Jun 24, 2011 | Instruments & Equipment, Laboratory News, Laboratory Pathology
Pathologists and clinical laboratory managers take note: pharmacies and retail stores are offering medical laboratory testing services that allow patients to take yet another test at home
Clinical laboratory testing performed at home has long been predicted as a natural progression of rapid medical clinics and the growth of in-home testing. Now comes news that Walgreens (NYSE:WAG) is launching a testing service for diabetes patients that will let patients perform blood glucose testing, and blood pressure monitoring at home.
Walgreens is engaging Infopia America of Titusville, Florida, and SmartDiabetes ProActive Health Solutions, to introduce its new product into 284 Walgreens drug stores in central and northeast Florida. The product, called SmartDiabetes, combines a blood glucose monitor and blood pressure monitor in one device. It can transmit patients’ results to a secure server for review by a physician or other provider. Walgreens expects that the SmartDiabetes service will help pharmacists, physicians, and other providers to coordinate the care of patients who have diabetes more effectively than they can do so now.
Jul 9, 2010 | Laboratory News, Laboratory Pathology
Medicare to do National Demonstration Project Involving Medical Homes
Medical home pilot projects are being closely watched by pathologists and clinical laboratory managers. This is a new model of patient-centered care which has important advocates among primary care practitioners. If the medical home concept catches on, it may require clinical laboratories to provide laboratory testing services in a different way.
In southeastern Pennsylvania, a medical-home pilot project is taking a “do-it-yourself” approach to managing chronic illnesses. This project is viewed by some as a precursor to a national model. The innovative program, which combines the Wagner Chronic Care Model with the patient-centered medical home concept, provides physicians with resources to improve patient–doctor communications. The pilot project is also designed to educate willing patients on how to self-manage their chronic illnesses.
Jul 29, 2009 | Laboratory News, Laboratory Pathology, News From Dark Daily
New care delivery model might emerge from collaboration between two partners
Guess which famous health provider is partnering with Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) to encourage patients using home self-testing devices to regularly upload those data into an electronic medical record? It’s the Cleveland Clinic Health System. This project may point to a disruptive new model for laboratory testing.
It’s a pioneering arrangement. Microsoft’s HealthVault is interfaced with the eCleveland Clinic MyChart patient portal to create an interactive feature that collects data on from in-home medical devices used by patients with chronic conditions. The pilot project includes 460 patients with diabetes, congestive heart failure and hypertension. These patients use home blood pressure monitors, glucometers, and weight scales which are linked to the HealthVault platform personal health record (PHR) system.