News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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Veritas Genetics Drops Its Price for Clinical-Grade Whole-Genome Sequencing to $599, as Gene Sequencing Costs Continue to Fall

Low prices to encourage consumers to order its WGS service is one way Veritas co-founder and genetics pioneer George Church hopes to sequence 150,000 genomes by 2021

By announcing an annotated whole-genome sequencing (WGS) service to consumers for just $599, Veritas Genetics is establishing a new price benchmark for medical laboratories and gene testing companies. Prior to this announcement in July, Veritas priced its standard myGenome service at $999.

“There is no more comprehensive genetic test than your whole genome,” Rodrigo Martinez, Veritas’ Chief Marketing and Design Officer, told CNBC. “So, this is a clear signal that the whole genome is basically going to replace all other genetic tests. And this [price drop] gets it closer and closer and closer.”

Pathologists and clinical laboratory managers will want to watch to see if Veritas’ low-priced, $599 whole-genome sequencing becomes a pricing standard for the genetic testing industry. Meanwhile, the new price includes not only the sequencing, but also an expert analysis of test results that includes information on more than 200 conditions, Veritas says.

“The focus in our industry is shifting from the cost of sequencing genomes to interpretation capabilities and that’s where our secret sauce is,” said Veritas CEO Mirza Cifric in a news release. “We’ve built and deployed a world class platform to deliver clinically-actionable insights at scale.” The company also says it “achieved this milestone primarily by deploying internally-developed machine learning and AI [artificial intelligence] tools as well as external tools—including Google’s DeepVariant—and by improving its in-house lab operations.”

The myGenome service offers 30x WGS, which Veritas touts in company documentation as the “gold standard” for sequencing, compared to the less-precise 0.4x WGS.

The myGenome service is available only in the United States.

Will Whole-Genome Sequencing Replace Other Genetic Tests?

Veritas was co-founded by George Church, PhD, a pioneer of personal genomics through his involvement with the Harvard Personal Genome Project at Harvard Medical School. In a press release announcing the launch of myGenome in 2016, Veritas described its system as “the world’s first whole genome for less than $1,000, including interpretation and genetic counseling.”

Church predicts that WGS will someday replace other genetic tests, such as the genotyping used by personal genomics and biotechnology company 23andMe.

“Companies like 23andMe that are based on genotyping technology basically opened the market over the last decade,” Martinez explained in an interview with WTF Health. “They’ve done an incredible job of getting awareness in the general population.”

However, he goes on to say, “In genotyping technology, you are looking at very specific points of the genome, less than half of one percent, a very small amount.”

Martinez says Veritas is sequencing all 6.4 billion letters of the genome. And, with the new price point, “we’re closer to realizing that seismic shift,” he said in the news release.

“This is the inflection point,” Martinez told CNBC. “This is the point where the curve turns upward. You reach a critical mass when you are able to provide a product that gives value at a specific price point. This is the beginning of that. That’s why it’s seismic.”

Rodrigo Martinez (above), Veritas’ Chief Marketing and Design Officer, told CNBC, “The only way we’re going to be able to truly extract the value of the genome for a healthier society is going to be analyzing millions of genomes that have been sequenced. And the only way we can get there is by reducing the price so that more consumers can sequence their genome.” Photo copyright: Twitter.)

Payment Models Not Yet Established by Government, Private Payers

However, tying WGS into personalized medicine that leads to actionable diagnoses may not be easy. Robin Bennett, PhD (hon.), a board certified senior genetic counselor and Professor of Medicine and Medical Genetics at UW School of Medicine, told CNBC, “[Healthcare] may be moving in that direction, but the payment for testing and for services, it hasn’t moved in the preventive direction. So, unless the healthcare system changes, these tests may not be as useful because … the healthcare system hasn’t caught up to say, ‘Yes, we support payment for this.’”

Kathryn Phillips, PhD, Professor of Health Economics at University of California, San Francisco, says insurers are uncertain that genetic sequencing will lead to clinical diagnoses.

“Insurers are looking for things where, if you get the information, there’s something you can do with it and that both the provider and the patient are willing and able to use that information to do things that improve their health,” Phillips told CNBC. “Insurers are very interested in using genetic testing for prevention, but we need to . . . demonstrate that the information will be used and that it’s a good trade-off between the benefits and the costs.”

Sequencing for Free If You Share Your Data

Church may have an answer for that as well—get biopharmaceutical companies to foot the bill. Though Veritas’ new price for their myGenome service is significantly lower than before, it’s not free. That’s what Nebula Genomics, a start-up genetics company in Massachusetts co-founded by Church, offers people willing to share the data derived from their sequencing. To help biomedical researchers gather data for their studies, Nebula provides free or partially-paid-for whole-genome sequencing to qualified candidates.

“Nebula will enable individuals to get sequenced at much lower cost through sequencing subsidies paid by the biopharma industry,” Church told BioSpace. “We need to bring the costs of personal genome sequencing close to zero to achieve mass adoption.”

Dark Daily reported on Nebula’s program in “Nebula Genomics Offers FREE Whole Genome Sequencing to Customers Willing to Allow Their Data Be Used by Researchers for Drug Development,” January 7, 2019.

So, will lower-priced whole-genome sequencing catch on? Perhaps. It’s certainly popular with everyday people who want to learn their ancestry or predisposition to certain diseases. How it will ultimately affect clinical laboratories and pathologists remains to be seen, but one thing is certain—WGS is here to stay.

—Stephen Beale

Related Information:

Veritas Doubles Down on Consumer Genomics, Sets New Industry Milestone by Dropping Price of Genome to $599

23andMe Competitor Veritas Genetics Slashes Price of Whole Genome Sequencing 40% to $600

Veritas Genetics Launches $999 Whole Genome and Sets New Standard for Genetic Testing

Veritas Genetics Breaks $1,000 Whole Genome Barrier

Nebula Genomics Offers FREE Whole Genome Sequencing to Customers Willing to Allow Their Data Be Used by Researchers for Drug Development

EBRC Report Offers a 20-Year Synthetic Biology Roadmap That Could Lead to New Diagnostic Technologies for Clinical Laboratories, Pathologists

The 80 scientists and engineers that comprise the consortium believe synthetic biology can address key challenges in health and medicine, but technical hurdles remain

Synthetic biology now has a 20-year development roadmap. Many predict this fast-moving field of science will deliver valuable products that can be used in diagnostics—including clinical laboratory tests, therapeutics, and other healthcare products.

Eighty scientists from universities and companies around the world that comprise the Engineering Biology Research Consortium (EBRC) recently published the 20-year roadmap. They designed it to “provide researchers and other stakeholders (including government funders)” with what they hope will be “a go-to resource for engineering/synthetic biology research and related endeavors,” states the EBRC Roadmap website.

The EBRC is “a public-private partnership partially funded by the National Science Foundation and centered at the University of California, Berkeley,” a Berkeley news release states.

Medical laboratories and clinical pathologists may soon have new tools and therapies for targeting specific diseases. The EBRC defines synthetic biology as “the design and construction of new biological entities such as enzymes, genetic circuits, and cells or the redesign of existing biological systems. Synthetic biology builds on the advances in molecular, cell, and systems biology and seeks to transform biology in the same way that synthesis transformed chemistry and integrated circuit design transformed computing.”

Synthetic biology is an expanding field and there are predictions that it may produce research findings that can be adapted for use in clinical pathology diagnostics and treatment for chronic diseases, such as cancer.

Another goal of the roadmap is to encourage federal government funding for synthetic biology.

“The question for government is: If all of these avenues are now open for biotechnology development, how does the US stay ahead in those developments as a country?” said Douglas Friedman, EBRC’s Executive Director, in a news release. “This field has the ability to be truly impactful for society and we need to identify engineering biology as a national priority, organize around that national priority, and take action based on it.”

Designing or Redesigning Life Forms for Specific Applications

Synthetic biology is an interdisciplinary field that combines elements of engineering, biology, chemistry, and computer science. It enables the design and construction of new life forms—or redesign of existing ones—for a multitude of applications in medicine and other fields.

Dark Daily reported on one such breakthrough by researchers in Cambridge, England, that involved the creation of synthetic E. coli. They were studying the potential use of synthetic genomics in clinical laboratory medicine. (See, “Scientists in United Kingdom Manipulate DNA to Create a Synthetic Bacteria That Could Be Immune to Infections,” September 27, 2019.)

Another recent example comes from the Wyss Institute at Harvard. Scientist there developed a direct-to-consumer molecular diagnostics platform called INSPECTR that, they say, uses programmable synthetic biosensors to detect infectious pathogens or host cells.

The Wyss Institute says on its website that the platform can be packaged as a low-cost, direct-to-consumer test similar to a home pregnancy test. “This novel approach combines the specificity, rapid development, and broad applicability of a molecular diagnostic with the low-cost, stability, and direct-to-consumer applicability of lateral flow immunoassays.”

In March, Harvard announced that it had licensed the technology to Sherlock Biosciences.

Howard Salis, PhD (above), Associate Professor of biological engineering and chemical engineering at Pennsylvania State University (Penn State), co-chaired the EBRC Roadmapping Working Group that produced the roadmap. In a Penn State news story, Salis explained synthetic biology’s potential. “There are both traditional and startup companies leveraging synthetic biology technologies to develop novel biotech products,” he said. “Organisms that produce biorenewable materials; diagnostics to detect the Zika virus, Ebola and tuberculosis; and soil bacteria that fix nitrogen into ammonia for improved plant growth.” (Photo copyright: Twitter.)

Fundamental Challenges with Synthetic Biology

The proponents of synthetic biology hope to make it easier to design and build these systems, in much the same way computer engineers design integrated circuits and processors. The EBRC Roadmap may help scientist worldwide achieve this goal.

However, in “What is Synthetic/Engineering Biology?” the EBRC also identifies the fundamental challenges facing the field. Namely, the complexity and unpredictability inherent in biology, and a limited understanding of how biological components interact.

The EBRC roadmap report, “Engineering Biology: A Research Roadmap for the Next-Generation Bioeconomy,” covers five categories of applications:

Health and medicine are of primary interest to pathologists.

Synthetic Biology in Health and Medicine

The Health and Medicine section of the report identifies four broad societal challenges that the EBRC believes can be addressed by synthetic biology. For each, the report specifies engineering biology objectives, including efforts to develop new diagnostic technologies. They include:

  • Existing and emerging infectious diseases: Objectives include development of tools for treating infections, improving immunity, reducing dependence on antibiotics, and diagnosing antimicrobial-resistant infections. The authors also foresee tools for rapid characterization and response to “known and unknown pathogens in real time at population scales.”
  • Non-communicable diseases and disorders, including cancer, heart disease, and diabetes: Objectives include development of biosensors that will measure metabolites and other biomolecules in vivo. Also: tools for identifying patient-specific drugs; tools for delivering gene therapies; and genetic circuits that will foster tissue formation and repair.
  • Environmental health threats, such as toxins, pollution, and injury: Objectives include systems that will integrate wearable tech with living cells, improve interaction with prosthetics, prevent rejection of transplanted organs, and detect and repair of biochemical damage.
  • Healthcare access and personalized medicine: The authors believe that synthetic biology can enable personalized treatments and make new therapies more affordable.

Technical Themes

In addition to these applications, the report identifies four “technical themes,” broad categories of technology that will spur the advancement of synthetic biology:

  • Gene editing, synthesis, and assembly: This refers to tools for producing chromosomal DNA and engineering whole genomes.
  • Biomolecule, pathway, and circuit engineering: This “focuses on the importance, challenges, and goals of engineering individual biomolecules themselves to have expanded or new functions,” the roadmap states. This theme also covers efforts to combine biological components, both natural and non-natural, into larger, more-complex systems.
  • Host and consortia engineering: This “spans the development of cell-free systems, synthetic cells, single-cell organisms, multicellular tissues and whole organisms, and microbial consortia and biomes,” the roadmap states.
  • Data Integration, modeling, and automation: This refers to the ability to apply engineering principles of Design, Build, Test and Learn to synthetic biology.

The roadmap also describes the current state of each technology and projects likely milestones at two, five, 10, and 20 years into the future. The 2- and 5-year milestones are based on “current or recently implemented funding programs, as well as existing infrastructure and facilities resources,” the report says.

The longer-term milestones are more ambitious and may require “significant technical advancements and/or increased funding and resources and new and improved infrastructure.”

Synthetic biology is a significant technology that could bring about major changes in clinical pathology diagnostics and treatments. It’s well worth watching.

—Stephen Beale

Related Information:

Engineering Biology: A Research Roadmap for the Next-Generation Bioeconomy

What Is Synthetic/Engineering Biology?

Scientists Chart Course Toward A New World of Synthetic Biology

INSPECTR: A Synthetic Biology-Based Molecular Diagnostics Platform to Empower Patients and Consumers with Low-Cost, Self-Diagnostic Tests

Penn State Professor Co-Chairs Roadmap to Guide Synthetic Biology Investments

Scientists in United Kingdom Manipulate DNA to Create a Synthetic Bacteria That Could Be Immune to Infections

University of Edinburgh Study Finds Antimicrobial Bacteria in Hospital Wastewater in Research That Has Implications for Microbiologists

The highly infectious bacteria can survive treatment at local sewage plants and enter the food chain of surrounding populations, the study revealed

Researchers at the University of Edinburgh (UE) in Scotland found large amounts of antimicrobial-resistance (AMR) genes in hospital wastewater. These findings will be of interest to microbiologists and clinical laboratory managers, as the scientists used metagenomics to learn “how abundances of AMR genes in hospital wastewater are related to clinical activity.”

The UE study sheds light on the types of bacteria in wastewater that goes down hospital pipes to sewage treatment plants. The study also revealed that not all infectious agents are killed after passing through waste treatment plants. Some bacteria with antimicrobial (or antibiotic) resistance survive to enter local food sources. 

The scientists concluded that the amount of AMR genes found in hospital wastewater was linked to patients’ length-of-stays and consumption of antimicrobial resistant bacteria while in the hospital.

Using Metagenomics to Surveille Hospital Patients

Antimicrobial resistance is creating super bacteria that are linked to increases in hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) nationwide. Dark Daily has reported many times on the growing danger of deadly antimicrobial resistant “super bugs,” which also have been found in hospital ICUs (see “Potentially Fatal Fungus Invades Hospitals and Public Is Not Informed,” August 26, 2019.)

In a paper the University of Edinburgh published on medRxiv, the researchers wrote: “There was a higher abundance of antimicrobial-resistance genes in the hospital wastewater samples when compared to Seafield community sewage works … Sewage treatment does not completely eradicate antimicrobial-resistance genes and thus antimicrobial-resistance genes can enter the food chain through water and the use of [processed] sewage sludge in agriculture. As hospital wastewater contains inpatient bodily waste, we hypothesized that it could be used as a representation of inpatient community carriage of antimicrobial resistance and as such may be a useful surveillance tool.”

Additionally, they wrote, “Using metagenomics to identify the full range of AMR genes in hospital wastewater could represent a useful surveillance tool to monitor hospital AMR gene outflow and guide environmental policy on AMR.”

AMR bacteria also are being spread by human touch throughout city subways, bus terminals, and mass transportation, making it difficult for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to identify the source of the outbreak and track and contain it. This has led microbiologists to conduct similar studies using genetic sequencing to identify ways to track pathogens through city infrastructures and transportation systems. (See, “Microbiologists at Weill Cornell Use Next-Generation Gene Sequencing to Map the Microbiome of New York City Subways,” December 13, 2013.)

Antimicrobial stewardship programs are becoming increasingly critical to preventing the spread of AMR bacteria. “By having those programs, [there are] documented cases of decreased antibiotic resistance within organisms causing these infections,” Paul Fey, PhD, of the University of Nebraska Medical Center, told MedPage Today. “This is another indicator of how all hospitals need to implement stewardship programs to have a good handle on decreasing antibiotic use.” [Photo copyright: University of Nebraska.]

Don’t Waste the Wastewater

Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria change in response to medications to prevent and treat bacterial infections, according to a World Health Organization (WHO) fact sheet. The CDC estimates that more than 23,000 people die annually from two million antibiotic-resistance infections.

Wastewater, the UE scientists suggest, should not go to waste. It could be leveraged to improve hospitals’ detection of patients with antimicrobial resistance, as well as to boost environment antimicrobial-resistance polices.

They used metagenomics (the study of genetic material relative to environmental samples) to compare the antimicrobial-resistance genes in hospital wastewater against wastewater from community sewage points. 

The UE researchers:

  • First collected samples over a 24-hour period from various areas in a tertiary hospital;
  • They then obtained community sewage samples from various locations around Seafield, Scotland;
  • Finally, they complete the genetic sequencing on an Illumina HiSeq4000 System.

The researchers reported these findings:

  • 181 clinical isolates were identified in the samples of wastewater;
  • 1,047 unique bacterial genes were detected across all samples;
  • 19 genes made up more than 60% of bacteria in samples;
  • Overriding bacteria identified as Pseudomonas and Acinetobacter environmental samples (Pseudomonas fluorescens and Acinetobacter johnsonii) were most likely from hospital pipes;
  • Gut-related bacteria—Faecalibacterium, Bacteroides, Bifidobacterium, and Escherichia, were more prevalent in the hospital samples than in those from the community;
  • Antimicrobial-resistance genes increased with longer length of patient stays, which “likely reflects transmission amongst hospital inpatients,” researchers noted. 

Fey suggests that further research into using sequencing technology to monitor patients is warranted.

“I think that monitoring each patient and sequencing their bowel flora is more likely where we’ll be able to see if there’s a significant carriage of antibiotic-resistant organisms,” Fey told MedPage Today. “In five years or so, sequencing could become so cheap that we could monitor every patient like that.”

Fey was not involved in the University of Edinburgh research.

Given the rate at which AMR bacteria spreads, finding antibiotic-resistance genes in hospital wastewater may not be all that surprising. Still, the University of Edinburgh study could lead to cost-effective ways to test the genes of bacteria, which then could enable researchers to explore different sources of infection and determine how bacteria move through the environment.

And, perhaps most important, the study suggests clinical laboratories have many opportunities to help eliminate infections and slow antibiotic resistance. Microbiologists can help move their organizations forward too, along with infection control colleagues.  

—Donna Marie Pocius

Related Information:

Secrets of the Hospital Underbelly: Abundance of Antimicrobial-Resistance Genes in Hospital Wastewater Reflects Hospital Microbial Use and Inpatient Length of Stay

Antibiotic-Resistance Genes Trouble Hospital Water; Study Emphasizes Importance of Antibiotic Stewardship Programs, Expert Says

Fact Sheet: Antibiotic Resistance

United States Gathers 350 Commitments to Combat Antibiotic Resistance, Action Must Continue

Genomic Analysis of Hospital Plumbing Reveals Diverse Reservoir of Bacterial Plasmids Conferring Carbapenemase Resistance

Dark Daily E-briefings: Hospital-Acquired Infections

NIH Study Reveals Surprising New Source of Antibiotic Resistance that Will Interest Microbiologists and Medical Laboratory Scientists

Might Clinical Laboratories Soon be Processing Tests That Predict Whether Patients Will Die in 5-10 Years?

Metabolic panels of 14 blood-based biomarkers that can predict when a patient is likely to die may be coming to a medical laboratory near you

Clinical pathologists soon may be able to predict when patients will die, thanks to a recent study that reveals new insights into how the human body works. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing in Germany and the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) in the Netherlands revealed a metabolic panel of biomarkers that can more accurately predict death within five to 10 years than standard measures.

The researchers’ original goal was to find blood-based biomarkers that could show whether a person was vulnerable to death, particularly if that vulnerability was related to modifiable lifestyle factors.

The researchers published their study, titled, “A Metabolic Profile of All-Cause Mortality Risk Identified in an Observational Study of 44,168 Individuals,” in the journal Nature Communications last August.

Metabolic Biomarkers More Accurate than Current Health Measures

During their investigation, the researchers looked at 12 cohorts from previous studies and examined the results of 44,168 individuals between the ages of 18 and 109. In the follow-up to the study, 5,512 of the participants died.

In the introduction to their published study the researchers wrote, “We first determine which metabolic biomarkers independently associate with prospective mortality in all individuals. Subsequently, we test the association of the biomarkers with mortality in different age strata.”

The researchers then used the 14 biomarkers they identified to create a score that predicts mortality within five to 10 years.

The measures that most providers currently use to determine an elderly person’s overall health generally include blood pressure, heart rate, and functionality measures such as grip strength and gait. However, P. Eline Slagboom, PhD, LUMC Professor of Molecular Epidemiology and the study’s director, told The Scientist that those metrics are not always accurate methods for measuring health.

“For example, a somewhat higher weight, blood pressure, or cholesterol level is not as bad for individuals over 80 years of age as compared to younger individuals,” she said.

As it turned out, the traditional measures were significantly less accurate than the score Slagboom and her team developed. Traditional measures were accurate about 78% of the time, while the metabolic panel was accurate about 83% of the time, reported The Scientist. Additionally, the score based on metabolic biomarkers was accurate for people of all ages, rather than only among the young.

“As researchers on aging, we are keen to determine the biological age. The calendar age just doesn’t say very much about the general state of health of elderly people: one 70-year old is healthy, while another may already be suffering from three diseases. We now have a set of biomarkers which may help to identify vulnerable elderly people,” said P. Eline Slagboom, PhD (above), LUMC Professor of Molecular Epidemiology and the study’s director, in a statement. (Photo copyright: Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing.)

Study Yields Strong but Surprising Results

Researchers have studied biomarkers as predictive tools for quite some time, with only narrow success. The positive results of the Max Planck Institute/LUMC study even surprised those who worked on it. “We were surprised that the association of our biomarker score with mortality was so strong, given that it is only based on 14 metabolic markers in the blood measured at a single point in the life of individuals,” the study’s lead author Joris Deelen, PhD, a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing, said in The Scientist.

But though the results of the study are intriguing, some experts remain skeptical that a new biomarker for death has been found.

In reactions published by the Science Media Centre, an independent organization in the UK that promotes “the reporting of evidence-based science,” Kevin McConway, PhD, Emeritus Professor of Applied Statistics at The Open University wrote, “This is a solid and interesting piece of research. But it doesn’t go beyond investigating the plausibility of setting up a system for predicting risk of death, based on this type of data. It doesn’t claim to do more than that, and makes clear that there’s some way to go, in terms of research and analysis, until a risk prediction tool that’s useable in clinical work with patients might emerge.”

And in the same article, Amanda Heslegrave, PhD, a post-doctoral research associate and researcher at the UK Dementia Research Institute at the University College London wrote, “Whilst this study shows that this type of profiling can be useful, [the researchers] do point out importantly that it would need further work to develop a score at the individual level that would be useful in real life situations. We’d need to see: validation to ensure repeatability in different labs, production of reference samples to test this on an ongoing basis, work to make the individual score possible, validation in other cohorts and validation of all components of the panel. So, it’s an exciting step, but it’s not ready yet.”

Past Mortality Biomarker Studies

Other investigations into the use of biomarkers as a predictive tool have focused more narrowly on specific causes of death. For example, in 2008, the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) published a study titled, “Use of Multiple Biomarkers to Improve the Prediction of Death from Cardiovascular Causes.” The study concluded that using biomarkers and risk factors together “substantially improves the risk stratification for death from cardiovascular causes.”

Another study, from 2017, examined stress biomarkers, hospital readmission, and death. Published in the Journal of Hospital Medicine titled, “Association of Stress Biomarkers with 30-Day Unplanned Readmission and Death,” the researchers found that “stress biomarkers improved the performance of prediction models and therefore could help better identify high-risk patients.”

Other studies have examined the predictive possibilities of biomarkers in:

Even with all of the research into biomarkers, scientists are still a long way from having a clinical tool to predict death. However, according to Leo Cheng, PhD, Associate Biophysicist, Pathology and Radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital, and Associate Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School, the Max Planck study is on the right path.

The Scientist states that though Cheng believes the study doesn’t “prove anything,” he also notes that “using a score that combines the information from all 14 biomarkers is ‘the correct thing [to do]’ to provide a holistic look at metabolic pathways that may represent a person’s health.”

So, it might be awhile before clinical laboratories will be processing metabolic panels that return test results predicting a patient’s mortality within 10-15 years. Nevertheless, how medical labs would be involved in such testing is certainly something to think about.

—Dava Stewart

Related Information:

A Metabolic Profile of All-Cause Mortality Risk Identified in an Observational Study of 44,168 Individuals

Biomarkers Indicate Health in Old Age

Metabolic Biomarker “Score” May Predict Death in Next 5-10 Years

Expert Reaction to Study Looking at Mortality Associated Biomarkers in the Blood

Use of Multiple Biomarkers to Improve the Prediction of Death from Cardiovascular Causes

Association of Stress Biomarkers with 30-Day Unplanned Readmission and Death

Opioid Deaths: Trends, Biomarkers, and Potential Drug Interactions Revealed by Decision Tree Analysis

Dr. Christopher DeGiorgio: Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy: Risk Factors, Biomarkers, and Prevention

Biomarkers to Predict Causes of Death in Atrial Fibrillation

Proposed Federal Rules Let Patients Compare Healthcare Costs on Their Smartphones

Another push for price transparency steps up pressure on medical laboratories and anatomic pathology groups to develop compliance strategies

Clinical laboratories and anatomic pathology groups are under increasing pressure to develop strategies for making their test prices more accessible to patients. Those pressures are likely to grow due to newly proposed federal regulations that aim to allow patients to compare prices for healthcare services on their smartphones.

This new proposed rule comes less than a year after a rule involving hospital prices was implemented. As of January 1, 2019, the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) required US hospitals to post their prices online. Dark Daily reported last year about the risks and opportunities posed by that move.

Now, new proposed rules published separately in March by CMS and also by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) focus on larger issues involving patient access to electronic health information (EHI). That includes empowering patients who want to compare healthcare costs, said Donald Rucker, MD, National Coordinator for Health Information Technology in a statement to the US Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP).

“In our current health system, there is an asymmetry of information for patients. They have few ways if any to anticipate or plan for costs, lower or compare costs, and, importantly, measure their quality of care or coverage relative to the price they pay. Transparency in the price and cost of healthcare could help address some of those concerns by empowering patients with information they need to make informed decisions,” said Donald Rucker, MD (above), National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), in remarks delivered to the US Senate. (Photo copyright: ONC.)

Giving Patients Access to Their Health Information

In May, officials with those agencies discussed the regulations in prepared remarks for a hearing of the HELP committee.

“A central purpose of the proposed [ONC] rule is to facilitate patient access to their EHI on their smartphone, growing a nascent patient- and provider-facing app economy,” he said, noting that this access is impeded by a lack of interoperability between health information systems, as well as restrictions on information exchange imposed by health IT developers.

The proposed rule will mandate use of common software standards so that app developers can access health information systems from different vendors. As a result, patients could choose their own apps to view their data regardless of which electronic health records (EHR) system their provider uses. The rule also includes provisions for dealing with so-called “information blocking” by vendors, Rucker noted.

If the proposed rule is implemented as currently written, there would be a need for clinical laboratories and pathology groups to ensure that their laboratory information systems (LIS) meet the specifications of the new rule. This may mean that, along with enabling two-way digital interfaces with physicians’ EHRs, labs also would need to be able to pass data to the apps and mobile devices used by patients that are covered by the proposed new rule.

“ONC’s proposed rule primarily focuses on clinical data,” he said. “However, advances in computer science and the maturity of data standards are accelerating the convergence of medical data with billing and price data. As such, the rule proposes to include such information as part of a patient’s EHI that should be available for access, exchange, and use.”

Enabling cost comparisons will allow patients to make more-informed decisions about their healthcare, Rucker added. But he acknowledged that implementing this vision won’t be easy.

“Unfortunately, the complex and decentralized nature of how payment information for healthcare services is currently created, structured, and stored presents many challenges to achieving price transparency,” he said. “This entire information chain is geared to retrospective payments rather than prices.”

Rucker told the HELP committee that the [ONC] will be seeking public input about how to capture price information and enable price transparency. Once the rule is finalized and published, providers will have two years to comply.

Medical Laboratories Need a Strategy for Providing Access to Patient Records

The proposed CMS rule imposes requirements on payers to provide electronic access to health claims and other information for their enrollees.

In her prepared remarks for the Senate HELP hearing, Kate Goodrich, MD, Director of the Center for Clinical Standards and Quality (CCSQ) and CMS Chief Medical Officer, said, “A core policy principle underlying our proposals is that every American should be able, without special effort or advanced technical skills, to see, obtain, and use all electronically available information that is relevant to their health, care, and choices—of plans, providers, and specific treatment options.”

That’s all well and good, however, as Fred Schulte, a senior correspondent for Kaiser Health News, wrote in his coverage of the two proposed rules, “Meeting these goals could prove to be a tall order.”

He continued, “For well over a decade, federal officials have struggled to set up a digital records network capable of widespread sharing of medical data and patient records.” Not to mention the billions of dollars already spent by the CMS and ONC incentivizing providers to implement truly interoperable health information exchange (HIE) systems nationwide.

Nevertheless, pressure for greater consumer data access and price transparency will likely continue to build across the healthcare industry, including on medical laboratories. Price transparency as a trend is making steady forward progress, despite resistance by hospitals, physicians, medical associations, and others.

All clinical laboratories should have a strategy to make lab test prices readily available to patients. It is something that will become common at some future point.

—Stephen Beale

Related Information:

Going Above and Beyond the CMS Hospital Price Transparency Rule

Proposed Rule by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on 03/04/2019

Proposed Rule by the Health and Human Services Department on 03/04/2019

Feds Want to Show Health Care Costs on Your Phone, But That Could Take Years

Latest Push by CMS for Increased Price Transparency Highlights Opportunities and Risks for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups

Clinical Laboratory Leaders Agree: Showing Value Is More Important than Ever as Healthcare Transitions Away from Fee-for Service Reimbursement

How medical laboratories can show value through process improvement methods and analytics will be among many key topics presented at the upcoming Lab Quality Confab conference

Quality management is the clinical laboratory’s best strategy for surviving and thriving in this era of shrinking lab budgets, PAMA price cuts, and value-based payment. In fact, the actions laboratories take in the next few months will set the course for their path to clinical success and financial sustainability in 2020 and beyond.

But how do medical laboratory managers and pathologists address these challenges while demonstrating their lab’s value? One way is through process improvement methods and another is through the use of analytics.

Clinical pathologists, hospital lab leaders, and independent lab executives have told Dark Daily that the trends demanding their focus include:

  • Ensuring needed resources and appropriate tests, while the lab is scrutinized by insurance companies and internally by hospital administration;
  • PAMA’s (Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014) effects on reimbursement;
  • Consumers’ demand for lower cost and better access to quality healthcare;
  • Serving patients in a wider continuum of care; and
  • Collaborating instead of competing with other labs in the market.

“The laboratory and resources we are given are being scrutinized in a different way than they have been historically,” said Christopher Doern, PhD, Director of Microbiology and Associate Professor of Pathology, Virginia Commonwealth University Health System (VCU Health) Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, in an exclusive interview with Dark Daily.

“Our impact on patient care, in many cases, is very indirect. So, it is difficult to point to outcomes that occur. We know things we do matter and change patient care, but objectively showing that is a real struggle. And we are being asked to do more than we ever had before, and those are the two big things that keep me up at night these days,” he added.

This is where process improvement methods and analytics are helping clinical laboratories understand critical issues and find opportunities for positive change.

“You need to have a strategy that you can adapt to a changing landscape in healthcare. You have to use analytics to guide your progress and measure your success,” Patricia Nortmann, System Director of Laboratory Services at St. Elizabeth Healthcare, Erlanger, Ky., told Dark Daily.

Clinical Laboratories Can Collaborate Instead of Compete

Prior to a joint venture with TriHealth in Cincinnati, St. Elizabeth lab leaders used data to inform their decision-making. Over about 12 years preceding the consolidation of labs they:

  • Centralized the outreach core lab;
  • Installed front-end automation in chemistry;
  • Standardized the laboratory information system (LIS) and analyzer platforms across five affiliate hospitals; and
  • Implemented front-end automation outside the core area and in the microbiology lab.

“We are now considered a regional reference lab in the state of Kentucky for two healthcare organizations—St. Elizabeth and TriHealth,” Nortmann said. 

Thanks to these changes, the lab more than doubled its workload, growing from 2.1 million to 4.3 million outreach tests in the core laboratory, she added.

Christopher Doern, PhD (left), Director of Microbiology and Associate Professor of Pathology at Virginia Commonwealth University Health System; Patricia Nortmann (center), System Director of Laboratory Services at St. Elizabeth Healthcare; and Joseph Cugini (right), Manager Client Solutions at Health Network Laboratories, will present practical solutions and case studies in quality improvement and analytics for clinical laboratory professionals at the 13th Annual Lab Quality Confab, October 15-16, 2019, at the Hyatt Regency in Atlanta, Ga. (Photo copyright: The Dark Report.)

Using Analytics to Test the Tests

Clinical laboratories also are using analytics and information technology (IT) to improve test utilization.

At VCH Health, Doern said an analytics solution interfaces with their LIS, providing insights into test orders and informing decisions about workflow. “I use this analytics system in different ways to answer different questions, such as:

  • How are clinicians using our tests?
  • When do things come to the lab?
  • When should we be working on them? 

“This is important for microbiology, which is a very delayed discipline because of the incubation and growth required for the tests we do,” he said.

Using analytics, the lab solved an issue with Clostridium difficile (C diff) testing turnaround-time (TAT) after associating it with specimen transportation.

Inappropriate or duplicate testing also can be revealed through analytics. A physician may reconsider a test after discovering another doctor recently ordered the same test. And the technology can guide doctors in choosing tests in areas where the related diseases are obscure, such as serology.  

Avoiding Duplicate Records While Improving Payment

Another example of process improvement is Health Network Laboratories (HNL) in Allentown, Pa. A team there established an enterprise master patient index (EMPI) and implemented digital tools to find and eliminate duplicate patient information and improve lab financial indicators.

“The system uses trusted sources of data to make sure data is clean and the lab has what it needs to send out a proper bill. That is necessary on the reimbursement side—from private insurance companies especially—to prevent denials,” Joseph Cugini, HNL’s Manager Client Solutions, told Dark Daily

HNL reduced duplicate records in its database from 23% to under one percent. “When you are talking about several million records, that is quite a significant improvement,” he said.

Processes have improved not only on the billing side, but in HNL’s patient service centers as well, he added. Staff there easily find patients’ electronic test orders, and the flow of consumers through their visits is enhanced.

Learn More at Lab Quality Confab Conference

Cugini, Doern, and Nortmann will speak on these topics and more during the 13th Annual Lab Quality Confab (LQC), October 15-16, 2019, at the Hyatt Regency in Atlanta, Ga. They will offer insights, practical knowledge, and case studies involving Lean, Six Sigma, and other process improvement methods during this important 2-day conference, a Dark Daily news release notes.

Register for LQC, which is produced by Dark Daily’s sister publication The Dark Report, online at, or by calling 512-264-7103.   

—Donna Marie Pocius

Related Information:

13th Annual Lab Quality Confab October 15-16, 2019. Hyatt Regency, Atlanta, Ga.

Clinical Laboratory Innovators in Lean, Six Sigma, and Process Improvement to Gather in Atlanta October 15-16, 2019
