Financial Experts Predict Sales of Digital Pathology Systems Will Nearly Triple in the United States by 2019

Pathology groups and clinical laboratories gain the benefits of increased connectivity, greater productivity, and a tool to reduce costs

Acceptance of digital pathology systems is growing steadily in both North America and Europe. One sign of this acceptance is the rapid increase in the purchase of digital pathology systems by anatomic pathology laboratories in these regions.

In fact, one consulting company says that the digital pathology market is poised to explode over the next seven to eight years. This will happen as medical laboratories acquire and deploy digital pathology systems to improve their connectivity with other providers, to improve productivity of pathologists, and as a tool to reduce costs. (more…)

Predicted Growth for In Vitro Diagnostics Markets Globally Signals Upward Trajectory in Medical Laboratory Business

Growth in global IVD markets is indicator of increasing demand for clinical laboratory and anatomic pathology testing

During the next 24 months, the global in vitro diagnostics (IVD) market is predicted to exceed $50-billion in revenues. However, this robust growth has an upside and a downside for the clinical laboratories and pathology groups that purchase IVD analyzers, reagents, and consumables.

In a recent story in about the IVD industry, Frost & Sullivan, a global consulting and research firm, made predictions in different segments of the IVD market. It won’t surprise pathologists and clinical laboratory managers that the two fastest-growing segments are molecular and tissue diagnostics. (more…)

Researchers Predict that Aging Populations in Europe Will Increase Clinical Pathology Laboratory Testing Volume by 69.5% in Only Seven Years

Study evaluated the Western European market for in vitro diagnostic manufacturers

Are clinical laboratories in the United States and other developed nations around the world capable of meeting the expected surge of medical laboratory testing that is expected to come as large numbers of people age into their 60s and 70s? That is a question which has yet to be answered with much confidence by leading healthcare experts.

Recently a respected research firm offered its best guess at what lab specimen growth rates may be and its predictions may surprise many pathologists and clinical laboratory managers. At the same time, the right answer to this important question is critical for lab administrators when planning strategy.

It Takes Years to Expand Capacity of a Clinical Pathology Laboratory

That is because it typically requires years to expand the capacity of a medical laboratory organization. Then there is the challenge of hiring additional pathologists, Ph.D.s, and laboratory scientists at a time when many developed countries already report an acute shortage of trained medical laboratory professionals.


Frost & Sullivan Report Identifies Molecular Diagnostics as Fastest-Growing Sector of Clinical Pathology Laboratory Testing

Annual growth rates of 11% or more is predicted for molecular diagnostics in coming years

Just as consolidation and acquisitions reshaped the in vitro diagnostics (IVD) manufacturing industry and concentrated market share among just a handful of multi-billion dollar IVD giants, a similar consolidation can be seen in the molecular diagnostics sector. Today it is estimated that just nine global companies control 75% of the molecular diagnostics market.

That market concentration means clinical laboratories and anatomic pathology groups have a just a handful of primary vendors from which to purchase many of the molecular diagnostic assays and genetic tests that are used most frequently in clinical care.

Frost and Sullivan published a detailed study about the molecular diagnostics marketplace. The consulting firm estimated that worldwide sales of molecular diagnostics totaled $4.1 billion in 2010. By contrast, total IVD sales globally were about $48 billion in 2010. That total includes the routine, reference, and esoteric test kits, reagents, and supplies used every day by medical laboratories.


Sales of Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Systems to Physicians Will Double By End of 2012

Clinical laboratories and pathology groups are likely to need LIS upgrades

Clinical laboratories and anatomic pathology groups may soon face the need to upgrade or switch their laboratory information system (LIS) to a version that is HIPAA 5010 and ICD-10 capable. This is likely to be an overlooked consequence of the mass adoption of electronic medical record (EMR) systems by physicians across the country.

Between 2011 and 2015, it is predicted that 350,000 or more physicians will implement an EMR and use it in their daily practice. This is happening because of the federal incentives provided by the HITECH Act. The scale of the coming tidal wave of EMR adoption is revealed in a recent Frost & Sullivan report .

