Solutions to the Problems of Rural Hospitals Must Address the Need for Adequate Clinical Laboratory and Anatomic Pathology Testing Services

One idea proving attractive to health policymakers is putting a hybrid model into rural towns that includes a freestanding emergency department and primary care

Times are tough for rural hospitals and officials in many states are looking at new models for healthcare delivery in rural areas. Anatomic pathology groups with contracts to serve rural hospitals will be affected by any changes in how rural hospitals are funded and operated.

One suggested approach to replace the existing community hospital model for rural area is called a hybrid model. It is based on freestanding emergency departments (FSED) that have links to primary care providers. Such a care model would challenge clinical laboratories in the region to provide necessary medical laboratory testing to the freestanding EDs in rural communities.

Rural Hospital Closures Could Jeopardize Local Access to Emergency Care

This problem is linked to the deteriorating finances of many rural hospitals. (more…)
