News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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Can Consumers Collect Their Own Biological Specimens for Direct-to-Consumer SARS-CoV-2 Tests? FDA Says ‘No’ to Clinical Labs Announcing Such Tests

Following criticism over delays in authorizing medical LDT COVID-19 tests, the FDA swiftly shut down consumer at-home specimen collection schemes

Banning COVID-19 tests that rely on consumers’ collecting their own specimens at home is one example where the federal US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) took remarkably swift action. It’s also interesting to note how some business people—who lack formal training in clinical laboratory medicine—often are ready to seize any opportunity to sell lab tests directly to consumers, regardless of whether such tests are reliable, accurate, medically-necessary, and reasonably priced.

Last month, in the midst of this novel coronavirus pandemic, the attempt by a handful of direct-to-consumer (DTC) lab companies to sell COVID-19 tests to customers was speedily stopped by the FDA less than 10 days after the agency became aware of the DTC testing schemes. This all happened off the radar screen of most pathologists and clinical laboratory administrators, whose full-time attention has been on serving the urgent needs of their parent hospitals, referring physicians, and patients.

Within days of each other, several direct-to-consumer lab testing companies announced plans to offer COVID-19 tests to consumers. A common feature of these offerings was that each DTC company would send a collection kit to the consumer, who would collect his or her specimen at home. The kit would then be sent to one of the DTC company’s CLIA-certified laboratories, where the SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2) test would be performed.

Those DTC companies were:

A flurry of press releases and news interviews about how consumers could order and pay for their own COVID-19 test, collect the specimen at home, and have a Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA)-certified lab perform the test quickly caught the attention of the FDA. Federal officials took immediate action, or close to it.

On March 20, the FDA issued a warning to healthcare consumers to beware of “unauthorized fraudulent COVID-19 test kits.” On the same day, the FDA announced updated guidance on its website pointing to recent policy adjustments stating that “testing by CLIA-certified labs that had not yet acquired Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for their COVID-19 diagnostic does not apply to at-home COVID-19 testing, ‘including self-collection of samples to be sent to a clinical laboratory,’” reported MobiHealthNews.

“We want to alert the American public that, at this time, the FDA has not authorized any test that is available to purchase for testing yourself at home for COVID-19,” the FDA said in a statement. “The FDA sees the public health value in expanding the availability of COVID-19 testing through safe and accurate tests that may include home collection, and we are actively working with test developers in this space.”

Nevertheless, the FDA stipulated that at-home specimen collection was still not authorized.

Collectively, the FDA’s two actions sent an unmistakable message to the DTC lab companies that affected their consumer COVID-19 testing plans. Following public release of the FDA’s recommendation and policy change, several of the DTC lab companies posted messages on their websites disclosing that they would not be selling COVID-19 tests with consumer self-collection after all.

Everlywell Health’s DTC Clinical Laboratory Test Plan

News stories about the plans of these companies contained details that pathologists and clinical laboratory managers will find interesting. That is certainly true of Everlywell, a DTC lab company with a distinctive background.

Austin-based Everlywell was founded in 2015 by Julia Cheek. She appeared on the Shark Tank television program in 2017 and received $1 million in funding for her business plan, which Dark Daily covered. Cheek’s plan was to sell selected medical laboratory tests directly to consumers, including placing collection kits in retail stores and pharmacies. in the same year, investors pumped another $4 million into Everlywell, for a total of $5 million in venture capital funding, reported Business Wire.

“The extreme shortage of tests for COVID-19 puts millions of Americans at risk,” said Julia Cheek (above), Founder and CEO of Everlywell, in a March 18, 2020, press release. She added, “Everlywell is committed to helping stop the spread of COVID-19 in the US by making this test widely available. As the national leader in at-home lab testing, we want to use our resources and expertise to help as many people as we can. We are committed to this fight, and we’re here to help.” A few days later, the FDA reiterated its ban on at-home COVID-19 specimen collection. (Photo copyright: Forbes/Whitney Martin.)

Everlywell, which manufactures laboratory test kits for everything from general wellness and energy/weight, to men’s health, women’s health, and sexual health, was among several companies that just days before the FDA’s warning had announced plans for an at-home COVID-19 lab test with telehealth diagnosis.

Before the FDA banned at-home testing, Everlywell had an initial supply of 30,000 collection kits and planned to work with “multiple labs to scale infrastructure,” with a goal of testing 250,000 people weekly, stated a company news release. In news interviews, Everlywell said these consumer-collected specimens would be done by CLIA-certified clinical laboratories. However, the company did not name the lab companies it expected to use to perform those tests.

Everlywell’s at-home test carried a $135 price tag for consumers, an amount the company noted was “at-cost.” Before purchasing a COVID-19 test, consumers are required to complete an eligibility questionnaire developed in accordance with CDC recommendations. Testing includes a free telehealth consultation with a board-certified physician for consumers who tested positive.

However, after the FDA issued its March 20 warning, Everlywell announced on its website that its COVID-19 test would not be available for individual purchase.

“Our frontline healthcare workers are in desperate need of testing,” the site states. “We have made the decision to allocate today’s test supply to hospitals and healthcare providers only.”

Everlywell was asked to comment on these matters by Dark Daily’s sister publication, The Dark Report. As of this date, the company has not responded to that request.

Other DTC Companies Suspend Plans to Sell At-Home COVID-19 Test Kits

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported that Scanwell Health, Nurx Inc., and Curative Inc. also were among the handful of companies that curtailed plans to launch at-home COVID-19 testing following the FDA’s announcement.

Scanwell Health now plans to wait for FDA clearance under the EUA for its at-home COVID-19 blood test.

Though the US is making strides to increase testing, lack of testing capacity has hamstrung the nation’s healthcare system as it attempts to control the COVID-19 pandemic.

An at-home test would appear to be one option for increasing COVID-19 testing nationwide. However, the FDA is signaling to these direct-to-consumer lab testing companies—along with clinical laboratories—that specimen quality issues associated with consumers collecting their own samples carry the risk of producing inaccurate test results.

This is something that pathologists and medical laboratory professionals understand because the largest source of errors in clinical laboratory testing come from the pre-analytical stage. This is the part of the testing process where a specimen is collected, then transported to a laboratory and prepared for analysis at the bench.

—Andrea Downing Peck

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Asian Cities, Countries Stand Out in the World’s Fight Against COVID-19, US Clinical Laboratory Testing in the Spotlight

Asian locales reacted swiftly to the threat of COVID-19 by leveraging lessons learned from previous pandemics and making use of serology testing in aggressive contact tracing

America’s healthcare leaders in government, hospitals, clinical pathology, and medical laboratories can learn important lessons from the swift responses to the early outbreaks of COVID-19 in countries like Taiwan and South Korea and in cities like Singapore and Hong Kong. 

Strategies such as early intervention, commitment to tracing contacts of infected people within two hours, quarantines, and social distancing all contributed to significantly curtailing the spread of the latest coronavirus pandemic within their borders, The New York Times (NYT) reported.

Another response common to the efforts of these countries and cities was the speedy introduction of clinical laboratory tests for SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), supported by the testing of tens of thousands of people in the earliest stages of the outbreaks in their communities. And that preparation and experience is paying off as those countries and cities continue to address the spread of COVID-19.

‘We Look at SARS as the Dress Rehearsal’

“Maybe it’s because of our Asian context, but our community is sort of primed for this. We will keep fighting, because isolation and quarantine work,” Lalitha Kurupatham, Deputy Director of the Communicable Diseases Division in Singapore, told the NYT. “During peacetime, we plan for epidemics like this.”

Clinical laboratory leaders and pathologists may recall that Hong Kong was the site of the 2003 severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic. About 8,096 people worldwide were infected, and 774 died from SARS, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). In Hong Kong, 299 died out of 1,755 cases. However, Singapore had just 238 cases and 33 deaths.

To what does Singapore attribute the country’s lower COVID-19 infection/death rate today?

“We can look at SARS as the dress rehearsal. The experience was raw, and very, very visceral. And on the back of it, better systems were put in place,” Jeremy Lim, MD, Co-Director of the Leadership Institute for Global Health Transformation at the National University of Singapore, told TIME.

“It’s a mix of carrots and sticks that have so far helped us. The US should learn from Singapore’s response and then adapt what is useful,” Lim added. 

Singapore Debuts Serology Testing for COVID-19 Tracking

It was Singapore where scientists first experimented with serology testing to track the breadth of coronavirus infection in a community, Science reported, adding that the tests are different from the SARS-CoV-2 tests, which analyze genetic material of the virus from a person’s samples. (Dark Daily recently covered such genetic testing in “Advances in Gene Sequencing Technology Enable Scientists to Respond to the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak in Record Time with Medical Lab Tests, Therapies,” March 18, 2020.)

As microbiologists and infectious diseases doctors know, serology tests work by identifying antibodies that are the sources of infection. In the case of COVID-19, these tests may have aided in the surveillance of people infected with the coronavirus.

This is one lesson the US is learning.

“CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) has developed two serological tests that we’re evaluating right now, so we can get an idea through surveillance what’s the extent of this outbreak and how many people really are infected,” Robert Redfield, MD, CDC Director, told STAT.

Singapore’s Health Ministry and its Duke-NUS Medical School previously used an experimental serology test for contact tracing the source of 23 COVID-19 cases at a Singapore church, according to Science.

The graphic above, which is based on data from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, illustrates how contact tracing is accomplished. “We believe this is the first time in the world where these particular tests have been used in this context of contact tracing,” Danielle Anderson, PhD, Scientific Director, Duke-NUS Medical School ABSL3 Laboratory, told Science. (Graphic copyright: CDC/Carl Fredrik Sjöland.)

‘Leaving No Stone Unturned’

As of March 27, Singapore (located about 2,374 miles from mainland China with a population of 5.7 million) had reported 732 COVID-19 cases and two deaths, while Hong Kong had reported 518 cases and four deaths.

According to Time, in its effort to battle and treat COVID-19, Singapore took the following steps:

  • Clinical laboratory testing for COVID-19 of all people presenting with “influenza-like” and pneumonia symptoms;
  • Contact tracing of each infected person, including interviews, review of flight manifests, and police involvement;
  • Using locally developed test to find antibodies after COVID-19 clears;
  • Ran ads on page one of newspapers urging people with mild symptoms to see a doctor; and
  • Government paid $100 Singapore dollars per day to quarantined self-employed people. 

“Singapore is leaving no stone unturned,” Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, PhD, Director-General of WHO, told TIME.

The Singapore government’s WhatsApp account shares updates on the coronavirus, and Singapore citizens acquire wearable stickers after having their temperature checked at building entrances, Wired reported. The article also noted teams of healthcare workers are kept separate in hospitals—just in case some workers have to be quarantined.  

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Meanwhile, in Hong Kong, citizens donned face masks and pressured the government to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak. Officials subsequently tightened borders with mainland China and took other action, the NYT reported.

Once the COVID-19 genetic sequence became available, national medical laboratory networks in Singapore, Hong Kong, and Japan developed their own diagnostic tests, reported The Lancet, which noted that the countries also expanded capacity for testing and changed financing systems, so people would not have to pay for the tests. In Singapore, the government pays for hospitalization as well, noted The Lancet.

Lessons Learned

The US has far less experience with pandemics, as compared to the Asian locales that were affected by the H1N1 influenza (Spanish Flu) of 1918-1920 and the H5N1 influenza (Avian Flu) of 1957-1958.

And, controversially, National Security Council (NSC) officials in 2018 discontinued the federal US Pandemic Response Unit, moving the NSC employees into other government departments, Associated Press reported.

According to the March 26 US Coronavirus Task Force’s televised news conference, 550,000 COVID-19 tests have been completed nationwide and results suggest 86% of those tested are negative for the disease. 

The fast-moving virus and rapidly developing story are placing medical laboratory testing in the global spotlight. Pathologists and clinical laboratory leaders have a unique opportunity to advance the profession, as well as improving the diagnosis of COVID-19 and the health of patients.

—Donna Marie Pocius

Related Information:

Tracking the Coronavirus: How Crowded Asian Cities Tackled an Epidemic

What We Can Learn from Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong About Handling Coronavirus

Singapore Claims First Use of Antibody Test to Track Coronavirus Infections

CDC Developing Serologic Tests That Could Reveal Full Scope of U.S. Coronavirus Outbreak

Singapore Was Ready for COVID-19, Other Countries Take Note

Are High-Performing Health Systems Resilient Against the COVID-19 Epidemic?

Trump Disbanded NSC Pandemic Unit That Experts Had Praised

Advances in Gene Sequencing Technology Enable Scientists to Respond to the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak in Record Time with Medical Lab Tests, Therapies

Clinical Laboratories Should Be Aware of Potential Airborne Transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the Coronavirus That Causes COVID-19

‘Aerosol and Surface Stability’ study shows that the virus can remain infectious in aerosol form for hours and on surfaces for days

By now, clinical laboratory workers, microbiologists, and phlebotomists should be fully aware of the potential for transmission on surfaces of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the novel coronavirus that causes Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The CDC’s latest Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report revealed that the coronavirus “was identified on a variety of surfaces in cabins of both symptomatic and asymptomatic infected passengers up to 17 days after cabins were vacated on the Diamond Princess, but before disinfection procedures had been conducted,” the New York Post reported. That means the virus can survive on surfaces significantly longer than CDC previously believed.

But did you know a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) found that SARS-CoV-2 can also survive in the air for many hours, potentially allowing aerosolized transmission of the virus as well?

The NEJM study also showed that the stability of SARS-CoV-2 to survive on surfaces and in aerosolized form mirrors the stability of the SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) that caused the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak of 2003.

This is critically important information for clinical laboratory professionals in open-space laboratories, phlebotomists collecting medical laboratory specimens, and frontline healthcare workers who come in direct contact with potentially infected patients. They should be aware of every potential COVID-19 transmission pathway.

Hospital infection control teams will be particularly interested in the possibility of airborne transmission, as they often visit infected patients and are tasked with tracking both the source of the infection as well as individuals who may be exposed to sick patients.

The NEJM study, titled “Aerosol and Surface Stability of SARS-CoV-2 as Compared with SARS-CoV-1” was conducted by scientists at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), an agency of the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Princeton University, and University of California, Los Angeles. The researchers concluded that SARS-CoV-2 remains in the air “up to three hours post aerosolization.”

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They also found the virus was detectable for up to four hours on copper and up to 24 hours on cardboard. The scientists concluded SARS-CoV-2 can remain on plastic and stainless-steel surfaces for two to three days, though the amount of the virus on surfaces decreases over time.

“Our results indicate that aerosol and fomite transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is plausible, since the virus can remain viable and infectious in aerosols for hours and on surfaces up to days,” the study states. “These findings echo those with SARS-CoV-1, in which these forms of transmission were associated with nosocomial spread and super-spreading events, and they provide information for pandemic mitigation efforts.”

But Can COVID-19 Be Caught Through Air?

However, as noted in Wired, the researchers did not clearly state that infected persons can spread COVID-19 to others in the same airspace. Some experts have pointed out that there is a difference between a virus that can exist as an aerosol—defined as a liquid or solid suspended in gas under only limited conditions—and the measles virus, for example, which the CDC estimates “can live for up two hours in an airspace where the infected person has coughed or sneezed.”

“While the researchers tested how long the virus can survive in aerosols suspended in the air, they didn’t actually sample the air around infected people,” Wired noted. “Instead, they put the virus into a nebulizer and puffed it into a rotating drum to keep it airborne. Then, they tested how long the virus could survive in the air inside the drum.”

Neeltje van Doremalen, PhD, a research fellow at National Institutes of Health (NIH) and researcher at the NIAID’s Rocky Mountain Laboratories in Hamilton, Montana, who coauthored the NEJM study, cautioned against an overreaction to this latest research. On Twitter she wrote, “Important: we experimentally generated [COVID-19] aerosols and kept them afloat in a drum. This is not evidence of aerosol transmission.”

Nonetheless, the World House Organization (WHO) took note of the study’s findings and on March 16, 2020, announced it was considering “airborne precautions” for healthcare workers, CNBC reported in its coverage of a virtual press conference on March 16, 2020, led by Maria Van Kerkhove, MS, PhD, Technical Lead for WHO’s Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) Task Force.

Van Kerkhove emphasized that health officials were monitoring results from other studies investigating how environmental conditions such as humidity, temperature, and ultraviolet light affect the disease and its ability to live on different surfaces.

“When you do an aerosol-generating procedure like in a medical care facility, you have the possibility to what we call aerosolize these particles, which means they can stay in the air a little bit longer,” said Maria Van Kerkhove, MS, PhD (above), Technical Lead for WHO’s Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) Task Force during a virtual press conference, CNBC reported. “It’s very important that healthcare workers take additional precautions when they’re working on patients and doing these procedures,” she added. [Photo copyright: World Health Organization/YouTube.)

To Be or Not to Be an Airborne Pathogen

Stanley Perlman, MD, PhD, Professor of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Iowa, believes aerosol transmission ultimately will be found not to play a large role in COVID-19 transmission.

“I think the answer will be, aerosolization occurs rarely, but not never,” Perlman told STAT. “You have to distinguish between what’s possible and what’s actually happening.”

In an NEJM editorial, Perlman expanded on those thoughts. “Although specific anti-coronaviral therapies are still in development, we now know much more about how to control such infections in the community and hospitals, which should alleviate some of this fear,” he wrote. “Transmission of [SARS-CoV-2] probably occurs by means of large droplets and contact and less so by means of aerosols and fomites, on the basis of our experience with SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. Public health measures, including quarantining in the community as well as timely diagnosis and strict adherence to universal precautions in healthcare settings, were critical in controlling SARS and MERS. Institution of similar measures will be important and, it is hoped, successful in reducing the transmission of [SARS-CoV-2].”

An NIH news release announcing the SARS-CoV-2 stability study highlighted two additional observations:

  • “If the viability of the two coronaviruses is similar, why is SARS-CoV-2 resulting in more cases? Emerging evidence suggest that people infected with SARS-CoV-2 might be spreading virus without recognizing, or prior to recognizing, symptoms. That would make disease control measures that were effective against SARS-CoV-1 less effective against its successor.
  • In contrast to SARS-CoV-1, most secondary cases of virus transmission of SARS-CoV-2 appear to be occurring in community settings rather than healthcare settings. However, healthcare settings are also vulnerable to the introduction and spread of SARS-CoV-2, and the stability of SARS-CoV-2 in aerosols and on surfaces likely contributes to transmission of the virus in healthcare settings.”

Clearly, the scientific community has not agreed on aerosolization as a definite source of infection. Nevertheless, clinical laboratory workers in settings where potential exposure to SARS-CoV-2 exists should take precautions against airborne transmission until scientists can definitively determine whether this latest coronavirus can be acquired through the airborne transmission.

—Andrea Downing Peck

Related Information:

Aerosol and Surface Stability of SARS-CoV-2 as Compared with SARS-CoV-1

Another Decade, Another Coronavirus

WHO Considers ‘Airborne Precautions’ for Medical Staff After Study Shows Coronavirus Can Survive in Air

Coronavirus Can Likely Remain Airborne for Some Time. That Doesn’t Mean We’re Doomed

New Coronavirus Stable for Hours on Surfaces

Taiwan’s Containment of COVID-19 Outbreak Demonstrates Importance of Rapid Response, Including Fast Access to Clinical Laboratory Tests

By taking early measures to combat the spread, the country had a medical laboratory test for COVID-19 available as early as Jan. 24, and was able to focus medical laboratory testing on the most at-risk individuals

With the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak dominating headlines and medical laboratories under growing pressure to increase testing capacity, Taiwan’s rapid response to the pandemic could provide a critical model for other countries to follow.

Given its proximity to mainland China—just 81 miles—and the large number of individuals who frequently travel back and forth between the countries, Taiwan was at risk of having the second-highest number of imported COVID-19 cases, according to a model developed by researchers at Johns Hopkins University and the University of New South Wales Sydney. News reports indicate that, each year, about 60,000 flights carry 10 million passengers between Taiwan and China.

But after the first reports emerged of the infection in Wuhan, China, “Taiwan quickly mobilized and instituted specific approaches for case identification, containment, and resource allocation to protect the public health,” wrote C. Jason Wang, MD, PhD; Chun Y. Ng, MBA, MPH; and Robert H. Brook, MD, ScD, in an article for the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), titled, “Response to COVID-19 in Taiwan Big Data Analytics, New Technology, and Proactive Testing.”

Data from Taiwan’s Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) indicate that the country has managed to contain the outbreak thanks to these aggressive actions.

As of March 19, Taiwan’s CECC reported a total of 108 laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 infections. That compares with 81,155 in China, 41,035 in Italy, and 10,755 in the US, according to data compiled by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University. When the World Health Organization (WHO) reports on the number of COVID-19 cases by country, it includes the number of COVID-19 cases from Taiwan under the totals for the People’s Republic of China. WHO made this decision several years ago, under pressure by China to not recognize Taiwan as an independent nation.

The World Population Review website says Taiwan’s population is about 23.8 million. But its infection rate is low even on a per capita basis: Approximately 45 infections per million population, compared with 6,784 in Italy, 564 in China, and 326 per million in the US.

The JAMA authors noted that Taiwan was prepared for an outbreak after its experience with the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) pandemic in 2003, which also originated in China.

Timeline of COVID-19 Outbreak at the Earliest Stages

Taiwan apparently learned a lesson about preparedness from the SARS outbreak the rest of the world did not and that enabled the tiny nation to respond immediately to the novel Coronavirus threat.

The country’s efforts began on Dec. 31 with inspections of flight arrivals from Wuhan. “When there were only a very few cases [of COVID-19] reported in China, [Taiwanese health authorities] already went onto every airplane that came from Wuhan,” C. Jason Wang, MD, PhD, an Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Director of the Center for Policy, Outcomes, and Prevention at Stanford University and lead author of the JAMA report, told Vox. “Health officials came on the airplane and checked people for symptoms,” he added.

Travelers who had recently visited Wuhan and displayed symptoms of pneumonia were quarantined at home for 14 days. Taiwan’s CDC reported that quarantined individuals were being tested for the 2019-nCoV coronavirus (later renamed to SARS-CoV-2) soon after it was identified. The CECC, activated in January to coordinate the government’s response, reported the first confirmed imported case on Jan. 21.

On Jan. 24, their CDC announced that testing for the virus was being performed at the CDC and eight designated hospitals. Testing included samples from physicians around the country. As of Feb. 17, daily testing capacity was about 1,300 samples, the JAMA authors reported.

Wang told Vox that aggressive measures to identify and isolate at-risk individuals at the earliest stages reduced the volume of clinical laboratory tests that had to be performed. “Here in the US and elsewhere, we’re now seeing community spread,” he said. “It’s probably been here for a while. And so now we’re trying to see, ‘Oh, how many people should we test?’ Then, you really need to have a very large capacity in the beginning.”

“I think the US has enormous capacity that’s currently not being used,” C. Jason Wang, MD, PhD (above), Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Director of the Center for Policy, Outcomes, and Prevention at Stanford University and lead author of the JAMA report, told Vox. “We have big tech companies that really could do a lot, right? We ought to get the big companies together. Get the governors together, get the federal government agencies to work with each other, and try to find innovative ways to think about how to best do this. We’ve got the smartest people here in the US because they come from everywhere. But right now, those are untapped resources. They’re not working together. And the federal government, the agencies, they need to collaborate a little more closely.” (Photo copyright: Stanford University.)

More Actions by Authorities

The JAMA report supplementary materials notes a total of 124 actions taken by Taiwanese authorities between Jan. 20 and Feb. 24 to contain the outbreak. In addition to the border inspections, quarantines and testing, they included integration of data between the country’s National Health Insurance Administration and National Immigration Agency, so authorities, and later hospitals, could identify any patient who had recently traveled to China, Hong Kong, or Macau.

The steps also included:

  • An escalating series of travel restrictions, eventually including suspension of most passenger flights from Taiwan to China, as well as a suspension of tours to Hong Kong or Macau.
  • Use of government-issued cell phones to monitor quarantined individuals.
  • Fines for individuals breaking the 14-day home quarantine.
  • Fines for incoming travelers who failed to provide accurate health information.
  • Fines for disseminating false information or rumors about the epidemic.
  • Fines and jail sentences for profiteering on disease-prevention products.
  • Designation of military camps and other government facilities for quarantine.
  • Nationwide disinfection of universities, colleges, and public spaces around schools.

The government also took aggressive action to ensure adequate supplies of surgical masks, including stepped-up manufacturing, export bans, price limits, and a limit of one to three masks per purchase.

The JAMA authors noted that government officials issued daily press briefings to educate the public about the outbreak. Communication efforts also included public service announcements by Taiwan Vice President Chen Chien-jen, a trained epidemiologist.

A poll taken in Taiwan on Feb. 17 and 18 indicated high approval ratings for officials’ response to the crisis.

The JAMA authors also noted some “challenges” in the government’s response. For example, most real-time public communication was in Mandarin Chinese and sign language, leaving out non-Taiwanese citizens in the country. And the cruise ship Diamond Princess, later found to have infections on board, was allowed to dock near Taipei and disembark passengers. There are also questions about whether similar policies can be sustained through the end of a pandemic.

Still, “well-trained and experienced teams of officials were quick to recognize the crisis and activated emergency management structures to address the emerging outbreak,” the JAMA authors wrote. “Taiwan is an example of how a society can respond quickly to a crisis and protect the interests of its citizens.”

One noteworthy difference in the speedy response to recognition of a novel coronavirus in Taiwan, compared to recognition of the same novel coronavirus in the United States, was the fast availability of clinical laboratory tests for COVID-19 in Taiwan.

Pathologists and clinical laboratory professionals here in the US are frustrated that their skills and talents at developing and validating new assays on an accelerated timeline were not acknowledged and leveraged by government officials as they decided how to respond to the emergence of the novel coronavirus now called SARS-CoV-2. 

—Stephen Beale

Related Information:

Taiwan CDC Press Releases about COVID-19

Is Taiwan’s Impressive Response to COVID-19 Possible in Canada?

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What the U.S. Can Learn from Taiwan’s Response to Coronavirus

What Taiwan Can Teach the World on Fighting the Coronavirus

As Coronavirus Hot Spots Grow, Taiwan Beating the Odds Against COVID-19

They’ve Contained the Coronavirus. Here’s How

How Many Tests for COVID-19 Are Being Performed Around the World?

CDC Ranks Two More Drug-Resistant Microbes as ‘Urgent Threat’ to Americans; Clinical Laboratories Are Advised to Increase Awareness of Antimicrobial Resistance

In a separate study, HHS finds a 40% increase in sepsis cases, as more patients succumb to infections without effective antibiotics and antimicrobial drugs

Given the drastic steps being taken to slow the spread of the Coronavirus in America, it’s easy to forget that significant numbers of patients die each year due to antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB), other forms of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), and in thousands of cases the sepsis that follows the infections.

This is why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued the report “Antibiotic Resistance Threats in the United States, 2019 (2019 AR Threats Report)” last fall. The federal agency wants to call attention the emergence of new antibiotic-resistant bacteria and fungi. In its report, the CDC lists 18 bacteria and fungi that pose either urgent, serious, or concerning threats to humans. It also placed one fungus and two bacteria on a “watch” list.

The CDC’s website states that “more than 2.8 million antibiotic-resistant infections occur in the US each year, and more than 35,000 people die as a result.” And a CDC news release states, “on average, someone in the United States gets an antibiotic-resistant infection every 11 seconds and every 15 minutes someone dies.”

Those are huge numbers.

Clinical laboratory leaders and microbiologists have learned to be vigilant as it relates to dangerously infectious antimicrobial-resistant agents that can result in severe patient harm and death. Therefore, new threats identified in the CDC’s Antibiotic Resistance Threats in the United States report will be of interest.

Drug-resistant Microbes That Pose Severe Risk

The CDC has added the fungus Candida auris (C. auris) and carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter (a bacteria that can survive for a long time on surfaces) to its list of “urgent threats” to public health, CDC said in the news release. These drug-resistant microbes are among 18 bacteria and fungi posing a greater threat to patients’ health than CDC previously estimated, Live Science reported.

In 2013, the CDC estimated that about two million people each year acquired an antibiotic-resistant (AR) infection that killed as many as 23,000. However, in 2019, the CDC reported that those numbers were low and that the number of deaths due to AR infections in 2013 was about twice that amount. During a news conference following the CDC announcement, Michael Craig (above), a Senior Adviser for the CDC’s Antibiotic Resistance Coordination and Strategy Unit said, “We knew and said [in 2013] that our estimate was conservative … and we were right,” Live Science reported. In 2019, CDC reported 2.8 million antibiotic-resistant infections annually with more than 35,000 related deaths in the US alone. (Photo copyright: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.)

The CDC considers five threats to be urgent. Including the latest additions, they are:

Dark Daily has regularly covered the healthcare industry’s ongoing struggle with deadly fungus and bacteria that are responsible for hospital-acquired infections (HAI) and sepsis. This latest CDC report suggests healthcare providers continue to struggle with antimicrobial-resistant agents.

Acinetobacter Threat Increases and C. auris a New Threat since 2013

Carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter, a bacterium that causes pneumonia and bloodstream and urinary tract infections, escalated from serious to urgent in 2013. About 8,500 infections and 700 deaths were noted by the CDC in 2017. 

C. auris, however, was not addressed in the 2013 report at all. “It’s a pathogen that we didn’t even know about when we wrote our last report in 2013, and since then it’s circumvented the globe,” said Michael Craig, Senior Adviser for the CDC’s Antibiotic Resistance Coordination and Strategy Unit, during a news conference following the CDC announcement, Live Science reported.

Today, C. auris is better understood. The fungus resists emerging drugs, can result in severe infections, and can be transmitted between patients, CDC noted.

Last year, Dark Daily reported on C. auris, noting that as of May 31 the CDC had tracked 685 cases. (See, “Potentially Fatal Fungus Invades Hospitals and Public Is Not Informed,” August 26, 2019.)

By year-end, CDC tracking showed 988 cases in the US.

More Patients Getting Sepsis as Antibiotics Fail: HHS Study

In a separate study published in Critical Care Medicine, a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM), the US Department of Health and Human Services  (HHS) found that antibiotic-resistant bacteria and fungi are resulting in more people acquiring sepsis, a life-threatening condition, according to an HHS news release.

Sepsis increased by 40% among hospitalized Medicare patients from 2012 through 2018, HHS reported.   

“These (untreatable infections) are happening here and now in the United States in large numbers. This is isn’t some developing world thing. This isn’t a threat for 2050. It’s a threat for here and now,” Cornelius “Neil” Clancy, MD, Associate Chief of Veterans Affairs Pittsburg Health System (VAPHS) and Opportunistic Pathogens, told STAT.

It is troubling to see data about so many patient deaths related to antibiotic-resistant infections and sepsis cases when the world is transfixed by the Coronavirus. Nevertheless, it’s important that medical laboratory leaders and microbiologists keep track of how the US healthcare system is or is not responding to these new infectious agents. And, to contact infection control and environmental services colleagues to enhance surveillance, ensure safe healthcare environments and equipment, and adopt appropriate strategies to prevent antibiotic-resistant infections.   

—Donna Marie Pocius

Related Information:

CDC:  Biggest Threats and Data: 2019 Antibiotic Resistance Threats in the United States

More People in the U.S. Dying from Antibiotic-Resistant Infections Than Previously Estimated; Significant Progress Since 2013 Could be Lost Without More Action

These Two Drug-Resistant Microbes Are New “Urgent Threats” to Americans’ Health

CDC Report: 35,000 Americans Die of Antibiotic-Resistant Infections Each Year

The Superbug Candida Auris is Giving Rise to Warnings and Big Questions

On the Emergency of Candida Auris Climate Change, Azoles, Swamps, and Birds

Largest Study of Sepsis Cases Among Medicare Beneficiaries Finds Significant Burden

Sepsis Among Medicare Beneficiaries: The Burdens of Sepsis 2012 to 2018

Dark Daily: Hospital-Acquired Infection

Potentially Fatal Fungus Invades Hospitals and Public is Not Informed
