News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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Commonwealth Fund Health Insurance Survey Shows One Out of Four Americans is Underinsured

Study findings highlight financial impact underinsured have on healthcare providers, including clinical laboratories and pathology groups

Commonwealth Fund’s 2024 Biennial Health Survey released in November shows that not only are Americans underinsured, but many are swimming in medical debt. This is not good news for clinical laboratories. Simply put, labs must collect deductibles, copays, and out of pocket amounts from insured patients. If the patient is underinsured, that means the lab probably has to collect more—even 100%—of total charges directly from the patient.

The study conducted between March and June of 2024 collected data from 8,201 respondents ages 18-64, and despite two of every three respondents carrying health insurance through their employers, one of every four is underinsured, according to a Commonwealth Fund news release.

A further 44% of respondents have medical debt, with one of every four calling their out-of-pocket payments “nearly unaffordable,” the news release notes. Additionally, one out of five had a gap in coverage during the year.

“Congress, employers, insurers, and healthcare providers all play a role in lowering costs and making care more affordable, so families can avoid debt and get the care they need to stay healthy,” said Sara R. Collins, PhD, lead study author and Commonwealth Fund Senior Scholar and Vice President for Health Care Coverage and Access and Tracking Health System Performance, in the news release.

Astute laboratory managers will look beyond the study’s face value and consider the profound impact such findings could have on their own labs.

“While having health insurance is always better than not having it, the findings challenge the implicit assumption that health insurance in the United States buys affordable access to care,” the Commonwealth Fund said of its 2023 study. This sentiment rings true in the Funds’ latest findings as well.

“The Affordable Care Act has covered 23 million people and cut the uninsured rate in half. But high costs are a serious problem for many Americans, regardless of the kind of insurance they have,” said Sara R. Collins, PhD (above), lead study author and Commonwealth Fund Senior Scholar and Vice President for Health Care Coverage and Access and Tracking Health System Performance, in a news release. Clinical laboratories and anatomic pathology groups are greatly affected by underinsured patients. (Photo copyright: Commonwealth Fund.)

Labs Often Must Collect Payments Upfront

Many patients are in high deductible health plans and may forgo or delay ordered lab tests. Labs collect patient deductibles, copays, and out-of-pocket expenses directly from patients. However, underinsured patients may be required to pay for 100% of the services they receive, requiring the lab to collect these payments upfront.

Underinsured patients already facing a mountain of debt may struggle to pay for lab services. The debt many owe is substantial. “Nearly half (48%) of all adults with medical debt owe $2,000 or more; one of five (21%) carry a staggering $5,000 or more in debt,” Commonwealth Fund noted in its study.

Thus, collecting money owed is proving to be a problem for healthcare providers. Patient collection rates are plummeting to 48%, with “providers writing off more bad debt from patients with insurance,” TechTarget reported.

“Lower patient collection rates left providers facing bad debt. The analysis showed that 1.54% was the bad debt write-offs as a percentage of total claim charges in 2023. Researchers note that the percentage may be small, but the total cash amount equated to over $17.4 billion last year,” TechTarget added.

Having some rather than no insurance is not the safety net for patients previously thought. When it comes to the insured, their debt “accounts for 53% of the estimated $17.4 billion that hospitals, health systems, and medical practices wrote off as bad debts in 2023,” Business Wire noted, citing data from Kodiak Solutions’ quarterly revenue cycle benchmarking report.

Delaying Critical Lab Tests

The challenges the insured face with debt impacts labs in the long run. A staggering 57% of survey respondents reported passing on needed care because they could not afford it, and of those, 41% said their health concerns worsened when they denied themselves that care, Commonwealth Fund noted.

Increasingly poor health means patients might struggle to collect sufficient income to pay for their now added expenses, further causing them to struggle to pay for anything insurance might not cover, such as doctor ordered lab tests.

The affect this has on hospitals and medical laboratories casts light on the healthcare marketplace as a whole. It’s a trend that needs to be further studied.

“Most hospital bad debt is associated with insured patients, and nearly one in three hospitals report over $10M in bad debt,” are two of the top five financial healthcare statistics reported by Definitive Healthcare in a 2023 report.

“Expanding patient collection strategies may be key to maximizing revenue and avoiding losses,” TechTarget suggested.

Possible Solutions

The Commonwealth Fund study made clear that employer-covered healthcare does not guarantee affordable care or that ample care will be provided. Possible solutions from the study called on policymakers to “expand coverage and lower costs for consumers.” It added that “extending enhanced premium tax credits and strengthening protections against medical debt could make coverage more protective and affordable.”

Until a solution can be found, it’s wise to stay abreast of this trend and how it can impact the bottom line of clinical laboratories and anatomic pathology groups nationwide.

—Kristin Althea O’Connor

Related Information:

The State of Health Insurance Coverage in the U.S.

New Survey: Nearly One of Four Adults with Health Coverage Struggle with High Out-of-Pocket Costs and Deductibles; Majority of Underinsured in Employer Plans

One in Four Adults Are Underinsured: What Healthcare Leaders Should Know

Patient Collection Rate Falls to Nearly 48%

Paying for It: How Health Care Costs and Medical Debt Are Making Americans Sicker and Poorer

Insured Patients Account for More than Half of Bad Debts Written Off by Provider Organizations in 2023, According to Kodiak Solutions Analysis

Five Hospital Bad Debt Statistics You Need To Know

Ratings Agencies Go Negative on Not-for-Profit Hospitals for 2014; Their Projections Signal Fewer Resources for Hospital-based Clinical Laboratories

This hospital industry sector is expected to achieve lower growth rates and less revenue and are likely to reduce operating budgets for medical laboratories

Tough financial times are ahead for not-for-profit hospitals, according to the projections of multiple rating agencies. Financial analysts attribute this to an extended period of massive and disruptive change. This is not good news for hospital-based clinical laboratory managers and pathology groups.

Big Three credit-rating agencies Moody’s Investors Service (NYSE: MCO), Fitch Ratings, and Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC (S&P) echoed a common theme in their 2014 outlooks for not-for-profit hospitals, which represent 60% of the nation’s hospitals. Environmental pressures will suppress revenue growth, while fresh cost-cutting measures will become increasingly harder to find. (more…)

Why Your Ford Mustang or Toyota Prius Will Soon Test Drivers for Glucose Levels and Perform Other Medical Laboratory Tests

Pathologists take note! In-car health management services are intended to further patient-centered healthcare

If a smartphone can be configured to perform a medical laboratory test, then why can’t some clinical lab tests be performed by an automobile? Believe it or not, several car companies are preparing to introduce these types of features into their automobiles in coming years!

First out of the box with the concept of “lab testing in an automobile” are carmakers Ford Motor Company (NYSE: F) and Toyota Motor Corporation (NSYE: TM). Each company has teamed up with healthcare device companies to develop in-car connectivity solutions. The goal is to provide in-vehicle medical testing capabilities that empower consumers with chronic illnesses or medical disorders to manage their condition while on the road.

