News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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US Department of Veterans Affairs’ Million Veterans Program Receives Its 125,000th Whole Human Genome Sequence from Personalis Inc.

As many clinical laboratory scientists know, gene sequencing technology continues to become faster, more accurate, and less expensive per whole human genome sequenced

In February, Dark Daily reported that Personalis, Inc. (NASDAQ:PSNL) had delivered its 100,000th whole human genome sequence to the US Department of Veterans Affairs Million Veterans Program (VA MVP). Now, the Menlo Park, Calif.-based cancer genomics company has topped that achievement by delivering its 125,000 whole human genome sequence!

“This represents another important landmark for both the program and for Personalis,” said John West, Chief Executive Officer, Personalis, in a news release. “We congratulate the VA MVP for reaching this important milestone.

“We strongly believe that the research projects being performed today will enable precision medicine in healthcare systems in the future across a wide range of disease areas,” he added. This is a positive development for clinical laboratories, as personalized medicine services require a lab to sequence and interpret the patient’s DNA.

Personalis was contracted with the US federal government to perform genetic research in 2012 and has delivered 50,000 genomes to the VA MVP during the past twelve months.

The Personalis and VA MVP researchers seek to gain a better understanding of how genetic variants affect health. Before the COVID-19 pandemic hit the US, the VA was enrolling veterans in the Million Veterans Program at 63 VA medical centers across the country. There are currently about 830,000 veterans enrolled in the venture and the VA is expecting two million veterans to eventually sign up for the sequencing project.

“As a global leader in genomic sequencing and comprehensive analytics services, Personalis is uniquely suited to lead these population-scale efforts and we are currently in the process of expanding our business operations internationally,” West added.

According to the press release, “the VA MVP provides researchers with a rich resource of genetic, health, lifestyle, and military-exposure data collected from questionnaires, medical records, and genetic analyses. By combining this information into a single database, the VA MVP promises to advance knowledge about the complex links between genes and health.”

NIH All of Us Research Program Supports Precision Medicine Goals Another genetic research project being conducted by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) is the All of Us Research Program. Using donated personal health information from thousands of participants, the NIH researchers seek to “learn how our biology, lifestyle, and environment affect health,” according to the program’s website.

Josh Denny, MD

“We’re changing the paradigm for research,” said Josh Denny, MD (above), Chief Executive Officer of the All of Us Research Program, in an NIH news release. “Participants are our most important partners in this effort, and we know many of them are eager to get their genetic results and learn about the science they’re making possible. We’re working to provide that valuable information in a responsible way,” he added. Clinical laboratories may soon see new precision medicine biomarkers derived from this type of research. (Photo copyright: Vanderbilt University.)

The All of Us Research Program intends to have at least one million US participants take part in the research. The researchers hope to help scientists discover new knowledge regarding how biological, environmental, and behavioral factors influence health, and to learn to tailor healthcare to patients’ specific medical needs, a key component of precision medicine.

Participants in the project share personal information via a variety of methods, including surveys, electronic health records, and biological samples.

A Better Sampling of Under-Represented Communities

Since opening enrollment in 2018, more than 270,000 people have contributed blood, urine, and saliva samples to the All of Us Research Program. More than 80% of the participants come from communities that are traditionally under-represented in biomedical research.

“We need programs like All of Us to build diverse datasets so that research findings ultimately benefit everyone,” said Brad Ozenberger, PhD, Genomics Program Director, All of Us, in the NIH news release. “Too many groups have been left out of research in the past, so much of what we know about genomics is based mainly on people of European ancestry. And often, genomic data are explored without critical context like environment, economics, and other social determinants of health. We’re trying to help change that, enabling the entire research community to help fill in these knowledge gaps.”

The All of Us Research Project’s analysis of the collected data includes both whole-genome sequencing (WGS) and genotyping and is taking a phased approach in returning genetic data to participants.

Participants initially receive data about their genetic ancestry and traits. That is followed later by health-related results, such as how their genetic variants may increase the risk of certain diseases and how their DNA may affect their reaction to drug therapies.

Genetic researchers hope programs like these will lead to improved in vitro diagnostics and drug therapies. Genetic sequencing also may lead to new diagnostic and therapeutic biomarkers for clinical laboratories.

—JP Schlingman

Related Information

Personalis Announces Delivery of the 125,000th Genome to the US Department of Veterans Affairs Million Veteran Program

NIH’s All of Us Research Program Returns First Genetic Results to Participants

VA’s ‘Million Veterans Program’ Research Study Receives Its 100,000th Human Genome Sequence

International Study into Ancient Poop Yields Insight into the Human Microbiome, May Produce Useful Insights for Microbiologists

By analyzing ancient poop, researchers have discovered how much the human microbiome has changed over the past millennium, what may have brought about the change, and how those changes formed today’s human microbiome

Two thousand year-old human poop has yielded new insights into the evolution of the microbial cells (microbiota) inhabiting today’s human gut—collectively known as the human microbiome—that could help pathologists and clinical laboratories better understand diseases that may be linked to gut bacteria.

A recent study conducted by an international team of scientists reveals that the gut bacteria of today’s humans may have been altered by the onset of modern processed foods, sanitation, and the use of antibiotics.

In “Reconstruction of Ancient Microbial Genomes from the Human Gut,” published in the journal Nature, the researchers wrote, “In this study, we establish that palaeofaeces [Paleofeces in the US] with well-preserved DNA are abundant sources of microbial genomes, including previously undescribed microbial species, that may elucidate the evolutionary histories of human microbiomes. Similar future studies tapping into the richness of palaeofaeces will not only expand our knowledge of the human microbiome but may also lead to the development of approaches to restore present-day gut microbiomes to their ancestral state.”

Ancient Poop Is a ‘Time Machine’ into the Human Microbiome

To perform the research for this study, scientists analyzed Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from eight preserved, fossilized feces (coprolites) to gain insight into the gut bacteria of ancient communities. The samples used in the research were originally found in rock formations in Utah and Mexico and were preserved by dryness and stable temperatures. The coprolites were between 1,000 and 2,000 years old.

“These paleofeces are the equivalent of a time machine,” Justin Sonnenburg, PhD, Associate Professor, Microbiology and Immunology at Stanford University and co-author of the study, told Science. Tiny bits of food found in the coprolites indicated that the diet of the ancient people included:

The dried-out poop samples were first radiocarbon dated. Then, tiny fragments of the coprolites were rehydrated which allowed researchers to recover longer DNA strands than those found in previous, similar studies. This study compared the microbiome of the ancient populations to that of present-day individuals. The authors of the study suggest that during the past millennium, the human microbiome has lost dozens of bacterial species and has become less diverse.

“These are things we don’t get back,” the study’s lead author Aleksandar Kostic, PhD, Assistant Professor of Microbiology at Harvard Medical School told Science.

Modern Diseases Linked to Gut Microbiome

Other research studies have linked lower diversity among gut bacteria to higher rates of modern diseases, such as diabetes, obesity, and allergies, Science noted.

Christina Warinner, PhD

“We really wanted to be able to go back in time and see when those changes [in the modern gut microbiome] came about, and what’s causing them,” Archeological Geneticist Christina Warinner, PhD, Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Harvard University and one of the authors of the study, told Science. “Is it food itself? Is it processing, is it antibiotics, is it sanitation?” Warinner is the Sally Starling Seaver Assistant Professor at the Radcliffe Institute, and a group leader in the Department of Archaeogenetics at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology and affiliated with the faculty of biological sciences at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, Germany. (Photo copyright: The Game Changers.)

Ancient versus Modern Microbiome

The ancient microbiomes lacked markers for antibiotic resistance and included dozens of bacterial species that were previously unknown. According to the study, “a total of 181 of the 498 reconstructed microbial genomes were classified as gut derived and had extensive DNA damage, consistent with an ancient origin, and 39% of the ancient genomes offered evidence of being newly discovered species.”

The scientists also discovered that the gut bacteria of present-day people living in non-industrialized societies is more like that of the ancient people when compared to present-day humans living in industrialized societies. But there are still vast differences between the ancient and the modern microbiome.

For example, a bacteria known as Treponema is virtually unknown in the microbiome of current humans, even those living in non-industrialized societies. However, according to Kostic, “They’re present in every single one of the paleofeces, across all the geographic sites. That suggests it’s not purely diet that’s shaping things,” he told Science.

What Can Clinical Laboratories Learn from Ancient Poop?

The ancient poop study scientists hope that future research on coprolites from the past will reveal more information regarding when shifts in the microbiome occurred and what events or human activities prompted those changes.

Research on the human microbiome has been responsible for many discoveries that have greatly impacted clinical pathology and diagnostics development.

As Dark Daily wrote in “Harvard Medical School Study Finds ‘Staggering’ Amounts of Genetic Diversity in Human Microbiome; Might Be Useful in Diagnostics and Precision Medicine,” research conducted by scientists from Harvard Medical School and Joslin Diabetes Center into how individual microbial genes in human microbiome may contribute to disease risk uncovered a “staggering microbial gene diversity.”

Microbiologists and other medical laboratory scientists may soon have more useful biomarkers that aid in earlier, more accurate detection of disease, as well as guiding physicians to select the most effective therapies for specific patients, a key component of Precision Medicine.

The findings of this study are another step forward in understanding the composition and functions of gut bacteria. The study of the microbiome could prove to be a growth area for clinical laboratories and microbiology labs as well. It is probable that soon, labs will be performing more microbiome testing to help with the diagnosis, and treatment selection and monitoring of patients.

—JP Schlingman

Related Information

Ancient Poop Reveals Extinction in Gut Bacteria

Ancient Human Faeces Reveal Gut Microbes of the Past

Reconstruction of Ancient Microbial Genomes from the Human Gut

Harvard Medical School Study Finds ‘Staggering’ Amounts of Genetic Diversity in Human Microbiome; Might Be Useful in Diagnostics and Precision Medicine

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Common DNA Testing Method Using SNP Chips Struggles to Find Rare Variants Associated with BRCA Test, UK Researchers Find

Results of the UK study confirm for clinical laboratory professionals the importance of fully understanding the design and function of SNP chips they may be using in their labs

Here is another example of a long-established clinical laboratory test that—upon new evidence—turns out to be not as accurate as once thought. According to research conducted at the University of Exeter in Devon, UK, Single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) chips (aka, SNP microarrays)—technology commonly used in commercial genetic testing—is inadequate at detecting rare gene variants that can increase breast cancer risk.  

A news release announcing the results of the large-scale study states, “A technology that is widely used by commercial genetic testing companies is ‘extremely unreliable’ in detecting very rare variants, meaning results suggesting individuals carry rare disease-causing genetic variants are usually wrong.”

Why is this a significant finding for clinical laboratories? Because medical laboratories performing genetic tests that use SNP chips should be aware that rare genetic variants—which are clinically relevant to a patient’s case—may not be detected and/or reported by the tests they are running.

UK Researchers Find ‘Shockingly High False Positives’

The objective of the Exeter study published in British Medical Journal (BMJ), titled, “Use of SNP Chips to Detect Rare Pathogenic Variants: Retrospective, Population Based Diagnostic Evaluation,” was “To determine whether the sensitivity and specificity of SNP chips are adequate for detecting rare pathogenic variants in a clinically unselected population.”

The conclusion reached by the Exeter researchers, the BMJ study states, is that “SNP chips are extremely unreliable for genotyping very rare pathogenic variants and should not be used to guide health decisions without validation.”  

Leigh Jackson, PhD, Lecturer in Genomic Medicine at University of Exeter and co-author of the BMJ study, said in the news release, “The number of false positives on rare genetic variants produced by SNP chips was shockingly high. To be clear: a very rare, disease-causing variant detected using [an] SNP chip is more likely to be wrong than right.” 

Caroline Wright, PhD, Professor in Genomic Medicine at the University of Exeter Medical School
In the news release, Caroline Wright, PhD (above), Professor in Genomic Medicine at the University of Exeter Medical School and senior author of the BMJ study, said, “SNP chips are fantastic at detecting common genetic variants, yet we have to recognize that tests that perform well in one scenario are not necessarily applicable to others.” She added, “We’ve confirmed that SNP chips are extremely poor at detecting very rare disease-causing genetic variants, often giving false positive results that can have profound clinical impact. These false results had been used to schedule invasive medical procedures that were both unnecessary and unwarranted.” (Photo copyright: University of Exeter.)

Large-Scale Study Taps UK Biobank Data

The Exeter researchers were concerned about cases of unnecessary invasive medical procedures being scheduled by women after learning of rare genetic variations in BRCA1 (breast cancer type 1) and BRCA2 (breast cancer 2) tests.

“The inherent technical limitation of SNP chips for correctly detecting rare genetic variants is further exacerbated when the variants themselves are linked to very rare diseases. As with any diagnostic test, the positive predictive value for low prevalence conditions will necessarily be low in most individuals. For pathogenic BRCA variants in the UK Biobank, the SNP chips had an extremely low positive predictive value (1-17%) when compared with sequencing. Were these results to be fed back to individuals, the clinical implications would be profound. Women with a positive BRCA result face a lifetime of additional screening and potentially prophylactic surgery that is unwarranted in the case of a false positive result,” they wrote.

Using UK Biobank data from 49,908 participants (55% were female), the researchers compared next-generation sequencing (NGS) to SNP chip genotyping. They found that SNP chips—which test genetic variation at hundreds-of-thousands of specific locations across the genome—performed well when compared to NGS for common variants, such as those related to type 2 diabetes and ancestry assessment, the study noted.

“Because SNP chips are such a widely used and high-performing assay for common genetic variants, we were also surprised that the differing performance of SNP chips for detecting rare variants was not well appreciated in the wider research or medical communities. Luckily, we had recently received both SNP chip and genome-wide DNA sequencing data on 50,000 individuals through the UK Biobank—a population cohort of adult volunteers from across the UK. This large dataset allowed us to systematically investigate the performance of SNP chips across millions of genetic variants with a wide range of frequencies, down to those present in fewer than 1 in 50,000 individuals,” wrote Wright and Associate Professor of Bioinformatics and Human Genetics at Exeter, Michael Weedon, PhD, in a BMJ blog post.

The Exeter researchers also analyzed data from a small group of people in the Personal Genome Project who had both SNP genotyping and sequencing information available. They focused their analysis on rare pathogenic variants in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.

The researchers found:

  • The rarer the variant, the less reliable the test result. For example, for “very rare variants” in less than one in 100,000 people, 84% found by SNP chips were false positives.
  • Low positive predictive values of about 16% for very rare variants in the UK Biobank.
  • Nearly all (20 of 21) customers of commercial genetic testing had at least one false positive rare disease-causing variant incorrectly genotyped.
  • SNP chips detect common genetic variants “extremely well.”

Advantages and Capabilities of SNP Chips

Compared to next-gen genetic sequencing, SNP chips are less costly. The chips use “grids of hundreds of thousands of beads that react to specific gene variants by glowing in different colors,” New Scientist explained.

Common variants of BRCA1 and BRCA2 can be found using SNP chips with 99% accuracy, New Scientist reported based on study data.

However, when the task is to find thousands of rare variants in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, SNP chips do not fare so well.

“It is just not the right technology for the job when it comes to rare variants. They’re excellent for the common variants that are present in lots of people. But the rarer the variant is, the less likely they are to be able to correctly detect it,” Wright told CNN.

SNP chips can’t detect all variants because they struggle to cluster needed data, the Exeter researchers explained.

“SNP chips perform poorly for genotyping rare genetic variants owing to their reliance on data clustering. Clustering data from multiple individuals with similar genotypes works very well when variants are common,” the researchers wrote. “Clustering becomes more difficult as the number of people with a particular genotype decreases.”

Clinical laboratories Using SNP Chips

The researchers at Exeter unveiled important information that pathologists and medical laboratory professionals will want to understand and monitor. Cancer patients with rare genetic variants may not be diagnosed accurately because SNP chips were not designed to identify specific genetic variants. Those patients may need additional testing to validate diagnoses and prevent harm.

—Donna Marie Pocius

Related Information:

Large-scale Study Finds Genetic Testing Technology Falsely Detects Very Rare Variants

Use of SNP Chips to Detect Rare Pathogenic Variants: Retrospective, Population-Based Diagnostic Evaluation

The Home DNA Kits “Falsely Warning of High Risk of Cancer”: DIY Genetic Tests are “Extremely Unreliable” at Detecting Rare Genetic Variants, Major New Study Warns

SNP Chips Perform Poorly for Detecting Rare Genetic Variants

Chip-based DNA Testing Wrong More than Right for Very Rare Variants

Common Genetic Tests Often Wrong When Identifying Rare Disease-Causing Variants Such as BRCA1and BRCA2, Study Says

VA’s ‘Million Veterans Program’ Research Study Receives Its 100,000th Human Genome Sequence

With improved genetic sequencing comes larger human genome databases that could lead to new diagnostic and therapeutic biomarkers for clinical laboratories

As the COVID-19 pandemic grabbed headlines, the human genome database at the US Department of Veterans Affairs Million Veterans Program (MVP) quietly grew. Now, this wealth of genomic information—as well as data from other large-scale genomic and genetic collections—is expected to produce new biomarkers for clinical laboratory diagnostics and testing.

In December, cancer genomics company Personalis, Inc. (NASDAQ:PSNL) of Menlo Park, Calif., achieved a milestone and delivered its 100,000th whole human genome sequence to the MVP, according to a news release, which also states that Personalis is the sole sequencing provider to the MVP.

The VA’s MVP program, which started in 2011, has 850,000 enrolled veterans and is expected to eventually involve two million people. The VA’s aim is to explore the role genes, lifestyle, and military experience play in health and human illness, notes the VA’s MVP website.

Health conditions affecting veterans the MVP is researching include:

The VA has contracted with Personalis through September 2021, and has invested $175 million, Clinical OMICS reported. Personalis has earned approximately $14 million from the VA. That’s about 76% of the company’s revenue, according to 2nd quarter data, Clinical OMICS noted.

John West and wife Judy West of Personalis headshots
“The VA MVP is the largest whole genome sequencing project in the United States, and this is a significant milestone for both the program and for Personalis,” said John West (above with wife Judy), Founder and CEO of Personalis, in the news release. “Population-scale sequencing projects of this nature represent a cornerstone in our effort to accelerate the advancement of precision medicine across a wide range of disease areas,” he added. (Photo copyright: MIT Technology Review.)

Database of Veterans’ Genomes Used in Current Research

What has the VA gained from their investment so far? An MVP fact sheet states researchers are tapping MVP data for these and other veteran health-related studies: 

  • Gene variations associated with different tumor structures in patients with non-small-cell lung carcinoma.
  • Differentiating between prostate cancer tumors that require treatment and others that are slow-growing and not life-threatening.
  • How genetics drives obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
  • How data in DNA translates into actual physiological changes within the body.
  • Gene variations and patients’ response to Warfarin.

NIH Research Program Studies Effects of Genetics on Health

Another research program, the National Institutes of Health’s All of Us study, recently began returning results to its participants who provided blood, urine, and/or saliva samples. The NIH aims to aid research into health outcomes influenced by genetics, environment, and lifestyle, explained a news release. The program, launched in 2018, has biological samples from more than 270,000 people with a goal of one million participants.

NIH’s All of Us program partners include:

Dr. Josh Denny CEO of NIH All of Us program headshot
“We’re changing the paradigm for research. Participants are our most important partners in this effort, and we know many of them are eager to get their genetic results and learn about the science they’re making possible,” said Josh Denny, MD, CEO of the NIH’s All of Us research program in the news release. Denny, a physician scientist, was Professor of Biomedical Informatics and Medicine, Director of the Center for Precision Medicine and Vice President for Personalized Medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center prior to joining the NIH. (Photo copyright: National Institutes of Health.)

Inclusive Data Could Aid Precision Medicine

The news release notes that more than 80% of biological samples in the All of Us database come from people in communities that have been under-represented in biomedical research.

“We need programs like All of Us to build diverse datasets so that research findings ultimately benefit everyone,” said Brad Ozenberger, PhD, All of Us Genomics Program Director, in the news release.

Precision medicine designed for specific healthcare populations is a goal of the All of Us program.

“[All of Us is] beneficial to all Americans, but actually beneficial to the African American race because a lot of research and a lot of medicines that we are taking advantage of today, [African Americans] were not part of the research,” Chris Crawford, All of US Research Study Navigator, told the Birmingham Times. “As [the All of Us study] goes forward and we get a big diverse group of people, it will help as far as making medicine and treatment that will be more precise for us,” he added.

Large Databases Could Advance Care

Genome sequencing technology continues to improve. It is faster, less complicated, and cheaper to sequence a whole human genome than ever before. And the resulting sequence is more accurate.

Thus, as human genome sequencing databases grow, researchers are deriving useful scientific insights from the data. This is relevant for clinical laboratories because the new insights from studying bigger databases of genomic information will produce new diagnostic and therapeutic biomarkers that can be the basis for new clinical laboratory tests as well as useful diagnostic assays for anatomic pathologists.

—Donna Marie Pocius

Related Information:

Personalis Announces Delivery of the 100,000th Genome to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Million Veteran Program

VA Extends Personalis Contract for Million Veterans Project With $31M Task Order

Million Veteran Program Research Projects

All of Us Research Program Returns First Genetic Results to Participants

All of Us Research: Why Some Get Sick and Others Are in Great Health

With Consumer Demand for Ancestry and Genealogy Genetic Tests Waning, Leading Genomics Companies are Investigating Ways to Commercialize the Aggregated Genetics Data They Have Collected

Genomics experts say this is a sign that clinical laboratory genetics testing is maturing into a powerful tool for population health

Faced with lagging sales and employee layoffs, genomics companies in the genealogy DNA testing market are shifting their focus to the healthcare aspects of the consumer genomics data they’ve compiled and aggregated.

Recent analysis of the sales of genetic tests from Ancestry and 23andMe show the market is definitely cooling, and the analysts speculate that—independent of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on consumer behavior—the two clinical laboratory genetic testing companies may already have done testing for the majority of consumers who want to buy these tests.

“I think the consumer market is going to become more integrated into the healthcare experience,” Joe Grzymski, PhD, told GenomeWeb. “Whether that occurs through your primary care doctor, your large integrated health network, or your payor, I think there will be profound changes in society’s tolerance for using genetics for prevention.”

Grzymski is Chief Scientific Officer at Renown Health; Associate Research Professor of Computational Biology at Desert Research Institute, a research campus of the University of Nevada Reno; and Principal Investigator on a large population study called the Healthy Nevada Project.

Layoffs at Genomics Companies Come as No Surprise

In February, Ancestry, the largest company in the home DNA testing space, announced it was laying off 6% of its workforce or approximately 100 people, across different departments due to a decline in sales, CNBC reported. Several weeks earlier, 23andMe, the second largest company in this market, also announced it was laying off about 100 people or 14% of its workforce due to declining sales.

“I wasn’t surprised by the news,” said Linda Avey, a 23andMe co-founder who is now co-founder and Chief Executive Officer at Precisely Inc., a genomics company headquartered in San Francisco. She was commenting to GenomeWeb on the recent restructuring at her former company. “The level of expensive advertising has been insane here in the US. Those [customer acquisition costs] are not a sustainable model.”

CNBC surmised that the lull in at-home genetic testing is due mainly to:

  • A drought of early adopters. Individuals who were interested in the testing for genealogical and health reasons, and who believed in the value of the tests, have already purchased the product.
  • Privacy concerns. Some potential customers may have reservations about having their DNA information collected and stored in a database due to concerns about how that data is safeguarded and its potential uses by outside companies, law enforcement, and governments. 

COVID-19 May or May Not Be a Factor in Declining DNA Testing Sales

The COVID-19 pandemic may be playing a role in the decline in sales of at-home DNA testing kits. However, there are indications that the market was cooling before the virus occurred.

An article in MIT Technology Review reported that 26 million people had purchased at-home DNA testing kits by the beginning of 2019. The article also estimated that if the market continued at that pace, 100 million people were expected to purchase the tests by the end of 2020.

However, data released by research firm Second Measure, a company that analyzes credit and debit card purchases, may show a different story, reported Vox. The data showed a general decline in test kit sales in 2019. Ancestry’s sales were down 38% and 23andMe’s sales were down 54% in November 2019 compared to November 2018. The downward trend continued in December with Ancestry sales declining 15% and 23andMe sales declining 48% when compared to December 2018.

Second Measure, however, compiled data from the two companies’ websites only. They did not include testing kits that may have been purchased through other sources such as Amazon, or at brick and mortar locations.

Nevertheless, the measures being taken by genomics companies to shore up their market indicates the Second Measure data is accurate or very close.

Rise of Population-level Genomics

This decline in genealogical sales seems to be behind DNA-testing companies shifting focus to the healthcare aspects of consumer genomics. Companies like 23andMe and Ancestry are looking into developing health reports based on their customers’ data that can ascertain an individual’s risk for certain health conditions, or how they may react to prescription medications.

Othman Laraki, co-founder and CEO of Color Genomics
“We are seeing the next wave of maturity of the genetics market,” Othman Laraki, co-founder and CEO of Color Genomics, told CNBC. “If expensive diagnostic testing was genomics’ equivalent of mainframe computers, direct to consumer ancestry genetics was the hobbyist use. While the early adopter wave is petering out, we are seeing the real market (the equivalent of a PC in every home and a phone in every pocket), which is population-level use of genetics, taking hold.” (Photo copyright: San Francisco Business Times.)

For some genomics companies like 23andMe, the at-home DNA testing market was never specifically about selling testing kits. Rather, these companies envisioned a market where consumers would pay to have their DNA analyzed to obtain data on their ancestry and health, and in turn the testing companies would sell the aggregated consumer data to other organizations, such as pharmaceutical companies. 

“Remember that 23andMe was never in the consumer genomics business, they were in the data aggregation business,” Spencer Wells, PhD, founder and Executive Director of the Insitome Institute, a US-based 501(c)3 nonprofit think tank focused on key areas in the field of personal genomics, told GenomeWeb. “They created a database that should in principle allow them to do what they promised, which is to improve people’s health through genomic testing.” 

Even with clinical laboratory testing currently focused on COVID-19 testing, there remains an opportunity to sequence large numbers of people through at-home DNA testing and then incorporate those findings into the practice of medicine. The hope is that sales will again accelerate once consumers feel there is a compelling need for the tests.

Pathologists and clinical laboratory managers will want to watch to see if the companies that grew big by selling ancestry and genealogy tests to consumers will start to send sales reps into physicians’ offices to offer genetic tests that would be useful in diagnosing and treating patients.

—JP Schlingman

Related Information:

As Consumer Genomics Market Cools, Providers Ponder Better Ways to Reach Customers

Consumer DNA Testing Has Hit a Lull—Here’s How It Could Capture the Next Wave of Users

Layoffs at Genetic Testing Companies Reflect the Changing Market

Why DNA Tests are Suddenly Unpopular

More than 26 Million People Have Taken an At-home Ancestry Test

Ancestry to Lay Off 6% of Workforce Because of a Slowdown in the Consumer DNA-Testing Market
