News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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New Study from UCSD Shows That Chromosome Shattering Can Promote Cancer Cell Growth and Increase Resistance to Chemotherapeutic Drugs

The researchers also found that certain molecules, when added to cancer drugs, can prevent chromosome shattering from occurring in a discovery that may be useful to pathologists and oncologists

Anatomic pathologists who diagnose tissue and closely monitor advances in cancer diagnostics and therapy will be interested in a recent study into how a mutational process known as chromothripsis (chromosome shattering) can promote cancer cell growth in humans and increase resistance to cancer drug therapies.

The study, which was published in the journal Nature, titled, “Chromothripsis Drives the Evolution of Gene Amplification in Cancer,” provides insights into how cancer cells can adapt to different environments and also may suggest potential solutions to drug resistance among cancer patients. 

Led by researchers from the University of California San Diego School of Medicine and the UC San Diego branch of the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, the discovery could open up a new field in cancer diagnostic testing, where the pathology laboratory analyzes a cancer patient’s tumor cells to determine where chromosomal damage exists. This knowledge could then inform efforts to repair damaged chromosomes or to identify which therapeutic drugs would be most effective in treating the patient, a key element of precision medicine

Ofer Shoshani, PhD postdoctoral fellow at the Cleveland Lab at UC San Diego School of Medicine
“Drug resistance is the most problematic part of cancer therapy. If not for drug resistance, many cancer patients would survive,” said Ofer Shoshani, PhD (above right) postdoctoral fellow at the Cleveland Lab at UC San Diego School of Medicine and the study’s first author, in a news release. He’s shown with Don Cleveland, PhD (above left), head of the Cleveland Laboratory of Cell Biology at the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, another author of the study. Cleveland is also Chair of the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, and Distinguished Professor of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Medicine, and Neurosciences at UC San Diego School of Medicine. (Photo copyright: Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research.)

Shattered Chromosomes

Chromosomes that undergo chromothripsis shatter or fragment into several pieces and then are stitched back together by a DNA repair processes. However, not all of the fragments make it back into the repaired chromosome, and this can be a problem.

“During chromothripsis, a chromosome in a cell is shattered into many pieces, hundreds in some cases, followed by reassembly in a shuffled order,” Shoshani told Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News (GEN News). “Some pieces get lost while others persist as extra-chromosomal DNA (ecDNA). Some of these ecDNA elements promote cancer cell growth and form minute-sized chromosomes called double minutes.”

Studies have shown that up to half of all cancer cells contain cancer-promoting ecDNA chromosome fragments.

Some Cancer Drugs Could be Fueling Drug Resistance

To perform their study, the UC San Diego/Ludwig scientists sequenced entire genomes of cancer cells that had developed drug resistance. Their research revealed that chromothripsis prompts and drives the formation of ecDNA and that the process can also be induced by some chemotherapeutic drugs. The researchers also discovered that the particular type of damage these drugs may cause can provide an opening for ecDNA to reintegrate back into chromosomes. 

“We show that when we break a chromosome, these ecDNAs have a tendency to jump into the break and seal them, serving almost like a DNA glue,” Shoshani said in the news release. “Thus, some of the very drugs used to treat cancers might also be driving drug resistance by generating double-stranded DNA breaks.” 

Preventing DNA Shattering and Reducing Drug Resistance

The scientists also discovered that ecDNA formation could be halted by pairing certain cancer drugs with molecules that prevent DNA shattering from occurring in the first place, thus reducing drug resistance.

“This means that an approach in which we combine DNA repair inhibitors with drugs such as methotrexate or vemurafenib could potentially prevent the initiation of drug resistance in cancer patients and improve clinical outcomes,” Shoshani said.

“Our identifications of repetitive DNA shattering as a driver of anticancer drug resistance and of DNA repair pathways necessary for reassembling the shattered chromosomal pieces has enabled rational design of combination drug therapies to prevent development of drug resistance in cancer patients, thereby improving their outcome,” Don Cleveland, PhD, Head of the Cleveland Laboratory of Cell Biology at the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research and one of the authors of the paper, told GEN News.

This research from the University of California San Diego School of Medicine and the UC San Diego branch of the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research is the latest example of how scientists have gained useful insights into how human genomes operate. More research and clinical studies are needed to solidify the advantages of this study, but the preliminary results are promising and could lead to new cancer diagnostics and therapies.  

—JP Schlingman

Related Information:

Shattered Chromosomes Found to Promote Cancer Cell Growth

Ludwig Cancer Research Study Reveals how ecDNA Forms and Drives Cancer Drug Resistance

Chromothripsis Drives the Evolution of Gene Amplification in Cancer

New Study Shows Protective Immunity Against COVID-19 Is ‘Robust’ and May Last Up to Eight Months or Longer Following Infection

Researchers find declining antibody levels in SARS-CoV-2 patients are offset by T cells and B cells that remain behind to fight off reinfection

Questions remain regarding how long antibodies produced by a COVID-19 vaccine or natural infection will provide ongoing protection against SARS-CoV-2. However, a new study showing COVID-19 immunity may be “robust” and “long lasting” may signal important news for clinical laboratories and in vitro diagnostics companies developing serological tests for the coronavirus disease.

The study, titled, “Immunological Memory to SARS-CoV-2 Assessed for up to 8 Months after Infection,” was published in the journal Science. The data suggest nearly all COVID-19 survivors have the immune cells necessary to fight re-infection for five to eight months or more.

“There was a lot of concern originally that this virus might not induce much memory. Instead, the immune memory looks quite good,” Shane Crotty, PhD, Professor at the Center for Infectious Disease and Vaccine Research at the La Jolla Institute (LJI) for Immunology in California and coauthor of the study, told MIT Review. LJI has an official affiliation agreement with UC San Diego Health System and the UC San Diego School of Medicine.

Retaining Protection from SARS-CoV-2 Reinfection

The LJI research team analyzed blood samples from 188 COVID-19 patients, 7% of whom had been hospitalized. They measured not only virus-specific antibodies in the blood stream, but also memory B cell infections, T helper cells, and cytotoxic (killer) T cells.

While antibodies eventually disappear from the blood stream, T cells and B cells appear to remain to fight future reinfection.

“As far as we know, this is the largest study ever for any acute infection that has measured all four of those components of immune memory,” Crotty said in a La Jolla Institute news release.

The LJI researchers found that virus-specific antibodies remained in the blood stream months after infection while spike-specific memory B cells—which could trigger an accelerated and robust antibody-mediated immune response in the event of reinfection—actually increased in the body after six months. In addition, COVID-19 survivors had an army of T cells ready to halt reinfection.

“Our data show immune memory in at least three immunological compartments was measurable in ~95% of subjects five to eight months post symptom onset, indicating that durable immunity against secondary COVID-19 disease is a possibility in most individuals,” the study concludes. The small percentage of the population found not to have long-lasting immunity following COVID-19 infection could be vaccinated in an effort to stop reinfection from occurring on the way to achieving herd immunity, the LJI researchers maintained.

Do COVID-19 Vaccines Create Equal Immunity Against Reinfection?

Whether COVID-19 vaccinations will provide the same immune response as an active infection has yet to be determined, but indications are protection may be equally strong.

“It is possible that immune memory will be similarly long lasting similar following vaccination, but we will have to wait until the data come in to be able to tell for sure,”

LJI Research Professor Daniela Weiskopf, PhD, said in the LJI statement. “Several months ago, our studies showed that natural infection induced a strong response, and this study now shows that the response lasts. The vaccine studies are at the initial stages, and so far, have been associated with strong protection. We are hopeful that a similar pattern of responses lasting over time will also emerge for the vaccine-induced responses.”

The study’s authors cautioned that people previously diagnosed with COVID-19 should not assume they have protective immunity from reinfection, the Washington Post noted. In fact, according to the LJI news release, researchers saw a “100-fold range in the magnitude of immune memory.”

Alessandro Sette, Doctor of Biological Sciences an Italian immunologist in a blue sweater
Alessandro Sette, Doctor of Biological Sciences (above), an Italian immunologist, Professor at the Center for Autoimmunity and Inflammation/Center for Infectious Disease and Vaccine Research at La Jolla Institute for Immunology, and co-author of the study, told the Washington Post that people should act responsibly. “If I had COVID, I would still not throw away my masks, I would not go to rave parties … It’s like driving a car where you know you have 90% probability that the brakes work.” (Photo copyright: La Jolla Institute for Immunology.)

Previous Studies Found Little Natural Immunity Against SARS-CoV-2 Reinfection

The Scientist reported that several widely publicized previous studies raised concerns that immunity from natural infection was fleeting, perhaps dwindling in weeks or months. And a United Kingdom study published in Nature Microbiology found that COVID-19 generated “only a transient neutralizing antibody response that rapidly wanes” in patients who exhibited milder infection.

Daniel M. Davis, PhD, Professor of Immunology at the University of Manchester, says more research is needed before scientists can know for certain how long COVID-19 immunity lasts after natural infection.

“Overall, these results are interesting and provocative, but more research is needed, following large numbers of people over time. Only then, will we clearly know how many people produce antibodies when infected with coronavirus, and for how long,” Davis told Newsweek.

While additional peer-reviewed studies on the body’s immune response to COVID-19 will be needed, this latest study from the La Jolla Institute for Immunity may help guide clinical laboratories and in vitro diagnostic companies that are developing serological antibody tests for COVID-19 and lead to more definitive answers as to how long antibodies confer protective immunity.

—Andrea Downing Peck

Related Information:

Immunological Memory to SARS-CoV-2 Assessed for up to 8 Months After Infection

Protective Immunity Against SARS-Cov-2 Could Last Eight Months or More

Covid-19 Immunity Likely Lasts for Years

Longitudinal Observation and Decline of Neutralizing Antibody Responses in the Three Months Following SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Humans

Studies Report Rapid Loss of COVID-19 Antibodies

10 Percent of Wuhan Study Patients Lose Coronavirus Antibodies Within Weeks

Researchers in Five Countries Use AI, Deep Learning to Analyze and Monitor the Quality of Donated Red Blood Cells Stored for Transfusions

By training a computer to analyze blood samples, and then automating the expert assessment process, the AI processed months’ worth of blood samples in a single day

New technologies and techniques for acquiring and transporting biological samples for clinical laboratory testing receive much attention. But what of the quality of the samples themselves? Blood products are expensive, as hospital medical laboratories that manage blood banks know all too well. Thus, any improvement to how labs store blood products and confidently determine their viability for transfusion is useful.

One such improvement is coming out of Canada. Researchers at the University of Alberta  (U of A) in collaboration with scientists and academic institutions in five countries are looking into ways artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning can be used to efficiently and quickly analyze red blood cells (RBCs). The results of the study may alter the way donated blood is evaluated and selected for transfusion to patients, according to an article in Folio, a U of A publication, titled, “AI Could Lead to Faster, Better Analysis of Donated Blood, Study Shows.” 

The study, which uses AI and imaging flow cytometry (IFC) to scrutinize the shape of RBCs, assess the quality of the stored blood, and remove human subjectivity from the process, was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS,) titled, “Objective Assessment of Stored Blood Quality by Deep Learning.”

Improving Blood Diagnostics through Precision Medicine and Deep Learning

“This project is an excellent example of how we are using our world-class expertise in precision health to contribute to the interdisciplinary work required to make fundamental changes in blood diagnostics,” said Jason Acker, PhD, a senior scientist at Canadian Blood Services’ Centre for Innovation, Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at the University of Alberta, and one of the lead authors of the study, in the Folio article.

The research took more than three years to complete and involved 19 experts from 12 academic institutions and blood collection facilities located in Canada, Germany, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the US.

Jason Acker, PhD (above), Senior Research Scientist, Canadian Blood Services, and Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at the University of Alberta in a white lab jacket in a laboratory
“Our study shows that artificial intelligence gives us better information about the red blood cell morphology, which is the study of how these cells are shaped, much faster than human experts,” said Jason Acker, PhD (above), Senior Research Scientist, Canadian Blood Services, and Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at the University of Alberta, in an article published on the Canadian Blood Services website. “We anticipate this technology will improve diagnostics for clinicians as well as quality assurance for blood operators such as Canadian Blood Services in the coming years,” he added. Clinical laboratories in the US may also benefit from this new blood viability process. (Photo copyright: University of Alberta.)

To perform the study, the scientists first collected and manually categorized 52,000 red blood cell images. Those images were then used to train an algorithm that mimics the way a human mind works. The computer system was next tasked with analyzing the shape of RBCs for quality purposes. 

Removing Human Bias from RBC Classification

“I was happy to collaborate with a group of people with diverse backgrounds and expertise,” said Tracey Turner, a senior research assistant in Acker’s laboratory and one of the authors of the study, in a Canadian Blood Services (CBS) article. “Annotating and reviewing over 52,000 images took a long time, however, it allowed me to see firsthand how much bias there is in manual classification of cell shape by humans and the benefit machine classification could bring.”

According to the CBS article, a red blood cell lasts about 115 days in the human body and the shape of the RBC reveals its age. Newer, healthier RBCs are shaped like discs with smooth edges. As they age, those edges become jagged and the cell eventually transforms into a sphere and loses the ability to perform its duty of transporting oxygen throughout the body. 

Blood donations are processed, packed, and stored for later use. Once outside the body, the RBCs begin to change their shape and deteriorate. RBCs can only be stored for a maximum of 42 days before they lose the ability to function properly when transfused into a patient. 

Scientists routinely examine the shape of RBCs to assess the quality of the cell units for transfusion to patients and, in some cases, diagnose and assess individuals with certain disorders and diseases. Typically, microscope examinations of red blood cells are performed by experts in medical laboratories to determine the quality of the stored blood. The RBCs are classified by shape and then assigned a morphology index score. This can be a complex, time-consuming, and laborious process.

“One of the amazing things about machine learning is that it allows us to see relationships we wouldn’t otherwise be able to see,” Acker said. “We categorize the cells into the buckets we’ve identified, but when we categorize, we take away information.”

Human analysis, apparently, is subjective and different professionals can arrive at different results after examining the same blood samples. 

“Machines are naive of bias, and AI reveals some characteristics we wouldn’t have identified and is able to place red blood cells on a more nuanced spectrum of change in shape,” Acker explained.

The researchers discovered that the AI could accurately analyze and categorize the quality of the red blood cells. This ability to perform RBC morphology assessment could have critical implications for transfusion medicine.

“The computer actually did a better job than we could, and it was able to pick up subtle differences in a way that we can’t as humans,” Acker said.

“It’s not surprising that the red cells don’t just go from one shape to another. This computer showed that there’s actually a gradual progression of shape in samples from blood products, and it’s able to better classify these changes,” he added. “It radically changes the speed at which we can make these assessments of blood product quality.”

More Precision Matching Blood Donors to Recipients

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 118.5 million blood donations are collected globally each year. There is a considerable contrast in the level of access to blood products between high- and low-income nations, which makes accurate assessment of stored blood even more critical. About 40% of all blood donations are collected in high-income countries that home to only about 16% of the world’s population.

More studies and clinical trials will be necessary to determine if U of A’s approach to using AI to assess the quality of RBCs can safely transfer to clinical use. But these early results promise much in future precision medicine treatments.

“What this research is leading us to is the fact that we have the ability to be much more precise in how we match blood donors and recipients based on specific characteristics of blood cells,” Acker stated. “Through this study we have developed machine learning tools that are going to help inform how this change in clinical practice evolves.”

The AI tools being developed at the U of A could ultimately benefit patients as well as blood collection centers, and at hospitals where clinical laboratories typically manage the blood banking services, by making the process of matching transfusion recipients to donors more precise and ultimately safer.

—JP Schlingman

Related Information:

Objective Assessment of Stored Blood Quality by Deep Learning

Machines Rival Expert Analysis of Stored Red Blood Cell Quality

Breakthrough Study Uses AI to Analyze Red Blood Cells

Machine Learning Opens New Frontiers in Red Blood Cell Research

AI Could Lead to Faster, Better Analysis of Donated Blood, Study Shows

Blood Safety and Availability

Anticipated Influenza/SARS-CoV-2 “Twindemic” Has Not Developed, Says CDC, Much to the Relief of the Nation’s Medical Laboratories

The remarkably low number of influenza diagnoses makes it possible for clinical laboratories to stay focused on COVID-19

One positive note for clinical laboratories this winter is the fact that the number of biological samples being submitted for influenza (flu) testing have dropped significantly. This has given medical laboratories more resources for processing COVID-19 tests.

Dark Daily’s sister publication The Dark Report covered this phenomenon in “Surprise! Many Fewer Cases of Flu in Us, Canada, Europe,” December 7, 2020.

According to a feature published in Nature, the number of samples being submitted to medical laboratories for flu testing has dropped by 61%. More surprisingly, the number of positives has dropped by 98%. The combined flu/COVID-19 “twindemic” that some medical experts feared could crush our healthcare system has not materialized—yet, the Washington Examiner reported.

“In any given winter, hospitals are taxed by the flu,” Brian Garibaldi, MD, a pulmonologist and critical care specialist and Medical Director of the Johns Hopkins Biocontainment Unit told the Washington Examiner. “There’s always a concern that our emergency departments will be overwhelmed, and ICU capacity will be strained [due to the concurrence of flu and COVID-19 outbreaks], particularly with people who have coexisting conditions that then get influenza.”

The 2019-2020 flu season ended earlier than usual, likely because of precautions put in place in the spring to combat the coronavirus pandemic. Most years, the seasonal flu in the US peaks in February and trails off by May, Nature reported in “How Coronavirus Lockdowns Stopped Flu in Its Tracks.”

“Seasonal flu cases in the northern hemisphere usually peak in February and tail off by the end of May,” Nature wrote. “This year, unusually, lab-confirmed cases of influenza dropped precipitously in early April, a few weeks after the coronavirus pandemic was declared on 11 March. The data comes from tests of more than 150,000 samples from national influenza laboratories in 71 countries that report data to FluNet, a global surveillance system.”

Government Leaders and Health Experts Remain Concerned

Despite that encouraging data point, public health experts and political leaders were still concerned. In September, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey said, “The overlap of COVID-19 and flu season presents a perfect storm, and we aren’t taking any chances. We are approaching this fall with a proactive mindset and plan of action to limit the impact of the flu and preserve hospital resources,” the Washington Examiner reported.

The caution was certainly warranted. A normal flu season strains resources, but a severe flu season coupled with a global pandemic could have been disastrous. Luckily, Ducey’s “perfect storm” did not materialize.

chart of flu-season during COVID-19 and years 2016 - 2020 with 4 years of flu data charted by FluNet Response System
Data from the World Health Organization’s FluNet Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System was used by Nature to develop the graphic above. It illustrates how the number of positive Influenza specimens in 2019-2020 declined compared to the previous two years. Some experts believe this is due to protocols implemented to combat the COVID-19 coronavirus by hospitals and clinical laboratories. (Graphic copyright: Nature.)

Why Is There Less Influenza?

So, why is there less flu and other respiratory infections?

Epidemiologist Lisa Lockerd Maragakis, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of Medicine and Senior Director of Infection Prevention at Johns Hopkins Health System, told U.S. News, widespread business and school closures provide fewer opportunities for influenza to spread. “We commonly see flu spread in communities, schools, businesses and through travel each year, so those changes are likely keeping the flu away.”

However, this may have a negative effect as well. Eili Klein, PhD, Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, warns that “Because of the current restrictions and precautions everyone is taking this season, far fewer people will be infected or exposed to the flu virus, and therefore won’t become immune to certain strains of the virus. So, the number of people who may have more severe infections next year is likely to be greater because immunity will be lower,” the Washington Examiner reported.

Other Viral Infections Also in Decline Due to COVID-19 Precautions, Vaccines

Masking, frequent handwashing, and social distancing certainly played a role in reducing the number of cases of flu reported this year. But influenza is not the only disease that saw reductions. “In Hong Kong, compared with previous years, the number of chickenpox cases dropped by about half to three-quarters,” Nature reported. “In April, cases of measles and rubella were their lowest, globally, since at least 2016, according to data available so far.”

Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, some public health officials were concerned that the decline in influenza cases was actually related to a lack of testing. “However, renewed efforts by public health officials and clinicians to test samples for influenza resulted in adequate numbers tested and detection of little to no influenza virus,” the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported.

Another factor in the lower numbers of flu cases could be due to the fact that more people have gotten vaccinated this year. More than 188 million flu vaccines were distributed in 2020, an increase compared to the 169 million given in 2019.

“Flu vaccination in the community started earlier this year, as recommended by the CDC, and our community physicians report that vaccine uptake has been higher than usual,” Marie-Louise Landry, MD, Clinical Virologist, Professor of Laboratory Medicine and of Medicine (Infectious Diseases), and Director of the Clinical Virology Laboratory at Yale School of Medicine, told Healthline.

It may also be that influenza diagnoses are fewer because people are not seeking treatment. Hospitals at or beyond capacity due to the pandemic, or fear of contracting COVID-19, may have motivated people with flu-like symptoms to stay home rather than seek treatment. However, most healthcare experts agree that public health measures to fight COVID-19 are likely the larger reason there is less flu.

“Public health measures such as movement restrictions, social distancing, and increased personal hygiene likely had an effect on decreasing influenza and other respiratory virus transmissions,” the World Health Organization (WHO) told Nature.

What About the Next Flu Season?

Experts are more conflicted regarding what all of this means for coming flu seasons. Some experts think that because there’s less flu this year, there will be less immunity next year, and severe illness will result. Others are more optimistic and hope that some strains of flu will disappear, which could mean less flu in the immediate future. It’s not a simple prediction to make.

“A lot of different flus have been circulating in recent years. Are they all going to make it out of this or not? It’s possible that what this season will do is actually make the virological picture a lot simpler. That may be permanent, potentially,” Richard Webby, PhD, an infectious disease scientist at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and Director of the World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Studies on the Ecology of Influenza in Animals and Birds, told Nature in “How COVID-19 is Changing the Cold and Flu Season.”

Even if the low flu numbers this year mean some strains do not survive, it is unlikely that will remain the case. “I am sure that flu will come back with a vengeance at some stage in the future,” Robert Ware, PhD, a biostatistician, clinical epidemiologist, and Professor of Biostatistics with Griffith University in Queensland, Australia, told Nature.

Thus, clinical laboratories should remain vigilant for future influenza outbreaks. Hopefully by then the COVID-19 pandemic will have peaked and labs will be able to reallocate testing resources appropriately.

—Dava Stewart

Related Information:

How COVID-19 Is Changing the Cold and Flu Season

How Coronavirus Lockdowns Stopped Flu in Its Tracks

CDC Reports Record-Low Positive Flu Tests

What Happened to the Flu This Year?

Decreased Influenza Activity During the COVID-19 Pandemic—United States, Australia, Chile, and South Africa, 2020

Why Flu Cases Are Down During a Massive Pandemic

New Test Under Development That Detects Breast Cancer within One Hour with 100% Accuracy Has Potential to Help Pathologists Deliver More Value

Such a test, if proved safe and accurate for clinical use, could be a useful diagnostic tool for anatomic pathologists

What would it mean to anatomic pathology if breast cancer could be diagnosed in an hour from a fine needle aspiration (FNA) rather than a core biopsy? A new test created by researchers affiliated with Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston may be just such a game changer. Especially in remote locations where clinical laboratory resources are in short supply.

Regardless of how the next round of research and clinical studies turn out, one reason this development is significant is that it demonstrates how newer technologies and analytical software are being combined to create a faster diagnostic test for different types of cancer.

Another benefit to this research is that it may utilize simpler, less expensive instruments. In fact, the researchers said this test can be performed for about $5. For these reasons, pathologists may want to follow the progress of these researchers as they work to improve this test so it can be used in clinical care.

Affordable Image Cytometry of FNA Specimens

Though still in development, the new image cytometry system, dubbed CytoPAN, has demonstrated the ability to diagnose breast cancer within a one-hour time frame, and, according to the study published in Science Translational Medicine, “is devoid of moving parts for stable operations, harnesses optimized antibody kits for multiplexed analysis, and offers a user-friendly interface with automated analysis for rapid diagnoses.”

The international researcher team included scientists from:

“Here, we report the development and validation of an affordable image cytometry system that allows automated and same-day molecular analyses of fine needle aspiration (FNA) specimens. Termed CytoPAN, for portable fluorescence-based image cytometry analyzer, the system performs multichannel imaging for cancer diagnosis and subtyping,” the researchers wrote.

The CytoPAN technique is minimally invasive, they note, and only requires a few cellular specimens to determine if breast cancer cells are present, with results available in one hour.

CytoPAN rapid diagnostic tool for cancer diagnosis.
The researchers are hopeful the CytoPAN diagnostic tool (above) can be a valuable resource in developing countries and remote areas where patients face long wait times before receiving a cancer diagnosis. In these areas, diagnoses typically come after advanced symptoms, such as palpable mass lesions and malaise, become present, which can have a negative impact on patient outcomes. And anatomic pathologists worldwide would benefit greatly from such an advance in cancer diagnostics. (Photo copyright: Jouha Min, Lip Ket Chin Center for Systems Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital.)

“Unfortunately, in many low- and middle-income countries, [breast cancer] diagnosis often takes an extraordinarily long time—up to a few months—due to a lack of specialists and limited laboratory infrastructure,” Hyungsoon Im, PhD, Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School and one of the researchers involved in the project, told United Press International (UPI).

“From a public health aspect, it is critically important to develop new diagnostic methods that overcome these barriers,” he added.

Because FNA testing is less invasive than surgical biopsy collection, it has fewer complications and is generally considered safe. Thus, it is “feasible to be performed even in resource-limiting settings at much lower costs,” Im told UPI. “This could lead to earlier treatment and accelerate new drug testing in clinical trials.”

CytoPAN Testing and Additional Trials

The researchers tested CytoPAN on 68 breast cancer patients in South Korea.

“To determine the clinical utility of the approach,” they wrote in the published study, “we next conducted a prospective clinical study in which the FNA could be directly compared to conventional pathology results. We enrolled treatment-native patients at the Kyungpook National University Chilgok Hospital (Daegu, South Korea) and who were referred for primary surgery. All patients consented to have a preoperative breast FNA before clinically indicated surgery. The breast masses were visualized by ultrasound or computed tomography, and a coaxial needle was introduced through which FNA samples (CytoPAN) and core biopsies were obtained. Surgical specimens and/or core biopsies were processed by routine pathology and served as the gold standard.”

The CytoPAN platform detected the presence of breast cancer cells with a 100% accuracy, using as few as 50 harvested cells per collected specimen.

The test also successfully identified two key breast cancer biomarkers:

 “We are also preparing additional trials in the US and other countries,” Im told UPI. “The success in those trials will (hopefully) accelerate … widespread adoption of the technology.”

The researchers are currently testing CytoPAN on a larger number of patients in Botswana, with funding from the US federal National Institutes of Health (NIH).

According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), approximately 300,000 individuals are diagnosed with breast cancer annually in the US. The Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) states on their website that, globally, there are more than two million new cases of breast cancer diagnosed each year. And more than 600,000 people died from breast cancer worldwide in 2018. A disproportionate number of those deaths occurred in developing countries that have limited resources to diagnose and treat the disease.

Additional Research for Other Applications in Cancer Testing and Pathology

The new CytoPAN technology requires minimal training, according to the researchers, and only costs about $5 per test kit. This is substantially less expensive than the price associated with other tests available on the market, UPI noted.

Though additional research and clinical trials are needed before CytoPAN will be available for widespread clinical use, a cost-effective, relatively non-invasive test that can accurately diagnose cancer within an hour would be transformational for anatomic pathology and, potentially, could save many lives.

—JP Schlingman

Related Information:

CytoPAN—Portable Cellular Analyses for Rapid Point-of-care Cancer Diagnosis

System Provides ‘Faster, Less Invasive’ Method for Breast Cancer Detection

Cheap, Fast Breast Cancer Test 100% Accurate, Study Finds

Coveted Blue Horseshoe Crab Blood is Keeping COVID-19 Vaccinations Free of Deadly Endotoxins, But Demand for This Blood Could Have Implications for Supply of Certain Clinical Laboratory Tests

Pathologists may be interested to learn that though a substitute for horseshoe crab blood has been available for nearly 20 years, it has not been widely adopted in the US

Since the 1970s, the blue blood of the horseshoe crab has saved countless human lives by detecting deadly toxins in medical products, as well as its use in a number of medical laboratory tests. Now, that unique blood is playing a vital role in the fight against COVID-19 as well, by enabling pharma companies to ensure the coronavirus vaccines they are giving are free of bacterial contaminants—such as endotoxins—that can harm or kill patients.

Microbiologists and clinical laboratory scientists are familiar with the Endotoxin Activity Assay (EAA), which uses LAL as a way to detect if a critically-ill patient may have whole blood endotoxemia. Published studies show that the detection of elevated endotoxin activity levels is associated with an increased disease severity in patients with sepsis and septic shock.

Horseshoe crab blood is an opaque blue color due to its high copper content. The blood contains limulus amebocyte lysate or LAL (pronounced “el-ay-el”), which either clots or changes color in the presence of bacterial endotoxins. LAL has become the standard to test the safety of many medical devices and pharmaceuticals—including coronavirus vaccines. There are currently no other tests that can analyze the purity of medications and cleanliness of medical devices with the same accuracy as the LAL test.

“The crabs live only on the east coasts of Asia and North America,” Yahoo News reported. “The world’s largest population of American horseshoes winters off Maryland shores and spawns each spring in Delaware Bay. The latest trawl survey puts this population at more than 14 million mature crabs.”

Futuristic Clean Rooms for Extracting Blood

After the crabs are dredged from the ocean floor, or captured as they come ashore for breeding, they are transported to one of a handful of facilities authorized to perform the bleeding process. Once there, the horseshoe crabs are cleaned and sterilized, suspended upside down, and inserted with a needle which extracts approximately one third of their blood.

“These things are being produced in ‘clean rooms’ that look like the stuff they make microchips in,” Glenn Gauvry, Founder and President of the Ecological Research and Development Group Inc. (ERDG) told Yahoo News. ERDG is a 501(c)3 non-profit wildlife conservation organization. Its primary focus is the conservation of the world’s four horseshoe crab species.

bleeding horseshoe crabs in a laboratory for covid-19 testing chemicals
In futuristic-looking labs (above), technicians withdraw the prized blood cells from the tubular heart of the crab and then spin the blood in a centrifuge to isolate the LAL. The resulting product is then sold as endotoxin test kits to pharmaceutical companies that test medical and clinical laboratory supplies, including COVID-19 vaccines. (Photo copyright: Popular Mechanics.)

Certain laboratory tests developed from horseshoe crab blood are used to detect bacterial contamination in everything from heart stents, saline drips, and flu shots, to surgical implants such as pacemakers and prosthetic devices.

Federal law mandates that any medical device that is inserted or injected into a human body must pass the LAL test for contamination. This makes horseshoe crab blood vital for ensuring the new COVID-19 vaccinations are free of potentially-deadly toxins.

“Without LAL, you’re not going to be able to produce the billions of inoculations that are going to have to come about to handle this pandemic,” John Tanacredi, PhD, Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Department of Biology, Chemistry and Environmental Studies at Molloy College, told CBS News.

A $60 Million/Year Industry

Once the LAL has been withdrawn, the crabs are returned to the wild. The horseshoe crabs typically spend one to three days in the lab while the LAL is extracted. They can survive out of water for up to four days, as long as their gills stay moist.

The crabs are then returned to the fishermen who originally caught them, to be gently placed back into the sea. “We treat these crabs like babies,” Yahoo News reported one fisherman saying. “Blue bloods save lives,” said another fisherman.

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission estimates that in 2019 labs extracted blood from approximately 640,000 horseshoe crabs in the US. Researchers estimate the industry makes about $60 million per year and that the coveted blue blood is worth about $60,000 per gallon, Yahoo News reported.

There are only four labs in the US authorized to extract blood from the horseshoe crabs. They are located in Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, and Cape Cod. In Maryland, only three trawlers hold permits to catch the horseshoe crabs from the waters surrounding that state.

“We have a 450 million-year-old creature that for the last 45 years has improved the safety of medicines for humans and animals,” John Dubczak, Director of Operations at Charles River Laboratories, told CBS News.

Allen Burgenson, Global Subject Matter Expert-Testing Solutions, Lonza Walkersville, a division of Lonza Bioscience, told Yahoo News “the [pharmaceutical] industry produces enough tests in one day to screen five billion doses of coronavirus vaccine.”

Synthetic Substitute for Horseshoe Crab Blood Available, But Not Widely Used in US

In response to pressure from conservation groups, researchers in Singapore successfully cloned the blood of horseshoe crabs and developed a synthetic test for endotoxins. The synthetic test, known as Recombinant Factor C (rFC), has been commercially available since 2003 and in some countries in Europe is accepted as equal to tests using horseshoe crab blood. However, rFC has not yet been approved for widespread use in the US.

“You’ve got a very large, biomedical bleeding industry with a vested interest in keeping those horseshoes crabs coming in and basically protecting this monopoly,” Ryan Phelan, co-founder and Executive Director of Revive and Restore, a wildlife conservation group based in California that lobbied for the synthetic, told Yahoo News.

In 2017, Dark Daily reported on the potential threat to horseshoe crabs due to blood harvesting. In “Medical Laboratories Could Be Threatening the Survival of Horseshoe Crabs,” we noted growing concerns that the biomedical industry was having a negative impact on the horseshoe crab population. Since then, not much movement has been made toward establishing the synthetic as the standard test in the US.

Recombinant Factor C might eventually eliminate the need to harvest blood from living creatures. But for now, horseshoe crabs continue to provide a critical component for safeguarding humans against contaminants in medical supplies and pharmaceuticals, including COVID-19 vaccinations.

According to Dubczak, the LAL test “has unequivocally elevated the quality and safety of injectable pharmaceutical drugs and medical devices, and that includes all of the vaccines that protect us,” he told USA Today.

—JP Schlingman

Related Information:

How the Coronavirus Vaccine Relies on Maryland’s Strangest Fishery: Horseshoe Crabs

Horseshoe Crabs have a Vital Role in the Development of a Coronavirus Vaccine. Here’s Why

Horseshoe Crabs Help Keep Vaccines Safe. Now, They’re in Big Trouble

Endotoxin Activity Assay for the Detection of Whole Blood Endotoxemia in Critically Ill Patients

The Atlantic Horseshoe Crab and COVID-19

USP Provides Guidelines for Recombinant Factor C (rFC) a Non-animal-derived Reagent Critical to Development of Vaccines and other Sterile Pharmaceutical Products

Horseshoe Crab Anatomy

Why This Crab’s Blood Could Save Your Life

Saving the Horseshoe Crab: A Synthetic Alternative to Horseshoe Crab Blood for Endotoxin Detection

Medical Laboratories Could Be Threatening the Survival of Horseshoe Crabs
