Feb 3, 2017 | Compliance, Legal, and Malpractice, Laboratory Management and Operations, Laboratory News, Laboratory Pathology, Laboratory Sales and Marketing
Clinical laboratories and pathology groups can benefit from developing a strategy for addressing negative Yelp reviews
In today’s wired world, clinical laboratories and anatomic pathology groups have a new challenge: what to do when unhappy patients go to social networking sites and post comments about their negative experience with their lab. A lab can have a sterling reputation for service and it can all unravel if a vociferous and angry patient posts rants on the Internet.
Today’s reality is that, like them or not, online reviews posted on websites such as Yelp are here to stay. That is why medical lab managers and pathologists should know about a recent court ruling that protects websites that feature consumer reviews about businesses.
One business owner who sued such a website learned this out the hard way—in court. A locksmith in Redmond, Wash., reportedly filed a libel lawsuit, claiming he lost 95% of his business after receiving a negative 1-star review on Yelp. Regardless, a federal appeals court ruled that Yelp’s star rating system, which is based on user input, does not make Yelp responsible for negative reviews of businesses, the Chicago Tribune reported. (more…)
Jan 23, 2017 | Laboratory Management and Operations, Laboratory News, Laboratory Operations, Laboratory Pathology, Laboratory Sales and Marketing
Many medical laboratories are working with vendors to optimize supply chain management and align it with patient outcomes
Even in today’s difficult financial environment, many local clinical laboratories and hospital lab outreach programs across the United States are prospering. Their financial stability is largely due to the fact that they have laboratory sales professionals who regularly add new clients and take market share away from their national lab company competitors. It is to honor these industrious lab sales pros that The Dark Report organized the 2016 National Lab Sales Excellence Award.
The new national sales awards were unveiled at the Executive War College in New Orleans on April 26-27. As noted in earlier Dark Daily e-briefings, our reporting on the lab industry’s top sales producers serves two worthy goals: (more…)
Oct 17, 2016 | Laboratory Hiring & Human Resources, Laboratory Management and Operations, Laboratory News, Laboratory Operations, Laboratory Pathology, Laboratory Sales and Marketing, Laboratory Testing, Management & Operations
Providing physicians with the clinical context and knowledge for the best use of specialty clinical laboratory tests helps this highly successful lab sales professional establish win-win client relationships
In support of the many local clinical laboratories and hospital lab outreach programs across the United States that continue to regularly add new clients and take market share away from their national lab company competitors, The Dark Report organized the 2016 National Lab Sales Excellence Award.
The award winners were announced at this year’s Executive War College in New Orleans on April 26–27. Reporting on the lab industry’s top sales producers serves two worthy goals. First, it brings recognition to the accomplishments of these lab sales professionals. Second, it helps medical laboratory administrators and pathologists at other labs and hospital outreach programs learn more about what it takes to use lab sales reps to win new clients.
What follows is a profile of the 2nd winner of the 2016 National Lab Sales Excellence Award. Dark Daily will publish profiles for each of the five laboratory sales professionals who were recognized with this unique national sales award. (more…)
Oct 5, 2016 | Laboratory News, Laboratory Operations, Laboratory Pathology, Laboratory Sales and Marketing, Laboratory Testing
Medical laboratory managers are getting an important lesson in the power of price transparency to motivate patients to complain about arbitrarily high prices for healthcare services and products
By now, most clinical laboratory managers and pathologists know about the EpiPen pricing scandal. Simply said, it illustrates all the flaws and problems in the US healthcare system that make it possible for vendors and providers to raise prices arbitrarily and stick the bill on health insurers, employers, and patients.
However, it was one change in the healthcare system that caused the outrageous pricing strategy of EpiPen’s manufacturer, Mylan Inc., to become national news: price transparency for patients. That change is a result of the increased number of patients who must pay high deductibles and co-pays as a requirement of their health insurance plan. Thus, because tens of millions of patients were forced to pay for most or all of the cost of EpiPens, it was their complaints about the high cost of this device that brought the story to the attention of the national news media. (more…)
Aug 8, 2016 | Compliance, Legal, and Malpractice, Instruments & Equipment, Laboratory Management and Operations, Laboratory News, Laboratory Operations, Laboratory Pathology, Laboratory Sales and Marketing, Laboratory Testing, Management & Operations
Clinical chemists at AACC pointed out that Holmes did not present data as promised. Instead, she did a speech that advertised her company’s latest medical lab analyzer
DATELINE: PHILADELPHIA—By now, the clinical laboratory industry and the world knows that Theranos Founder Elizabeth Holmes took the stage here last Monday at the annual meeting of the American Association of Clinical Chemistry (AACC). The content of her presentation was given wide play by the national press and, in general, Holmes appears to have failed to impress both the medical laboratory scientists in attendance and the journalists representing some of the world’s most prominent news outlets.
Among those in attendance was your Dark Daily editor, and I reported on the key elements of the presentation given by Holmes last week. However, the details contained within Holmes’ speech are only part of this important story. What is of equal or greater interest to medical laboratory professionals and pathologists is how their peers reacted to the invitation to have Holmes speak at the AACC meeting last week (a joint conference with the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science—ASCLS), along with their reaction to what Holmes decided to present, their assessment of the diagnostic instrument she unveiled, and how they viewed the data she presented about certain assays performed by the Theranos “miniLab” device. (more…)
Aug 5, 2016 | Laboratory Hiring & Human Resources, Laboratory Management and Operations, Laboratory News, Laboratory Operations, Laboratory Pathology, Laboratory Sales and Marketing, Laboratory Testing, Management & Operations
As health systems accept increased risk under healthcare reform, partnerships and provider insurance plans may also lead to greater rewards for hospitals and doctors
Even as pathologists, clinical laboratories, and other medical service providers adapt to value-based care initiatives and bundled payment plans, health systems are looking for ways to optimize both quality of care and treatment costs. In some cases this is the reason behind new joint ventures between provider and payer organizations.
Once such joint venture involves Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield and Aurora Healthcare. It was announced in an April press release.
The two partners created a newly licensed insurer called the Wisconsin Collaborative Insurance Company (WCIC). With both Anthem and Aurora Healthcare investing $5-million in the new insurance company, they will split equally any profits and losses derived from their new commercial health plan—Well Priority.
The plan includes services with 15 Aurora Healthcare hospitals as well as choice providers throughout the state. The first commercial plan will be available to fully insured and self-insured employers, with service starting January 1, 2017. (more…)