65-Year Old Baby Boomers Ready to Fight for Right to Opt Out of Medicare

Recent federal court case and a columnist in the Weekly Standard illustrate how Boomers are ready to challenge existing Medicare laws they don’t like

Will the oldest Baby Boomers, now turning 65 years old this year, accept enrollment in the Medicare program or will they challenge it—as they have challenged many other institutions in American society over their lifetimes? News outlets are already reporting instances of Baby Boomers fighting to keep their existing private health insurance, for example.

If this is a trend that sets down deep roots, it can also trigger significant changes in the clinical laboratory testing marketplace. Were Baby Boomers to file lawsuits in federal courts that are settled in their favor, for example, it could pave the way for Boomers to retain private health insurance in lieu of enrollment in fee-for-service Medicare or the Medicare Advantage Plans.

