Getting Paid for COVID-19 Test Claims: What Every Clinical Lab Needs to Know to Maximize Collected Dollars

Published March 26, 2021 | 118 Pages | $599



Learn the secrets to increase your clinical laboratory’s cash flow line by submitting clean COVID-19 test claims to payers and getting faster settlements

During the pandemic, it is essential that all your lab’s COVID-19 test claims are paid­­—and paid promptly! But as your billing and collections team knows, health plans are unpredictable in how they process and remit payments for COVID-19 test claims.

This is happening because— across the nation—health plans are rejecting significant numbers of claims for COVID-19 that meet all criteria, including federal and state mandates requiring such payment. For many clinical laboratories, this means less cash flow… as well as increased expenses to further document and resubmit these denied claims.

Buy and download immediately your copy of Getting Paid for COVID-19 Test Claims report and start using these proven ways to boost your labs cash flow from your COVID-19 test claims.




Now you have a way to get more of your lab’s COVID-19 test claims paid in full, and with faster remittance!

Our newly released special report Getting Paid for COVID-19 Test Claims: What Every Clinical Lab Needs to Know to Maximize Collected Dollars delivers to you and your lab’s billing and collections team the essential knowledge and techniques needed to be paid for more COVID-19 test claims.

This report has invaluable information, insights, and advice not found anywhere else. Dark Daily assembled the nation’s foremost experts in clinical laboratory coding, billing, and collection to share their knowledge and experiences. Their goal is for you to submit cleaner COVID-19 test claims, get paid for a larger proportion of your claims, and have the documentation to defend those claims when the health plans’ auditors show up at your lab. Doing better at each of these steps means more cash flow for your lab.



Table of Contents and Authors

This comprehensive report delivers to you the expertise of 15 recognized experts, packed into 10 chapters and 118 pages of practical information and actionable recommendations, as follows: 

• INTRODUCTION: Understanding Sources of Risk in Getting Paid for COVID-19 Testing, by Kimberly Scott, freelance healthcare journalist and analyst

• CHAPTER 1: How to Use This Report, by Kimberly Scott

• CHAPTER 2: Why Submitting COVID-19 Test Claims Is Difficult: Considerations for Billing and Reimbursement, by Danielle Holley Tangorre, Esq., O’Connell and Aronowitz

• CHAPTER 3: Federal Requirements for Billing and Reimbursement of COVID-19 Testing, by David Gee, Esq., Kathryn F. Edgerton, Esq., and Caitlin Forsyth, Esq., Davis Wright Tremaine

• CHAPTER 4: State Law Requirements Regarding Payment  for COVID-19 Testing, by Paul L. Garcia, Esq. and Erin Sclar, Esq., Hooper Lundy & Bookman, PC

• CHAPTER 5: General Practices or Billing and Collecting from Consumers and Patients For COVID-19 Testing, by Ann Lambrix and Alex Mitchell, Vachette Pathology

• CHAPTER 6: Coding COVID-19 Test Claims: Codes, Rates, and Special Considerations 59, Diana W. Voorhees, DV & Associates Inc.

• CHAPTER 7: Auditing and Medical Necessity Documentation for COVID-19 Tests, by Courtney G. Tito, Esq., Richard S. Cooper, Esq., Elizabeth Sullivan, Esq., and Emily Johnson, Esq., McDonald Hopkins, LLC

• CHAPTER 8: The Anti-Kickback Statute, Stark Law, and EKRA in the Time of COVID-19: What Clinical Laboratories Should Know, by Courtney G. Tito, Esq., Richard S. Cooper, Esq., Elizabeth Sullivan, Esq., and Emily Johnson, Esq., McDonald Hopkins, LLC

• CHAPTER 9: Requirements for Reporting COVID-19 Test Results to Authorities, by Kimberly Scott

• CHAPTER 10: Critical Laboratory Information System Capabilities and Opportunities for End-to-End COVID-19 Testing, by Kiran Ganda, Sunquest Information Systems


How this report delivers ROI well beyond your $599 investment

Using this report, your lab’s billing and collections team can boost cash flow from COVID-19 test claims. They’ll have both the knowledge and the confidence needed to increase cash flow from COVID-19 testing at the time when it means the most to your clinical laboratory and its financial stability.

Would you invest $1 to get back $10 or even $100? Yes, of course! Your investment in this report can directly generate an extra $10,000 dollars in collected COVID-19 test payments…even $100,000 or more in additional COVID-19 payments. Take that easy step today and order this special report, then use it to turbocharge your clinical lab’s cash flow from COVID-19 testing.



