‘Stormram 4’ fits inside MRI bore and enables ‘nearly real-time imaging guidance’ to achieve sub-millimeter precision in reaching targets
Cancer surgeons perform an estimated 1.7 breast biopsies each year, according to the American Association of Preferred Provider Organizations. This makes the procedure a significant proportion of cases referred to anatomic pathologists. This surgery, however, is time-consuming and not always accurate due to shortcomings in existing surgical technology and to human error.
Now, a 3D-printed MRI-guided robotic biopsy system under development by researchers in the Netherlands may change how biopsies are performed and lead to more accurate biopsies and breast cancer diagnoses. Successful conclusion to this research could impact surgical pathology and medical laboratories worldwide.
“The Stormram 4 is a stimulus for the entire diagnostic phase of breast cancer,” the University of Twente (UT) stated in a press release. “Medical robotics is sure to become standard procedure in hospitals in the near future.”
The robotic system, dubbed Stormram 4, would be used to remove biological specimens during an MRI scan, not unlike today’s current biopsy procedures. However, the robotic system allows for sub-millimeter precision control of a single, thin biopsy needle.
The Stormram 4 (above) breast biopsy robot, developed by researchers at the University of Twente in The Netherlands, is constructed of 3D-printed plastic that is driven by rectilinear and curved air-pressure motors. This allows it to fit inside an MRI scanner’s narrow tunnel and operate while an MRI scan is taking place. Early research indicates that this device might make it possible to more precisely biopsy breast cancer tissue during surgery, thus improving the quality of the biopsies referred to anatomic pathologists. Click on the photo above to see a video of the robot in action. (Photo copyright: University of Twente.)
Billed as the world’s smallest 3D-printed biopsy robot, Stormram 4 offers major advantages over conventional MRI-navigated biopsy techniques, according to Groenhuis. The robot offers sub-millimeter precision, which was achieved during tests conducted on models of breasts.
“The manual MRI-guided breast biopsy procedure is time-consuming and ineffective,” Groenhuis told Digital Trends. “It uses a thick needle, extracting large tissue samples, often in multiple attempts, to extract a representative biopsy sample.”
In contrast, he explained, “The robotic system can manipulate the needle more precisely toward target coordinates of the lesion inside the body, on the first attempt. This will improve the accuracy of the biopsy procedure compared to the current manual practice. Secondly, the needle insertion can be performed inside the MRI scanner itself, so that the needle can be followed under nearly real-time imaging guidance. The required time to perform the biopsy is also shorter, allowing more effective use of the MRI scanner facilities.”
Building a Robot Compatible with MRI Environment
Creating a robotic system that would be compatible with an MRI machine was the first hurdle researchers had to overcome. It meant metallic materials could not be used within the magnetic chamber of the MRI scanner. Researchers turned to 3D printing to create the Stormram 4 entirely from plastic. And they powered the system using “rectilinear and curved air pressure motors.”
“Current robotic systems cannot be used inside the MRI due to the high magnetic field,” Groenhuis explained in the Digital Trends article, “and therefore we initiated the development of an MRI-compatible robotic system for breast biopsy.”
It took several attempts to build a version of Stormram that would fit inside an MRI bore. The fourth iteration succeeded. Operators control the robot using five-meter-long air pipes operated from outside of the scanner to prevent the metal air valves used to drive the robot from interfering with the scan.
Though the device is in its final stage of development, Groenhuis told Digital Trends the Stormram 4 will need several years of additional development and trials to receive regulatory approval.
Robotics Expected to Improve Surgical Outcomes
Stormram 4 recently won a prestigious award in the 2017 Surgical Robotic Challenge at the international Hamlyn Symposium in London, the university noted in its press release. But the Stormram 4 is not the only surgical robot making headlines. MRI-compatible surgical robots offer the promise of becoming revolutionary tools as researchers develop machines to improve a range of surgical outcomes.
These and other technology breakthroughs are changing the practice of surgical pathology. Consequently, clinical laboratories and In Vitro diagnostics (IVD) developers should expect be impacted as well.
Scientists with Francis Crick Institute and Ragon Institute have successfully created human antibodies in vitro that can be made to recognize specific antigens in the human body; Could lead to new treatments for cancer and other infectious diseases
It’s been long-recognized that the ability to design human antibodies customized to recognize specific antigens could be a game-changer in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. It would enable the creation of useful new clinical laboratory tests, vaccines, and similar therapeutic modalities.
Now an international research team has published the findings of its novel technique that was developed to generate human antibodies in vitro. The research was conducted at the Ragon Institute of Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Harvard, and the Francis Crick Institute in London.
Antibodies and antigens are used in a large number of clinical laboratory and anatomic pathology tests and assays. In many cases, animal antibodies/antigens are used in test kits because they attract and bind to specific human antibodies/antigens that are biomarkers for diagnoses. Thus, as this technology is validated and further developed, it could be the source of useful biomarkers for lab tests as well as for vaccines.
Antibodies—also referred to as immunoglobulins—are made by the body’s B-lymphocytes (B cells) in response to antigens, such as bacteria, viruses, or other harmful substances. Each antibody has a special bearing on a particular antigen. For example, the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antibody and HIV antigen (p24) test screens and diagnoses people for HIV infection, explained LabTestsOnline.
Many medical laboratory tests use animal antibodies and antigens. But what if human antibodies could be generated and stimulated to recognize specific human antigens? That’s what the researchers believe they have done, according to a press release.
The Ragon Institute at MGH, MIT, and Harvard (above) was established in 2009 to find an HIV vaccine and to be a worldwide leader in the study of immunology. The Francis Crick Institute, formed in 2015, is a biomedical research institute using biology to understand health and disease. (Photo copyright: The Ragon Institute.)
The researchers know the novel technique they developed for generating human antibodies in vitro needs further development and validation. If this happens, the technique could one day be the source of useful biomarkers for medical lab tests, and may be a way to prevent infectious diseases.
“Specifically, it should allow the production of these antibodies within a shorter time frame in vitro and without the need for vaccination or blood/serum donation from recently infected or vaccinated individuals,” said Facundo D. Batista, PhD, in the press release. Batista is Principle Investigator with the Ragon Institute and led the research teams. “In addition, our method offers the potential to accelerate the development of new vaccines by allowing the efficient evaluation of candidate target antigens.”
Researchers Aim to Make Human Antibodies in Medical Laboratory
This international team of researchers sought to replicate in the lab—using patient blood samples—a natural human process for creation of antibodies from B cells. This is the process they wished to replicate:
· Antibodies are made by the body’s B cells;
· An antigen molecule is recognized by a B cell;
· Plasma cells (able to secrete antibodies) develop;
· An antibody binds to a particular antigen to fight an infection.
“B lymphocytes (B cells) play a critical role in adaptive immunity, providing protection from pathogens through the production of specific antibodies. B cells recognize and respond to pathogen-derived antigens through surface B cell receptors,” the researchers wrote in The Journal of Experimental Medicine (JEM).
Nanoparticles Key to the Approach
But finding an exact antigen is only one part of the B cell’s job. In the lab, B cells also need a trigger that enables them to grow and develop into plasma cells, which are key to fighting disease, the researchers noted.
“The in vitro activation of B cells in an antigen-dependent manner is difficult to achieve,” the authors stated in the JEM. “To overcome limitations, we developed a novel in vitro strategy to stimulate human B cells with streptavidin nanoparticles conjugated to both CpG and antigen. B cells producing antigen-specific antibodies were identified, quantified, and characterized to determine the antibody repertoire.”
According to the press release, “CpG oligonucleotides internalize into B cells that recognize the specific antigen.”
The statement, which garnered worldwide attention, noted the following steps taken by the researchers:
· B cells from patient blood samples were isolated;
· Then, they were treated with tiny nanoparticles coated with both CpG oligonucleotides and the right antigen;
· These DNA molecules are unique, because they can activate toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9);
· TLR9 develops into antibody-secreting plasma cells.
Results: Antibodies for Tetanus, Influenza, HIV
This method, according to the scientists, could be used in further research to develop antibodies to treat infectious diseases and cancer.
· “The team successfully demonstrated their approach using various bacterial and viral antigens, including the tetanus toxoid and proteins from several strains of influenza A;
· “In each case, the researchers were able to produce specific, high-affinity antibodies in just a few days. Some of the anti-influenza antibodies generated by the technique recognized multiple strains of the virus and were able to neutralize its ability to infect cells;
· “The procedure does not depend on the donors having been previously exposed to any of these antigens through vaccination or infection; and,
· “Researchers were able to generate anti-HIV antibodies from B cells isolated from HIV-free patients.”
Research Suggests More Possibilities
While this highly scientific study may not be on the radar of most anatomic pathologists and medical laboratory leaders at the moment, it holds enormous promise to produce cures for infectious disease and more effective cancer treatments. This research project also demonstrates how new techniques using antibodies have the potential to create an entirely new generation of clinical laboratory assays that improve diagnostic accuracy and better inform physicians when they consider the most appropriate therapies for their patients.
Recognizing the need to serve patients with high-deductible health plans, hospital systems are opening healthcare centers in outpatient settings where patients can receive care and undergo procedures—including clinical laboratory tests—more conveniently and for less cost
Health systems are putting medical imaging services, such as MRIs, in strip malls and shopping centers as a way to make it easier for patients. Such locations can also offer lower-cost procedures because of lower overhead compared to imaging centers located in hospitals. This trend to offer patients more convenient service at a lower cost is something that clinical laboratory managers and pathologists should watch and understand.
One driver behind this trend is the growing number of Americans enrolled in High Deductible Health Plans (HDHPs), where deductibles can exceed $6,000 for individuals and $12,000 for families. With such high deductibles, patients are now keenly focused on the cost of their healthcare. Medical laboratories and anatomic pathology groups have been impacted by this trend, as more patients shell out cash to pay for walk-in procedures and providers must collect full payments for services rendered.
Hospitals and health systems recognize the increased demand for outpatient, lower-priced medical services, along with price transparency. Patients with HDHPs are one reason why hospital bad debt is growing.
Healthcare Shopping Drives Lower Costs and Convenience
Price shopping on the Internet for medical services also is becoming more popular due to the availability of online doctor and facility ratings and easily-accessible price comparisons.
There are more than 7,000 stand-alone imaging centers in the US that operate independently of hospitals. About 70% of diagnostic imaging services occur in hospital settings with the other 30% performed in outpatient facilities.
According to Amino, a healthcare transparency company based in San Francisco, the cost for an MRI can vary significantly depending on where a patient lives and what type of facility is utilized for the test. Their research found that the cost of a limb MRI can range from hundreds of dollars at a freestanding facility to as much as $4,000 at a hospital. In some states, the price difference between getting an MRI at a hospital versus a stand-alone facility was almost $2,000. The average cost of having an MRI performed in a hospital setting is $2600.
Based on data from Amino, the graphic above illustrates the wide range of prices for MRIs throughout the country, and the cost disparity between hospital and free-standing medical imaging centers. In the future, pathologists and clinical laboratory managers can expect to see the publication of similar graphs that show the variation in the cost of clinical laboratory tests and anatomic pathology procedures, not just by state, but by individual laboratories. (Graphic copyright: MBO.)
Smart Choice MRI, based in Mequon, Wis., charges a maximum price of $600 for an MRI. The company now has 17 locations in Illinois, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, but plans to have 90 facilities within the next three years.
“The rise of high deductible health plans has fueled consumers who understand their options and demand a higher level of service from their providers,” Rick Anderson, Chief Executive Officer of Smart Choice MRI told the StarTribune. “Quality, service-focused care at a fair, transparent price has never been more important.”
Anderson added that his company can handle 94% of MRI procedures in their convenient, freestanding imaging facilities.
“I think the quality is very good, but we’ve combined the cost and quality, and most importantly the convenience of being in the neighborhood where people are shopping,” Anderson said. “If you look at our Richfield (Minnesota) location, we’re literally next to SuperTarget, Caribou Coffee, Noodles and Company, and Qdoba.”
Public and Private Health Insurers Shift Payments to Free-standing Facilities
Anthem recently announced they will no longer pay for outpatient MRIs and CT scans performed at hospitals in almost all of the states where the health insurer does business. They are requiring patients to have the tests performed in free-standing imaging facilities in an effort to cut costs and lower premiums. This change could affect 4.5 million people in 13 of the 14 states Anthem serves, with New Hampshire being the exception.
Diagnostic imaging is not the only medical service transitioning to outpatient facilities.
In July, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that it is considering payment approval for total hip and knee replacements performed in outpatient settings. This change could go into effect as early as next year.
According to Steve Miller, Chief Operating Officer at Ambulatory Surgery Center Association, an estimated 25-50% of joint replacements could be performed on an outpatient basis.
“There’s more and more comfort among surgeons who are coming out of residencies where they trained to do surgeries on an outpatient basis,” Miller told Modern Healthcare. “The volumes are doubling year over year.”
Surgeons Approve of Free-standing Surgery Centers
There are currently more than 5,500 ambulatory surgery centers in the country and upwards of 200 of those facilities are performing outpatient joint replacement procedures. Three years ago, there were only around 25 facilities providing these services.
In 2015, there were more than 658,000 total hip and knee replacements performed on Medicare beneficiaries, according to CMS data. In 2014, the government paid more than $7 billion for the hospitalization costs of these two procedures. The CMS estimates that the cost for uncomplicated knee replacement surgeries in 2018 will be $12,381 for an inpatient procedure and $9,913 for the outpatient rate.
Physicians feel that performing joint replacements in outpatient facilities could reduce costs by up to 50%.
“I could do maybe 20% of my Medicare patients on an outpatient basis, as long as they have the support and structure at home to help them recover,” said Matthew Weresh, MD, a physician at Des Moines Orthopedic Surgeons (DMOS) in the Modern Healthcare article. “It’s a great move by Medicare.” DMOS plans to begin performing joint replacements at an ambulatory surgery center later this year.
Pathologists would be wise to monitor this trend and anticipate how anatomic pathology services might shift towards lower-cost settings. For clinical laboratories, this trend further illustrates the need to prepare for more consumers paying cash for their medical services and seeking cost-effective, high-quality options.
Digital Therapeutics combined with clinical laboratory oversight testing could help chronic disease patients avoid surgeries and expensive drug therapies
One area of technology that has fundamentally changed the healthcare industry involves mobile devices. But those early “wellness” tools have evolved. Today’s modern mobile health devices feature software applications (apps) designed to remotely treat chronic conditions by helping modify patient behavior, as well as monitoring drug intake and physical condition biomarkers. These devices are dubbed “Digital Therapeutics,” and they present opportunities for anatomic pathology groups and clinical laboratories.
For if mobile apps are going to be used to monitor patients’ adherence to therapy—including prescription drugs—there will be a need for clinical laboratory tests that work in harmony with these apps. Otherwise, how will providers and insurers know for certain patients’ biomarkers have improved or regressed?
Massive Investments in Digital Therapeutics Companies
Today’s digital therapeutics (AKA, software for drugs) can be tailor to specific treatments of chronic conditions, such as:
· diabetes mellitus;
· cardiovascular disease;
· hypertension; and,
· chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Forbes states that the “future of healthcare will be app based.” That seem likely given the massive influx of capital being directed at the mobile healthcare industry.
The graphic above is taken from a 2015 report by PricewaterhouseCoopers Health Research Institute (PwC), which sourced the data from the 2014 clinician workforce and consumer surveys. Since then, the demand for mHealth products has increased exponentially. Today’s digital therapeutics market includes clinical laboratory and pathology group treatments and drug therapies. (Graphic copyright: PwC.)
The global digital therapeutics market is projected to grow to about $9 billion by 2025. That’s up from $1.7 billion last year, according to a report by Grand View Research. Driving the popularity of digital therapeutics are the benefits it affords patients, explained the report’s summary. They include:
· Continuous monitoring of vital signs;
· Medication management; and,
· Current healthcare reminders.
This is where pathologists and clinical laboratories come in. The medical laboratory can be the source for baseline blood tests before apps are used. And then, ongoing testing can determine if patients are taking drugs according to treatment guidelines and making the appropriate lifestyle changes.
Start-ups Raise Millions, Define Digital Therapeutics Space
One unique aspect of digital therapeutics is its ability to promote health improvements through behavioral changes alone. And millions are being invested in the concept.
For example, Virta Health Corp. raised $37 million in funding for an app that coaches diabetics on a diet to reverse their condition without drugs or surgery, according to MIT Technology Review.
“[Digital therapeutics] is still a fluid space that everyone is trying to categorize,” Peter Hames, co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Big Health noted in the MIT Technology Review article. Among other programs, Big Health developed Sleepio, a sleep improvement program or insomnia app. Hames says most apps fall into two categories: “medication augmentation” or “medication replacement.”
Omada Health secured $127 million to conduct a clinical trial with Humana that investigates prediabetes, noted Forbes.
The study findings, which appeared in the Journal of Aging and Health, suggest that Omada Health’s digital behavior change program can help people to reduce chronic disease risk, noted a Humana news release.
The study involved Humana Medicare Advantage insurance members, who were enrolled in Omada Health’s Diabetes Prevention Program. The app enabled them to partake in online courses, use wireless scales, and tap other digital health tools as they worked to improve health and reduce risk of type 2 diabetes. Human coaches also were accessible.
“Few efforts have explored the feasibility and effectiveness of using technology to deliver diabetes prevention programs specifically for older adults,” the study researchers wrote.
According to the researchers:
· 501 people with average weight of 208 pounds participated;
· Hour-long lessons were made available and expected to be completed by smartphone, laptop, or tablet;
· Coaches monitored the information participants provided and their requests for counseling;
· 92% of participants completed at least nine of the 16 core online courses, which focused on topics such as changing food habits and increasing physical activities;
· People lost 7.5% of body weight after 12 months, or 13 to 14 lbs.;
· A subsample (69 individuals) who had lab tests performed improved glucose control as evidenced by a -0.14% reduction in glycosylated hemoglobin, and a decrease of -7.08 mg/dL in total cholesterol.
“These results support the clinical validity of the program with Medicare-eligible, at risk older adults. They are added evidence that chronic disease risk reduction is achievable through a variety of modalities, including digital-based programs with human coaching,” the researchers noted.
And because digital therapeutics amasses data that can be leveraged, Omada Health’s program acts as a “continuous learning system,” Sean Duffy, Omada Health’s co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, noted in Undark.
App Tracks People After Heart Attack
Johns Hopkins Medicine’s Corrie Health app is aimed at helping patients recover from heart attacks. A study at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center in Baltimore explored the effectiveness of app-enabled information and resources made available to patients early in the heart attack recovery process, according to Corrie Health’s Website.
Results from the clinical study of 50 patients show no one was readmitted to hospital in the first 30 days, Undark reported.
“We can actually enroll patients who are six or seven hours out of having a stent placed in the ICU. We’re giving [the Corrie Health app] to patients when they have the time to spend watching the videos and asking questions about their medications … We’re getting them to buy-in and learn the skills while they care the most,” Francoise Marvel, MD, an internist affiliated with Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, told Undark.
A Role for Medical Laboratories
So, is there a role for medical laboratories where digital therapeutics are being used? We think so. Pathologists and lab leaders may even want to reach out to venture capitalists working on mobile apps that combine adherence to therapies with medical lab tests.
As our population ages and the shortage of physicians becomes more evident, digital therapeutics may be a smart way to address select patient needs in a quality and cost-effective manner.
Proof-of-concept research investigates whether photoacoustic imaging can be used in place of traditional tissue staining procedures during cancer surgery to determine if all of the tumor has been removed
Determining where breast cancer ends and healthy tissue begins is a critical part of breast cancer surgery. Surgeons are used to working closely during surgery with anatomic pathologists who generate pathology reports that specify the surgical or tumor margin, an area of healthy tissue surrounding a tumor that also must be excised to ensure none of the tumor is left behind. This helps prevent the need for follow-up surgeries and involves quick work on the part of medical laboratories.
Thus, any technology that renders such a pathology report unnecessary, though a boon to surgeons and patients, would impact labs and pathology groups. However, such a technology may soon exist for surgeons to use during breast cancer surgery.
Assessing Tumor Margin with Light During Surgery
A proof-of-concept study undertaken by researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis (WUSTL) and California Institute of Technology (Caltech) has been looking at ways photoacoustic and microscopy technologies could enable surgeons to quickly and accurately assess the tumor margin during breast cancer surgeries. The research suggests it could be possible for surgeons to get answers about critical breast tumor margins without employing a clinical laboratory test.
This new technique based on light and sound uses photoacoustic imaging. The researchers scanned a tumor sample and produced images with enough detail to show whether the tumor was completely removed during surgery, a WUSTL news release explained.
The researchers scanned slices of tumors secured from three breast cancer patients. They also compared their results to stained specimens.
The photoacoustic images matched the stained samples in key features, according to the WUSTL news release. And the new technology produced answers in less time than standard analysis techniques. But more research is needed before photoacoustic imaging is used during surgeries, researchers noted.
“This is proof of concept that we can use photoacoustic imaging on breast tissue and get images that look similar to traditional staining methods without any sort of tissue processing,” Novack added.
A new imaging technique based on light and sound produces images doctors can use to distinguish cancerous breast tissue (below the dotted blue line) from normal tissue more quickly than is currently possible. The new technique (right) produces images as detailed and accurate as traditional methods (left) but in less time, according to the researchers. If such technology were eventually approved for clinical use, it would reduce the need for pathologists to analyze frozen sections while a patient was still in surgery. (Caption and photo copyright: WUSTL/Terence T. W. Wong.)
Once ready, this technology may well change how surgeons and pathologists collaborate to treat breast cancer patients and those with other chronic diseases that include growths that must be excised from the body.
Current Pathology Procedures Take Time, Not Always Useful During Cancer Surgery
At present, standard breast cancer operation procedures involve surgical and pathology teams working simultaneously while the breast cancer patient is in surgery.
Excised tissue is frozen (surrounded by a polyethylene glycol solution), sliced into wafers, stained with a dye, and microscopically analyzed by the pathologist in the clinical laboratory to determine if all cancerous tissue has been removed by the surgeon.
“The procedure takes about 10 to 20 minutes. However, freezing of tissue can result in some distortion of cells and some staining artifact. That is why frozen sections are often preliminary—with a final diagnosis based on routine processing of tissue,” according to LabTestsOnline.
Additionally, fatty breast specimens do not make good frozen sections, which requires surgeons to complete procedures uncertain about whether they removed all of the cancer, the researchers noted.
“Right now, we don’t have a good method to assess margins during breast cancer surgeries,” stated Rebecca Aft, MD, PhD, Professor of Surgery at WUSTL and co-senior study author.
Up to 60% of Breast Cancer Patients Require Follow-up Surgeries
More than 250,000 people in the US are diagnosed with breast cancer each year, and about 180,000 elect to undergo surgery to remove the cancer and preserve healthy breast tissue, WUSTL reported. However, between 20% to 60% of patients learn later they need more surgery to have additional tissue removed when follow-up lab analyses suggest tumor cells were evident on the surface of a tissue sample, Caltech noted in a news release.
“What if we could get rid of the waiting? With three-dimensional photoacoustic microscopy, we could analyze the tumor right in the operating room and know immediately whether more tissue needs to be removed,” noted Lihong Wang, PhD, Professor of Medical Engineering and Electrical Engineering in Caltech’s Division of Engineering and Applied Science. Wang conducted research when he was a Professor of Biomedical Engineering at University of Washington’s School of Engineering and Applied Science.
“Currently, no intraoperative tools can microscopically analyze the entire lumpectomy specimen. To address this critical need, we have laid the foundation for the development of a device that could allow accurate intraoperative margin assessment,” the study authors penned in Science Advances.
What is Photoacoustic Imaging and How Does it Work?
Photoacoustic imaging’s laser pulses create acoustic waves within tissue, which make way for intraoperative images with enough detail to expose cancerous tissue as compared to healthy tissue, explained a Medgadget article.
The graphic above shows elements of the photoacoustic microscopy system for surgical margin imaging developed by researchers at University of Washington School of Medicine in St. Louis and California Institute of Technology. (Photo Credit: Science Advances)
According to the Caltech news release:
· Photoacoustic imaging (also called photoacoustic microscopy or PAM by the researchers) employs a low energy laser that vibrates a tissue sample;
· Researchers measure ultrasonic waves emitted by the vibrating tissue;
· Photoacoustic microscopy reveals the size of nuclei, which vibrate more intensely than nearby material;
· Larger nuclei and densely packed cells characterize cancer tissue.
“It’s the pattern of cells—their growth pattern, their size, their relationship to one another—that tells us if this is normal tissue or something malignant,” said Deborah Novack, MD, PhD, WUSTL Associate Professor of Medicine, Pathology, and Immunology, and co-senior author on the study.
Whether in surgical suites or emergency departments, technological advancements continue to bring critical information to healthcare providers at the point of care, bypassing traditional medical laboratory procedures that cost more and take longer to return answers. Successful development of this technology would create new clinical collaborations between surgeons and anatomic pathologists while improving patient care.
It’s all about convenience and offering consumers multiple services at a single location. That’s why certain clinical laboratory tests will soon be offered at CVS Health Minute Clinics
As predicted, operators of rapid clinics located in retail pharmacies and other retail stories are adding additional clinical services. In the case of CVS Health, it recently announced plans to add certain clinical laboratory testing services to its Minute Clinic locations.
Consumer demand is driving these decisions. After all, who doesn’t want to save time and money these days? Combining errands into as few trips as possible means getting more at each location. This imperative drove big-box stores Walmart (NYSE:WMT) and Target (NYSE:TGT) to combine their household lines with grocery products all under one roof, and customers loved it!
Thus, it was no surprise when pharmacy chains got in on the act by adding rapid care clinics to retail stores that already included health and beauty products, pharmaceuticals, and limited grocery items. This important trend has been written about by Dark Daily in previous e-briefings.
Now, during a second quarter earnings call, CVS Health revealed that they plan to expand their offerings at Minute Clinic locations to include services intended to help consumers manage chronic health conditions. The move could be considered part of the same trend—providing customers with more options at each visit. However, there’s more to it. The new services aim at empowering chronic disease suffers through population health management tools. For patients and caregivers of chronic disease patients, this could be quite beneficial.
But how will this impact medical laboratories and pathology groups, when patients realize they can employ tools that monitor their chronic conditions at convenient locations where they can likely fulfill other needs as well? Might this impinge on revenues from tests and specimen gathering procedures traditionally performed at clinical laboratories?
Demand for Low-Cost Quality Care Driving Growth in Retail Clinics
There are currently more than 1,100 Minute Clinics located inside CVS stores in 33 states and the District of Columbia. Headquartered in Woonsocket, R.I., CVS expects an escalation in the need for their Minute Clinic services due to:
· A shortage of primary care physicians;
· An increase in chronic diseases; and
· The aging US population.
CVS Health’s initial service offerings will help diabetes patients:
· Monitor glucose levels;
· Adhere to medication schedules, and,
· Modify their lifestyles through education.
During the next two years, CVS plans to add similar services at their Minute Clinic locations for other chronic conditions, including:
The Minute Clinics operate seven days a week, with half of their patients seen in the evenings and weekends—times when most traditional medical offices are closed. CVS Health plans to open an additional 150 Minute Clinic locations within the next year.
Patients waiting to be seen by nurse practitioner Marti Wolfson (right) at a Minute Clinic in La Mesa, CA. CVS announced that it will introduce certain clinical laboratory testing services to its chain of rapid care clinics located in CVS retail pharmacies. (Photo copyright: San Diego Union Tribune/John Gastaldo.)
According to a report from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Manatt Health Solutions, there are more than 1,800 retail clinics in the United States and CVS Minute Clinics hold more than 50% of the market. Access to walk-in appointments, convenience, extended hours of service, lower costs, and having no primary source of care are the most common reasons given by people who utilize services at the clinics.
Retail clinics account for 10.5 million healthcare visits annually, which represent about 2% of primary care encounters in the country. The number of retail clinics in the US increased by 900% between 2006 and 2014 and is expected to continue to climb.
According to AMN Healthcare research, the most common reasons for visits to the clinics include:
· Diagnosis and treatment of new illnesses and symptoms;
VA Now Referring Vets to Retail Clinics in Phoenix Area
In April, CVS Health, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and TriWest Healthcare Alliance joined forces to improve access to health services for veterans in the Phoenix area. This initiative allows healthcare professionals at the Phoenix VA to refer veterans to Minute Clinic for minor health conditions.
“This new public-private collaboration between CVS, TriWest, and the VA is an important step forward in enhancing choice and flexibility in veterans’ healthcare,” Senator John McCain noted in a CVS Health press release. “I’ve long believed that veterans in need of routine healthcare services should not have to wait in line for weeks to get an appointment when they can visit community health centers like Minute Clinic to receive timely and convenient care.”
Because of this collaboration, 120,000 veterans living in the Phoenix area may now receive care, when appropriate, at the 24 Minute Clinic locations in the metropolitan area.
“Our number one priority is getting veterans access to care when and where they need it. The launch of this partnership will enable VA to provide more care for veterans in their neighborhoods,” stated Baligh Yehia, MD, MPP, MSc, in the CVS Health press release. Yehia is Senior Medical Director at Johns Hopkins Medicine, and Deputy Undersecretary for Health at the US Department of Veterans Affairs.
As retail clinics become more popular a growing number of medical laboratory test samples that traditionally came from office-based physicians may originate from these clinics. Clinical laboratory outreach, physician support, and patient education programs have never been more critical.