Radiological method using AI algorithms to detect, locate, and identify cancer could negate the need for invasive, painful clinical laboratory testing of tissue biopsies
This will be of interest to histopathologists and radiologist technologists who are working to develop AI deep learning algorithms to read computed tomography scans (CT scans) to speed diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients.
“Researchers used the CT scans of 170 patients treated at The Royal Marsden with the two most common forms of retroperitoneal sarcoma (RPS)—leiomyosarcoma and liposarcoma—to create an AI algorithm, which was then tested on nearly 90 patients from centers across Europe and the US,” the news release notes.
The researchers then “used a technique called radiomics to analyze the CT scan data, which can extract information about the patient’s disease from medical images, including data which can’t be distinguished by the human eye,” the new release states.
The research team sought to make improvements with this type of cancer because these tumors have “a poor prognosis, upfront characterization of the tumor is difficult, and under-grading is common,” they wrote. The fact that AI reading of CT scans is a non-invasive procedure is major benefit, they added.
“This is the largest and most robust study to date that has successfully developed and tested an AI model aimed at improving the diagnosis and grading of retroperitoneal sarcoma using data from CT scans,” said the study’s lead oncology radiologist Christina Messiou, MD, (above), Consultant Radiologist at The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust and Professor in Imaging for Personalized Oncology at The Institute of Cancer Research, London, in a news release. Invasive medical laboratory testing of cancer biopsies may eventually become a thing of the past if this research becomes clinically available for oncology diagnosis. (Photo copyright: The Royal Marsden.)
Study Details
RPS is a relatively difficult cancer to spot, let alone diagnose. It is a rare form of soft-tissue cancer “with approximately 8,600 new cases diagnosed annually in the United States—less than 1% of all newly diagnosed malignancies,” according to Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
In their published study, the UK researchers noted that, “Although more than 50 soft tissue sarcoma radiomics studies have been completed, few include retroperitoneal sarcomas, and the majority use single-center datasets without independent validation. The limited interpretation of the quantitative radiological phenotype in retroperitoneal sarcomas and its association with tumor biology is a missed opportunity.”
According to the ICR news release, “The [AI] model accurately graded the risk—or how aggressive a tumor is likely to be—[in] 82% of the tumors analyzed, while only 44% were correctly graded using a biopsy.”
Additionally, “The [AI] model also accurately predicted the disease type [in] 84% of the sarcomas tested—meaning it can effectively differentiate between leiomyosarcoma and liposarcoma—compared with radiologists who were not able to diagnose 35% of the cases,” the news release states.
“There is an urgent need to improve the diagnosis and treatment of patients with retroperitoneal sarcoma, who currently have poor outcomes,” said the study’s first author Amani Arthur, PhD, Clinical Research Fellow at The Institute of Cancer Research, London, and Registrar at The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, in the ICR news release.
“The disease is very rare—clinicians may only see one or two cases in their career—which means diagnosis can be slow. This type of sarcoma is also difficult to treat as it can grow to large sizes and, due to the tumor’s location in the abdomen, involve complex surgery,” she continued. “Through this early research, we’ve developed an innovative AI tool using imaging data that could help us more accurately and quickly identify the type and grade of retroperitoneal sarcomas than current methods. This could improve patient outcomes by helping to speed up diagnosis of the disease, and better tailor treatment by reliably identifying the risk of each patient’s disease.
“In the next phase of the study, we will test this model in clinic on patients with potential retroperitoneal sarcomas to see if it can accurately characterize their disease and measure the performance of the technology over time,” Arthur added.
Importance of Study Findings
Speed of detection is key to successful cancer diagnoses, noted Richard Davidson, Chief Executive of Sarcoma UK, a bone and soft tissue cancer charity.
“People are more likely to survive sarcoma if their cancer is diagnosed early—when treatments can be effective and before the sarcoma has spread to other parts of the body. One in six people with sarcoma cancer wait more than a year to receive an accurate diagnosis, so any research that helps patients receive better treatment, care, information and support is welcome,” he told The Guardian.
According to the World Health Organization, cancer kills about 10 million people worldwide every year. Acquisition and medical laboratory testing of tissue biopsies is both painful to patients and time consuming. Thus, a non-invasive method of diagnosing deadly cancers quickly, accurately, and early would be a boon to oncology practices worldwide and could save thousands of lives each year.
New artificial intelligence model agrees with interpretations of human medical technologists and microbiologists with extraordinary accuracy
Microbiology laboratories will be interested in news from Brescia University in Italy, where researchers reportedly have developed a deep learning model that can visually identify and analyze bacterial species in culture plates with a high level of agreement with interpretations made by medical technologists.
They initially trained and tested the system to digitally identify pathogens associated with urinary tract infections (UTIs). UTIs are the source for a large volume of clinical laboratory microbiological testing.
The system, known as DeepColony, uses hierarchical artificial intelligence technology. The researchers say hierarchical AI is better suited to complex decision-making than other approaches, such as generative AI.
In their Nature paper, the researchers explained that microbiologists use conventional methods to visually examine culture plates that contain bacterial colonies. The scientists hypothesize which species of bacteria are present, after which they test their hypothesis “by regrowing samples from each colony separately and then employing mass spectroscopy techniques,” to confirm their hypotheses.
However, DeepColony—which was designed for use with clinical laboratory automation systems—looks at high-resolution digital scans of cultured plates and attempts to identify the bacterial strains and analyze them in much the same way a microbiologist would. For example, it can identify species based on their appearance and determine which colonies are suitable for analysis, the researchers explained.
“Working on a large stream of clinical data, and a complete set of 32 pathogens, the proposed system is capable of effectively assisting plate interpretation with a surprising degree of accuracy in the widespread and demanding framework of urinary tract infections,” the study authors wrote. “Moreover, thanks to the rich species-related generated information, DeepColony can be used for developing trustworthy clinical decision support services in laboratory automation ecosystems from local to global scale.”
“Compared to the most common solutions based on single convolutional neural networks (CNN), multi-network architectures are attractive in our case because of their ability to fit into contexts where decision-making processes are stratified into a complex structure,” wrote the study’s lead author Alberto Signoroni, PhD (above), Associate Professor of Computer Science, University of Brescia, and his researcher team in their Nature paper. “The system must be designed to generate useful and easily interpretable information and to support expert decisions according to safety-by-design and human-in-the-loop policies, aiming at achieving cost-effectiveness and skill-empowerment respectively.” Microbiologists and clinical laboratory managers will want to follow the further development of this technology. (Photo copyright: University of Brescia.)
How Hierarchical AI Works
Writing in LinkedIn, patent attorney and self-described technology expert David Cain, JD, of Hauptman Ham, LLP, explained that hierarchical AI systems “are structured in layers, each with its own distinct role yet interconnected in a way that forms a cohesive whole. These systems are significant because they mirror the complexity of human decision-making processes, incorporating multiple levels of analysis and action. This multi-tiered approach allows for nuanced problem-solving and decision-making, akin to a seasoned explorer deftly navigating through a multifaceted terrain.”
DeepColony, the researchers wrote, consists of multiple convolutional neural networks (CNNs) that exchange information and cooperate with one another. The system is structured into five levels—labeled 0 through 4—each handling a different part of the analysis:
At level 0, the system determines the number of bacterial colonies and their locations on the plate.
At level 1, the system identifies “good colonies,” meaning those suitable for further identification and analysis.
At level 2, the system assigns each good colony to a bacterial species “based on visual appearance and growth characteristics,” the researchers wrote, referring to the determination as being “pathogen aware, similarity agnostic.”
The CNN used at this stage was trained by using images of 26,213 isolated colonies comprising 32 bacterial species, the researchers wrote in their paper. Most came from clinical laboratories, but some were obtained from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC), a repository of biological materials and information resources available to researchers.
At level 3, the system attempts to improve accuracy by looking at the larger context of the plate. The goal here is to “determine if observed colonies are similar (pure culture) or different (mixed cultures),” the researchers wrote, describing this step as “similarity aware, pathogen agnostic.” This enables the system to recognize variants of the same strain, the researchers noted, and has the effect of reducing the number of strains identified by the system.
At this level, the system uses two “Siamese CNNs,” which were trained with a dataset of 200,000 image pairs.
Then, at level 4, the system “assesses the clinical significance of the entire plate,” the researchers added. Each plate is labeled as:
“Positive” (significant bacterial growth),
“No significant growth” (negative), or
“Contaminated,” meaning it has three or more “different colony morphologies without a particular pathogen that is prevalent over the others,” the researchers wrote.
If a plate is labeled as “positive,” it can be “further evaluated for possible downstream steps,” using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry or tests to determine susceptibility to antimicrobial measures, the researchers stated.
“This decision-making process takes into account not only the identification results but also adheres to the specific laboratory guidelines to ensure a proper supportive interpretation in the context of use,” the researchers wrote.
Nearly 100% Agreement with Medical Technologists
To gauge DeepColony’s accuracy, the researchers tested it on a dataset of more than 5,000 urine cultures from a US laboratory. They then compared its analyses with those of human medical technologists who had analyzed the same samples.
Agreement was 99.2% for no-growth cultures, 95.6% for positive cultures, and 77.1% for contaminated or mixed growth cultures, the researchers wrote.
The lower agreement for contaminated cultures was due to “a deliberately precautionary behavior, which is related to ‘safety by design’ criteria,” the researchers noted.
Lead study author Alberto Signoroni, PhD, Associate Professor of Computer Science, University of Brescia, wrote in Nature that many of the plates identified by medical technologists as “contaminated” were labeled as “positive” by DeepColony. “We maximized true negatives while allowing for some false positives, so that DeepColony [can] focus on the most relevant or critical cases,” he said.
Will DeepColony replace medical technologists in clinical laboratories any time soon? Not likely. But the Brescia University study indicates the direction AI in healthcare is headed, with high accuracy and increasing speed. The day may not be far off when pathologists and microbiologists regularly employ AI algorithms to diagnose disease.
Clinical laboratories and pathology groups should be on the alert to this new digital threat; telehealth sessions and video conferencing calls particularly vulnerable to acoustic AI attacks
Banks may be the first to get hit by a new form of hacking because of all the money they hold in deposit accounts, but experts say healthcare providers—including medical laboratories—are comparably lucrative targets because of the value of patient data. The point of this hacking spear is artificial intelligence (AI) with increased capabilities to penetrate digital defenses.
AI is developing rapidly. Are healthcare organizations keeping up? The hackers sure are. An article from GoBankingRates titled, “How Hackers Are Using AI to Steal Your Bank Account Password,” reveals startling new AI capabilities that could enable bad actors to compromise information technology (IT) security and steal from customers’ accounts.
Though the article covers how the AI could conduct cyberattacks on bank information, similar techniques can be employed to gain access to patients’ protected health information (PHI) and clinical laboratory databases as well, putting all healthcare consumers at risk.
The new AI cyberattack employs an acoustic Side Channel Attack (SCA). An SCA is an attack enabled by leakage of information from a physical computer system. The “acoustic” SCA listens to keystrokes through a computer’s microphone to guess a password with 95% accuracy.
“With recent developments in deep learning, the ubiquity of microphones and the rise in online services via personal devices, acoustic side channel attacks present a greater threat to keyboards than ever,” wrote UK study authors Joshua Harrison, MEng, Durham University; Ehsan Toreini, University of Surrey; and Maryam Mehrnezhad, PhD, University of London.
Hackers could be recording keystrokes during video conferencing calls as well, where an accuracy of 93% is achievable, the authors added.
This nefarious technological advance could spell trouble for healthcare security. Using acoustic SCA attacks, busy healthcare facilities, clinical laboratories, and telehealth appointments could all be potentially compromised.
“The ubiquity of keyboard acoustic emanations makes them not only a readily available attack vector, but also prompts victims to underestimate (and therefore not try to hide) their output,” wrote Joshua Harrison, MEng (above), and his team in their IEEE Xplore paper. “For example, when typing a password, people will regularly hide their screen but will do little to obfuscate their keyboard’s sound.” Since computer keyboards and microphones in healthcare settings like hospitals and clinical laboratories are completely ubiquitous, the risk that this AI technology will be used to invade and steal patients’ protected health information is high. (Photo copyright: CNBC.)
Why Do Hackers Target Healthcare?
Ransomware attacks in healthcare are costly and dangerous. According to InstaMed, a healthcare payments and billing company owned by J.P. Morgan, healthcare data breaches increased to 29.5% in 2021 costing over $9 million. And beyond the financial implications, these attacks put sensitive patient data at risk.
Healthcare can be seen as one of the most desirable markets for hackers seeking sensitive information. As InstaMed points out, credit card hacks are usually quickly figured out and stopped. However, “medical records can contain multiple pieces of personally identifiable information. Additionally, breaches that expose this type of data typically take longer to uncover and are harder for an organization to determine in magnitude.”
With AI advancing at such a high rate, healthcare organizations may be unable to adapt older network systems quickly—leaving them vulnerable.
“Legacy devices have been an issue for a while now,” Alexandra Murdoch, medical data analyst at GlobalData PLC, told Medical Device Network, “Usually big medical devices, such as imaging equipment or MRI machines are really expensive and so hospitals do not replace them often. So as a result, we have in the network these old devices that can’t really be updated, and because they can’t be updated, they can’t be protected.”
But telehealth, according to the UK researchers, may also be one way hackers get past safeguards and into critical hospital systems.
“When trained on keystrokes recorded using the video-conferencing software Zoom, an accuracy of 93% was achieved, a new best for the medium. Our results prove the practicality of these side channel attacks via off-the-shelf equipment and algorithms,” the UK researchers wrote in IEEE Xplore.
“[AI] has worrying implications for the medical industry, as more and more appointments go virtual, the implications of deepfakes is a bit concerning if you only interact with a doctor over a Teams or a Zoom call,” David Higgins, Senior Director at information security company CyberArk, told Medical Device Network.
Higgins elaborated on why healthcare is a highly targeted industry for hackers.
“For a credit card record, you are looking at a cost of one to two dollars, but for a medical record, you are talking much more information because the gain for the purposes of social engineering becomes very lucrative. It’s so much easier to launch a ransomware attack, you don’t even need to be a coder, you can just buy ransomware off of the dark web and use it.”
Steps Healthcare Organizations Should Take to Prevent Cyberattacks
Hackers will do whatever they can to get their hands on medical records because stealing them is so lucrative. And this may only be the beginning, Higgins noted.
“I don’t think we are going to see a slowdown in attacks. What we are starting to see is that techniques to make that initial intrusion are becoming more sophisticated and more targeted,” he told Medical Device Network. “Now with things like AI coming into the mix, it’s going to become much harder for the day-to-day individual to spot a malicious email. Generative AI is going to fuel more of that ransomware and sadly it’s going to make it easier for more people to get past that first intrusion stage.”
To combat these attacks patient data needs to be encrypted, devices updated, and medical staff well-trained to spot cyberattacks before they get out of hand. These SCA attacks on bank accounts could be easily transferable to attacks on healthcare organizations’ patient records.
Clinical laboratories, anatomic pathology groups, and other healthcare facilities would be wise to invest in cybersecurity, training for workers, and updated technology. The hackers are going to stay on top of the technology, healthcare leaders need to be one step ahead of them.
Genetic engineers at the lab used the new tool to generate a catalog of 71 million possible missense variants, classifying 89% as either benign or pathogenic
Genetic engineers continue to use artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning to develop research tools that have implications for clinical laboratories. The latest development involves Google’s DeepMind artificial intelligence lab which has created an AI tool that, they say, can predict whether a single-letter substitution in DNA—known as a missense variant (aka, missense mutation)—is likely to cause disease.
The Google engineers used their new model—dubbed AlphaMissense—to generate a catalog of 71 million possible missense variants. They were able to classify 89% as likely to be either benign or pathogenic mutations. That compares with just 0.1% that have been classified using conventional methods, according to the DeepMind engineers.
This is yet another example of how Google is investing to develop solutions for healthcare and medical care. In this case, DeepMind might find genetic sequences that are associated with disease or health conditions. In turn, these genetic sequences could eventually become biomarkers that clinical laboratories could use to help physicians make earlier, more accurate diagnoses and allow faster interventions that improve patient care.
“AI tools that can accurately predict the effect of variants have the power to accelerate research across fields from molecular biology to clinical and statistical genetics,” wrote Google DeepMind engineers Jun Cheng, PhD (left), and Žiga Avsec, PhD (right), in a blog post describing the new tool. Clinical laboratories benefit from the diagnostic biomarkers generated by this type of research. (Photo copyrights: LinkedIn.)
AI’s Effect on Genetic Research
Genetic experiments to identify which mutations cause disease are both costly and time-consuming, Google DeepMind engineers Jun Cheng, PhD, and Žiga Avsec, PhD, wrote in a blog post. However, artificial intelligence sped up that process considerably.
“By using AI predictions, researchers can get a preview of results for thousands of proteins at a time, which can help to prioritize resources and accelerate more complex studies,” they noted.
Of all possible 71 million variants, approximately 6%, or four million, have already been seen in humans, they wrote, noting that the average person carries more than 9,000. Most are benign, “but others are pathogenic and can severely disrupt protein function,” causing diseases such as cystic fibrosis, sickle-cell anemia, and cancer.
“A missense variant is a single letter substitution in DNA that results in a different amino acid within a protein,” Cheng and Avsec wrote in the blog post. “If you think of DNA as a language, switching one letter can change a word and alter the meaning of a sentence altogether. In this case, a substitution changes which amino acid is translated, which can affect the function of a protein.”
In the Google DeepMind study, AlphaMissense predicted that 57% of the 71 million variants are “likely benign,” 32% are “likely pathogenic,” and 11% are “uncertain.”
The AlphaMissense model is adapted from an earlier model called AlphaFold which uses amino acid genetic sequences to predict the structure of proteins.
“AlphaMissense was fed data on DNA from humans and closely related primates to learn which missense mutations are common, and therefore probably benign, and which are rare and potentially harmful,” The Guardian reported. “At the same time, the program familiarized itself with the ‘language’ of proteins by studying millions of protein sequences and learning what a ‘healthy’ protein looks like.”
The model assigned each variant a score between 0 and 1 to rate the likelihood of pathogenicity [the potential for a pathogen to cause disease]. “The continuous score allows users to choose a threshold for classifying variants as pathogenic or benign that matches their accuracy requirements,” Avsec and Cheng wrote in their blog post.
However, they also acknowledged that it doesn’t indicate exactly how the variation causes disease.
The engineers cautioned that the predictions in the catalog are not intended for clinical use. Instead, they “should be interpreted with other sources of evidence.” However, “this work has the potential to improve the diagnosis of rare genetic disorders, and help discover new disease-causing genes,” they noted.
Genomics England Sees a Helpful Tool
BBC noted that AlphaMissense has been tested by Genomics England, which works with the UK’s National Health Service. “The new tool is really bringing a new perspective to the data,” Ellen Thomas, PhD, Genomics England’s Deputy Chief Medical Officer, told the BBC. “It will help clinical scientists make sense of genetic data so that it is useful for patients and for their clinical teams.”
AlphaMissense is “a big step forward,” Ewan Birney, PhD, Deputy Director General of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) told the BBC. “It will help clinical researchers prioritize where to look to find areas that could cause disease.”
Other experts, however, who spoke with MIT Technology Review were less enthusiastic.
Heidi Rehm, PhD, co-director of the Program in Medical and Population Genetics at the Broad Institute, suggested that the DeepMind engineers overstated the certainty of the model’s predictions. She told the publication that she was “disappointed” that they labeled the variants as benign or pathogenic.
“The models are improving, but none are perfect, and they still don’t get you to pathogenic or not,” she said.
“Typically, experts don’t declare a mutation pathogenic until they have real-world data from patients, evidence of inheritance patterns in families, and lab tests—information that’s shared through public websites of variants such as ClinVar,” the MIT article noted.
Is AlphaMissense a Biosecurity Risk?
Although DeepMind has released its catalog of variations, MIT Technology Review notes that the lab isn’t releasing the entire AI model due to what it describes as a “biosecurity risk.”
The concern is that “bad actors” could try using it on non-human species, DeepMind said. But one anonymous expert described the restrictions “as a transparent effort to stop others from quickly deploying the model for their own uses,” the MIT article noted.
And so, genetics research takes a huge step forward thanks to Google DeepMind, artificial intelligence, and deep learning. Clinical laboratories and pathologists may soon have useful new tools that help healthcare provider diagnose diseases. Time will tell. But the developments are certain worth watching.
The deal will enable Crosscope’s digital pathology platform to layer around Clarapath’s histology automation hardware, a combination that could improve quality and efficiencies in diagnostic services for future customers, according to a Clarapath press release.
Clarapath’s goal with its products is to automate certain manual processes in histology laboratories, while at the same time reducing variability in how specimens are processed and produced into glass slides. In an exclusive interview with Dark Daily, Eric Feinstein, CEO and President at Clarapath said he believes the resulting data about these activities can drive further changes.
“A histotechnologist turns a microtome wheel and makes decisions about a piece of tissue in real time,” noted Feinstein, who will speak at the Executive War College on Diagnostics, Clinical Laboratory, and Pathology Management on April 25-26 in New Orleans. “All of that real-time data isn’t captured. Imagine if we could take all of that data from thousands of histotechnologists who are cutting every day and aggregate it. Then you could start drawing definitive conclusions about best practices.”
“Clarapath’s foundation is about creating consistency and standardizing steps in histology—and uncovering the data that you need in order to accomplish those goals as a whole system,” Eric Feinstein (above), CEO and President at Clarapath told Dark Daily. “A histology lab’s workflow—from when the tissue comes in to when the glass slide is produced—should all be connected.” Many processes in histology and anatomic pathology continue to be manual. Automated solutions can contribute to improved productivity and reducing variability in how individual specimens are processed. (Photo copyright: Clarapath.)
Details Behind Clarapath’s Deal to Acquire Crosscope
As part of its acquisition, Clarapath of Hawthorne, New York, has retained all of Crosscope’s employees, who are located in Mountain View, California, and Bombay, India. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed.
Clarapath’s flagship histology automation product is SectionStar, a tissue sectioning and transfer system designed to automate inefficient and manual activities in slide processing. The device offers faster and more efficient sample processing while reducing human involvement. Clarapath expects SectionStar be on the market in 2023. The company is currently taking pre-orders.
Meanwhile, Crosscope developed Crosscope Dx, a turnkey digital pathology solution that provides workflow tools and slide management as well as AI and machine learning to assist pathologists with their medical decision-making and diagnoses.
Adoption of Digital Pathology and Automation Can Be Challenging
Digital pathology has experienced growing popularity in the post-COVID-19 pandemic world. This is not only because remote pathology case reviews have become increasingly acceptable to physicians but also because of the ongoing shortages in clinical laboratory staffing.
“A pain point today for clinicians and laboratories is labor. That’s across the board,” Feinstein said. “We can help solve that with SectionStar.”
Feinstein does not believe adoption of digital pathology and histology automation is proceeding slowly, but he does acknowledge barriers to healthcare organizations installing the technologies.
“There are lots of little things that—from a workflow perspective—people have outsized expectations about,” he explained. “Clinicians and administrators are not used to innovating in a product sense. They may be innovating on how they deliver care or treatment pathways, but they’re not used to developing an engineering product and going through alpha and beta stages. That makes adopting new technology challenging.”
Medical laboratory managers and pathologists interested in pursuing histology automation and digital pathology should first determine what processes are sub-optimal or would benefit from the standardization hardware and software can offer. Being able to articulate those gains can help build the case for a return on investment to decision-makers.
Another resource to consider: Feinstein will speak about innovations for remote histology laboratory workers at the upcoming Executive War College for Clinical Laboratory, Diagnostics, and Pathology Management on April 25-26 in New Orleans. His session is titled, “Re-engineering the Classic Histology Laboratory: Enabling the Remote Histotechnologist with New Tools That Improve Productivity, Automate Processes, and Protect Quality.”