required to assess how nano-optic endoscopes can elevate the capabilities of endoscopic OCT in examining fine pathological changes in luminal tissues.
Implications for Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups
The technology is still in the research stage with more trials needed to confirm the viability and accuracy of the approach. “This preclinical evaluation of the nano-optic endoscope indicated no significant flaws in the design for in vivo endoscopic imaging,” researchers note.
However, should nano-optic catheters gain clearance and change the endoscopy landscape as researchers predict, medical laboratories and pathologists might enjoy higher resolution images with greater information of the sample site—both key components of accurate diagnosis.
“Clinical adoption of many cutting-edge endoscopic microscopy modalities has been hampered due to the difficulty of designing miniature catheters that achieve the same image quality as bulky desktop microscopes,” Melissa Suter, PhD, Assistant Professor of Medicine at MGH and Harvard Medical School (HMS) and co-senior author of the study told Nature Photonics. “The use of nano-optic catheters that incorporate metalenses into their design will likely change the landscape of optical catheter design, resulting in a dramatic increase in the quality, resolution, and functionality of endoscopic microscopy. This will ultimately increase clinical utility by enabling more sophisticated assessment of cell and tissue microstructure in living patients.”
This research project at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences is another example of how advances in technologies unrelated to surgical pathology can eventually contribute to improvements in how pathologists diagnose disease and help physicians identify the most promising therapies for their patients.
—Jon Stone
Related Information:
Nano-Optic Endoscope Sees Deep into Tissue at High Resolution
Nano-Optic Endoscope for High-Resolution Optical Coherence Tomography In Vivo
Nano-Optic Endoscope Allows High-Resolution Imaging
High-Resolution Nano-Optic Endoscope for Better Disease Detection
Sep 24, 2018 | Compliance, Legal, and Malpractice, Instruments & Equipment, Laboratory Instruments & Laboratory Equipment, Laboratory Management and Operations, Laboratory News, Laboratory Operations, Laboratory Pathology, Laboratory Testing, Management & Operations, News From Dark Daily
It’s the next wave in the long-running trend of hospital laboratory consolidation, as the need to trim costs and support thriving medical laboratory outreach programs continues
There’s an important new development in the hospital/health system sector of the clinical laboratory industry that continues the longstanding trend of consolidating multi-site lab operations. It is to rationalize and standardize medical laboratory operations across all lab sites within the health system. Effectively, this standardization trend represents the next cycle of clinical laboratory consolidation.
One recent example of this trend can be found at Atrium Health, the hospital health network based in Charlotte, N.C. (formerly known as Carolinas HealthCare System until earlier this year). Becker’s Hospital Review states that Atrium Health is the “seventh largest nonprofit system in the country based on number of acute-care hospitals (35).”
Creating Standardized Medical Laboratory Testing Services at Multiple Sites
Over the past four years, the clinical laboratory team at Atrium Health has worked to design, build, and operate a new, state-of-the-art core laboratory. At the same time, there were sequential projects to integrate the lab testing services and operations of nine other medical lab sites within the health system to better align the test menu, lab instruments, and workflow at these sites with the activities of the core laboratory.
According to Modena Henderson, MHA, the Vice President of Laboratory Services at Atrium Health, in an interview with Dark Daily, there were multiple primary goals in this project to rationalize and standardize lab testing at all the participating lab sites. They include:
- Standardizing lab test methodologies, reference ranges, and test menu;
- Standardizing analyzers and test platforms across all labs;
- Using Lean, Six Sigma, and other process improvement methods to streamline workflow and reduce test turnaround time;
- Improve productivity of lab staff;
- Increase quality while reducing or eliminating unproductive activities;
- Using real-time analytics middleware to keep lab management informed on a daily basis, and,
- Collaborating with emergency departments, wards, and outreach physicians to deliver more value with clinical lab testing services.
Using the ‘Three Ps of Project Management’ Approach in Health System Labs
The centerpiece of this program of lab rationalization and consolidation was the design and build-out for a new core clinical laboratory facility. Henderson said her team followed the principals of the “Three Ps of Project Management”—People, Process, Performance—to model the new lab facility, then guide how it was constructed and brought into daily clinical service.
“The Atrium Health laboratory regionalization project is an example of the next step that many innovative hospital laboratories are taking,” stated Robert L. Michel, Editor-in-Chief of The Dark Report. “Every lab has the same double challenge. First is financial. Hospital lab budgets are shrinking as growth in inpatient admissions slows. Outreach revenues are declining as Medicare and private payers slash lab test prices.
“Second, labs must come up with the capital needed to acquire and deploy the expensive and sophisticated new genetic and molecular tests that physicians and patients want,” he continued. “Hospital and health network labs must offer these new tests to keep their parent organizations at the cutting edge of clinical care.
Clinical Labs See Value in Standardizing Test Methodologies, Menus
“Thus, it is logical for the clinical labs of health networks to begin the process of rationalizing and standardizing their test menus, methodologies, and analyzers at every site within the system that performs medical lab testing,” emphasized Michel. “This is a development that we have watched gather momentum.”
Keynote Speaker Robert L. Michel, Editor-in-Chief of The Dark Report and Dark Daily will discuss how clinical laboratories of hospitals and health networks are rationalizing and standardizing their medical laboratory testing services to achieve the goals of managing lab costs, boosting quality, and increasing lab outreach revenue. The 12th annual Lab Quality Confab takes place on Oct. 9-10, 2018, at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta. (Photo copyright: The Dark Report.)
Michel offered two examples of sizable programs to rationalize and standardize clinical lab tests and services across a large health system. One is in Michigan, at Ascension Health. The other is in the Canadian Province of Québec. Both are large and ambitious undertakings, both in the number of lab sites involved and the large geography served by these clinical laboratories.
Consolidation Project in Québec involves 123 Clinical Lab Facilities
Québec’s provincial health system wants to consolidate 123 clinical laboratories in the province into 11 groups (clusters) of labs. Each lab group, or cluster, will have a core lab and rapid response labs. Test menus and methodologies will be standardized throughout the province. In an interview with The Dark Report, Ralph Dadoun, PhD, Project Director for Optilab Québec, plans to accomplish the consolidation without adding costs.
In Michigan, Ascension’s clinical lab leadership is working to integrate and standardize the labs that are operated by seven system organizations. This includes 14 hospitals and 18 existing laboratories located throughout the entire State of Michigan. In an interview with The Dark Report, Carlton Burgess, MSM, Vice President of Laboratory Services at Ascension Health’s St. John Providence Clinical Pathology Laboratory in Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich., stated that the goal is to have all the labs in the state work together in a seamless, integrated fashion.
Regional Lab Integration at North Carolina’s Biggest Health System
“To achieve this, the labs will be linked in four regions—a process we describe as regional integration,” explained Burgess. “Each region has a core lab and rapid response labs and each region will be responsible for building lab volume through increased outreach testing. In addition to changing how labs serve each region, our statewide standardization project has three objectives:
- “Repatriate existing send-out lab testing back into Michigan;
- “Establish standard test menus for each facility; and,
- “Renew each lab’s focus on growing lab outreach business.
“Every lab administrator and pathologist working in hospital and health network laboratories should be tracking this new trend of regionalization and standardization of hospital labs,” observed Michel. “That’s because labs already moving down this path are setting new standards for the entire clinical laboratory industry. This goes beyond cost and productivity, because these labs are putting the systems in place that will allow them to deliver more value to physicians and thus be paid more for that value by private health insurers.”
Innovative Lab Leaders to Speak at Lab Quality Confab in Atlanta
Lab leaders from Ascension Health will be keynote speakers at the upcoming 12th Annual Lab Quality Confab that takes place on October 9-10, 2018, at the Hyatt Hotel in Atlanta. They will also conduct multiple learning sessions to share their successes and lessons learned in building a new core laboratory and using that as a foundation to rationalize and standardize test methods, reference ranges, menus, lab automation, and analyzers at every clinical lab facility in the Ascension Health system. Sessions by Ascension Health lab leaders include:
- Leveraging Lean to become a Best-in-Class Lab Performer: How We Built and Automated a New Core Lab while Integrating Lab Operations and Helping Staff Embrace a New Culture; Modena Henderson, Vice President, Laboratory Services, and, Steven Harris, Assistant Vice President, Atrium Health.
- Achieving Standardized, High-Performance Lab Testing Services at Multiple Hospitals Using Lean Methods and Effective Engagement with Lab Staff and Nurses; Gary Catarella, MBA, MT(ASCP), Assistant Vice President, Hospital Operations, Atrium Health.
- Lessons We’ve Learned in Our Step-by-Step Journey to Transform Lab Operations and Integrate Testing across All Sites: Engaging Staff, Sustaining Change, Working with Vendors and Consultants—Interactive Roundtable Discussion; Modena Henderson, Vice President, Laboratory Services; and, Steven Harris, Assistant Vice President, Atrium Health.
Using Lean, Six, Sigma, ISO 15189 in Clinical Laboratory Operations
Lab Quality Confab this year features 60 speakers and 40 presentations from lab administrators, pathologists, and other lab managers on their successes and innovations using Lean, Six Sigma, ISO 15189, and other process management methods. You can view the full agenda here (or copy and paste this URL into your web browser: https://www.labqualityconfab.com/agenda).
This year’s Lab Quality Confab is on track to be the largest in its 12-year history. Limited spaces are still available. To ensure your place, register today at: https://www.labqualityconfab.com/register (or copy and paste this URL into your web browser: https://www.labqualityconfab.com/register).
Also, you can bring your lab team and make this Lab Quality Confab a group learning opportunity. When you bring four or more from your organization, each can register for $695 for this two-day learning event. One benefit you’ll gain from bringing your team is that it will give them the knowledge, the tools, and the confidence to help your lab reduce costs without compromising quality, while supporting sustained revenue growth from your hospital lab’s successful outreach program.
—Michael McBride
Related Information:
Full Agenda and Other Details for 12th Annual Lab Quality Confab
To Register for 12th Annual Lab Quality Confab
10 Things to Know about Atrium Health, Formerly Carolinas HealthCare System
Québec’s Laboratory Consolidation Plan Aims to Save $13.5 Million: Optilab Québec to move 123 labs into 11 lab groups
Michigan’s Ascension to Standardize Labs Throughout the State: Goals Are Common Test Methods, Menus, Practices
Sep 21, 2018 | Instruments & Equipment, Laboratory News, Laboratory Operations, Laboratory Pathology, Laboratory Testing
Wall Street Journal reports IBM losing Watson-for-Oncology partners and clients, but scientists remain confident artificial intelligence will revolutionize diagnosis and treatment of disease
What happens when a healthcare revolution is overhyped? Results fall short of expectations. That’s the diagnosis from the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) and other media outlets five years after IBM marketed its Watson supercomputer as having the potential to “revolutionize” cancer diagnosis and treatment.
The idea that artificial intelligence (AI) could be used to diagnose cancer and identify appropriate therapies certainly carried with it implications for clinical laboratories and anatomic pathologists, which Dark Daily reported as far back as 2012. It also promised to spark rapid growth in precision medicine. For now, though, that momentum may be stalled.
“Watson can read all of the healthcare texts in the world in seconds,” John E. Kelly III, PhD, IBM Senior Vice President, Cognitive Solutions and IBM Research, told Wired in 2011. “And that’s our first priority, creating a ‘Dr. Watson,’ if you will.”
However, despite the marketing pitch, the WSJ investigation published in August claims IBM has fallen far short of that goal during the past seven years. The article states, “More than a dozen IBM partners and clients have halted or shrunk Watson’s oncology-related projects. Watson cancer applications have had limited impact on patients, according to dozens of interviews with medical centers, companies and doctors who have used it, as well as documents reviewed by the Wall Street Journal.”
Anatomic pathologists—who use tumor biopsies to diagnose cancer—have regularly wondered if IBM’s Watson would actually help physicians do a better job in the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of cancer patients. The findings of the Wall Street Journal show that Watson has yet to make much of a positive impact when used in support of cancer care.
The WSJ claims Watson often “didn’t add much value” or “wasn’t accurate.” This lackluster assessment is blamed on Watson’s inability to keep pace with fast-evolving treatment guidelines, as well as its inability to accurately evaluate reoccurring or rare cancers. Despite the more than $15 billion IBM has spent on Watson, the WSJ reports there is no published research showing Watson improving patient outcomes.
Lukas Wartman, MD, Assistant Professor, McDonnell Genome Institute at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, told the WSJ he rarely uses the Watson system, despite having complimentary access. IBM typically charges $200 to $1,000 per patient, plus consulting fees in some cases, for Watson-for-Oncology, the WSJ reported.
“The discomfort that I have—and that others have had with using it—has been the sense that you never know how much faith you can put in those results,” Wartman said.
Rudimentary Not Revolutionary Intelligence, STAT Notes
IBM’s Watson made headlines in 2011 when it won a head-to-head competition against two champions on the game show “Jeopardy.” Soon after, IBM announced it would make Watson available for medical applications, giving rise to the idea of “Dr. Watson.”
In a 2017 investigation, however, published on STAT, Watson is described as in its “toddler stage,” falling far short of IBM’s depiction of Watson as a “digital prodigy.”
“Perhaps the most stunning overreach is in [IBM’s] claim that Watson-for-Oncology, through artificial intelligence, can sift through reams of data to generate new insights and identify, as an IBM sales rep put it, ‘even new approaches’ to cancer care,” the STAT article notes. “STAT found that the system doesn’t create new knowledge and is artificially intelligent only in the most rudimentary sense of the term.”
STAT reported it had taken six years for data engineers and doctors to train Watson in just seven types of cancers and keep the system updated with the latest knowledge.
Watson Recommended Unsafe and Incorrect Treatments, STAT Reported
In July 2018, STAT reported that internal documents from IBM revealed Watson had recommended “unsafe and incorrect” cancer treatments.
David Howard, PhD, Professor, Health Policy and Management, Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University, blames Watson’s failure in part to the dearth of high-quality published research available for the supercomputer to analyze.
“IBM spun a story about how Watson could improve cancer treatment that was superficially plausible—there are thousands of research papers published every year and no doctor can read them all,” Howard told HealthNewsReview.org. “However, the problem is not that there is too much information, but rather there is too little. Only a handful of published articles are high-quality, randomized trials. In many cases, oncologists have to choose between drugs that have never been directly compared in a randomized trial.”
Howard argues the news media needs to do a better job vetting stories touting healthcare breakthroughs.
“Reporters are often susceptible to PR hype about the potential of new technology—from Watson to ‘wearables’—to improve outcomes,” Howard said. “A lot of stories would turn out differently if they asked a simple question: ‘Where is the evidence?’”
Peter Greulich, a retired IBM manager who has written extensively on IBM’s corporate challenges, told STAT that IBM would need to invest more money and people in the Watson project to make it successful—an unlikely possibility in a time of shrinking revenues at the corporate giant.
“IBM ought to quit trying to cure cancer,” he said. “They turned the marketing engine loose without controlling how to build and construct a product.”
AI Could Still Revolutionize Precision Medicine
Despite the recent negative headlines about Watson, AI continues to offer the promise of one day changing how pathologists and physicians work together to diagnose and treat disease. Isaac Kohane, MD, PhD, Chairman of the Biomedical Informatics Program at Harvard Medical School, told Bloomberg that IBM may have oversold Watson, but he predicts AI one day will “revolutionize medicine.”
“It’s anybody’s guess who is going to be the first to the market leader in this space,” he said. “Artificial intelligence and big data are coming to doctors’ offices and hospitals. But it won’t necessarily look like the ads on TV.”
How AI and precision medicine plays out for clinical laboratories and anatomic pathologists is uncertain. Clearly, though, healthcare is on a path toward increased involvement of computerized decision-making applications in the diagnostic process. Regardless of early setbacks, that trend is unlikely to slow. Laboratory managers and pathology stakeholders would be wise to keep apprised of these developments.
—Andrea Downing Peck
Related Information:
IBM’s Watson Supercomputer Recommended ‘Unsafe and Incorrect’ Cancer Treatments, Internal Documents Show
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What Went Wrong with IBM’s Watson?
IBM’s Watson Failed Against Cancer but AI Still Has Promise
Will IBM’s ‘Watson on Oncology’ Give Oncologists and Pathologists a Useful Tool for Diagnosing and Treating Various Cancer
Pathologists Take Note: IBM’s Watson to Attack Cancer with Help of WellPoint and Cedars-Sinai
Sep 5, 2018 | Instruments & Equipment, Laboratory Instruments & Laboratory Equipment, Laboratory Management and Operations, Laboratory Pathology, Laboratory Testing
While approaches differ between the three companies, heavy investment in EMR/EHR and other HIT solutions could signal significant changes ahead for a market currently dominated by only a few major developers
If healthcare big data is truly a disruptive force in healthcare’s transformation, then a big battle looms for control of that data. Some experts say that the companies now dominating the electronic health record (EHR) market will soon face tough competition from the world’s biggest tech companies.
Until recently, most clinical laboratories, anatomic pathology groups, hospitals, and other healthcare providers have depended on EHR systems from just a handful of health information technology (HIT) developers. But tech giants Google, Apple, and Microsoft have been filing hundreds of HIT related patents since 2013 and appear poised to compete on a large scale for a chunk of the EMR/EHR/HIT market, according to coverage in EHR Intelligence of Kalorama Information’s “EMR 2018: The Market for Electronic Medical Records” report.
How this will impact medical laboratories and pathology practices remains to be seen. Labs are sure to be influenced by coming events, since clinical laboratory test data represents the largest proportion of an individual patient’s permanent medical record. It’s important to note, though, that while most EHR/HIT developers have been motivated by federal incentives, Google (NASDAQ:GOOG), Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL), and Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) are motivated by consumer demand, which increasingly dictates the direction of health technology development.
Thus, they may be better positioned to compete moving forward, as patients, physicians, and hospitals turn to precision medicine and value-based care for improved outcomes and increased revenues.
“The EMR efforts have moved hospitals from paper to digital records,” Bruce Carlson (above), Publisher of Kalorama Information, told HIT Infrastructure. “The next step is for tech giants to glean the data and improve upon that infrastructure. We’ll be talking about EHR in different ways in the next ten years.” (Photo copyright: Twitter.)
EMR/EHR Market Poised for Disruption
According EHR Intelligence, as of 2017, 97% of all US non-federal acute care hospitals and 84% of US hospitals had adopted an EHR system. Of these hospitals, more than half (50.5%) use products from just two developers—Cerner or Epic. That’s according to Health Data Management’s coverage of the KLAS report “US Hospital EMR Market Share 2017.”
However, recent interest in HIT and EHR systems by major Silicon Valley tech companies could lead to potential disruptions in the current state of the market. According to The New York Times, in the first 11 months of 2017, 10 of the largest US technology companies were involved in healthcare equity deals worth $2.7-billion. This marks a drastic increase over the 2012 figure of $277-million.
Though each company is approaching the market differently, Google, Microsoft, and Apple are all working on projects that could influence how both consumers and healthcare professionals interact with and utilize medical record data.
Of the three, Apple is the most consumer-centric with their Apple Health personal health record (PHR) integration into Apple iOS for iPhones and iPads. Microsoft, however, is working on developing analytics tools and storage solutions aimed at healthcare providers in general. And Google, through its parent company Alphabet, is focusing on data processing and storage.
Amazon also is working on its own HIT project which it calls 1492. While details are scant, HIT Infrastructure reports that the project is focused on interoperability among disparate EHR systems to improve sharing of protected health information (PHI) between providers, patients, and other healthcare providers, such as clinical labs and pathology groups. HIT Infrastructure also reported on rumors of Amazon branching into telemedicine using their Amazon Echo and Alexa platforms.
Security Concerns and Opportunities for Clinical Laboratories
According to Computerworld’s coverage of IDC research, by 2020, 25% of patients are expected to be taking part in ‘bring your own data” healthcare scenarios. Tech-savvy medical laboratories could find opportunities to interact directly with patients and encourage follow-through on test orders or follow-up on routine testing.
However, shifting protected health information to devices carried by consumers is not without risks.
“How do I know the data won’t make its way to some cloud somewhere to be shared, sold, etc.” Jack Gold, Principal Analyst with J. Gold Associates, told Computerworld. “And if I rely on an app to tell me what to do—say, take my meds—and it somehow gets hacked, can it make me sick, or worse?”
These are important questions and developments, which Dark Daily has covered in other recent e-briefings. (See, “Apple Updates Its Mobile Health Apps, While Microsoft Shifts Its Focus to Artificial Intelligence. Both Will Transform Healthcare, But Which Will Impact Clinical Laboratories the Most?” July 25, 2018.)
Nevertheless, with tech giants already developing products for the consumer market and healthcare provider industry, it’s a given consumers will soon gain greater access to their own healthcare information. Whether patients will ultimately embrace it, how they will use it, and how developers will interact with the data, is still undefined. But it’s coming and clinical laboratories should be prepared.
—Jon Stone
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