News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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Diagnostics Marketing Association’s (DxMA’s) Global Marketing Summit Will Convene in New Orleans Just Prior to the Executive War College (EWC) to Discuss Primary Trends Facing IVD Manufacturers, Clinical Laboratories

The DxMA Summit’s agenda will complement EWC’s and will explore disruptive technologies likely to be of great interest to medical laboratory leaders and pathology groups

Cybersecurity, wearable technology, and social media are the primary trends facing in vitro diagnostics (IVD) manufacturers and clinical laboratories.

That’s according to Debra Harrsch, President-elect of the Diagnostics Marketing Association (DxMA), a self-funded organization devoted to helping diagnostic marketing professionals stay abreast of industry trends and effectively navigate the changing legal, regulatory, and technology landscape.

DxMA will be holding its annual Global Marketing Summit April 30-May 1 at the Sheraton New Orleans Hotel on Canal Street. Coincidentally, the 2017 Executive War College (EWC) will takes place in the same venue, May 2-3, directly following the DxMA summit. (more…)

Changes in Healthcare Costs during the Obama Administration: What Happened to Spending by Businesses and Consumers

In this second installment of a two-part briefing, the impact of the Affordable Care Act on healthcare spending by businesses and consumers during the past eight years is assessed

No single piece of legislation during the Obama Administration generated more controversy than the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which became law in 2010. It was touted by proponents within and without the administration as the needed solution to the nation’s healthcare problems.

The two biggest problems with healthcare in the United States are probably the sustained year-over-year growth in total healthcare spending and the large number of Americans who lack adequate health insurance. At the time that the ACA was signed into law by President Obama, there were assurances that this law would help solve both problems.

Thus, at the end of the Obama Administration’s eight years in office, both academic experts and journalists are writing their assessment about how the ACA has changed healthcare in the United States. This is a high-interest subject for medical laboratories and pathology groups, hospitals and health systems, and physicians. (more…)

Noted Clinical Laboratory and Anatomic Pathology Legal Experts Jane Pine Wood and Richard Cooper to Address 2017’s Important Changes in Legal, Compliance, and Managed Care Issues for Lab Industry

Medical labs must comply with PAMA lab test price market reporting in 2017, while pathologists will see big changes in Medicare physician payments because of MIPS

It is now budget-planning season for the medical laboratories of hospital and health systems. This fall, lab administrators report grim news as they try to anticipate all the changes coming to the clinical laboratory industry in 2017—just 11 weeks away.

There is a growing consensus among lab executives and pathologists who are the business leaders of their groups that labs will not see any relief in 2017 to the multi-year decline in lab test prices that actually intensified in the past 24 months.

One factor is their assessment of the coverage and pricing decisions being made by the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) for specialty lab tests. The other factor is their experience with private payers who continue excluding local clinical labs from narrow networks and who insist on price cuts when managed care contracts are renewed. (more…)

Good News for Honest Clinical Laboratories: Federal Fraud Case in New Jersey Brings More Convictions and Indictments of Doctors Who Accepted Illegal Inducements

Biodiagnostic Laboratory Services fraud case continues to bring more criminal convictions of physicians in a rare case of tough federal enforcement of anti-kickback laws

There’s good news for sales representatives who work for clinical laboratories and anatomic pathology groups and regularly run up against the sales practices of shyster labs that offer inducements to that class of doctors who are open to personal enrichment by accepting different forms of kickbacks in return for lab test referrals.

The good news comes from New Jersey, where one U.S. attorney has prosecuted dozens of doctors who accepted various illegal inducements and bribes from BioDiagnostic Laboratory Services Inc. (BLS) of Parsippany, the discredited lab company that was closed in 2012 after it was indicted by Paul J. Fishman, the U.S. attorney for Newark.

The most recent conviction was announced in April, 2016, when another New Jersey physician pleaded guilty in the continuing clinical laboratory fraud case involving BLS.

Gary Safier, MD, pleaded guilty to taking bribes in excess of $350,000 over a period of seven years. He was sentenced to two years in prison and, upon release, will have to perform an additional two years of supervised release. He was also instructed to forfeit the $353,000 he received for his role in the scam. (more…)

CMS Issues PAMA Final Rule That Aims to Cut Medicare’s Clinical Laboratory Test Price Schedule Sharply Beginning in 2018

Analysis shows new rule requires data gathering effort that favors larger medical laboratories and thus threatens community labs that serve smaller towns and rural areas

When The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued their Final Rule for lab test market price reporting under the Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014 (PAMA) last month, it put the clinical laboratory industry on a path that will have significant financial consequences for all labs, whether large or small. Some experts believe this will be the most disruptive event to the medical laboratory industry in the past 30 years.

By now, the story is well known among pathologists and clinical laboratory directors. That story comes from CMS, which issued the Medicare Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Tests Payment System Final Rule—AKA the Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule (CLFS)—that directly affects clinical labs. Under this Final Rule, published in the Federal Register, June 17, 2016, “laboratories and physician offices are required to report private payer rate and volume data if they have more than $12,500 in Medicare revenues from laboratory services on the CLFS and they receive more than 50% of their Medicare revenues from laboratory and physician services during a data collection period. Laboratories will collect private payer data from January 1, 2016 through June 30, 2016 and report it to CMS by March 31, 2017.

“The first data reporting period (that is, the period during which data from the collection period will be submitted to CMS) will be from January 1, 2017, through March 31, 2017. All subsequent data collection and reporting periods for CDLTs [Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Tests], except for ADLTs [Advanced Diagnostic Laboratory Tests], will follow this same data collection and reporting schedule, every three years. Reporting of private payer rates for ADLTs will occur on the same schedule except it will be on an annual basis,” states the Final Rule. (more…)

How the ACA and Medicaid Expansion Are Affecting Patient Bad Debt at Hospitals, Pathology Groups, and Clinical Laboratories

The amount of patient debt healthcare providers face depends on multiple, complex factors, including whether they engaged in Medicaid Expansion

Often the challenges facing hospitals and medical pathology laboratories are similar. So it is with patient debt. Blame that on two trends. One is the increase in the number of patients with high-deductible health plans. The other is the increase in the number of people enrolled via the Affordable Care Act (ACA) health insurance exchanges with similar high-deductible health plans.

These two factors are contributing to increased levels of bad debt that confront the nation’s hospitals, clinical laboratories, and anatomic pathology groups. However, in some states where Medicaid programs have been expanded, hospitals have reported declines in the level of patient bad debt.

When President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law in 2010, many people thought that fewer uninsured people would mean less bad debt for hospitals. Now, six years later, the reality is not so clear-cut.

Hospitals, clinical laboratories, and other entities within the healthcare system are seeing different levels of bad debt depending on what part of the country they are in, what kinds of policies they have enacted, and probably most importantly, whether or not the state in which they are located has expanded Medicaid(more…)
