Study Finds as Many as One-Third of Patients Have Unnecessary Repeat Lipid Testing, a Conclusion that Supports the Experiences of Clinical Laboratory Pathologists
Researchers observe that over-utilization of lipid tests by many physicians represents a waste of healthcare resources
Up to one-third of coronary heart disease (CHD) patients undergo lipid testing that may be unnecessary. This is one finding from a credible study involving 28,000 patients that could focus more attention on the overuse of lipid tests and similar medical laboratory tests by physicians.
Most pathologists and clinical laboratory managers will welcome the findings of this study. It is widely recognized within the laboratory medicine profession that many physicians regularly order inappropriate medical tests. This has been a problem for decades and is the source of much wasteful spending.
The lipid testing study is significant because of the large volume of lipid tests performed annually in the United States. Any attention to this problem can help improve utilization of this important test and result in substantial savings to the healthcare system. (more…)