News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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Direct-to-Consumer Health Testing Company LetsGetChecked Acquires Veritas Genetics, Veritas Intercontinental, and BioIQ

As demand for DTC at-home genetic testing increases among consumers and healthcare professionals, clinical laboratories that offer similar assays may want to offer their own DTC testing program

Things are happening in the direct-to-consumer (DTC) medical laboratory testing market. Prior to the pandemic, the number of consumers interested in ordering their own diagnostic tests grew at a rapid rate. The SARS-CoV-2 outbreak, however, and the need for consumers to access COVID-19 tests, caused DTC test sales to skyrocket.

One company benefiting from the DTC trend is New York City-based LetsGetChecked. In March, it announced its acquisition of Veritas Genetics which included that company’s Veritas Intercontinental business division. No purchase price was disclosed.

LetsGetChecked describes itself as a “virtual care company that allows customers to manage their health from home, providing direct access to telehealth services, pharmacy, and [clinical] laboratory tests with at-home sample collection kits for a wide range of health conditions,” according to the company’s LinkedIn page.

The acquisition of Veritas brings whole genome sequencing capabilities to LetsGetChecked, according to MobiHealthNews.

“Through these acquisitions, LetsGetChecked will leverage the power of whole genome sequencing to launch a full lifecycle of personalized healthcare, delivering the most comprehensive health testing and care solution on the market,” said Peter Foley, Founder and CEO of LetsGetChecked in a press release.

“By integrating Veritas Genetics’ and Veritas Intercontinental’s capabilities with LetsGetChecked’s scalable diagnostic and virtual care infrastructure, we are able to turn comprehensive genetic insights into practical recommendations and lifestyle changes, guided by clinical experts,” he added.

George Church, PhD
“Our mission to deliver the benefits of whole genome sequencing to millions of individuals continues as part of the LetsGetChecked family. I am particularly excited about the opportunity to combine genetic testing with the broad spectrum of virtual and at-home care models offered by LetsGetChecked. I expect these acquisitions will change the future of personalized healthcare as we know it,” said geneticist George Church, PhD, co-founder of Veritas Genetics, and Professor of Health Sciences and Technology at Harvard and MIT, in a press release. (Photo copyright: Wyss Institute at Harvard University.)

Leveraging the Power of Whole Genome Sequencing

To date, LetsGetChecked claims it has delivered nearly three million at-home direct-to-consumer tests and served more than 300 corporate customers with testing services and biometric screening solutions since its founding in 2015.

The company focuses on manufacturing, logistics, and lab analysis in its CAP-accredited, CLIA-certified laboratory in Monrovia, Calif., as well as physician support, and prescription fulfillment. The DTC company’s products include at-home tests for women’s health, men’s health, basic wellness, sexual health, and SARS-CoV-2 testing.

Veritas Genetics also was a DTC testing company co-founded by internationally-known geneticist George Church, PhD. In 2016, the company announced it would deliver a whole human genome sequence (WGS) for just $999—breaking the $1,000 cost barrier for whole genome sequencing.

In “Veritas Genetics Drops Its Price for Clinical-Grade Whole-Genome Sequencing to $599, as Gene Sequencing Costs Continue to Fall,” Dark Daily covered how just three years later, in 2019, the company announced it would do a WGS for only $599.

“There is no more comprehensive genetic test than your whole genome,” Rodrigo Martinez, former Veritas Chief Marketing and Design Officer, told CNBC. “So, this is a clear signal that the whole genome is basically going to replace all other genetic tests. And this [price drop] gets it closer and closer and closer.”

That market strategy did not succeed. By the end of 2019, the company announced it would cease operations in the United States but continue operations in Europe and Latin America. It has sought a buyer for the company since that time. Now, almost three years later, LetsGetChecked will become the new owner of Veritas Genetics.

Veritas’ primary product, myGenome was launched in 2018 as a whole genome sequencing and interpretation service to help consumers improve their health and increase longevity. The myGenome test screens for and provides insight on many hereditary diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and neurological disorders. It also provides observations on more than 50 personal traits and ancestry information.

In addition to bringing whole genome sequencing abilities to its test offerings for consumers, LetsGetChecked hopes the acquisitions will create new testing capabilities such as pharmacogenomics, cancer and viral screenings, and maternal fetal screenings.

“By integrating Veritas Genetics’ and Veritas Intercontinental’s genetics offering with our scalable virtual care infrastructure, we are able to leverage the power of whole genome sequencing to launch a full lifecycle of personalized healthcare, which has always been our goal,” Foley told MobiHealthNews.

Veritas Genetics and Veritas Intercontinental will continue to operate under the LetsGetChecked family of companies.

BioIQ also Acquired by LetsGetChecked

In early May, LetsGetChecked also acquired diagnostic testing and health improvement technology company BioIQ, which will continue to operate as a wholly-owned subsidiary.

BioIQ offers at-home tests, health screenings, and vaccinations to consumers. The company’s products include:

  • Heart health panel,
  • Lipid panel,
  • Respiratory panel,
  • Prevention panel, and
  • Wellness panel.

Individual tests offered by BioIQ include:

  • A1C,
  • COVID-19,
  • Hepatitis C test and
  • Sexually transmitted diseases.

BioIQ also offer e-vouchers for health screenings and vaccinations at participating retail pharmacies, clinical laboratories, and physician’s offices.

“The future of healthcare is in providing high-quality at-home diagnostics and care that comprehensively serve an individual’s health needs throughout their whole life,” said Foley in a press release about the BioIQ acquisition. “With this acquisition, LetsGetChecked gains a trusted partner with an extensive knowledge base and a breadth of experience in serving health plans and employer markets to deliver healthcare solutions at scale.”

These acquisitions by LetsGetChecked demonstrate how genetic testing companies are pivoting to new strategies. Clinical laboratories that perform genetic testing will want to monitor how these partnerships unfold in the future as healthcare consumers and providers continue to embrace at-home genetic testing.

JP Schlingman

Related Information:

Genetic Sequencing Opens New Doors—and Concerns—for Home Health Testing

LetsGetChecked to Acquire Veritas Genetics and Veritas Intercontinental to Unlock the Future of Personalized At-Home Healthcare

LetsGetChecked Scoops Up Genomics Company Veritas Genetics

Veritas Genetics Drops Its Price for Clinical-Grade Whole-Genome Sequencing to $599, as Gene Sequencing Costs Continue to Fall

LetsGetChecked Completes Acquisition of BioIQ

Researchers Use Machine Learning to Identify Thousands of New Marine RNA Viruses in Study of Interest to Microbiologists and Clinical Laboratory Scientists

Screening and analysis of ocean samples also identified a possible missing link in how the RNA viruses evolved

An international team of scientists has used genetic screening and machine learning techniques to identify more than 5,500 previously unknown species of marine RNA viruses and is proposing five new phyla (biological groups) of viruses. The latter would double the number of RNA virus phyla to 10, one of which may be a missing link in the early evolution of the microbes.

Though the newly-discovered viruses are not currently associated with human disease—and therefore do not drive any current medical laboratory testing—for virologists and other microbiologists, “a fuller catalog of these organisms is now available to advance scientific understanding of how viruses evolve,” said Dark Daily Editor-in-Chief Robert Michel.

“While scientists have cataloged hundreds of thousands of DNA viruses in their natural ecosystems, RNA viruses have been relatively unstudied,” wrote four microbiologists from Ohio State University (OSU) who participated in the study in an article they penned for The Conversation.

The OSU study authors included:

Zayed was lead author of the study and Sullivan led the OSU research team.

The researchers published their findings in the journal Science, titled, “Cryptic and Abundant Marine Viruses at the Evolutionary Origins of Earth’s RNA Virome.”

Matthew Sullivan, PhD
“RNA viruses are clearly important in our world, but we usually only study a tiny slice of them—the few hundred that harm humans, plants and animals,” explained Matthew Sullivan, PhD (above), Director, Center of Microbiome Science, in an OSU news story. Sullivan led the OSU research team. “We wanted to systematically study them on a very big scale and explore an environment no one had looked at deeply, and we got lucky because virtually every species was new, and many were really new,” he added. (Photo copyright: University of Ohio.)

RNA versus DNA Viruses

In contrast to the better-understood DNA virus, an RNA virus contains RNA instead of DNA as its genetic material, according to Samanthi Udayangani, PhD, in an article she penned for Difference Between. Examples of RNA viruses include:

One major difference, she explains, is that RNA viruses mutate at a higher rate than do DNA viruses.

The OSU scientists identified the new species by analyzing a database of RNA sequences from plankton collected during a series of ocean expeditions aboard a French schooner owned by the Tara Ocean Foundation.

“Plankton are any aquatic organisms that are too small to swim against the current,” the authors explained in The Conversation. “They’re a vital part of ocean food webs and are common hosts for RNA viruses.”

The team’s screening process focused on the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) gene, “which has evolved for billions of years in RNA viruses, and is absent from other viruses or cells,” according to the OSU news story.

“RdRp is supposed to be one of the most ancient genes—it existed before there was a need for DNA,” Zayed said.

The RdRp gene “codes for a particular protein that allows a virus to replicate its genetic material. It is the only protein that all RNA viruses share because it plays an essential role in how they propagate themselves. Each RNA virus, however, has small differences in the gene that codes for the protein that can help distinguish one type of virus from another,” the study authors explained.

The screening “ultimately identified over 44,000 genes that code for the virus protein,” they wrote.

Identifying Five New Phyla

The researchers then turned to machine learning to organize the sequences and identify their evolutionary connections based on similarities in the RdRp genes.

“The more similar two genes were, the more likely viruses with those genes were closely related,” they wrote.

The technique classified many of the sequences within the five previously known phyla of RNA viruses:

But the researchers also identified five new phyla—including two dubbed “Taraviricota” and “Arctiviricota”—that “were particularly abundant across vast oceanic regions,” they wrote. Taraviricota is named after the Tara expeditions and Arctiviricota gets its name from the Arctic Ocean.

They speculated that Taraviricota “might be the missing link in the evolution of RNA viruses that researchers have long sought, connecting two different known branches of RNA viruses that diverged in how they replicate.”

In addition to the five new phyla, the researchers are proposing at least 11 new classes of RNA viruses, according to the OSU story. The scientists plan to issue a formal proposal to the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV), the body responsible for classification and naming of viruses. 

Studying RNA Viruses Outside of Disease Environments

“As the COVID-19 pandemic has shown, RNA viruses can cause deadly diseases. But RNA viruses also play a vital role in ecosystems because they can infect a wide array of organisms, including microbes that influence environments and food webs at the chemical level,” wrote the four study authors in The Conversation. “Mapping out where in the world these RNA viruses live can help clarify how they affect the organisms driving many of the ecological processes that run our planet. Our study also provides improved tools that can help researchers catalog new viruses as genetic databases grow.”

This remarkable study, which was partially funded by the US National Science Foundation, will be most intriguing to virologists and microbiologists. However, clinical laboratories also should be interested in the fact that the catalog of known viruses has just expanded by 5,500 types of RNA viruses.

Stephen Beale

Related Information:

Researchers Identified Over 5,500 New Viruses in the Ocean, Including a Missing Link in Viral Evolution

Cryptic and Abundant Marine Viruses at the Evolutionary Origins of Earth’s RNA Virome

There’s More to RNA Viruses than Diseases

Differences Between DNA and RNA Viruses

Ocean Water Samples Yield Treasure Trove of RNA Virus Data

Global Survey of Marine RNA Viruses Sheds Light on Origins and Abundance of Earth’s RNA Virome

Scientists Find Trove of over 5,000 New Viruses Hidden in Oceans

Virologists Identify More than 5,000 New Viruses in the Ocean

Scientists Use Thousands of Genetic Markers to Develop Risk Scores for Six Common Diseases: Findings May Have Implications for Clinical Laboratories

Study demonstrates how precision medicine is advancing because of new insights from the use and interpretation of whole-genome sequencing

As part of the Genomic Medicine at Veterans Affairs Study (GenoVA), researchers from Harvard Medical School, Veterans Affairs Boston Healthcare System, and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Massachusetts used thousands of genetic markers to develop and validate polygenic risk scores (PRS) for six common illnesses. These findings may eventually provide clinical laboratories and anatomic pathology groups with useful biomarkers and diagnostic tests.

The focus of the ongoing GenoVA study is to “determine the clinical effectiveness of polygenic risk score testing among patients at high genetic risk for at least one of six diseases measured by time-to-diagnosis of prevalent or incident disease over 24 months,” according to the National Institutes of Health.   

The scientists used data obtained from 36,423 patients enrolled in the Mass General Brigham Biobank. The six diseases they researched were:

The polygenic scores were then tested among 227 healthy adult patients to determine their risk for the six diseases. The researchers found that:

  • 11% of the patients had a high-risk score for atrial fibrillation,
  • 7% for coronary artery disease,
  • 8% for diabetes, and
  • 6% for colorectal cancer.

Among the subjects used for the study:

  • 15% of the men in the study had a high-risk score for prostate cancer, and
  • 13% of the women in the study had a high score for breast cancer. 

The researchers concluded that the implementation of PRS may help improve disease prevention and management and give doctor’s a way to assess a patient’s risk for these conditions. They published their findings in the journal Nature Medicine, titled, “Development of a Clinical Polygenic Risk Score Assay and Reporting Workflow.”

“We have shown that [medical] laboratory assay development and PRS reporting to patients and physicians are feasible … As the performance of PRS continues to improve—particularly for individuals of underrepresented ancestry groups—the implementation processes we describe can serve as generalizable models for laboratories and health systems looking to realize the potential of PRS for improved patient health,” the researchers wrote.

Using PRS in Clinical Decision Support

Polygenetic risk scores examine multiple genetic markers for risk of certain diseases. A calculation based on hundreds or thousands of these genetic markers could help doctors and patients make personalized treatment decisions, a core tenet of precision medicine.

“As a primary care physician myself, I knew that busy physicians were not going to have time to take an entire course on polygenic risk scores. Instead, we wanted to design a lab report and informational resources that succinctly told the doctor and patient what they need to know to make a decision about using a polygenic risk score result in their healthcare,” epidemiologist Jason Vassy, MD, told The Harvard Gazette. Vassy is Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School at VA Boston Healthcare System and one of the authors of the research.

Jason Vassy, MD
“This is another great example of precision medicine,” Jason Vassy, MD (above), Adjunct Assistant Professor, General Internal Medicine at Boston University School of Medicine, told WebMD. “There’s always been a tantalizing idea that someone’s genetic makeup might help tailor preventative medicine and treatment.” Personalized clinical laboratory testing is increasingly becoming based on an individual’s genetics. (Photo copyright: Harvard Medical School.)

Increasing Diversity of Patients in Genomic Research

The team did encounter some challenges during their analysis. Because most existing genomic research was performed on persons of European descent, the risk scores are less accurate among non-European populations. The researchers for this study addressed this limitation by applying additional statistical methods to qualify accurate PRS calculations across multiple racial groups.

“Researchers must continue working to increase the diversity of patients participating in genomics research,” said Matthew Lebo, PhD, Chief Laboratory Director, Laboratory Molecular Medicine, at Mass General Brigham and one of the authors of the study. “In the meantime, we were heartened to see that we could generate and implement valid genetic scores for patients of diverse backgrounds,” he told The Harvard Gazette.

The team hopes the scores may be utilized in the future to help doctors and patients make better decisions regarding preventative care and screenings.

“It’s easy to say that everyone needs a colonoscopy at age 45,” Vassy told WebMD. “But what if you’re such a low risk that you could put it off for longer? We may get to the point where we understand risk so much that someone may not need one at all.”

Future of PRS in Clinical Decision Making

The scientists plan to enroll more than 1,000 patients in a new program and track them for two years to assess how medical professionals use PRS in clinical care. It is feasible that patients who are at high risk for certain diseases may opt for more frequent screenings or take preventative medicines to mitigate their risk.

“Getting to that point will take time,” Vassy added. “But I can see this type of information playing a role in shared decision making between doctor and patient in the near future.”

The team also established resources and educational materials to assist both doctors and patients in using the scores.

“It’s still very early days for precision prevention,” Vassy noted, “but we have shown it is feasible to overcome some of the first barriers to bringing polygenic risk scores into the clinic.”

More research and studies are needed to prove the effectiveness of using PRS tests in clinical care and determine its role in customized treatment plans based on personal genetics. Nevertheless, pathologists and medical scientists will want to follow the GenoVA study.  

“It is probably most helpful to think of polygenic risk scores as a risk factor for disease, not a diagnostic test or an indication that an individual will certainly develop the disease,” Vassy said. “Most diseases have complex, multifactorial etiologies, and a high polygenic risk score is just one piece of the puzzle.”

Pathologists and clinical laboratory managers may want to stay informed as researchers in the GenoVA study tease new useful diagnostic insights from their ongoing study of the whole human genome. Meanwhile, the GenoVA team is moving forward with the 1,000-patient study with the expectation that this new knowledge may enable earlier and more accurate diagnoses of the health conditions that were the focus of the GenoVA study.

JP Schlingman

Related Information:

Genetic Risk Scores Developed for Six Diseases

Development of a Clinical Polygenic Risk Score Assay and Reporting Workflow

What If You Knew Your Unique Risk for Every Disease?

Polygenic Risk Scores May Assist Decision-making in Primary Care

King’s College London Researchers Discover Causal Link between Blood Type and COVID-19 Severity; May Provide Clinical Laboratories with a Useful Diagnostic Insight

Findings are ‘a vital first step in discovering potentially valuable targets for development of new [COVID-19] treatments,’ noted co-first author of the study

Researchers at King’s College London (KCL) have determined that levels of certain blood proteins specific to each person’s blood type can be “causally linked” to an increased risk of hospitalization and death from a COVID-19 infection. The scientists also found that a person’s genetics play a key role in establishing the levels of those proteins in the blood.

This is relevant for clinical laboratories—particularly hospital/health system laboratories—because testing for specific proteins in the blood by medical laboratories could help flag incoming patients at higher risk for an acute COVID-19 infection.

Also, “By identifying this suite of proteins, the research has highlighted a number [of] possible targets for drugs that could be used to help treat severe COVID-19,” noted a KCL news release.

Identifying certain drugs that would be more effective for specific individuals or healthcare groups is a core goal of precision medicine.

The KCL researchers published their findings in the journal PLOS Genetics, titled, “Proteome-wide Mendelian Randomization Identifies Causal Links between Blood Proteins and Severe COVID-19.”

Alish Palmos, PhD
“We have used a purely genetic approach to investigate a large number of blood proteins and established that a handful have causal links to the development of severe COVID-19,” said Alish Palmos, PhD (above), Postdoctoral Research Associate, King’s College London Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Center, and co-first author of the study. “Honing in on this group of proteins is a vital first step in discovering potentially valuable targets for development of new treatments.” Medical laboratories may soon be able to use this knowledge as a way to determine risk for severe COVID-19 hospitalization, as well as to guide decisions on how to use new precision medicine drugs for combating the infection. (Photo copyright: Twitter.)

Genetic Variants Linked to Causality

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began in late 2019, scientists and researchers have been vigorously trying to understand the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and determine why some patients have more severe symptoms than others.

To conduct their study, the KCL researchers screened more than 3,000 blood proteins to identify which proteins have a causal link to hospitalization risk, the need for respiratory support, and death from a severe COVID-19 infection.

“Causality between exposure and disease can be established because genetic variants inherited from parent to offspring are randomly assigned at conception similar to how a randomized controlled trial assigns people to groups,” said Vincent Millischer, MD, PhD, Medical University of Vienna and co-first author of the study in the KCL news release.

“In our study, the groups are defined by their genetic propensity to different blood protein levels, allowing an assessment of causal direction from high blood protein levels to COVID-19 severity whilst avoiding influence of environmental effects,” he added. 

The scientists selected genetic variants, known as single nucleotide polymorphisms, that were strongly associated with blood protein levels. They then performed their analysis using Mendelian randomization to test the causal associations of those blood proteins with the development of severe COVID-19 infections.

“Mendelian randomization uses genetic variants associated with a trait [e.g., protein level] and measures their causal effect on disease outcomes, [avoiding] environmental confounding factors, such as lifestyle, being physically ill, etc.,” Alish Palmos, PhD, told Medical News Today. Palmos is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at King’s College London’s Social, Genetic, and Developmental Psychiatry Center and co-first author of the study.

Blood Groups Linked to COVID-19 Hospitalization, Death

One of the most important findings of the KCL research is a causal association between COVID-19 severity and an enzyme called ABO, which determines blood type. This discovery suggests that blood groups perform an instrumental role in whether individuals develop severe forms of the illness. 

“The enzyme helps determine the blood group of an individual and our study has linked it with both risk of hospitalization and the need of respiratory support or death,” said Christopher Hübel, PhD, Postdoctoral Research Associate, King’s College and co-last author of the study in the press release. “Our study does not link precise blood group with risk of severe COVID-19, but since previous research has found that proportion of people who are group A is higher in COVID-19 positive individuals, this suggests that blood group A is more likely candidate for follow-up studies.” 

The KCL researchers uncovered several compelling findings regarding blood proteins and COVID-19, including:

  • The discovery of six blood markers that were significantly associated with an elevated risk of hospitalization.
  • The discovery of nine blood markers that were significantly associated with a decreased risk of hospitalization.
  • Consistent results indicating hospitalization being significantly associated with decreased levels of macrophage inflammatory protein.
  • Five blood markers associated with the need for respiratory support or death.
  • Eight blood markers causally associated with a statistically significantly decreased risk of need for respiratory support or death.
  • Consistent results with respiratory support or death being significantly causally associated with decreased levels of neprilysin.

Developing New COVID-19 Treatments and Preventative Therapies

“What we have done in our study is provide a shortlist for the next stage of research,” said Gerome Breen, PhD, in the KCL news release. Breen is Professor of Psychiatric Genetics at King’s College London’s Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, and co-last author of the study.

“Out of 1000s of blood proteins we have whittled it down to about 14 that have some form of causal connection to the risk of severe COVID-19 and present a potentially important avenue for further research to better understand the mechanisms behind COVID-19 with an ultimate aim of developing new treatments but potentially also preventative therapies,” he added. 

Further research and clinical investigation are needed to validate the King’s College London researchers’ findings. However, their insights could result in new clinical laboratory tests and personalized treatments for COVID-19.

JP Schlingman

Related Information:

Genetic Study Reveals Causal Link Between Blood Type and COVID Severity

Proteome-wide Mendelian Randomization Identifies Causal Links Between Blood Proteins and Severe COVID-19

New Research Suggests a Causal Link Between Blood Group and Severe COVID-19

Researchers Identify Six Proteins Linked with Severe COVID-19

COVID: Risk of Severe Disease Could be in Your Blood, New Research Finds

COVID-19 Severity: Blood Group May Influence Risk

A Two Minute Primer on Mendelian Randomization

Keynote Speakers at the Executive War College Describe the Divergent Paths of Clinical Laboratory Testing as New Players Offer Point-of-Care Tests and More Consumers Want Access to Home Tests

27th annual meeting of medical laboratory and pathology managers delivers insights on the path ahead for diagnostics, ranging from the supply chain shortage and the ‘Great Resignation’ to advances in artificial intelligence and whole genome sequencing in service of precision medicine

Divergent paths of diagnostic testing are among the central topics being discussed at the 27th annual Executive War College on Laboratory and Pathology Management happening this week in New Orleans.

What’s coming as healthcare providers move to post-COVID-19 pandemic workflows will be of keen interest to clinical laboratory leaders attending this critical event. Several new and dynamic market changes are reshaping the development of, ordering, and reimbursement for medical laboratory tests. They include:

  • Millennials as change agents in how care is accessed and delivered.
  • New buyers of large volumes of clinical lab tests, such as retail pharmacies.
  • How clinical laboratories can earn new sources of revenue while supporting precision medicine.

Clinical Labs Should Prepare for the ‘Coming Roller Coaster Ride’

Robert L. Michel, Editor-in-Chief of Dark Daily’s sister publication, The Dark Report, and Founder of the Executive War College, described the “coming roller coaster ride” for the pathology and clinical laboratory industries.

Amid the usual operational issues labs deal with (e.g., workforce shortages, supply chain disruptions, regulatory pressures), he noted the emergence of new and powerful forces pulling clinical laboratories and pathology groups in all directions.

“One primary factor is how Millennials will use healthcare differently than Gen Xers and Baby Boomers,” Michel noted. “Similarly, Millennials will make up 75% of the pathologists and the lab workforce by 2025.

“Another major force for change will be new buyers of clinical laboratory tests,” he continued. “For example, expect to see national retail pharmacy chains build thousands of primary care clinics in their retail pharmacies. These clinics will need lab tests and will become major buyers of near-patient analyzers and lab tests.

“A third interesting factor is that a new class of in vitro diagnostics (IVD) manufacturers are developing analyzers and test systems that use minimal amounts of specimens and return answers in minutes. Primary care clinics in retail pharmacies will be interested in buying these lab testing solutions,” Michel concluded.

Robert L. Michel
Robert L. Michel (above), Editor-in-Chief of The Dark Report and Founder of the Executive War College, has studied and worked with leaders of clinical laboratories and pathology groups for more than four decades. During his keynote address, he predicted that powerful economic forces are about to be unleashed on the traditional market for clinical laboratory testing. Those forces include the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in digital pathology, primary care in retail pharmacies, and increased focus on precision medicine. (Photo copyright: The Dark Intelligence Group.)

Peer-to-Peer Learning Opportunities

With approximately 90 presenters scheduled, clinical laboratory leaders from such prestigious institutions as Johns Hopkins Hospital, Mayo Clinic, United Indian Health Services, and more will facilitate peer-to-peer learnings throughout the conference.

In addition, industry executives scheduled to deliver keynotes include Jon Harol, Lighthouse Lab Services Founder and President; Stan Letovsky, PhD, Vice President for AI, Data Sciences and Bioinformatics as well as other executives from Labcorp; and Curtiss McNair II, Vice President and General Manager of Laboratory Services at American Oncology Network.

In addition, several sessions and panel Q/A discussions will cover critical legal and regulatory issues and payer challenges facing the industry.

New Technologies, Workflows, Analytics

The 2022 Executive War College master classes, breakouts, panel discussions, and benefactor sessions will highlight several significant themes:

  • Lab data analytics and utilization. Sessions this year are heavily weighted toward data analytics, aggregation, and utilization. Look for case studies demonstrating the value of lab data, and where and how data has become actionable and monetized. As Dark Daily previously reported, useful data structures have been difficult to achieve for clinical laboratories; however, the case studies featured during this week’s conference will demonstrate signs of progress and highlight lessons learned.
  • Automation. Several case studies are planned that focus on expansion and modernization using laboratory automation. From Butler Health System, an independent hospital system in western Pa., Robert Patterson, MD, Medical Director of Pathology, Laboratory Medicine, and Laboratory Outreach, will detail steps Butler took that enabled its labs to better compete with other area health systems and national reference laboratories. Likewise, Eric Parnell, System Supervisor of Microbiology for Bronson Healthcare in southern Mich., will discuss his lab’s transition to and implementation of total laboratory automation.
  • Genetic testing and next-generation sequencing (NGS). Quickly becoming the foundational disruptor technology on which many new and powerful clinical laboratory tests and procedures are based, genomic testing has now become accessible and affordable. Many clinical laboratories and pathology groups are using molecular diagnostics testing to deliver clinical value to referring physicians.

Other sessions include:

  • Launching and scaling clinical NGS testing in a clinical environment (featuring a project at Rady Children’s Hospital in San Diego).
  • How labs and payers can work together to achieve better outcomes and health equity using genomic testing.
  • Effective ways to repurpose PCR and other genetic test instruments to build specimen volume and increase lab revenue.

Paths Forward for Clinical Labs and Pathology Groups

Another important topic being discussed at the 2022 Executive War College is how to position clinical laboratories and pathology groups for the next phase of modern healthcare.

Legal experts and consultants from McDonald Hopkins LLC, Advanced Strategic Partners, Pathology Practice Advisors, and ECG Management Consultants, among others, will answer questions on:

  • Attracting capital for clinical labs and pathology groups.
  • Emerging concepts in growth strategies.
  • Business valuation factors.
  • Unexpected disruptions during sales closings.

These are just a few highlights of the informative sessions and expert speakers scheduled during this week’s 27th annual Executive War College in New Orleans. Look for more coverage in Dark Daily during the days ahead and in upcoming editions of our sister publication The Dark Report.

Full details about the 2022 Executive War College can be found by clicking on this link. (Or copy/paste this URL into your web browser:

Speakers, session topics, and the conference agenda can be viewed by clicking on this link. (Or copy/paste this URL into your web browser:

—Liz Carey

Related Information:

Executive War College on Lab and Pathology Management

Executive War College: Efficient Data Structure Can Bring in More Reimbursement Dollars and Allow Clinical Laboratories to Sell Aggregated Information

Australian Researchers Develop a Superior Genetic Blood or Saliva Test for Detecting Glaucoma in High-risk Individuals

Should the test prove clinically viable, it could lead to new biomarkers for eye disease diagnostics and a new assay for clinical laboratories

Scientists at Flinders University in Australia have developed a genetic blood or saliva test that, they say, is 15 times more effective at identifying individuals at high risk of glaucoma than current medical laboratory tests.

If so, this discovery could lead to new biomarkers for diagnostic blood tests that help medical professionals identify and treat various diseases of the eye. Their test also can be performed on saliva samples. The researchers plan to launch a company later in 2022 to generate an accredited test that can be used in clinical trials.

“Early diagnosis of glaucoma can lead to vision-saving treatment, and genetic information can potentially give us an edge in making early diagnoses, and better treatment decisions,” said lead researcher Owen Siggs, PhD, Associate Professor, College of Medicine and Public Health at Flinders University, in a university press release.

Flinders University researchers have been collaborating with scientists at the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute and other research institutes worldwide for some time to identify genetic risk factors for glaucoma, the press release noted.

The researchers published their findings in the peer-reviewed journal JAMA Ophthalmology, titled, “Association of Monogenic and Polygenic Risk with the Prevalence of Open-Angle Glaucoma.”

“In the cross-sectional study of monogenic and polygenic variants related to the disease, the new genetic test was evaluated in 2,507 glaucoma patients in Australia and 411,337 people with or without glaucoma in the UK. The test, conducted using a blood or saliva sample, could potentially detect individuals at increased risk before irreversible vision loss happens,” Medical Device Network reported.

Jamie Craig, PhD
“Genetic testing is not currently a routine part of glaucoma diagnosis and care, but this test has the potential to change that,” said Jamie Craig, PhD, (above), Distinguished Professor, College of Medicine and Health at Flinders University in Australia and senior author of the study, in a press release. “We’re now in a strong position to start testing this in clinical trials,” he added. This is yet another example of how new research is identifying a novel biomarker that could be incorporated into a clinical laboratory test. (Photo copyright: Flinders University.)

Who Is at Risk for Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that are typically caused by a buildup of pressure within the eye. The eyeball contains and produces a fluid called aqueous humour which provides nutrition to the eye and keeps the eye in a proper pressurized state. Any excess of this fluid should be automatically released via a drainage canal called the trabecular meshwork.

But that’s not always the case. When the fluid cannot drain properly, intraocular pressure is created. Most forms of glaucoma are characterized by this pressure, which can damage the optic nerve and eventually cause vision loss and even blindness. Treatments for the disease include medications, laser treatments, and surgery.

Anyone can develop glaucoma, but according to the Mayo Clinic, individuals at higher risk of the disease include: 

  • Individuals over the age of 60.
  • Those with a family history of glaucoma.
  • People of African, Asian, or Hispanic descent.
  • Patients with certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and sickle cell anemia.
  • Those with corneas that are thin in the center.
  • Individuals who have had a past eye injury or certain types of eye surgery.
  • People who have taken corticosteroid medications, especially eyedrops, for an extended period of time.

Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide, particularly among the elderly. When diagnosed early, the condition is manageable, but even with treatment, about 15% of glaucoma patients become blind in at least one eye within 20 years.

According to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately three million Americans are living with glaucoma. The disease often has no early symptoms, which is why it is estimated that about 50% of individuals who have glaucoma do not realize they have the illness.

Thus, a clinically-viable genetic test that is 15 times more likely to identify people at risk for developing glaucoma in its early stages would be a boon for ophthalmology practices worldwide and could save thousands from going blind.

More research and clinical trials are needed before the Flinders University genetic test for glaucoma becomes available. But the discovery alone demonstrates the importance of continuing research into identifying novel biomarkers that could be incorporated into useful clinical laboratory diagnostic tests.

JP Schlingman

Related Information:

A Game-changer for Glaucoma Diagnosis: Scientists Develop a Blood Test That is 15 Times More Likely than Current Methods to Identify High-risk Individuals Before Irreversible Vision Loss Occurs

Association of Monogenic and Polygenic Risk with the Prevalence of Open-Angle Glaucoma

Flinders University Develops Genetic Test for Glaucoma

The Majority of Glaucoma Cases Remain Undiagnosed in the US

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Aqueous Humor Flow and Function

Mayo Clinic: Glaucoma Causes and Symptoms

Glaucoma-Global Clinical Trials Review, H2, 2021

Don’t Let Glaucoma Steal Your Sight!
