News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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In Sydney, Australia, Medical Laboratory Professionals Gather to Explore Disruptive Forces in Healthcare and How Labs Are Using Innovation and New Leadership Approaches to Successfully Transition to Value-Based Care

Policy makers, pathologists, and medical laboratory professionals in the Australasian region will not want to miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights from distinguished experts on how to develop strategies and approaches that will position your labs and group practices to survive reduced reimbursements and successfully transition to value-based healthcare

In Australia, as in the rest of the world, disruption is being caused by new approaches to delivering healthcare. A new conference featuring international experts will explore the impact of these changes on the practice of pathology and laboratory medicine. In Australia, the term “pathology laboratory” refers to what is called a “clinical laboratory” in the United States.

The conference, titled “Disruption in Health Care: Pathology Leadership and Innovation,” will take place in Sydney, Australia, on November 16, 2016. Co-hosts of the conference are: (more…)
