Study findings could lead to new clinical laboratory testing biomarkers designed to assess for male infertility
Clinical laboratories are increasingly performing tests that have as their biomarkers the DNA and enzymes found in human microbiota. And microbiologists and epidemiologists know that like other environments within the human body, semen has its own microbiome. Now, a study conducted at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) has found that the health of semen microbiome may be linked to male infertility.
The UCLA researchers discovered a small group of microorganisms within semen that may impair the sperm’s motility (its ability to swim) and affect fertility.
A total of 73 individuals were included in the study. About half of the subjects were fertile and already had children, while the remaining men were under consultation for fertility issues.
“These are people who have been trying to get pregnant with their partner, and they’ve been unsuccessful,” Sriram Eleswarapu, MD, PhD, a urologist at UCLA and co-author of the study, told Scientific American. “This latter group’s semen samples had a lower sperm count or motility, both of which can contribute to infertility.”
“There is much more to explore regarding the microbiome and its connection to male infertility,” said Vadim Osadchiy, MD (above), a resident in the Department of Urology at UCLA and lead author of the study, in a UCLA news release. “However, these findings provide valuable insights that can lead us in the right direction for a deeper understanding of this correlation.” Might it also lead to new biomarkers for clinical laboratory testing for male infertility? (Photo copyright: UCLA.)
Genetic Sequencing Used to Identify Bacteria in Semen Microbiome
Most of the microbes present in the semen microbiome originate in the glands of the male upper reproductive tract, including the testes, seminal vesicles and prostate, and contribute various components to semen. “Drifter” bacteria that comes from urine and the urethra can also accumulate in the fluid during ejaculation. Microbes from an individual’s blood, or his partner’s, may also aggregate in semen. It is unknown how these bacteria might affect health.
“I would assume that there are bacteria that are net beneficial, that maybe secrete certain kinds of cytokines or chemicals that improve the fertility milieu for a person, and then there are likely many that have negative side effects,” Eleswarapu told Scientific American.
The scientists used genetic sequencing to identify different bacteria species present within the semen microbiome. They found five species that were common among all the study participants. But men with more of the microbe Lactobacillus iners (L. iners) were likelier to have impaired sperm motility and experience fertility issues.
This discovery was of special interest to the team because L. iners is commonly found in the vaginal microbiome. In females, high levels of L. iners are associated with bacterial vaginosis and have been linked to infertility in women. This is the first study that found a negative association between L. iners and male fertility.
The researchers plan to investigate specific molecules and proteins contained in the bacteria to find out whether they slow down sperm in a clinical laboratory situation.
“If we can identify how they exert that influence, then we have some drug targets,” Eleswarapu noted.
Targeting Bacteria That Cause Infertility
The team also discovered that three types of bacteria found in the Pseudomonas genus were present in patients who had both normal and abnormal sperm concentrations. Patients with abnormal sperm concentrations had more Pseudomonas fluorescens and Pseudomonas stutzeri and less Pseudomonas putida in their samples.
According to the federal National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), “one-third of infertility cases are caused by male reproductive issues, one-third by female reproductive issues, and the remaining one-third by both male and female reproductive issues or unknown factors.” Thus, learning more about how the semen microbiome may be involved in infertility could aid in the development of drugs that target specific bacteria.
“Our research aligns with evidence from smaller studies and will pave the way for future, more comprehensive investigations to unravel the complex relationship between the semen microbiome and fertility,” said urologist Vadim Osadchiy, MD, a resident in the Department of Urology at UCLA and lead author of the study, in a UCLA news release.
More research is needed. For example, it’s unclear if there are any links between the health of semen microbiome and other microbiomes that exist in the body, such as the gut microbiome, that cause infertility. Nevertheless, this research could lead to new biomarkers for clinical laboratory testing to help couples who are experiencing fertility issues.
HHS Office of Inspector General was the latest to examine the quality control problems that led to distribution of inaccurate test to clinical laboratories nationwide
Failure on the part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to produce accurate, dependable SARS-CoV-2 clinical laboratory test kits at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to draw scrutiny and criticism of the actions taken by the federal agency.
In the early weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic, the CDC distributed faulty SARS-CoV-2 test kits to public health laboratories (PHLs), delaying the response to the outbreak at a critical juncture. That failure was widely publicized at the time. But within the past year, two reports have provided a more detailed look at the shortcomings that led to the snafu.
“We identified weaknesses in CDC’s COVID-19 test kit development processes and the agencywide laboratory quality processes that may have contributed to the failure of the initial COVID-19 test kits,” the OIG stated in its report.
Prior to the outbreak, the agency had internal documents that were supposed to provide guidance for how to respond to public health emergencies. However, “these documents do not address the development of a test kit,” the OIG stated.
“If the CDC can’t change, [its] importance in health in the nation will decline,” said microbiologist Jill Taylor, PhD (above), Senior Adviser for the Association of Public Health Laboratories in Washington, DC. “The coordination of public health emergency responses in the nation will be worse off.” Clinical laboratories that were blocked from developing their own SARS-CoV-2 test during the pandemic would certainly agree. (Photo copyright: Columbia University.)
Problems at the CDC’s RVD Lab
Much of the OIG’s report focused on the CDC’s Respiratory Virus Diagnostic (RVD) lab which was part of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD). The RVD lab had primary responsibility for developing, producing, and distributing the test kits. Because it was focused on research, it “was not set up to develop and manufacture test kits and therefore had no policies and procedures for developing and manufacturing test kits,” the report stated.
The RVD lab also lacked the staff and funding to handle test kit development in a public health emergency, the report stated. As a result, “the lead scientist not only managed but also participated in all test kit development processes,” the report stated. “In addition, when the initial test kit failed at some PHLs, the lead scientist was also responsible for troubleshooting and correcting the problem.”
To verify the test kit, the RVD lab needed samples of viral material from the agency’s Biotechnology Core Facility Branch (BCFB) CORE Lab, which also manufactured reagents for the kit.
“RVD Lab, which was under pressure to quickly create a test kit for the emerging health threat, insisted that CORE Lab deviate from its usual practices of segregating these two activities and fulfill orders for both reagents and viral material,” the report stated.
This increased the risk of contamination, the report said. An analysis by CDC scientists “did not determine whether a process error or contamination was at fault for the test kit failure; however, based on our interviews with CDC personnel, contamination could not be ruled out,” the report stated.
The report also cited the CDC’s lack of standardized systems for quality control and management of laboratory documents. Labs involved in test kit development used two different incompatible systems for tracking and managing documents, “resulting in staff being unable to distinguish between draft, obsolete, and current versions of laboratory procedures and forms.”
Outside Experts Weigh In
The OIG report followed an earlier review by the CDC’s Laboratory Workgroup (LW), which consists of 12 outside experts, including academics, clinical laboratory directors, state public health laboratory directors, and a science advisor from the Association of Public Health Laboratories. Members were appointed by the CDC Advisory Committee to the Director.
This group cited four major issues:
Lack of adequate planning: For the “rapid development, validation, manufacture, and distribution of a test for a novel pathogen.”
Ineffective governance: Three labs—the RVD Lab, CORE Lab, and Reagent and Diagnostic Services Branch—were involved in test kit development and manufacturing. “At no point, however, were these three laboratories brought together under unified leadership to develop the SARS-CoV-2 test,” the report stated.
Poor quality control and oversight: “Essentially, at the start of the pandemic, infectious disease clinical laboratories at CDC were not held to the same quality and regulatory standards that equivalent high-complexity public health, clinical and commercial reference laboratories in the United States are held,” the report stated.
Poor test design processes: The report noted that the test kit had three probes designed to bind to different parts of the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid gene. The first two—N1 (topology) and N2 (intracellular localization)—were designed to match SARS-CoV-2 specifically, whereas the third—N3 (functions of the protein)—was designed to match all Sarbecoviruses, the family that includes SARS-CoV-2 as well as the coronavirus responsible for the 2002-2004 SARS outbreak.
The N1 probe was found to be contaminated, the group’s report stated, while the N3 probe was poorly designed. The report questioned the decision to include the N3 probe, which was not included in European tests.
Also lacking were “clearly defined pass/fail threshold criteria for test validation,” the report stated.
Advice to the CDC
Both reports made recommendations for changes at the CDC, but the LW’s were more far-reaching. For example, it advised the agency to establish a senior leader position “with major responsibility and authority for laboratories at the agency.” This individual would oversee a new Center that would “focus on clinical laboratory quality, laboratory safety, workforce training, readiness and response, and manufacturing.”
In addition, the CDC should consolidate its clinical diagnostic laboratories, the report advised, and “laboratories that follow a clinical quality management system should have separate technical staff and space from those that do not follow such a system, such as certain research laboratories.”
The report also called for collaboration with “high functioning public health laboratories, hospital and academic laboratories, and commercial reference laboratories.” For example, collaborating on test design and development “should eliminate the risk of a single point of failure for test design and validation,” the LW suggested.
CBS News reported in August that the CDC had already begun implementing some of the group’s suggestions, including agencywide quality standards and better coordination with state labs.
However, “recommendations for the agency to physically separate its clinical laboratories from its research laboratories, or to train researchers to uphold new quality standards, will be heavy lifts because they require continuous funding,” CBS News reported, citing an interview with Jim Pirkle, MD, PhD, Director, Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health, at the CDC.
Immunotherapy device could also enable clinical laboratories to receive in vivo biomarker data wirelessly
Researchers from Rice University in Houston and seven other states in the US are working on a new oncotherapy sense-and-respond implant that could dramatically improve cancer outcomes. Called Targeted Hybrid Oncotherapeutic Regulation (THOR), the technology is intended primarily for the delivery of therapeutic drugs by monitoring specific cancer biomarkers in vivo.
Through a $45 million federal grant from the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H), the researchers set out to develop an immunotherapy implantable device that monitors a patient’s cancer and adjusts antibody treatment dosages in real time in response to the biomarkers it measures.
It’s not a far stretch to envision future versions of the THOR platform also being used diagnostically to measure biomarker data and transmit it wirelessly to clinical laboratories and anatomic pathologists.
ARPH-A is a federal funding agency that was established in 2022 to support the development of high-impact research to drive biomedical and health breakthroughs. THOR is the second program to receive funding under its inaugural Open Broad Agency Announcement solicitation for research proposals.
“By integrating a self-regulated circuit, the THOR technology can adjust the dose of immunotherapy reagents based on a patient’s responses,” said Weiyi Peng, MD, PhD (above), Assistant Professor of Biology and Biochemistry at the University of Houston and co-principal investigator on the research, in a UH press release. “With this new feature, THOR is expected to achieve better efficacy and minimize immune-related toxicity. We hope this personalized immunotherapy will revolutionize treatments for patients with peritoneal cancers that affect the liver, lungs, and other organs.” If anatomic pathologists and clinical laboratories could receive biometric data from the THOR device, that would be a boon to cancer diagnostics. (Photo copyright: University of Houston.)
Antibody Therapy on Demand
Omid Veiseh, PhD, Associate Professor of Bioengineering at Rice University and principal investigator on the project, described the THOR device as a “living drug factory” inside the body. The device is a rod-like gadget that contains onboard electronics and a wireless rechargeable battery. It is three inches long and has a miniaturized bioreactor that contains human epithelial cells that have been engineered to produce immune modulating therapies.
“Instead of tethering patients to hospital beds, IV bags, and external monitors, we’ll use a minimally invasive procedure to implant a small device that continuously monitors their cancer and adjusts their immunotherapy dose in real time,” said Veiseh in a Rice University press release. “This kind of ‘closed-loop therapy’ has been used for managing diabetes, where you have a glucose monitor that continuously talks to an insulin pump.
But for cancer immunotherapy, it’s revolutionary.”
The team believes the THOR device will have the ability to monitor biomarkers and produce an antibody on demand that will trigger the immune system to fight cancer locally. They hope the sensor within THOR will be able to monitor biomarkers of toxicity for the purpose of fine-tuning therapies to a patient immediately in response to signals from a tumor.
“Today, cancer is treated a bit like a static disease, which it’s not,” Veiseh said. “Clinicians administer a therapy and then wait four to six weeks to do radiological measurements to see if the therapy is working. You lose quite a lot of time if it’s not the right therapy. The tumor may have evolved into a more aggressive form.”
The THOR device lasts 60 days and can be removed after that time. It is designed to educate the immune system to recognize a cancer and prevent it from recurring. If the cancer is not fully eradicated after the first implantation, the patient can be implanted with THOR again.
Use of AI in THOR Therapy
The researchers plan to spend the next two and a half years building prototypes of the THOR device, testing them in rodents, and refining the list of biomarkers to be utilized in the device. Then, they intend to take an additional year to establish protocols for the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) good manufacturing practices requirements, and to test the final prototype on large animals. The researchers estimate the first human clinical trials for the device will begin in about four years.
“The first clinical trial will focus on refractory recurrent ovarian cancer, and the benefit of that is that we have an ongoing trial for ovarian cancer with our encapsulated cytokine ‘drug factory’ technology,” said Veiseh in the UH press release.
The group is starting with ovarian cancer because research in this area is lacking and it will provide the opportunity for THOR to activate the immune system against ovarian cancer, which is typically challenging to fight with immunotherapy approaches. If successful in ovarian cancer, the researchers hope to test THOR in other cancers that metastasize within the abdomen, such as:
All control and decision-making will initially be performed by a healthcare provider based on signals transmitted by THOR using a computer or smartphone. However, Veiseh sees the device ultimately being powered by artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms that could independently make therapeutic decisions.
“As we treat more and more patients [with THOR], the devices are going to learn what type of biomarker readout better predicts efficacy and toxicity and make adjustments based on that,” he predicted. “Between the information you have from the first patient versus the millionth patient you treat, the algorithm is just going to get better and better.”
Moving Forward
In addition to UH and Rice University, scientists working on the project come from several institutions, including:
More research and clinical trials are needed before THOR can be used in the clinical treatment of cancer patients. If the device reaches the commercialization stage, Veiseh plans to either form a new company or license the technology to an existing company for further development.
“We know that the further we advance it in terms of getting that human data, the more likely it is that this could then be transferred to another entity,” he told Precision Medicine Online.
Pathologists and clinical laboratories will want to monitor the progress of the THOR technology’s ability to sense changes in cancer biomarkers and deliver controlled dosages of antibiotic treatments.
New vaccine could give clinical laboratories and antimicrobial stewardship programs the tool they need to dramatically reduce hospital-acquired infections
The innovative approach focuses on bolstering the patient’s immune system itself, rather than relying on proteins to fight infections, according to a USC Today article.
Developed by senior study author Brad Spellberg, MD, Chief Medical Officer at the Los Angeles General Medical Center, and colleagues, “The experimental vaccine takes an entirely different approach: It gooses the body’s preexisting supply of pathogen-gobbling immune cells called macrophages, which engulf and digest bacteria, fungi, and other bad actors. These activated fighters, found in all tissues, quickly neutralize incoming invaders which might otherwise multiply rapidly and overwhelm the body’s defenses,” USC Today reported.
“This is very different from developing new antibiotics,” Jun Yan, a doctoral student at Keck School of Medicine and the study’s first author, told USC Today. “This is using our own immune system to fight against different superbugs, which is a different approach than everybody else.”
To develop the vaccine [the USC researchers] formed a biotechnology startup called ExBaq LLC in Bethesda, Md.
“The pandemic stimulated unprecedented innovation in vaccine development, where federal funding and university-industry partnerships were game changers for translating promising discoveries from academic labs for the good of all,” said Ishwar K. Puri, PhD (above), senior vice president of research and innovation at USC. “We are both pleased and proud of the critical support the USC Stevens Center provided to enable the development of ExBaq’s experimental vaccine that protects vulnerable populations from serious infections.” Clinical laboratories that work with hospitals in the fight against hospital-acquired infections understand the importance of this discovery. (Photo copyright: University of Southern California.)
USC Vaccine Details
The USC team developed a “protein-free vaccine, composed of aluminum hydroxide, monophosphoryl lipid A, and fungal mannan, that stimulates the innate immune system and confers protection,” the researchers wrote in Science Translational Medicine.
“Tested in two independent labs, the vaccine works within 24 hours and lasts for up to 28 days. In lab models, the number of pathogen-eating immune cells in the blood increased dramatically, and survival time of invasive blood and lung infections improved. Early data suggest that a second dose could extend the window to prevent infection,” USC Today reported.
Unlike anything currently available, the new vaccine focuses on boosting the body itself instead of creating antibodies against certain pathogens. A mere dose of the vaccine is described to “provide rapid protection against nine different bacteria and fungi species,” USC Today noted.
“It’s an early warning system. It’s like Homeland Security putting out a terror alert. Everybody, keep your eyes open. Keep an eye out for suspicious packages. You’re alerting the soldiers and tanks of your immune system. The vaccine activates them,” Spellberg told USC Today.
“The vaccine acted through stimulation of the innate, rather than the adaptive, immune system, as demonstrated by efficacy in the absence of lymphocytes that were abrogated by macrophage depletion. A role for macrophages was further supported by the finding that vaccination induced macrophage epigenetic alterations that modulated phagocytosis and the inflammatory response to infection. Together, these data show that this protein-free vaccine is a promising strategy to prevent deadly antimicrobial-resistant healthcare-associated infections,” the researchers wrote in Science Translational Medicine.
“Patients who acquire infections from surgery spend, on average, an additional 6.5 days in the hospital, are five times more likely to be readmitted after discharge and twice as likely to die. Moreover, surgical patients who develop infections are 60% more likely to require admission to a hospital’s intensive care unit. Surgical infections are believed to account for up to 10 billion dollars annually in healthcare expenditures,” the CDC reports.
“All hospitalized patients are susceptible to contracting a [hospital-acquired] infection. Some patients are at greater risk than others: young children, the elderly, and persons with compromised immune systems are more likely to get an infection. Other risk factors are long hospital stays, the use of indwelling catheters, failure of healthcare workers to wash their hands, and overuse of antibiotics,” the CDC notes.
Therefore, USC’s new vaccine may be just what the doctor ordered to protect patients in hospitals and other healthcare settings from deadly HAIs.
Looking Ahead
There are currently no vaccines that are FDA-approved that treat “the most serious antibiotic resistant infections,” USC Today reported.
“Even if there were such vaccines, multiple vaccines would have to be deployed simultaneously to protect against the full slate of antibiotic-resistant microbes that cause healthcare-acquired infections,” Brian Luna, PhD, assistant professor of molecular microbiology and immunology at USC’s Keck School of Medicine, told USC Today.
Thus, USC’s new vaccine could be a boon to hospital antimicrobial stewardship programs. But so far, it has only been tested on mice.
“The next step is getting guidance from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on the design of a clinical trial. The first such trial would be done in healthy volunteers to find the right dose of vaccine that is safe and triggers the same kind of immune response in people as seen in the mice,” USC Today reported.
ExBaq LLC has begun talking with potential larger partners who might be willing to help develop the vaccine into clinical testing.
For years hospitals and other healthcare settings—such as long-term care facilities, urgent care clinics, and clinical laboratories—have fought an uphill battle against superbugs. So, for a vaccine to be on the horizon that can prevent life-threatening hospital-acquired infections would be a game changer.
With antimicrobial stewardships being a requirement in all hospitals, medical laboratory managers and microbiologists may celebrate this new development and its potential to be a useful tool in fighting antimicrobial resistant bacteria in their facilities.
This is the second of a three-part series on revenue cycle management for molecular testing laboratories and pathology practices, produced in collaboration with XiFin, Inc.
Second of a 3-part series, this article will detail what molecular diagnostics and pathology groups need to understand about coding, billing, and denial management to maximize revenue and cash flow successfully.
In the first article, we discussed how molecular diagnostics and pathology groups can enhance the patient experience, physician engagement, and payer relations. Now, we will detail how denial management can successfully maximize revenue and cash flow. As we discussed in the last article, revenue cycle management (RCM) is much more than billing.
Today’s rapidly changing environment of directives and expectations from payers, patients, and health systems require deeper understanding, great agility, and strategy in every aspect of business. Creating opportunities to provide better service, adopt state-of-the-art technologies, and build robust processes and partnerships can make or break the long-term success of a laboratory or pathology practice.
Technical assessments are often required to establish clinical validity and utility to achieve payer coverage for novel genetic tests. Achieving payer coverage requires a deep understanding of how-to code tests compliantly and to facilitate reimbursement.
“We recommend that molecular diagnostics laboratories consult with coding experts to fully understand the coding requirements for each genetic test,” says Clarisa Blattner, XiFin Senior Director, Revenue and Payor Optimization. “Ensuring reimbursement requires knowing payer policies and to track denial trends by payer over time to identify changes.”
Blattner noted that payer policies and behavior are constantly changing. Labs, and their billing partners must stay abreast of changes to avoid lengthy delays that denials and subsequent appeals can cause. Understanding the documentation that is required with claims is invaluable. Knowing these requirements up front and submitting complete claims with all required medical records and documentation of medical necessity goes a long way toward facilitating reimbursement.
Payers are adopting increasingly rigid policies that are often inconsistent with others. Reimbursements continue to be cut while quality reporting requirements rise.
Diagnostics laboratories that conduct genetic testing must also overcome four common challenges:
Achieving and expanding payer coverage with coverage determination that defines reasonable and medically necessary services and tests.
Knowing how to code the tests correctly with medical nomenclature to report services and/or tests to a payer.
Ensuring payment/reimbursement for services/tests based on services/tests rendered and coverage determination.
Maintaining compliance and keeping abreast of billing compliance and having a voice in reform
“We also recommend that laboratories conduct internal audits that reconcile laboratory information system (LIS) data with RCM system data,” Blattner continued. “Labs with a robust business intelligence (BI) solution can proactively identify outliers, such as accessions that exist in one system but not the other.”
Maintain Your Billing System and Maximize Clean Claim Submissions
Laboratories should be sure that these four payer services are being handled appropriately, whether it is by the lab or an RCM partner:
1. Payer relations: An effective payer relations team monitors denials and coordinates with payers. This team reviews front-end payer rejections, coordinates with clients (i.e., ordering physicians), and identifies and updates edits based on payer policies and behavior changes.
2. Electronic data interchange (EDI) enrollment: This team handles monitoring and proactive enrollment for electronic submissions and helps ensure bidirectional transaction automation.
3. EDI analysts: Experts in healthcare EDI who investigate errors, participate in standards development and testing, as well as payer education and coordination.
4. EDI operations: These specialized technicians configure files and ensure the reconciliation of claim-level submissions.
Efficiently Upload and Store Medical Records and Documentation
Although laboratories do not directly control patient medical records, it is essential to understand that diagnosis codes alone are generally insufficient.
Laboratory sales representatives must work with clients and ordering physicians to ensure medical records have all the information required for payment. Ensuring that the payers expedite payment requires efficient uploading and storing of medical records and documentation:
Align with payers on clinical utility evidence requirements, current billing policies, and preferred coding approach.
Leverage the support and advocacy of key opinion leaders (KOLs).
Collaborate with clinicians on the prior authorization process.
Select an RCM partner that helps you maximize process automation and front-end edits.
Leverage a business intelligence (BI) system that simplifies the tracking of key performance indicators (KPIs), helps identify payer policy and behavior changes early, and highlights changes in key business trends.
The RCM system must be able to upload and store medical records and documentation. The required medical information typically includes the following:
Who? Ordering/referring provider.
What? What service(s)/test(s) is/are being ordered?
Where? Where is the specimen being sent?
When? What is the date of service (DOS)?
Why? What are the patient’s signs/symptoms, or what prompted the test to be ordered?
How? How are the test results used to manage the patient’s medical condition?
But even after including all of the correct medical information, denials are inevitable. There are important steps labs can take to streamline denial management.
The Importance of Patient Engagement in Maximizing Reimbursement
Patient engagement plays an essential role in facilitating reimbursement and maximizing cash collection. Patients expect transparency and ease of information access from their healthcare encounters, just as they experience in all other areas of their lives. Because most laboratory, pathology, and molecular encounters are not directly patient-facing, proven payment accelerating engagement tools are essential. Dynamic portals, electronic statements, and text messages are essential, especially when it comes to communication regarding errors and patient financial responsibility.
XiFin customer data show a substantive increase in patient payments received in the first 30 days of the dunning cycle after integrating texting and automated calls into the traditional process. For example, a XiFin customer collected 26.6% more of the revenue in the first 30 days after implementing a text reminder between the first and second paper statements. Prior to implementation, the customer followed a traditional three-statement dunning cycle:
42.6% of total payments received occurred after the first statement (within the first 29 days of the dunning cycle).
34.8% occurred after sending the second statement (between days 30-59 of the dunning cycle).
22.6% were received after sending the third and final statement (during days 60-90 of thedunning cycle).
The convenience of text messaging allows patients to connect to the call center or to the patient portal, where a payment can be made immediately. XiFin customers can customize their dunning cycle, depending on how their specific patient population responds to texts, paper statements, and the timing between billing cycles. Studying the behaviors of patient interactions at the client level, rather than only referencing the status quo of macro-level trending, empowers a more strategic approach to engagement and improving overall patient satisfaction.
Denial Trends Driving Reduced Revenue and Higher Costs
Denials extend time in accounts receivable, contributing to bad debt on services already rendered and laboratory expenses absorbed. Denials also often require the most attention from staff – increasing the cost of billing. Hard denials, such as Medical Necessity, make up the most challenging revenue to collect, comprising about 5-10% of total denials received. In addition to creating delays and revenue loss, denials illustrate how payers administer their policies, even when those policies are unpublished.
Fundamentally, an effective RCM process is rooted in the ability to file clean claims to the degree that is possible. Improving those outcomes requires focus on the exceptions – the dirty claims – the denials.
“At XiFin, we invest in front-end configurations and workflows to catch denials prior to submitting the claim to the payer,” continued Blattner. “As we monitor denial trends, we build more robust front-end workflows and add automation (such as integrating with insurance discovery and prior authorization vendors) to reduce the associated burden on billing teams.”
In addition, molecular testing coverage continues to expand, reducing non-covered denials. The stabilization of these medical policy-related denials is positive. The jump in demographic denials, however, requires additional consideration.
Paid vs. Denied by Payer Group
Denial patterns vary among payers. The percentage of claims denied also differs by segment, largely due to the type of testing performed.
Of the claims XiFin processes annually (approximately $50 billion in charges), 22.5% are denied. The graphs below demonstrate molecular testing’s higher propensity for denial (27.5% of claims billed), driven by non-covered, medical necessity, and prior authorization requirement challenges.
Routine pathology has closer to a 20% denial rate overall. The average percentage of billed claims that are denied by segment are:
■ Clinical: 13.62%
■ Molecular: 27.19%
■ Pathology: 19.82%
Molecular testing has a higher propensity for denial (27.5% of claims billed), driven by non-covered, medical necessity, and prior authorization requirement challenges. Routine pathology has closer to a 20% denial rate overall.
Clinical laboratory denial rates averaged 13.62% in 2021. As seen in the table below,clinical laboratories saw a significant decline in experimental/investigational denials between 2018 and 2021.
Denial Type
Molecular % of Total Denied 2018
Clinical % of Total Denied 2021
Variance (% change 2021 vs. 2018)
Benefit Maximum Reached
Claim Specific Negotiated Discount
Coordination of Benefits
Coverage Terminated
Diagnosis Not Covered
Duplicate Denial
Experimental Investigational
Incorrect Payer
Patient Cannot be Identified
Patient Enrolled in Hospice
Prior Authorization
Procedure Code Inconsistent with the Modifier Used or a Required Modifier is Missing
Procedure Not Paid Separately
Service Not Payable per Managed Care Contract
Molecular claims continue to experience the highest denial rates of any laboratory segment. With an average denial rate of 27%, molecular continues to be arevenue recovery workflow heavy on the back-end. As a percentage of the total denial population, between 2018 and 2021, XiFin experienced increases in patient-coverage denials, such as coordination of benefits (298%), coverage terminated (103%), and experimental/investigational (2600%). Decreases in diagnosis not covered denials (-43.4%) and duplicate denials (-57.8%) are also recognized.
Exome/Genome Testing must be administered by specialized technicians with specificcredentials, creating potential backlogs. They can take 8, 12, or even 16 weeks to complete, depending on testing methodologies. This presents a high risk of timely filing denials for the many payers that have adopted 90-day timely filing limits. XiFin recommended practice: Explore amending your payer contracts to extend timely filing limits on these tests.
Denial Type
Pathology % of Total Denied 2018
Pathology % of Total Denied 2021
Variance (% change 2021 vs. 2018)
Prior Authorization
Duplicate Denial
Services Not Prov. By Network/Primary Care Provider
Procedure Not Paid Separately
Services Not Authorized by Network/Primary Care Provider
Procedure Code Inconsistent with the Modifier Used or a Required Modifier is Missing
Coverage Terminated
Coordination of Benefits
Patient Cannot Be Identified
Remark Code
Experimental Investigational
Benefit Maximum Reached
Patient Enrolled in Hospice
Incorrect Payer
Service Not Payable per Managed Care Contract
Anatomic pathology denials have increased by approximately 5% from 2018 to 2021.As a percentage of the total denial population, the lack of prior authorization is the highestcontributor to this increase, having grown 24.6%. There was an increase inprocedure code inconsistent with modifier denials (120% increase) and a decreasein non-covered denials (-27.7%).
Importance of an Efficient and Effective Appeals Process
Front-end edits and configurations help mitigate backend denials. Capturing potential denial-related issues proactively are the most effective way to maintain a manageable AR and improve the propensity to pay. For example, payers that observe National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) and Medically Unlikely Edits (MUEs) will consider all Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes billed for that patient for the same Date of Service (DOS), even when not billed on the same claim form.
Denials are inevitable if your current billing process does not have edits in place to perform a historical review of charges for the same patient on the same DOS.
Denials are unavoidable, and not all known issues can be addressed on the front end of the process. An example of this is denial code CO252, which is an additional information denial. It indicates the payer is requesting additional documentation (i.e., clinical information, medical records, and test results) before issuing payment – essentially performing an audit to ensure the services billed are reasonable and necessary and medical necessity is justified and documented.
“These are not always complex molecular tests; they can be routine pathology claims,” said Blattner “Each time we receive a CO252 denial it has to be appealed with additional documentation found in the patient’s medical records. Though it is inevitable, we must wait on the denial before we can take action.”
Appeal-Payments as % of Total Insurance Payments Received
Average Payment Amount per Appeal
Industry Average
Payment collection per appeal continues to be stable in the pathology (averaging 1-2%) and clinical segments, where appeals are less prolific. Revenue recovered by corrected claims is excluded since these claims follow a separate process and impact denial codes such as CO97 (Procedure or service isn’t paid for separately), CO18 (Duplicate), and CO234 (Procedure not paid separately). Further, a single appeal process is not sufficient. A robust appeals process here becomes critical. Specifically in molecular testing, appeals carry a heightening impact on revenue collection. In 2020, appeals accounted for 5% of the total revenue generated by XiFin customers. In 2021, that increased to 6.5%.
Appeal Success Rates by Payer Group by Segment
The next four charts show appeal success rates by payer group for 2021, overall and by market segment for clinical, molecular, and pathology. The fifth chart illustrates the incremental impact of multiple appeal attempts by market segment.
This assessment only includes activity related to revenue recovery through an appeals process. Some denials can be addressed by filing of a corrected claim and can be a much more efficient process. Although ideal, corrected claims are not always possible, depending on denial type and individual payer preferences.
% of Total Appeals Filed
% of AppealsPaid after 1st Attempt
% of AppealsPaid after 2nd Attempt
% of AppealsPaid after 3rd Attempt
Avg Paymentper Appeal
$ 276
Additional Information
$ 258
COVID Medical Necessity
$ 78
Medical Necessity
$ 553
Out of Network
$ 594
Prior Authorization
$ 421
$ 10
The clinical laboratory segment maintains the lowest volume of denials. But this does not negate the need for robust editing processes. Implementing robust front-end logic and leveraging intelligent automation to correct potential issues dramatically streamlines the process from submission to payment, especially in the high-volume clinical laboratory segment.
% of Total Appeals Filed
% of AppealsPaid after 1st Attempt
% of AppealsPaid after 2nd Attempt
% of AppealsPaid after 3rd Attempt
Avg Paymentper Appeal
Additional Information
Medical Necessity
Prior Authorization
Experimental and Investigational / Non-Covered
COVID Underpayment
Timely Filing
Out of Network
COVID Medical Necessity
Appeal Trends: Molecular and Genomic Testing At $1,420, the average payment per appeal for molecular testing is more significant due to the high-dollar value of the testing. Additional information appeals account for 47% of the total appeals filed in 2021 in the molecular segment and have an average success rate of 23%. Another 23% of appeals are for claims denied for medical necessity, followed by prior authorizations at 11.4% of total appeals filed. Prior authorization appeal volumes have remained consistent year-over-year in this segment, averaging 10% in 2020, despite a higher volume of prior authorization requirements than pathology or clinical laboratory.
XiFin’s RCM platform has integrated automation with prior authorization partners, allowing claims meeting prior authorization criteria to be submitted to a prior authorization solution automatically. Utilizing “real-time data exchange” via application programming interfaces (API) without partners, XiFin can more quickly acquire the necessary prior authorization number and update the patient’s information in XiFin RPM upon those values being returned.
% of Total Appeals Filed
% of AppealsPaid after 1st Attempt
% of AppealsPaid after 2nd Attempt
% of AppealsPaid after 3rd Attempt
Avg Paymentper Appeal
Additional Information
Medical Necessity
Out of Network
Prior Authorization
Experimental and Investigational / Non-Covered
COVID Underpayment
Timely Filing
Appeal Trends: Pathology
Approximately 2% of the pathology accessions received into XiFin RPM require an appeal. Those appeals will be responsible for approximately 1-2% of the pathology practice’s revenue. As noted above, the revenue reclaimed is largely attributed to the first attempted appeal. A robust process that includes multiple attempts is critical in revenue recovery in the event the first appeal is not overturned.
If Not Documented, It Did Not Happen
Payer edits and guidelines can be difficult to follow, particularly if physicians, coders, or billing staff are expected to memorize those requirements.
Making the situation even more challenging is the fact that edits vary widely among payers and are constantly changing. RCM platforms should be updated routinely (XiFin RPM is updated monthly) with payer edit updates, while remaining configurable so that custom edits can be easily built to accommodate specific payer requirements.
Whether it is a payer audit or packaging an appeal, documentation in the pathology report and/or clinical notes should clearly outline the services provided and the medical necessity of those services. If it is not documented, it did not happen. Further, understand the various programs that drive payer edits and guidelines. These edits drive an increased need for discipline and documentation. Be conscious of payer-specific requirements. Cigna, Aetna, and UHC require proprietary forms to be completed when appealing claims.
Benchmarking Productivity
Proactively preventing a denial and avoiding the need to submit a corrected claim or file an appeal reduces the time to reimbursement by four to eight weeks, depending on the payer and type of denial. If denials are not addressed properly and manual workflows persist, diagnostic labs will continue to experience a loss of revenue, and staffing will be insufficient to keep up.
Productivity rates for anatomic and molecular billing teams historically average between 12,000-15,000 accessions per person per full-time equivalent (FTE) per year (clinical laboratory is often much higher). However, with the increases in denials, the resulting demands on back-end teams have increased substantially and impacted productivity rates. This holds particularly true for particularly non-covered, medical necessity, and prior authorization denials.
Further, speed to payment is also improved. By automating appeals, the turn-around-time on submitting back to the payer is reduced, on average, from 45 days to 1-3 days, as seen in the blue bar in the chart above.
By installing front-end edits to help maximize clean claims, up to an additional 54 days can be saved, moving from 135 days to just 30 days for full adjudication.
Automating Workflows with AI
Opportunities to automate the process will reduce time and labor and make decisions more consistent. Once there is a deep understanding of coding, billing, denial management, and strategic appeals, there is the ability to automate the important processes across the RCM process. Automation and AI-powered workflows pave the way for consistent, optimized molecular diagnostics and pathology RCM.
Part 3 will demonstrate how AI can be used in RCM to inform, accelerate, automate, validate, and generate.Watch for updates here at DarkDaily.
Best of all, the researchers say the test could provide an inexpensive means of early diagnosis. This assay could also be used to monitor how well patients respond to cancer therapy, according to a news release.
The protein had previously been identified as a promising biomarker and is readily detectable in tumor tissue, they wrote. However, it is found in extremely low concentrations in blood plasma and is “well below detection limits of conventional clinical laboratory methods,” they noted.
To overcome that obstacle, they employed an ultra-sensitive immunoassay known as a Simoa (Single-Molecule Array), an immunoassay platform for measuring fluid biomarkers.
“We were shocked by how well this test worked in detecting the biomarker’s expression across cancer types,” said lead study author gastroenterologist Martin Taylor, MD, PhD, Instructor in Pathology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, in the press release. “It’s created more questions for us to explore and sparked interest among collaborators across many institutions.”
“We’ve known since the 1980s that transposable elements were active in some cancers, and nearly 10 years ago we reported that ORF1p was a pervasive cancer biomarker, but, until now, we haven’t had the ability to detect it in blood tests,” said pathologist and study co-author Kathleen Burns, MD, PhD (above), Chair of the Department of Pathology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and a Professor of Pathology at Harvard Medical School, in a press release. “Having a technology capable of detecting ORF1p in blood opens so many possibilities for clinical applications.” Clinical laboratories may soon have a new blood test to detect multiple types of cancer. (Photo copyright: Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.)
Simoa’s Advantages
In their press release, the researchers described ORF1p as “a hallmark of many cancers, particularly p53-deficient epithelial cancers,” a category that includes lung, breast, prostate, uterine, pancreatic, and head and neck cancers in addition to the cancers noted above.
“Pervasive expression of ORF1p in carcinomas, and the lack of expression in normal tissues, makes ORF1p unlike other protein biomarkers which have normal expression levels,” Taylor said in the press release. “This unique biology makes it highly specific.”
Simoa was developed at the laboratory of study co-author David R. Walt, PhD, the Hansjörg Wyss Professor of Bioinspired Engineering at Harvard Medical School, and Professor of Pathology at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
The Simoa technology “enables 100- to 1,000-fold improvements in sensitivity over conventional enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) techniques, thus opening the window to measuring proteins at concentrations that have never been detected before in various biological fluids such as plasma or saliva,” according to the Walt Lab website.
Simoa assays take less than two hours to run and require less than $3 in consumables. They are “simple to perform, scalable, and have clinical-grade coefficients of variation,” the researchers wrote.
Study Results
Using the first generation of the ORF1p Simoa assay, the researchers tested blood samples of patients with a variety of cancers along with 406 individuals, regarded as healthy, who served as controls. The test proved to be most effective among patients with colorectal and ovarian cancer, finding detectable levels of ORF1p in 58% of former and 71% of the latter. Detectable levels were found in patients with advanced-stage as well as early-stage disease, the researchers wrote in Cancer Discovery.
Among the 406 healthy controls, the test found detectable levels of ORF1p in only five. However, the control with the highest detectable levels, regarded as healthy when donating blood, “was six months later found to have prostate cancer and 19 months later found to have lymphoma,” the researchers wrote.
They later reengineered the Simoa assay to increase its sensitivity, resulting in improved detection of the protein in blood samples from patients with colorectal, gastroesophageal, ovarian, uterine, and breast cancers.
The researchers also employed the test on samples from 19 patients with gastroesophageal cancer to gauge its utility for monitoring therapeutic response. Although this was a small sample, they found that among 13 patients who had responded to therapy, “circulating ORF1p dropped to undetectable levels at follow-up sampling.”
“More Work to Be Done”
The Simoa assay has limitations, the researchers acknowledged. It doesn’t identify the location of cancers, and it “isn’t successful in identifying all cancers and their subtypes,” the press release stated, adding that the test will likely be used in conjunction with other early-detection approaches. The researchers also said they want to gauge the test’s accuracy in larger cohorts.
“The test is very specific, but it doesn’t tell us enough information to be used in a vacuum,” Walt said in the news release. “It’s exciting to see the early success of this ultrasensitive assessment tool, but there is more work to be done.”
More studies will be needed to valid these findings. That this promising new multi-cancer immunoassay is based on a clinical laboratory blood sample means its less invasive and less painful for patients. It’s a good example of an assay that takes a proteomic approach looking for protein cancer biomarkers rather than the genetic approach looking for molecular DNA/RNA biomarkers of cancer.