Clinical laboratory data was key in identifying antibiotic-resistant bacteria responsible for surge in BSIs in hospitals and other healthcare facilities in 2020 and 2021
Clinical laboratory data compiled by the European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network (EARS-Net) shows that a massive increase in bloodstream infections (BSIs) occurred among EU nations during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study found that BSIs caused by certain antimicrobial-resistant (AMR) pathogens, known as superbugs, more than doubled in EU hospitals and healthcare facilities in 2020 and 2021.
Microbiologists and clinical laboratory managers in the US may find it valuable to examine this peer-reviewed study into AMR involved in blood stream infections. It could contain useful insights for diagnosing patients suspected of BSIs in US hospitals where sepsis prevention and antibiotic stewardship programs are major priorities.
“Antimicrobial resistance undermines modern medicine and puts millions of lives at risk,” said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, PhD, Director-General, World Health Organization, in a WHO press release. “To truly understand the extent of the global threat and mount an effective public health response to [antimicrobial resistance], we must scale up microbiology testing and provide quality-assured data across all countries, not just wealthier ones.” Clinical laboratories in the US may be called upon to submit data on bloodstream infections in this country. (Photo copyright: WHO.)
Clinical Laboratories in EU Report Huge Increase in Carbapenem Resistance
To perform their study, researchers measured the increase in Acinetobacter BSIs between 2020 and 2021, the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic. Their data originated from qualitative regular antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) from blood samples collected by local clinical laboratories in the European Union/European economic area (EU/EEA) nations.
The researchers limited their dataset to Acinetobacter BSI information from the European medical laboratories that documented results of carbapenem susceptibility testing for the bacterial species.
Carbapenems are a class of very powerful antibiotics that are typically used to treat severe bacterial infections. A total of 255 EU/EEA clinical laboratories reported their data for the study. The scientists found that the percentages of Acinetobacter resistance varied considerably between EU/EEA nations, so they separated the countries into three different groups:
Nations in Group One—The Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Estonia, Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Finland, Luxembourg, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, and Malta—experienced less than 10% resistance to carbapenems.
Nations in Group Two—Slovenia, Czech Republic, and Portugal—had carbapenem resistance between 10% and 50%.
Nations in Group Three—Croatia, Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Poland, Spain, and Slovakia—demonstrated carbapenem resistance equal or greater than 50%.
The study also found that Acinetobacter BSIs rose by 57% and case counts increased by 114% in 2020 and 2021 when compared to 2018 and 2019. The percentage of resistance to carbapenems rose to 66% in 2020 and 2021, up from 48% in 2018 and 2019.
Antimicrobial Resistance Especially High in Hospital Settings
The researchers further arranged the data into three hospital ward types: intensive care unit (ICU), non-ICU, and unknown. The increase in BSIs caused by Acinetobacter species resistant to carbapenems was greater in ICU-admitted individuals (144%) than non-ICU-admitted individuals (41%).
There are more than 50 species of Acinetobacter bacteria and various strains are often resistant to many types of commonly-used antibiotics. Symptoms of an Acinetobacter infection usually appear within 12 days after a person comes into contact with the bacteria. These symptoms may include:
Blood infections,
Urinary tract infections,
Pneumonia, and
Wound infections.
Healthy people have a low risk of contracting an Acinetobacter infection with the highest number of these infections occurring in hospitals and other healthcare settings. Acinetobacter bacteria can survive for a long time on surfaces and equipment, and those working in healthcare or receiving treatment are in the highest risk category.
The prevalence of this type of bacteria increases in relation to the use of medical equipment, such as ventilators and catheters, as well as antibiotic treatments.
WHO Report Validates EARS-Net Research
In December of 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a Global Antimicrobial Resistance and Use Surveillance System (GLASS) report that revealed the presence of an increasing resistance to antibiotics in some bacterial infections. That report showed high levels (above 50%) of resistance in bacteria that frequently caused bloodstream infections in hospitals, such as Klebsiella pneumonia and Acinetobacter.
The WHO report examined data collected during 2020 from 87 different countries and found that common bacterial infections are becoming increasingly resistant to treatments. Both Klebsiella pneumoniae and Acinetobacter can be life threatening and often require treatment with strong antibiotics, such as carbapenems.
More research is needed to determine the reasons behind increases in Acinetobacter infections as reported in European hospitals and other healthcare settings, and to ascertain the extent to which they are related to hospitalizations and the upsurge in antimicrobial resistance during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Microbiologists and clinical laboratory managers in the US may want to learn more about the fIndings of this European study involving AMR and use those insights to plan accordingly for any future increase in bloodstream infections in this country.
As infectious bacteria become even more resistant to antibiotics, chronic disease patients with weakened immune systems are in particular danger
and clinical
laboratory managers in the United States may find it useful to learn that
exceptionally virulent strains of bacteria are causing increasing numbers of cancer
patient deaths in India. Given the speed with which infectious diseases spread
throughout the world, it’s not surprising that deaths due to similar hospital-acquired
infections (HAIs) are increasing in the US as well.
Recent news reporting indicates that an ever-growing number
of cancer patients in the world’s second most populous nation are struggling to
survive these infections while undergoing chemotherapy and other treatments for
their cancers.
In some ways, this situation is the result of more powerful antibiotics. Today’s modern antibiotics help physicians, pathologists, and clinical laboratories protect patients from infectious disease. However, it’s a tragic fact that those same powerful drugs are making patients with chronic diseases, such as cancer, more susceptible to death from HAIs caused by bacteria that are becoming increasingly resistant to those same antibiotics.
India is a prime example of that devastating dichotomy. Bloomberg
reported that a study conducted by Abdul
Ghafur, MD, an infectious disease physician with Apollo Hospitals in Chennai, India,
et al, concluded that “Almost two-thirds of cancer patients with a
carbapenem-resistant infection are dead within four weeks, vs. a 28-day
mortality rate of 38% in patients whose infections are curable.”
This news should serve as an alert to pathologists, microbiologists,
and clinical laboratory leaders in the US as these same superbugs—which resist
not only antibiotics but other drugs as well—may become more prevalent in this
‘We Don’t Know
What to Do’
The dire challenge facing India’s cancer patients is due to escalating
bloodstream infections associated with carbapenem-resistant
enterobacteriaceae (CRE), a particularly deadly bacteria that has become
resistant to even the most potent carbapenem antibiotics, generally
considered drugs of last resort for dealing with life-threatening infections.
Lately, the problem has only escalated. “We are facing a
difficult scenario—to give chemotherapy and cure the cancer and get a
drug-resistant infection and the patient dying of infections.” Ghafur told Bloomberg.
“We don’t know what to do. The world doesn’t know what to do in this scenario.”
Ghafur added, “However wonderful the developments in the
field of oncology, they are not going to be useful, because we know cancer
patients die of infections.”
Abdul Ghafur, MD (above), an infectious disease physician with Apollo Hospitals in Chennai, India, told The Better India that, “Indians, are obsessed with antibiotics and believe that they can cure almost all infections, including viral infections! Moreover, at least half of the prescriptions by Indian doctors include an antibiotic. Sadly, the public believes that whenever we get cold and cough, we need to swallow antibiotics for three days along with paracetamol [acetaminophen]! This is a myth that urgently needs to disappear!” (Photo copyright: Longitude Prize.)
The problem in India, Bloomberg reports, is
exacerbated by contaminated food and water. “Germs acquired through ingesting
contaminated food and water become part of the normal gut microbiome, but they can
turn deadly if they escape the bowel and infect the urinary tract, blood, and
other tissues.” And chemotherapy patients, who likely have weakened digestive
tracts, suffer most when the deadly germs reach the urinary tract, blood, and surrounding
“Ten years ago, carbapenem-resistant superbug infections
were rare. Now, infections such as carbapenem-resistant klebsiella bloodstream
infection, urinary infection, pneumonia, and surgical site infections are a
day-to-day problem in our (Indian) hospitals. Even healthy adults in the
community may carry these bacteria in their gut in Indian metropolitan cities;
up to 5% of people carry these superbugs in their intestines,” Ghafur told The
Better India.
“These patients receive chemotherapy during treatment, which
lead to severe mucositis
of gastrointestinal tract and myelosuppression.
It was hypothesized that the gut colonizer translocate into blood circulation
causing [bloodstream infection],” the AIIMS paper states.
US Cases of C. auris Also Linked to CRE
Deaths in the US involving the fungus Candida auris (C. auris)
have been linked to CRE as well. And, people who were hospitalized outside the
US may be at particular risk.
The CDC reported on
a Maryland resident who was hospitalized in Kenya with a
carbapenemase-producing infection, which was later diagnosed as C. auris. The CDC
describes C. auris as “an emerging drug-resistant yeast of high public concern
… C auris frequently co-occurs with carbapenemase-producing organisms like
The graphic above, developed by the NYT from CDC data, shows that Candida auris is found globally and not restricted to poor or resource-strapped nations. “The fungus seems to have emerged in several locations at once, not from a single source,” the NYT reports. This means clinical laboratories can expect to be processing more tests to identify the deadly fungus. (Graphic copyright: New York Times/CDC.)
Drug-resistant germs are a public health threat that has
grown beyond overuse of antibiotics to an “explosion of resistant fungi,”
reported the New
York Times (NYT).
“It’s an enormous problem. We depend on being able to treat
those patients with antifungals,” Matthew Fisher, PhD,
Professor of Fungal Disease Epidemiology at Imperial College London, told the NYT.
The NYT article states that “Nearly half of patients
who contract C. auris die within 90 days, according to the CDC. Yet the world’s
experts have not nailed down where it came from in the first place.”
Cases of C. auris in the US are showing up in New York, New
Jersey, and Illinois and is arriving on travelers from many countries,
including India, Pakistan, South Africa, Spain, United Kingdom, and
“It is a creature from the black lagoon,” Tom Chiller, MD,
Chief of the Mycotic
Diseases Branch at the CDC told the NYT. “It bubbled up and now it
is everywhere.”
Since antibiotics are used heavily in agriculture and
farming worldwide, the numbers of antibiotic-resistant infections will likely
increase. Things may get worse, before they get better.
Pathologists, microbiologists, oncologists, and clinical
laboratories involved in caring for patients with antibiotic-resistant
infections will want to fully understand the dangers involved, not just to
patients, but to healthcare workers as well.
High-powered hand dryers, like those used in public restrooms, are the latest targets in pursuit of cleanliness in public and medical environments
Microbiologists and clinical laboratory scientists will be fascinated by the findings of a research study into a method of hand drying that the study scientists described as like “virus hand grenades.” If these findings are confirmed by other studies, it may lead to changes in how hand washing stations in hospitals and medical laboratories are equipped, among other things.
Clinical laboratory personnel and pathology group members come into contact with, and fight against, biological contamination on a daily basis. Proper hand-washing/drying and waste disposal techniques, therefore, are critical functions for any well-run medical laboratory. That is why it is significant to learn that today’s most common hand-drying apparatus—the Jet Air Dryer—could be responsible for spreading infections germs through its everyday usage.
After studying hand-drying techniques, researchers at The University of Westminster in London determined that high-powered jet air dryers can act like “virus hand grenades.” The study, published in the Journal of Applied Microbiology earlier this year, compared the virus-spreading capabilities of three different types of hand-drying techniques:
1. Warm air dryers;
2. Jet air dryers; and
3. Paper towels.
To perform the research, participants placed MS2, an “icosahedral, positive-sense single-stranded RNA virus that infects the bacterium Escherichia coli and other members of the Enterobacteriaceae,” on their gloved hands. They then dried their hands using the various drying methods. Samples were collected around the three devices from different heights and distances on petri dishes and from the air to rate the capacity of these hand-drying devices to scatter contaminants into the surrounding environment.
Blowing Viruses Throughout the Room
The scientists discovered the jet air hand dryers could disperse viruses up to nine feet from the device. By contrast, the more commonly used and less powerful warm air dryer spewed the MS2 three feet from the machine. Paper towels were only able to disperse the virus a mere 10 inches.
Based on research originally published in the Journal of Hospital Infection, the graphic above demonstrates how the various hand-drying methods alter the spread of viruses, described by Westminster researchers. These findings will be of interest to microbiologists, pathologists and medical laboratory scientists involved in infection-control programs at their hospitals and labs. (Graphic copyright: Food Safety Consortium, Ltd.)
The type of hand dryer used for the study was the Dyson Airblade. The researchers learned that the high-powered Airblade spread 60 times more germs into the air than the lower-powered warm air dryers and scattered 1,300 more viruses than the paper towels.
Dyson criticized the study, noting that the scientists had an unusually high amount of the virus on their hands. The company also stated that while paper towels may not dispense viruses into the air, they can be polluted with germs and spread them to other people. In addition, Dyson claims on its website that “up to 88% of unused paper towels tested in the US contain bacteria, which can transfer to your hands.”
Dyson has also alleged that such studies are funded by the paper towel industry to discredit the effectiveness of their products.
Thorough Hand Washing a Critical Step
In addition to having a large amount of the virus on their hands, it is worth noting that the researchers did not attempt to wash the MS2 from their hands before using the assorted drying techniques. People typically have washed their hands with soap and water before operating any type of hand dryer or wiping their hands with paper towels. Although it is debatable which hand-drying method is the most hygienic, obviously the best practice is to thoroughly wash hands and dry them with whatever hand-dryer is available.
Hand hygiene is widely known to be a crucial element in minimizing the transmission of pathogenic micro-organisms that can cause infections. According to the Westminster study, “it has been estimated that cross-infection contributes to 40% of cases of healthcare-associated infections and hand hygiene compliance represents an essential step in minimizing such infections.”
Choosing Best Hand Dryer for Medical Environments, Clinical Laboratories
The researchers noted that, “the choice of hand-drying device should be considered carefully in areas where infection prevention concerns are paramount, such as healthcare settings and the food industry.”
In the past, microbiologists have performed studies where they have swabbed the hands of medical staff, equipment, and surfaces to demonstrate the presence of infectious agents. One study even examined doctors’ neckties and found the existence of bacteria that can cause infections, such as:
In 2013, Weill Cornell Medical College launched PathoMap to study genetic material in the New York City Subway System. Their objective was to establish a molecular view of the city to positively impact public health.
Weill researchers discovered genetic material from more than 15,000 species among 1,400 samples collected from 468 subway stations. The material was mostly harmless or unidentified.
PathoMap recently implemented MetaSUB, which stands for “Metagenomics and Metadesign of Subways and Urban Biomes,” to perform similar studies of mass-transit systems in 39 cities on six continents. The goal is to help city planners, public health officials, and designers create healthier environments.
Whether “virus hand grenades” are fact or myth, targeted research such as the studies above highlight the critical need for clinical laboratories and other medical practices to understand how the devices used in hand washing and hand drying contribute to improved hygiene and lower infection rates that help protect patients as well as physicians, nurses, medical laboratory scientists, and other healthcare workers.
In studies, the automated microbial susceptibility testing device for smartphone performed with 98.2% accuracy, meeting FDA criteria
Imagine doing antimicrobial susceptibility testing outside a clinical laboratory. That’s the goal of researchers on the West Coast who are developing a smartphone-based diagnostic device with the capability of performing this type of point-of-care testing (POCT).
This new mobile POCT device is under development at the University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA). It promises to bring antimicrobial susceptibility testing—a routine procedure in the most medical laboratories—to remote, resource-limited areas of the world.
High-powered hand dryers, like the ones used in public restrooms, are the latest pawns in the relentless pursuit to repulse individuals fixated on cleanliness
For decades, microbiologists have regularly fanned out in hospitals and swabbed the hands of doctors, nurses, and staff, to demonstrate how often infectious agents get passed on to patients through interactions with their caregivers (due to lack of proper handwashing procedures prior to entering a patient’s hospital room, for example). One thing that was a regular on these fishing expeditions was to swab the ties worn by physicians and report on the interesting and disturbing array of infectious agents that were found.
Well, the microbiologists are at it again! After studying hand drying techniques, researchers at The University of Westminster in London determined that high-powered jet air dryers can act like “virus hand grenades.” (more…)