Clinical laboratories should use this situation as an opportunity to ask questions about their own data privacy approaches
While the drama surrounding 23andMe’s bankruptcy announcement has taken the spotlight—cofounder Anne Wojcicki resigned as CEO so that she can attempt to be the top bidder for the company in bankruptcy court—the more interesting long-term debate for clinical laboratories may be about genetic data privacy.
The 20-year-old direct-to-consumer genetic testing company stated in an investor news release on March 23 that it would enter bankruptcy to get a better handle on operational and financial challenges.
In a post on LinkedIn, Wojcicki wrote, “If I am fortunate enough to secure the company’s assets through the restructuring process, I remain committed to our long-term vision of being a global leader in genetics and establishing genetics as a fundamental part of healthcare ecosystems worldwide.”
Wojcicki also heralded the 15 million people who sent in their samples and became customers. Many of them also agreed to clinical research based on those submissions. “What made so many of our innovations possible were the 85% of our customers who opted in to research,” she wrote.
“I have resigned as CEO of the company so I can be in the best position to pursue the company as an independent bidder,” said Anne Wojcicki (above), cofounder of 23andMe, wrote on LinkedIn. It remains to be seen how 23andMe’s bankruptcy will affect clinical laboratories. (Photo copyright: Wikimedia Commons.)
Customer Data Can Be Sold as an Asset During Bankruptcy
Those samples now find themselves in a murky area involving genetic data privacy. Will a court allow creditors to acquire that data as an asset to satisfy 23andMe’s financial obligations? And will people who gave samples to a company they presumably trusted be happy if that information ends up in other hands?
“Comprehensive data privacy legislation has been enacted across the United States and globally, including the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 and the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation,” the Harvard Law Review noted in a March 2025 story about data assets during bankruptcy. “With this development has come a renewed focus on data privacy in bankruptcy, where a debtor is likely to sell its customer data to pay its debts.”
In fact, California Attorney General Rob Bonta, JD, urged residents in that state to consider the California law’s options in light of the bankruptcy announcement. “I remind Californians to consider invoking their rights and directing 23andMe to delete their data and destroy any samples of genetic material held by the company,” Bonta said in a statement.
The Harvard Law Review noted that federal law allows for the appointment of ombudsmen in bankruptcy cases to protect consumer data, but that approach “has been ineffective at meeting that goal.” There is no word at this early stage whether the 23andMe bankruptcy will involve an ombudsman.
How Did 23andMe End Up in Bankruptcy?
Business models and criminals helped push the once thriving 23andMe to the point of bankruptcy. The company in 2021 had a $6 billion market cap. As of close of business on March 24, 2025, the cap hovered just over $20 million.
One long-term issue: There was often no need for anyone to be a repeat customer of 23andMe once they purchased their initial direct-to-consumer genetic test. “It didn’t really have a continuing business model—once you’d paid for your DNA report, there was very little for you to return for,” the BBC reported on Nov. 2.
Clinical labs are clearly in a better position here, as in addition to one-off genetic tests, they offer many medical assays that need to happen dozens or more times over a patient’s life.
Also, 23andMe had a difficult time gaining momentum for its anonymized DNA database that clinical researchers could use, according to the BBC.
A year later, 23andMe agreed to pay $30 million to settle a lawsuit over the stolen data, Reuters reported. The hack accessed information for 6.9 million customers.
Clinical Laboratories Must Be Wary of Genetic Data Privacy
It’s not hard to imagine clinical laboratories that perform genetic testing finding themselves in a situation similar to 23andMe with genetic data privacy on the line because of a business transaction. Some clinical laboratories do go bankrupt, but a more common occurrence is for a lab to be bought out by a competitor or one of the large national laboratory companies.
Clinical lab leaders may want to ask themselves these questions about genetic data privacy:
If a lab’s genetic testing information changed owners, would that damage parties’ reputation in the community?
Is there a triage plan in place to deal with any customers who want their data erased prior to any acquisition or merger?
Watch for in-depth analysis about the implications to clinical labs from the 23andMe bankruptcy in an upcoming issue of The Dark Report. Not a subscriber? Try a 14-day free trial today.
Study shows clinical laboratories may one day use nanorobotic tests to help prevent spread of viral infections, cancer, and other diseases
Scientists from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (U of I) have developed a tiny robotic “hand” made from structural DNA that “grabs” viruses—including the COVID-19 coronavirus—potentially preventing them from infecting cells. Such a nano-robotic antiviral technology could be used by anatomic pathologists and clinical laboratory managers in the future as a point-of-care type of test.
This is yet another example of out-of-the-box thinking by developers of diagnostic technology. Led by Xing Wang, PhD, professor of bioengineering and of chemistry at the U of I, the scientists dubbed their DNA device the NanoGripper.
Similar to a piece of origami (Japanese art of folded paper), the so-called hand has “four bendable fingers and a palm, all in one nanostructure folded from a single piece of DNA,” according to a U of I news release. The scientists found in their study that the hand was capable of doing a rapid test to identify the (COVID-19) virus and “prevented the viral spike proteins from infecting the cells,” Gizmodo reported.
“We are using DNA for its structural properties. It is strong, flexible, and programmable. Yet even in the DNA origami field, this is novel in terms of the design principle. We fold one long strand of DNA back and forth to make all of the elements, both the static and moving pieces, in one step,” said Wang in the news release.
“It would be very difficult to apply it after a person is infected, but there’s a way we could use it as a preventive therapeutic,” said Xing Wang, PhD (above), associate professor, bioengineering and chemistry, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, in a news release. “We could make an anti-viral nasal spray compound. The nose is the hot spot for respiratory viruses, like COVID or influenza. A nasal spray with the NanoGripper could prevent inhaled viruses from interacting with the cells in the nose.” Clinical laboratories may one day perform antiviral testing that uses U of I’s NanoGripper technology. (Photo copyright: University of Illinois.)
How a DNA Nanorobot Grabs a Virus
The U of I researchers wanted to leverage what has been discovered about DNA as a “material for constructing versatile nanorobots for biomedical applications,” they wrote in Science Robotics. However, previous studies had not achieved the current origami design of a nanoscale mechanism, the authors added.
With robotic precision and its DNA structure, the researchers’ NanoGripper moves and enables fingers to bend for “customized interactions with target molecules,” Interesting Engineering reported, adding that the technology also:
Employed DNA aptamers on the fingers which act as “molecular locks” to find and bind to specific targets.
In a demonstration, wrapped its fingers around the target spike protein of the COVID-19 coronavirus, essentially “disabling its ability to infect cells.”
“The aptamers are arranged into a spatial pattern that specifically matches that of the trimeric spike protein on the virus outer surface. Such pattern recognition-enabled multivalent interaction—a principle developed by my group—has induced ultrahigh NanoGripper virus-binding avidity, resulting in enhanced virus diagnosis sensitivity,” Wang said.
Taken from the U of I news release, the image above shows how “Inspired by the gripping power of the human hand and bird claws, the researchers designed the NanoGripper with four bendable fingers and a palm, all in one nanostructure folded from a single piece of DNA. Each finger has three joints, like a human finger, and the angle and degree of bending are determined by the design on the DNA scaffold.” Such nano-robotic technology could become a new clinical laboratory test for diagnosing viral infections, or even a preventative treatment if caught prior to infection. (Photo and caption copyright: University of Illinois.)
Developing a Test for COVID-19
The scientists discovered that when equipped with a photonic crystal sensor, NanoGripper detected the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in 30 minutes with sensitivity equal to RTqPCR tests, Gizmodo reported.
“The NanoGripper functions as a highly sensitive biosensor that selectively detects intact SARS-CoV-2 virions in human saliva with a limit of detection of 100 copies per milliliter, providing a sensitivity equal to that of reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction [RTqPCR],” the authors wrote in Science Robotics.
In fact, the NanoGripper test is reportedly faster and easier than RTqPCR testing, which requires sophisticated instruments.
“Our test is very fast and simple since we detect the intact virus directly,” said study collaborator Brian Cunningham, PhD, professor, electrical and computer engineering and bioengineering at U of I, in the news release.
“When the virus is held in the NanoGripper’s hand, a fluorescent molecule is triggered to release light when illuminated by an LED or laser,” he said, adding, “When a large number of fluorescent molecules are concentrated upon a single virus, it becomes bright enough in our detection system to count each virus individually.”
More Research and Applications
Gizmodo compared the NanoGripper to a “true Swiss army knife,” able to change and detect other viruses such as HIV and influenza (Flu).
The U of I researchers have already studied the NanoGripper’s ability to detect hepatitis B and plan to publish findings soon, Wang told The Pathologist. He also noted it’s possible the NanoGripper “can be integrated with a lateral flow assay paper strip platform for development of a rapid, sensitive, and inexpensive at home or point-of-care virus detection.”
There is “power in soft nanorobotics,” said Wang, who envisions potential for the NanoGripper beyond viruses to include programming the fingers to detect cancer markers and enabling the grippers to deliver treatment to target cells.
Clinical pathologists and laboratory managers may want to follow this research coming out of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Once put through additional clinical studies, such nanorobotic diagnostic technology might eventually be used at the point-of-care to help prevent viral infection and spread of disease.
Study is expected to result in new clinical laboratory test biomarkers based on proteins shown to be associated with specific diseases
In January, the UK Biobank announced the launch of the “world’s most comprehensive study” of the human proteome. The study focuses on proteins circulating throughout the human body. Researchers involved in this endeavor hope the project will transform disease detection and lead to clinical laboratory blood tests that help diagnosticians identify illnesses earlier than with conventional diagnostics.
Building on the results of a 2023 pilot project that studied “the effects of common genetic variation on proteins circulating in the blood and how these associations can contribute to disease,” according to a UK Biobank news release, the 2025 UK Biobank Pharma Proteomics Project (UKB-PPP) plans to analyze up to 5,400 proteins in 600,000 samples to explore how an individual’s protein levels changes over time and how those changes may influence the existence of diseases in mid-to-late life.
The specimens being analyzed include 500,000 samples extracted from UK Biobank participants and an additional 100,000 set of second samples taken from volunteers up to 15 years later.
“The data collected in the study will allow scientists around the world to conduct health-related research, exploring how lifestyle, environment, and genetics lead through proteins to some people developing particular diseases, while others do not,” Sir Rory Collins, FMedSci FRS, professor of medicine and epidemiology at University of Oxford and principal investigator and chief executive of the UK Biobank, told The Independent.
“That will allow us to identify who it is, who’s likely to develop disease well before they do, and we can then look at ways in which to prevent those conditions before they develop,” he added.
“It really might be possible to develop simple blood tests that can detect disease much earlier than currently exists,” said Naomi Allen, MSc, DPhil (above), chief scientist for UK Biobank and professor of epidemiology at Oxford Population Health, University of Oxford, in an interview with The Independent. “So, it adds a crucial piece in the jigsaw puzzle for scientists to figure out how disease develops and gives us firm clues on what we can do to prevent and treat it.” Clinical laboratories may soon have new test biomarkers that help identify proteins associated with specific diseases. (Photo copyright: UK Biobank.)
Developing New Protein-based Biomarkers
A proteome is the entire set of proteins expressed by an organism, cell, or tissue and the study of the proteome is known as proteomics. The proteome is an expression of an organism’s genome, but it can change over time between cell types and growth conditions.
The human genome contains approximately 20,000 genes and human cells have between 80,000 and 400,000 proteins with specific cells having their own proteomes. Proteomics can help ascertain how proteins function and interact with each other and assist in the identification of biomarkers for new drug discoveries and development.
“This is hugely valuable, because it will enable researchers to see how changes in protein levels within individuals over mid- to late-life influence the development of a whole range of different diseases,” said Naomi Allen, MSc, DPhil, chief scientist for UK Biobank and professor of epidemiology at the Oxford Population Health, University of Oxford, in The Independent. “It will accelerate research into the causes of disease and the development of new treatments that target specific proteins associated with those diseases.
“The pilot data is already showing that specific proteins are elevated in those who go on to develop many different types of cancers up to seven years before a clinical diagnosis is made. And for dementia, up to 10 years before clinical diagnosis is made,” she added.
According to the project’s website, the UK Biobank’s proteomics dataset will allow researchers to:
Examine proteomic and genetic data from half a million people to provide a more detailed picture of the biological processes involved in disease progression.
Examine how and why protein levels change over time to understand age-related changes in healthy individuals.
Utilize proteomic data together with imaging data to understand disease mechanisms.
“Data from the pilot study has shown that specific proteins are substantially elevated in individuals with autoimmune conditions like multiple sclerosis and Crohn’s disease and so on,” Allen noted. “So, you can see how a simple blood test could be used to complement existing diagnostic measures in order to diagnose these types of diseases more accurately and perhaps more quickly.”
An Invaluable Resource of Knowledge
The initial UK Biobank started in 2006 and, to date, has collected biological and medical data from more than half a million individuals. The subjects of the UKB-PPP study are between the ages of 40 and 69 and reside in the UK. The database is globally accessible to approved researchers and scientists engaging in research into various diseases.
The full dataset of the latest research is expected to be added to the UK Biobank Research Analysis Platform by the year 2027. The newest study is backed by a consortium of 14 pharmaceutical firms.
Allen also noted that evidence from the research has emphasized how some drugs may be useful in treating a variety of conditions.
“Some proteins that are known to be important for immunity are related to developing a range of psychiatric conditions like schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder and so on,” she told The Independent. “And given there are drugs already available that specifically target some of these proteins that are used for other conditions, it presents a real opportunity for repurposing those existing drugs for these neuropsychiatric conditions.”
This type of comprehensive study of the human proteome may have a great impact on patient diagnosis and treatment once the study is completed and the results are disclosed.
“The data will be invaluable. The value of the data is infinite,” Collins told The Independence.
Since it is clinical laboratories that will be engaged in testing for proteins that have become associated with specific diseases, this new UK Biobank study has the potential to expand knowledge about useful protein markers for both diagnosis and therapeutic solutions (prescription drugs).
Researchers find genome sequencing identified conditions missed by standard newborn screening programs that use common clinical laboratory tests
Interim results from a large ongoing pilot study suggest that genome sequencing of newborn children may be more effective than traditional clinical laboratory screening for detection of early-onset genetic conditions. The researchers also found that parents were highly receptive to the idea of performing the sequencing on their newborns.
“The results show us that genome sequencing can radically improve children’s medical care,” said study co-author Joshua Milner, MD, chief of allergy, immunology, and rheumatology services at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Irving Medical Center, in a Columbia University press release.
“Genome sequencing allows us to detect things that cause serious illness and take action to prevent those illnesses in a significant number of children, not just a few rare cases. It should be instituted as the next standard for newborn screening because it can detect so much more than current methods,” said study co-author Joshua Milner, MD (above), chief of allergy, immunology, and rheumatology services at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Irving Medical Center, in a press release. Study finding suggest genetic sequencing can be more effective than clinical laboratory screening tests for early detection of genetic disorders. (Photo copyright: Columbia University.)
GUARDIAN Study Details
For the pilot study, the researchers sought consent from 5,555 families, with 4,000 (72%) agreeing to participate. The babies studied were born between September 2022 and July 2023. At that time, the researchers screened for 156 treatable conditions. Parents could also choose to add a panel of 99 neurodevelopmental disorders that do not have treatments, but where “affected children may benefit from early intervention,” the press release notes.
The total—255 genetic tests—included the 50 conditions in the standard Newborn Screening Program as a quality control, principal investigator Wendy Chung, MD, PhD, told Healio.
Among the 4,000 participants, 147 children (3.7%) screened positive for one of the conditions. Further testing confirmed diagnoses in 120 children. “Only 10 of these children were detected through standard screening,” the Columbia press release states.
The vast majority—92 of 120 children—were diagnosed with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency. “G6PD is not included in traditional screening but individuals with G6PD deficiency can have moderate to life-threatening reactions to certain foods and medications which can easily be prevented by avoiding them,” the press release notes.
Screening for Previously Unscreened Treatable Disorders
The New York State Department of Health mandates free Newborn Screening (NBS) in which a blood sample is collected for testing, generally 24 to 36 hours after birth. The test screens for 50 disorders.
Genome sequencing, however, “offers an additional method to improve screening for conditions already included in NBS and to add those that cannot be readily screened because there is no biomarker currently detectable in dried blood spots,” the GUARDIAN researchers wrote in JAMA.
In the GUARDIAN study, families planning to give birth at an NYP hospital can authorize the researchers to perform genome sequencing of the same dried blood spots to screen for additional pre-selected genetic conditions. At present, the study screens for more than 450 conditions, according to the study website.
“It would be prohibitive to screen for all these diseases with standard testing, but with genomic screening, there’s minimal extra cost when adding a condition,” said study co-author Jordan Orange MD, PhD, chair of pediatrics at Columbia University’s Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons and physician-in-chief of NewYork-Presbyterian’s Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital, in the Columbia press release. “We can screen for treatable disorders that we never thought of screening for before.”
GeneDX, which performs the genomic sequencing for GUARDIAN, issued a press release in which it listed other conditions that are not part of the standard screening. These include Long QT syndrome, which the company described as “a rare heart condition that may cause Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and can be treated with beta-blockers.”
GUARDIAN also detected conditions that came up as false negatives in the standard screening, Chung told Healio. One baby had a genetic variant that causes severe combined immunodeficiency disorder (SCID), a rare and often-fatal condition. Chung said that the genomic sequencing identified the condition while the standard newborn screening missed it.
“We know that a bone marrow transplant is a cure for these children, but safety and success are the highest when the transplant occurs in the first few months of life, before the child starts developing infections or other symptoms,” Milner said in the Columbia press release. “Only because of the genomic screening were we able to identify this child in time.”
Excluding the G6PD cases, the positive screening rate was 0.6%, twice the rate of standard screening. As of last November, more than 12,000 babies had been enrolled in the study. The researchers hope to enroll 100,000.
Advances in Genomic Sequencing Bring Benefits to NBS
“In my practice, I’ve seen many patients who’ve spent years going from doctor to doctor with symptoms that no one can explain. But by the time they receive a diagnosis, the window to best manage the disease has usually passed,” said Chung in the Columbia University press release.
Looking ahead, Chung told Healio that she’d like to expand outside of New York, “in part for generalizability to demonstrate that this is something that could be done with our national public health newborn screening system.”
She’d also like to cut the turnaround time from the current three weeks to one week, she said. And she’d like to drive down the cost.
“Families and pediatricians don’t need to go through those diagnostic odysseys anymore with the genomic technology we now have. We can make the diagnosis at birth,” she said.
The GUARDIAN study shows how advances in genetic testing are moving fast enough that the point has been reached where the classic clinical laboratory methodologies for newborn screening used for decades are becoming outmoded because of the superior performance/cost of genome sequencing.
Single genetic test can identify multiple pathogens and can be used by the UCSF clinical laboratory team to help physicians identify difficult to diagnose diseases
Continuing improvements in gene sequencing technologies and analytical software tools are enabling clinical laboratorians to diagnosis patients who have challenging symptoms. One such example is a new genomic test developed by researchers at University California, San Francisco (UCSF). The single test analyzes both RNA and DNA to detect almost any type of pathogen that may be the cause of specific illnesses.
The test uses a genomic sequencing technique known as metagenomics next-generation sequencing (mNGS). It works by sequencing genetic material found in blood, tissue, or body fluid samples and compares the sequenced data against a broad database of known pathogens to seek a match. Instead of looking for just one pathogen at a time, mNGS analyzes all of the nucleic acids, RNA, and DNA present in a sample simultaneously to detect nearly all pathogens, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites.
The mNGS test is not intended to replace existing clinical laboratory tests, but to help physicians diagnose an illness in cases where patients are experiencing severe symptoms, and where initial, commonplace tests are ineffective. In such cases, medical professionals require additional information to achieve a proper diagnosis.
“Our technology is deceptively simple,” said Charles Chiu, MD, PhD (above), professor of laboratory medicine and infectious diseases at UCSF and senior author of the studies in a news release. “By replacing multiple tests with a single test, we can take the lengthy guesswork out of diagnosing and treating infections.” The new technology may help physicians diagnose patients who have challenging symptoms and where current clinical laboratory testing is ineffective at identifying specific pathogens. (Photo copyright: University California San Francisco.)
Diagnostic Armamentarium for Physicians
According to an article published by the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) titled, “Metagenomic Next Generation Sequencing: How Does It Work and Is It Coming to Your Clinical Microbiology Lab?” mNGS is “running all nucleic acids in a sample, which may contain mixed populations of microorganisms, and assigning these to their reference genomes to understand which microbes are present and in what proportions. The ability to sequence and identify nucleic acids from multiple different taxa [plural for taxon] for metagenomic analysis makes this a powerful new platform that can simultaneously identify genetic material from entirely different kingdoms of organisms.”
The researchers developed the mNGS test years ago and it has produced promising results, including:
Diagnosing cases of encephalitis in transplant recipients to yellow fever in their organ donors.
Helping to identify the cause of a meningitis outbreak in Mexico among surgical patients.
Detecting a case of leptospirosis in a patient who was in a medically induced coma, which prompted doctors to prescribe penicillin and resulted in the full recovery of the patient.
Identifying the cause of neurological infections such as meningitis and encephalitis. The test successfully diagnosed 86% of neurological infections in more than 4,800 spinal fluid samples.
“Our mNGS test performs better than any other category of test for neurologic infections,” said Charles Chiu, MD, PhD, professor of laboratory medicine and infectious diseases at UCSF and senior author of the two studies, in a UCSF news release. “The results support its use as a critical part of the diagnostic armamentarium for physicians who are working up patients with infectious diseases.”
FDA Breakthrough Device Designation
The UCSF test has not yet been approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but it was granted a “breakthrough device” designation by the agency. This classification authorizes labs to use the test as a valid diagnosis method due to its potential ability to benefit patients.
Chiu told NBC News that the test costs about $3,000 per sample and fewer than 10 labs routinely use it due to several issues.
“Traditionally, it’s been used as a test of last resort, but that’s primarily because of issues involving, for instance, the cost of the test, the fact that it’s only available in specialized reference laboratories, and it also is quite laborious to run,” he said.
This type of lab testing is not feasible for most hospitals as it is costly and complicated, and because physicians may need assistance from clinical laboratory personnel who have the appropriate expertise to properly read test results.
“This just is not something that a clinical lab will be doing until somebody commercially puts it in a box with an easy button,” Susan Butler-Wu, PhD, associate professor of clinical pathology at the University of Southern California (USC), told NBC News. “It’s not a one-stop shop. It just can be helpful as an additional tool.”
Although the technology has some limitations, Chiu says the research performed by his team “raises the possibility that we perhaps should be considering running this test earlier” in symptomatic patients. He hopes the test will be used on a widespread basis in hospitals to diagnose various illnesses in the future.
“We need to get the cost down and we need to get the turnaround times down as well,” he told NBC.
Definitive Tool for Pathogen Detection
To increase access to the technology, Chiu and his colleagues founded Delve Bio, which is now the exclusive provider of the mNGS tool created at UCSF. In December, the company announced the commercial launch of Delve Detect, a metagenomic test for infectious diseases. According to its website, Delve Detect “offers genomic testing of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for more than 68,000 pathogens, with 48-hour turnaround time and metagenomics experts readily available to discuss results.”
“These findings support including mNGS as a core tool in the clinical workup for CNS [central nervous system] infections,” said Steve Miller, MD, PhD, UCSF volunteer clinical professor, laboratory medicine, and chief medical officer of Delve Bio in the UCSF news release. “mNGS offers the single most unbiased, complete and definitive tool for pathogen detection. Thanks to its ability to quickly diagnose an infection, mNGS helps guide management decisions and treatment for patients with meningitis and encephalitis, potentially reducing healthcare costs down the line.”
This mNGS test may prove to have the potential to greatly improve medical care for some infections and possibly expedite the detection of new viral threats. It is probable that clinical laboratories will soon be learning about and performing more tests of this nature in the future.
Requirement reflects increasing worldwide focus on preventing genetic disorders through clinical laboratory genetic testing
In a significant move, Abu Dhabi’s Department of Health has established a new policy that requires engaged couples to get genetic testing done along with clinical laboratory blood testing before walking down the aisle.
Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), is following an established public health policy of testing soon-to-be-married couples for specific disease conditions. Now, however, instead of just infectious diseases, it is testing for specific genetic conditions as well.
This marks a first for Arab nations and also demonstrates a shift in the standard of care for those regions.
“Abu Dhabi continues to set a global standard in proactive healthcare, marking a significant paradigm shift from traditional and reactive healthcare to informed and holistic health planning and decisions,” said Asma Al Mannaei, DrPH, Director of Health Quality and Executive Director of the Research and Innovation Center at Abu Dhabi Department of Health (DOH), in a press release.
Clinical laboratory managers and pathologists in the US will note that the move in Abu Dhabi mirrors a similar trend in this country. A growing number of children’s hospitals are using genetic testing such as rWGS (Rapid Whole Genome Sequencing) as a pro-active screen for newborns where family history indicates the value of such testing.
It appears the use of genetic testing as a way of predicting risk for genetic disorders is growing in popularity across the globe.
“The integration of genetic testing as part of the premarital screening program is a proud milestone for Abu Dhabi. It positions the Emirate at the forefront of leading healthcare destinations globally, harnessing the power of genomics and latest technologies to promote informed decisions,” said Asma Al Mannaei, DrPH (above), executive director of the Research and Innovation Center at Abu Dhabi’s Department of Health, in a press release. “This step aims to prevent the transmission of genetic diseases to children and elevate early intervention through different phases including diagnostic, tailored genetic counselling, and introducing reproductive medicine solutions for couples.” (Photo copyright: Global Medical Tourism Summit.)
Why Screen for Genetic Disorders?
Pre-screening betrothed couples isn’t a new concept. The US previously required blood tests prior to marriage primarily to spot diseases such as Rubella (a.k.a., German Measles). The nationwide program was eliminated in 2019 for a variety of reasons including the fact that “the mandated blood tests worked to discourage marriage while doing little to actually identify people with disease or improve public health,” the Mises Institute noted at the time.
However, things are different in Middle East nations where consanguinity—when a couple shares a blood relative—is a common cultural norm. It’s not unusual in those regions for first cousins to marry and have children, which can lead to genetic complications.
“If a couple are consanguineous (related) their children have a higher chance of being affected by autosomal recessive genetic disorders. These only occur if a child has a mutation (change) in both copies of a particular gene pair,” according to Top Doctors.
This is where Abu Dhabi’s new genetic testing requirement comes in.
Making Informed Decisions for Future Families
Just like in the US, Abu Dhabians have been blood screening couples for infectious diseases for decades. Genetic testing as part of premarital screening was added at the end of 2024, a report from the Abu Dhabi Public Health Center (ADPHC) noted.
Screening is available at 22 primary healthcare centers throughout Abu Dhabi and the Al Dhafra and Al Ain regions.
“The comprehensive genetic testing list includes 570 genes that cover 840+ genetic disorders. It is important because it can help couples assess the risk of having children with genetic disorders and support them in making informed decisions about family planning,” the ADPHC stated in its report.
Dark Daily in the Middle East
It seems inevitable that in time genetic testing for engaged couples would eventually become a requirement.
Abu Dhabi’s DOH partnered with Abu Dhabi Public Health Center (ADPHC) to launch a pilot of the genetic testing program back in 2022. It screened more than 800 couples and found that 86% showing “genetic compatibility.” The other 14% received test results that required them to obtain more advanced family planning and intervention, the ADPHC reported.
As consanguinity is a common practice in many areas of the Middle East, other nations and Emirates may follow Abu Dhabi in requiring couples to undergo genetic testing. In the US, it would be prudent for clinical laboratories to watch growing trends as more couples opt for extra testing to provide best possible outcomes for their future families.