News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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Reference Pricing and Price Shopping Hold Potential Peril for Both Clinical Laboratories and Consumers

While multiple studies show reference pricing is an effective approach to reduce the cost of testing and procedures, medical laboratories and consumers alike must continue to focus on quality to ensure positive outcomes

The Dark Report in its September 2016 issue highlighted how reference pricing is positioned to become one of the biggest contributors to price erosion medical laboratories and pathology groups have faced in more than a decade. The issue featured details of a 2016 study published in JAMA Internal Medicine outlining how Safeway’s use of reference pricing for clinical laboratory tests decreased laboratory spending for itself and employees by 32% between 2011 and 2013—a total savings of more than $2.5-million.

That issue of The Dark Report also highlights a similar use of reference pricing by CalPERS (California Public Retirement System) that involved hip and knee replacement surgeries. CalPERS saw a 30% reduction in the cost of these surgeries after 12 months.

These highly publicized efforts have fueled interest in how reference pricing might work for other businesses, insurers, and the US government. The 2014 Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA) is already collecting private payer rates paid to laboratories for tests. This data will then be used to create new rate-based fee schedules in 2018.

Speaking with Joseph Burns, Managing Editor of The Dark Report, about the outcome and potential rise of reference pricing, study author James C. Robinson, PhD, of University of California Berkeley noted that, “Any discussion about how to contain inappropriate healthcare utilization is challenging. By contrast, significant price variation is the low-hanging fruit. Employers would much rather save money by having patients travel to cheaper clinical labs than get into some esoteric discussion about whether a clinical procedure is appropriate or not.”

Quality is Key to Both Avoiding Price Erosion and Improving Patient Outcomes

There’s no question that reference pricing has forever changed the landscape of clinical laboratory pricing. Paired with increased pricing transparency and easier access to pricing information through platforms such as Castlight Health, Healthcare Blue Book, and Change Healthcare Corporation, consumers and businesses can quickly compare prices across a range of service providers.

However, in April, Leah Binder, President and CEO of The Leapfrog Group, published an article in Forbes that highlights the potential downsides to price shopping for laboratory testing and medical care.

“Differences among providers in quality can eliminate any cost advantages,” stated Binder in the Forbes article. “Some purchasers assume they can get around this problem by targeting reference pricing only for procedures that don’t vary in quality. When quality is all the same, decisions can pivot on price alone. Unfortunately, no such procedures exist. Extreme variation is the hallmark of our healthcare system.”

As reference pricing continues to force more consumers to shoulder a portion of medical laboratory testing costs, prices for more expensive laboratories are likely to continue eroding unless they can convince consumers that their services are higher quality or produce better results. (Graphic copyright: California Public Retirement System.)

Binder cites a study in Spine Journal’s April 2017 issue regarding diagnostic error rates for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The study involved a 63-year-old woman seeking relief from low back pain. Over a three-week span, she received 10 different scans. These scans resulted in 49 different findings. Of these findings, none were repeated across all 10 scan reports provided to her physician.

“As a result,” the study’s authors concluded, “where a patient obtains his or her MRI examination, and which radiologist interprets the examination, may have a direct impact on radiological diagnosis, subsequent choice of treatment, and clinical outcome.”

Binder reinforced this, stating, “Purchasers should still pursue reference pricing and try to incorporate considerations of utilization and quality to the extent they have the data. Never assume any procedure is like a commodity—largely the same quality everywhere.”

High-Cost Medical Laboratories Likely to Face a Decision Between Volume or Price Erosion

A 2016 study by Health Care Cost Institute found the average pricing of 240 common medical services varied by as much as 200% between states. Within states, prices fluctuated as much as 300%.

Thus, for pathology groups and medical laboratories in the upper percentiles for their region, referencing pricing is likely to impact volume. Even if adoption of reference pricing by payers or self-insured business groups remains stable, price cuts due to PAMA loom on the horizon. As reported by Dark Daily in December 2016, price cuts to the Part B clinical laboratory fee schedule could add up to $400 million in reduced Medicare payments in 2018 alone.

This is particularly troublesome for hospital laboratory outreach programs, where Medicare patients commonly represent 40% to 70% of outreach lab volumes. The combination of reduced volume and reduced Medicare pricing could have dire financial consequences.

It will remain essential for medical laboratories to differentiate their services from those of lower-cost competitors to avoid volume and price erosion. Continuing to optimize test utilization, improving laboratory efficiency, and emphasizing the value of services rendered will help to further strengthen lab positions and reduce the impact of coming change.

—Jon Stone

Related Information:

Price Shopping Could Cut Employer Health Costs by 20%, but There’s a Catch

Variability in Diagnostic Error Rates of 10 MRI Centers Performing Lumbar Spine MRI Examinations on the Same Patient Within a 3-week Period

The Striking Variation of Commercial Healthcare Prices

Some States Pay Twice the Price for Health Care, Finds New Report

Association of Reference Pricing for Diagnostic Laboratory Testing with Changes in Patient Choices, Prices, and Total Spending for Diagnostic Tests

Coming PAMA Price Cuts to Medicare Clinical Lab Fees Expected to Be Heavy Financial Blow to Hospital Laboratory Outreach Programs

Volume XXIII No. 12 – September 6, 2016

Consumers Now Use Medical Cost Websites to Price Shop for Clinical Pathology Laboratory Tests and Other Medical Procedures

UK Physician Develops Unique Collection System for Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups Designed to Improve Quality of Urine Specimens

National Health Service estimates 73% of 65-million urine specimens collected annually in the UK are contaminated

Wanting to know why so many female patients that present with urinary tract infections (UTIs) require repeat appointments, Dr. Vincent Forte, a family GP and forensic physician who worked for the National Health Service (NHS) for 26 years, began investigating. He determined that the standard urine specimen collection cup is primarily the cause of poor-quality medical laboratory test results.

Forte realized that the method of collecting the specimens was largely to blame, with the required “start-aim-start” midstream collection technique required by traditional polypropylene specimen cups at the root of the problem.

That realization led to the development of a unique “midstream” urine collection device that eliminates the problem of first-void urine contaminating samples, according to a blog post on the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) website written by Forte Medical of London’s Founding Director and Chief Executive Officer Giovanna Forte, Vincent Forte’s sister.

65-million Specimens Deemed Unreliable

Healthcare professionals, whether working in clinical laboratories and anatomic pathology groups or hospitals and out-patient clinics, often are among the first to notice when gaps in the quality or integrity of medical laboratory test results exist. However, in this case, it was a general practice physician rather than a medical laboratorian or in vitro diagnostics (IVD) manufacturer that set out to solve the problem of poor urine specimen collection, which The Daily Telegraph reports results in 73% of the 65-million urine specimens collected annually by the NHS being unreliable. That’s 47.5-million unreliable medical laboratory specimens collected and tested yearly in the United Kingdom.

Accurate Urine Collection Brings Billions in Savings

Vincent Forte concluded that the quality gap in urine specimen collection for his female patients was preventing accurate first-time analysis, diagnosis, and targeted treatment. In 2001, he set out to re-engineer urine collection cups. His first design—“a simple flushable paper funnel, which rejected first-flow urine, collected midstream, and ejected the remainder”—established the underlying design principle behind the patented Peezy Midstream product, Giovanna Forte stated in the RSA blog post.

Giovanna Forte noted that the first version of the device, marketed in 2010, was a “funnel formed by flat-sheet film, with a unique container-acceptor,” with overflow duct and incorporating a compressed sponge that rejects the first 8-10 ml of urine. While the product was well received, Forte says the selling price was too expensive to meet the NHS requirement for cost savings. By 2012, the product evolved into an injected-modeled design, which cut production costs by 50%. By 2014, the ergonomically designed funnel was improved to incorporate the two most common urine collection tubes.

In a Forte Medical presentation, Giovanna Forte predicted that accurate urine collection could result in a £1.2-billion (US $1.56-billion) savings to the NHS.

A Design Week article described the testing process for developing the midstream specimen collection device as “similar to launching a website in beta,” with initial testing resulting in changes such as the creation of a flatter, rounder handle to make the product easier to hold.

“Within the NHS, I was allowed to attend clinics where evaluations were taking place and speak directly to the patients. This allowed me to find out what they thought of everything from instructions for use to the collection system itself,” Vincent Forte stated in the Design Week article. “All the information was fed back into our design engineers, who proposed an improved product made more simply at a lower price.”

The patented Peezy Midstream urine collection system rejects the first (often contaminated) 8-10 ml of urine, isolating and capturing the important midstream and rejecting the rest of the urine into the toilet. The product claims 98.5% accurate urine specimen collection and would improve the accuracy and reliability of the medical laboratory tests performed on urine samples collected with this device. (Photo copyright: Forte Medical.)

Today, Forte Medical offers two midstream urine collection devices used by both men and women:

1.     Peezy Midstream PE40, which collects urine into a traditional 30ml universal container; and

2.     Peezy Midstream PE50, which collects urine into a lab-friendly 10ml primary tube designed to fit in laboratory analyzers.

“This simple solution … took 10 years and £2.6-million [US $3.38-million] to get right. It was achieved not by a multinational with deep pockets, but by a startup funded largely by friends, family, and a handful of angel investors, along with the goodwill of design and manufacturing partners,” Vincent Forte stated in the RSA blog post.

Specimen Capture Methods Lead to Careless Infection Control

In an article published on News Medical, an online, open-access medical information provider, Giovanna Forte points out another flaw in traditional urine collection systems.

“Thrusting one’s hands willingly into our own urine is hardly common practice. That we are expected to do so in order to capture an important specimen essential to diagnosis hardly chimes with the concept of modern medicine and leads to pretty shabby infection control by any standards,” she stated.

The Peezy Midstream is a Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) approved product in the UK, and is FDA listed in the United States. As a Class 1 “Container, Specimen Mailer and Storage, Non-Sterile” device, the Peezy Midstream is “510(k) exempt” and did not require FDA review before being marketed in this country.

Still to come are clinical trials and papers in peer-reviewed medical journals that support the function of this medical device to improve patient care. It is notable, though, that the National Health System in the UK is collaborating with Forte Medical in certain ways to determine how the device can improve patient care. Dark Daily would like to hear from any medical laboratories in the UK and USA that are using this device when urine specimens are collected.

—Andrea Downing Peck

Related Information:

Liquid Gold: Urine Is the Unsung Hero of Modern Medicine and Health Economy

Peezy Mid-Stream Urine (MSU) Usability Study Results Report

What Is a Mid-Stream Urine Sample and Why Do Healthcare Professionals Request Them?

The Peezy: The Tale of an Award-Winning, Rapid-Prototyped, User-Developed Design

How Design Integrity Can Save Lies in Essential Basic Medicine

Generation Z Will Soon be Looking for Employment Opportunities in Clinical Laboratories and Anatomic Pathology Groups

Gen Z values differ from previous generations’ values and medical laboratory managers should know in advance how members of this generation are likely to view their new workplaces

Medical laboratories managers and pathology group stakeholders have long been concerned about the looming retirement of Baby Boomers working in America’s clinical laboratories. With more and more members of this age group leaving the workforce, and with the following Gen X and Gen Y workers moving into positions vacated by Boomers, the next generation of workers—Generation Z (Gen Z)—is arriving to fill the gap.

This newest, youngest generation brings unique attributes and values to the clinical laboratory industry. Laboratory managers, pathologists, and business leaders need to understand those characteristics to work with them effectively.

Gen Z Values Reflect the Turbulent Times We Live In

With the addition of this newest age group in corporate America, there are now four distinct generations simultaneously working in the marketplace:

1.     Baby Boomers (born early- to mid-1940s to early-1960s;

2.     Generation X (born mid-1960s to early-1980s);

3.     Generation Y (Millennials: born mid-1980s to early-1990s); and

4.     Generation Z (Centennials: born mid-1990s to the mid-2000s).

A poll conducted by Ernst and Young LLP (EY) of London for the US Oil and Gas industry found that members of Gen Z have “fairly traditional” career priorities, however their values have been shaped by the nation’s struggles.

“When asked which three considerations are the most important in selecting a future career, both Millennials and Generation Z, as whole, prioritized salary (56%), good work-life balance (49%), job stability (37%), and on-the-job happiness (37%),” the EY survey reported.

Even though they are often clumped together with Millennials (Gen Y), recent research shows that the two generations are vastly different.

“Gen Z employees bring unique values, expectations, and perspectives to their jobs,” Paul McDonald, Senior Executive Director at staffing firm Robert Half, stated in a news release. “They’ve grown up in economically turbulent times, and many of their characteristics and motivations reflect that.”

Move over Baby Boomers! You no longer are the largest proportion of the population of the United States. According to the US Census Bureau, Generation Z (AKA, iGen and Post Millennials) make up about 25% of the US population or approximately 70-million people. However, it is estimated that by 2021, Gen Z will total 40% of all consumers in the US and account for one-fifth of the workforce. This youngest generation is now entering the clinical laboratory workforce in growing numbers. (Graphic copyright: Oklahoma Minerals.)

Though Millennials represent the largest portion of the workforce in America, Gen Z is the largest population of people overall and it’s growing. The oldest members will have reached the age of 21 in 2016-2017. Many will be graduating from college and seeking employment opportunities.

Gen Z Members are Technically Savvy; Seek Job Security/Stability

Members of Gen Z are familiar and fluent with computers, technology, and the Web. Therefore, business websites and social media presence are things they will examine when researching companies for job opportunities. Living in a world of perpetual updates and real-time communications makes them quick at processing information. Centennials also tend to be first-rate multitaskers, capable of focusing while numerous distractions occur around them.

“This group of professionals has grown up with technology available to them around the clock and is accustomed to constant learning,” McDonald stated in the Robert Half news release. “Companies with a solid understanding of this generation’s values and preferences will be well prepared to create work environments that attract a new generation of employees and maximize their potential.”

Stability and job security seem to be more important for Gen Z than it is for Gen Y. A recent study by staffing firm Adecco found that 70% of Gen Z prefer a stable work environment over one that offers passion, but little security.

“They saw their grandparents have to go back to work or their parents have struggles during the financial crisis,” noted McDonald in a MarketWatch article. “They want to work for companies long-term in their career.”

Where millennials are known to change jobs frequently, a 2015 study conducted by Robert Half found that centennials plan to work for only four companies in their entire careers. The same study also found that Generation Z prefer to work in business office environments instead of working remotely.

Centennials are also more interested in the values and fairness of their bosses and the company mission statements. Equal pay, promotions, and accolades need to be equitable across all genders, races, and other differences. Generation Z is also entrepreneurial and creative and they desire to interact with people in person.

“Be prepared to spend time with them face to face,” McDonald stated. “They want to be mentored and coached. If you coach them, you’re going to retain them.”

Gen Z Politics are Mixed

Generation Z also differs from Millennials in the political arena. In a New York Post column, Jeff Brauer, Professor of Political Science at Keystone College in La Plume, Penn., indicated that Generation Z is liberal on some issues while being conservative on other issues.

“Politically, Generation Z is liberal-moderate with social issues like support for marriage, equality, and civil rights, and moderate-conservative with fiscal and security issues,” Brauer stated. “While many are not connected to the two major parties and lean independent, Gen Z’s inclinations generally fit moderate Republicans.”

Brauer’s research found that members of Gen Z tend to value economic stability and security higher than the previous generation because they have grown up in an era peppered with terror threats, a shaky economy, and mass school shootings.

“This generation is different, and they are about to have a profound impact on commerce, politics, and trends,” stated Brauer in the NY Post column. “If politicians and business leaders aren’t paying attention yet, they better, because [Centennials] are about to change the world.”

As Generation Z comes of age, more of them will be working in the medical professions. Clinical laboratories and anatomic pathology groups would be well advised to prepare their businesses by adjusting leadership, adapting recruiting efforts, and shifting marketing to attract Centennials and remain relevant and successful in the future.

—JP Schlingman

Related Information:

The Secrets to Hiring and Managing Gen Z

Why the Generation After Millennials Will Vote Republican

Move Over Millennials, Members of Generation Z are Ready to Work

Eight Key Differences Between Gen Z and Millennials

Gen Z White Paper: The State of Gen Z 2017 National Research Study

What is Generation Z, and What Does It Want?

Gen Z Nothing Like Millennials, Prof Warns Liberals

Generation Z is Entering the Workforce: What does This Mean for Management?

Births: Provisional Data for 2016

The Six Living Generations in America

Wisdom of Hiring Across the Six Living Generations in America and the World

Generation Z: Five Surprising Insights

Kaiser Permanente Announces that Virtual Visits with Providers Have Surpassed Face-to-Face Appointments at Meeting of Nashville Health Care Council Members

Should this milestone be an indicator that more patients are willing to use telehealth to interact with providers, then clinical laboratories and pathology groups will need to respond with new ways to collect specimens and report results

Telehealth is gaining momentum at Kaiser Permanente (KP). Public statements by Kaiser administrators indicate that the number of virtual visits (AKA, telemedicine) with providers now is about equal to face-to-face visits with providers. This trend has many implications for clinical laboratories, both in how patient samples are collected from patients using virtual provider visits and how the medical laboratory test results are reported.

That this is happening at KP is not a surprise. The health system is well-known as a successful healthcare innovator. So, when its Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Bernard Tyson publically announced that the organization’s annual number of virtual visits with healthcare providers had surpassed the number of conventional in-person appointments, he got the members’ attention, as well as, the focus of former US Senator Bill Frist, MD, who moderated the event.

Tyson made this statement during a gathering of the Nashville Health Care Council. He informed the attendees that KP members have more than 100 million encounters each year with physicians, and that 52% of those are virtual visits, according to an article in Modern Healthcare.

However, when asked to comment about Tyson’s announcement during a video interview with MedCity News following the 13th Annual World Health Care Congress in Washington, DC, Robert Pearl, MD, Executive Director/CEO of the Permanente Medical Group and President/CEO of the Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group (MAPMG), stated, “Currently we’re doing 13-million virtual visits—that’s a combination of secure e-mail, digital, telephone, and video—and we did 16-million personal visits. But, by 2018, we expect those lines will cross because the virtual visits [are] going up double digits, whereas the in-person visits are relatively flat.”

So, there’s a bit of disagreement on the current numbers. Nevertheless, the announcement that consumer demand for virtual visits was increasing sparked excitement among the meeting attendees and telemedicine evangelists.

“It’s astounding,” declared Senator Frist, “because it represents what we all want to do, which is innovate and push ahead,” noted an article in The Tennessean.

Is this a wake-up call for the healthcare industry? Should clinical laboratories start making plans for virtual patients?

Of virtual office visits, Pearl noted in the interview with MedCity News, “Why wouldn’t you want, if the medical conditions are appropriate, to have your care delivered from the convenience of your home, or wherever you might be, at no cost to you, and to have it done immediately without any delays in care?”

Pearl added that one-third of patients in primary care provider virtual visits are able to connect with specialists during those sessions.

“It’s better quality, greater convenience, and certainly better outcomes as care begins immediately,” he noted.

Kaiser Permanente ‘Reimagines’ Medical Care

The virtual visit milestone is an impactful one at Kaiser Permanente, an Oakland, Calif.-based nonprofit healthcare organization that includes Kaiser Foundation hospitals, Permanente Medical Groups, and the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan. It suggests that the KP has successfully integrated health information technology (HIT) with clinical workflows. And that the growing trend in virtual encounters indicates patients are becoming comfortable accessing physicians and clinicians in this manner.

As Tyson stated during the Nashville meeting, it is about “reimagining medical care.”

Bernard Tyson (right), Chairman and CEO of Kaiser Permanente, speaking with former Senator Bill Frist, MD (left), at the Nashville Health Care Council meeting where he announced that the non-profit provider’s number of virtual visits with patients had surpassed its face-to-face appointments. (Photo Credit: Nashville Health Care Council.)

What does “reimagining” mean to the bottom line? He shared these numbers with the audience, according to the Modern Healthcare report:

  • 25% of the system’s $3.8 billion in capital spending goes to IT;
  • 7-million people are Kaiser Permanente members;
  • 95% of members have a capitated plan, which means they pay Kaiser Permanente a monthly fee for healthcare services, including the virtual visits.

The American Telemedicine Association, which itself interchanges the words “telemedicine” and “telehealth,” noted that large healthcare systems are “reinventing healthcare” by using telemedicine. The worldwide telemedicine market is about $19 billion and expected to grow to more than $48 billion by 2021, noted a report published by Research and Markets.

Consumers Want Virtual Health, but Providers Lag Behind Demand

Most Americans are intrigued with telehealth services. However, not everyone is participating in them. That’s according to an Advisory Board Company Survey that found 77% of 5,000 respondents were interested in seeing a doctor virtually and 19% have already done so.

Healthcare systems such as Kaiser Permanente and Cleveland Clinic are embracing telehealth, which Dark Daily covered in a previous e-briefing. However, the healthcare industry overall has a long way to go “to meet consumer interest in virtual care,” noted an Advisory Board news release about the survey.

“Direct-to-consumer virtual specialty and chronic care are largely untapped frontiers,” noted Emily Zuehlke, a consultant with The Advisory Board Company (NASDAQ:ABCO). “As consumers increasingly shop for convenient affordable healthcare—and as payers’ interest in low-cost access continues to grow—this survey suggests that consumers are likely to reward those who offer virtual visits for specialty and chronic care,” she stated.

Telehealth Could Increase Healthcare Costs

Does telehealth reduce healthcare spending? A study published in Health Affairs suggests that might not be the case. The researchers found that telemedicine could actually increase costs, since it drives more people to use healthcare.

“A key attraction of this type of telehealth for health plans and employers is the potential savings involved in replacing physician office and emergency department visits with less expensive virtual visits. However, increased convenience may tap into unmet demand for healthcare, and new utilization may increase overall healthcare spending,” the study authors wrote in the Health Affairs article.

Clinical Laboratories Can Support Virtual Healthcare  

Clinical laboratories must juggle supporting consumer demand for convenience, while also ensuring health quality expectations and requirements. How can pathologists and medical laboratory leaders integrate their labs with the patient’s virtual healthcare experience, while also aiming for better and more efficient care? One way would be to explore innovative ways to contact patients about the need to collect specimens subsequent to virtual visits. Of course, the procedures themselves must be done in-person. Nevertheless, medical laboratories could find ways to digitally complement—through communications, test results sharing, and education—patients’ use of virtual visits.

—Donna Marie Pocius


Related Information:

Kaiser Permanente Chief Says Members are Flocking to Virtual Visits

Kaiser’s Tyson to Nashville: Health Care’s Future Isn’t in a Hospital

More Virtual Care Than Office Visits at Kaiser Permanente by 2018

Telemedicine Market Forecasts: 2016 to 2021

What do Consumers Want from Virtual Visits?

Virtual Visits with Medical Specialists Draw Strong Consumer Demand, Survey Shows

Direct-to-Consumer Telehealth May Increase Access to Care but Does Not Decrease Spending

Cleveland Clinic Gives Patients Statewide 24/7 Access to Physicians Through Smartphones, iPads, Tablets, and Online; Will Telemedicine Also Involve Pathologists?

Startup Oscar Health Finds Big Partners in Ohio’s Cleveland Clinic and Nashville’s Humana Inc.

Two different deals aim to bring a new style of healthcare insurance to individuals and small businesses

Designed to be a new model for health insurance, the much-watched Oscar Health (Oscar), founded in 2012, has just inked deals with both the Cleveland Clinic and Humana, Inc. What makes Oscar worth watching by pathologists and clinical laboratory managers is that the innovative insurer was founded and is run by Gen X and Gen Y (Millennial) executives.

Oscar Health is billed by its Millennial cofounders as a new type of health insurance—one that “curates” or coordinates members’ care with the help of health information technology (HIT) on the Internet, a smartphone app, and personalized services by concierge teams. So, it is interesting for pathologists and medical laboratory leaders to note that New York-based Oscar is partnering, through two different deals, with well-established Cleveland Clinic and rival Humana to enter the Ohio and Tennessee healthcare markets.

As Dark Daily reported in a previous e-briefing, Oscar aims to leverage sophisticated technology solutions and data to challenge complexity and costs associated with traditional healthcare insurance. An approach no doubt driven by the modern thinking of the company’s young founders. We alerted lab leaders that the insurance startup could be the latest example of technology’s power in the hands of Gen Y and Gen X entrepreneurs.

And while Oscar has reportedly experienced financial challenges, it is moving forward with the widely publicized new partnerships, as well as additional plans to expand insurance coverage in more states. Therefore, it’s important for clinical laboratory professionals to follow Oscar, which soon could be a healthcare payer of clinical laboratory and anatomic pathology services in more regions of the country.

Why Is Oscar Teaming Up with Cleveland Clinic, Humana?

In short, Cleveland Clinic is making its debut into the health insurance market with Oscar. And Oscar is moving into Ohio on the coat tails of this nationally prominent healthcare provider. The co-branded Cleveland Clinic/Oscar Health insurance plan will be offered to northeast Ohio residents in the fall for coverage effective Jan. 1, according to a Cleveland Clinic news release.

“This is a rare opportunity to work with the Cleveland Clinic to deliver the simpler, better, and affordable healthcare experience that consumers want,” said Mario Schlosser, Oscar’s Chief Executive Officer and cofounder in the news release.


Josh Kushner (left) and Mario Schlosser (right) cofounded Oscar Health, a New York-based health insurer that employs computer technologies, a mobile app, and concierge-style healthcare teams to provide members with a modern health plan experience and easy access to quality healthcare providers. (Photo copyright: Los Angeles Times.)

The coverage will be sold on and off the Ohio Affordable Care Act state exchange. Here’s what consumers will receive, noted statements by the Cleveland Clinic and Oscar Health:

  • Access to primary care providers affiliated with the Cleveland Clinic, and an Oscar Health concierge team (a nurse and three care guides) that can refer patients based on their needs to other providers in the care continuum;
  • Virtual care visits enabled by Cleveland Clinic Express Care Online and Oscar’s Virtual Visits;
  • Smartphone technology to make it possible for members to explore their health needs, find options, and review costs.

“We are looking to build a new relationship among payers, providers, and patients. This relationship goes beyond the traditional approach of getting sick and seeing the doctor,” noted Brian Donley, MD, Cleveland Clinic’s Chief of Staff.

In an article on the partnership, Forbes suggested that narrow healthcare networks like the Cleveland Clinic/Oscar model might be just what the ACA exchanges need to remain operational.

However, a Business Insider article suggests that Oscar—already active in New York, Texas, and California health exchanges—could be adversely affected by a successful replacement of the ACA, currently being debated by Congressional lawmakers.

Nevertheless, Alan Warren, PhD, Oscar’s Chief Technology Officer, told Business Insider that the Cleveland Clinic/Oscar Health insurance plan would go forward even if Obamacare did not.

Formal Rival Humana Now Oscar’s Partner in Small Business Insurance

Meanwhile, the partnership with Humana takes Oscar, which launched Oscar for Business in April, 2017, further into the small business health insurance market. Humana and Oscar will sell commercial health insurance to small businesses in a nine-county Nashville, Tenn., area effective in the fall, according to a joint Oscar/Humana news release.

“The individual market was a good starting point. But it was clear from the beginning that the majority of insurance in the US is delivered through employers,” Schlosser stated in a New York Times article.

As to who does what, Beth Bierbower, Humana’s Group and Specialty Segment President, explained in an article in the Tennessean that Humana will contract with hospitals and doctors for small business insurance, while Oscar’s technology solutions will help small businesses and their employees manage healthcare benefits and gain access to providers. “These people [at Oscar] are on to something,” she noted. “They are doing something a little different. Maybe this is a situation where one plus one, together, might equal three.”

Future Growth Planned by Oscar

The New York Times called Nashville “a new step for Oscar,” and noted that it follows Oscar’s recent loss of $25.8 million during the first three months of 2017—47% less than Oscar lost during the same period in 2016. Since its inception, however, Oscar has raised $350 million in investment capital, much of it from Silicon Valley investors.

Also, Oscar’s small-business health insurance plans, which started in the spring in New York, might launch in New Jersey and California as well, an Oscar spokesperson stated in a Modern Healthcare article that also reported on Oscar’s intent to increase individual plans sold in the ACA Marketplace from three states to six in 2018.

Clinical Laboratories Benefit from Increased Consumer Access to Health Providers

Could Oscar succeed with its new Cleveland Clinic and Humana partners? Possibly. Both deals are pending regulatory approval as of this writing.

In any case, the whole idea of making insurance more palatable for consumers is something clinical laboratories, which are gateways to healthcare, should applaud and support. It is good to know that insurers like Oscar are using technology and personal outreach to ease consumers’ access to providers and help them explore options and costs.

—Donna Marie Pocius

Related Information:

Cleveland Clinic, Oscar Health to Offer Individual Health Insurance Plans in Northeast Ohio

Introducing Cleveland Clinic Oscar Health Plans

Oscar Health Partners with Cleveland Clinic on Obamacare Exchange

Oscar Health Partners with Cleveland Clinic

Oscar Health to Join Human in Small-Business Venture

Humana Oscar Health Pilot Small Business Insurance Partnership in Nashville

Oscar and Humana Team up to Sell Small-Business Plans

Insurance Start-Up Oscar Seeks to Shake Up Healthcare Through Its App

Gen Y Entrepreneurs Launch Oscar, A Consumer-Friendly Health Insurance Company in Bid to Disrupt Traditional Health Insurers



Harvard Medical School Researchers Use CRISPR Technology to Insert Images into the DNA of Bacteria

Technology allows retrievable information to be recorded directly into the genomes of living bacteria, but will this technology have value in clinical laboratory testing?

Researchers at Harvard Medical School have successfully used CRISPR technology to encode an image and a short film into the Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of bacteria. Their goal is to develop a way to record and store retrievable information in the genomes of living bacteria. A story in the Harvard Gazette described the new technology as a sort of “biological hard drive.”

It remains to be seen how this technology might impact medical laboratories and pathology groups. Nevertheless, their accomplishment is another example of how CRISPR technology is leading to new insights and capabilities that will advance genetic medicine and genetic testing.

The researchers published their study in the journal Science, a publication of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

Recording Complex Biological Events in the Genomes of Bacteria

Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) are DNA sequences containing short, repetitive base sequences found in the genomes of bacteria and other micro-organisms that can facilitate the modification of genes within organisms. The term CRISPR also can refer to the whole CRISPR-Cas9 system, which can be programmed to pinpoint certain areas of genetic code and to modify DNA at exact locations.

Led by George Church, PhD, faculty member and Professor of Genetics at Harvard Medical School, the team of researchers at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass., constructed a molecular recorder based on CRISPR that enables cells to obtain DNA information and produce a memory in the genome of bacteria. With it, they inserted a GIF image and a five-frame movie into the bacteria’s DNA.

“As promising as this was, we did not know what would happen when we tried to track about 100 sequences at once, or if it would work at all,” noted Seth Shipman, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, and one of the authors of the study in the Harvard Gazette story. “This was critical since we are aiming to use this system to record complex biological events as our ultimate goal.”

Translating Digital Information into DNA Code

The team transferred an image of a human hand and five frames of a movie of a running horse onto nucleotides to imbed data into the genomes of bacteria. This produced a code relating to the pixels of each image. CRISPR was then used to insert genetic code into the DNA of Escherichia coli (E-coli) bacteria. The researchers discovered that CRISPR did have the ability to encode complex information into living cells.

“The information is not contained in a single cell, so each individual cell may only see certain bits or pieces of the movie. So, what we had to do was reconstruct the whole movie from the different pieces,” stated Shipman in a BBC News article. “Maybe a single cell saw a few pixels from frame one and a few pixels from frame four … so we had to look at the relation of all those pieces of information in the genomes of these living cells and say, ‘Can we reconstruct the entire movie over time?’”

The team used an image of a digitized human hand because it embodies the type of intricate data they wish to use in future experiments. A movie also was used because it has a timing component, which could prove to be beneficial in understanding how a cell and its environment may change over time. The researchers chose one of the first motion pictures ever recorded—moving images of a galloping horse by Eadweard Muybridge, a British photographer and inventor from the late 19th century.

“We designed strategies that essentially translate the digital information contained in each pixel of an image or frame, as well as the frame number, into a DNA code that, with additional sequences, is incorporated into spacers. Each frame thus becomes a collection of spacers,” Shipman explained in the Harvard Gazette story. “We then provided spacer collections for consecutive frames chronologically to a population of bacteria which, using Cas1/Cas2 activity, added them to the CRISPR arrays in their genomes. And after retrieving all arrays again from the bacterial population by DNA sequencing, we finally were able to reconstruct all frames of the galloping horse movie and the order they appeared in.”

In the video above, Wyss Institute and Harvard Medical School researchers George Church, PhD, and Seth Shipman, PhD, explain how they engineered a new CRISPR system-based technology that enables the chronological recording of digital information, like that representing still and moving images, in living bacteria. Click on the image above to view the video. It is still too early to determine how this technology may be useful to pathologists and clinical laboratory scientists. (Caption and video copyright: Wyss Institute at Harvard University.)

“In this study, we show that two proteins of the CRISPR system, Cas1 and Cas2, that we have engineered into a molecular recording tool, together with new understanding of the sequence requirements for optimal spacers, enables a significantly scaled-up potential for acquiring memories and depositing them in the genome as information that can be provided by researchers from the outside, or that, in the future, could be formed from the cells natural experiences,” stated Church in the Harvard Gazette story. “Harnessed further, this approach could present a way to cue different types of living cells in their natural tissue environments into recording the formative changes they are undergoing into a synthetically created memory hotspot in their genomes.”

Encoding Information into Cells for Clinical Laboratory Testing and Therapy

The team plans to focus on creating molecular recording devices for other cell types and on enhancing their current CRISPR recorder to memorize biological information.

“One day, we may be able to follow all the developmental decisions that a differentiating neuron is taking from an early stem cell to a highly-specialized type of cell in the brain, leading to a better understanding of how basic biological and developmental processes are choreographed,” stated Shipman in the Harvard Gazette story. Ultimately, the approach could lead to better methods for generating cells for regenerative therapy, disease modeling, drug testing, and clinical laboratory testing.

According to Shipman in the BBC News article, these cells could “encode information about what’s going on in the cell and what’s going on in the cell environment by writing that information into their own genome.”

This field of research is still new and its full potential is not yet understood. However, if this capability can be developed, there could be opportunities for pathologists and molecular chemists to develop methods for in vivo monitoring of a patient’s cell function. These methods could prove to be an unexpected new way for clinical laboratories to add value and become more engaged with the clinical care team.

—JP Schlingman

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