News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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Molecular Diagnostics News for Hospital Laboratories

When the Golden Gate Chapter of CLMA conducted its sixth annual Spring Fling conference at the Hotel Monaco in San Francisco, California, last Saturday, it offered an outstanding agenda for Bay Area lab managers.

Opening the conference was Robert L. Michel, Editor of The Dark Report and Dark Daily. Next on the podium was Alan Wu, Ph.D., who is the Director of Laboratories at San Francisco General Hospital, with a highly entertaining discussion of the role of forensic toxicology and his participation in several high-profile court cases over the past 15 years. He was followed by Rodney W. Forsman, Administrative Director of Outcomes at Mayo Medical Laboratories. Forsman’s remarks were the subject of your last Dark Daily briefing, Mayo Medical Lab Executive Highlights Market Opportunities for Hospital Laboratories.

The content of these presentations was excellent, and that was equally true of the next speaker, Ronald A. Blum, Ph.D., Director of Marketing for Specialty Laboratories. Blum spoke on the subject of molecular diagnostics and is uniquely qualified in this field. Since 1996, he has played in integral role at Specialty Laboratories in evaluating new molecular technologies and developing selected technologies for introduction into the clinical marketplace.

For community hospital labs, Blum had good news. First, he observed that molecular testing is the fastest-growing segment of the laboratory test menu, with growth rates of 15% to 20% annually. This compares with annual growth of about 5% for routine testing. Next, Blum discussed why the market segments for esoteric testing and anatomic pathology represent good opportunities for hospital laboratories. In both of these two segments, national laboratory companies do not dominate. According to Blum, about 50% of esoteric testing done in the United States is provided by regional and local laboratories. For anatomic pathology, approximately 79% of these services continue to be provided by regional and local laboratories. Thus, these markets have yet to be dominated by national laboratory companies.

While discussing the range of molecular tests, including target amplification, signal amplification, mass arrays, and the multiplex assay technology from Luminex Corporation, Blum singled out mass arrays for specific comment. “It is likely that mass arrays will be the most dynamic source of change in molecular testing,” observed Blum. “That is because a mass array can be designed to survey multiple locations across the entire genome. Mass arrays will offer an attractive combination of competitive costs, a degree of automation in looking at multiple markers, and the ability to highlight results that will be of highest interest to the clinician.”

Blum also observed that intellectual property and patent issues were making it increasingly difficult to package published research into clinically-useful molecular assays. “Since the 1990s, universities and research centers have become more active at protecting their discoveries by filing patents and have limited the licensing of their research,” he said. “As a result of this development, Specialty Laboratories hired its first full-time, in-house patent attorney last year, specifically to deal with intellectual property issues. But even more resources are needed to help us keep pace. We are actively looking to add a second full-time, in-house attorney to help with intellectual property issues.”

In closing, Blum was enthusiastic in his recommendation that community laboratories look for opportunities to establish a molecular diagnostics program. “First, aging baby boomers will create increased demand for health services. Second, emerging molecular tests give ever more precise diagnostic accuracy to clinicians. These are just two reasons why molecular diagnostics has a bright future,” declared Blum. “Local laboratories should evaluate their opportunities very carefully because of the high barriers to entry. One useful strategy is to partner with experts capable of helping your laboratory avoid pitfalls while developing an effective molecular diagnostics testing program.”

Mayo Medical Lab Executive Highlights Market Opportunities for Hospital Laboratories

At the Hotel Monaco in San Francisco, California last Saturday, an intriguing line-up of lab industry experts delivered presentations that contained some highly useful information. This Dark Daily briefing will concentrate on several comments made by Rodney W. Forsman. He is the Administrative Director of Outcomes at Mayo Medical Laboratories (MML) and Associate Professor of Laboratory Medicine at the Mayo Clinic School of Medicine.

The event was the sixth annual Spring Fling conference, produced by the Golden Gate Chapter of the CLMA (Clinical Laboratory Management Association). The keynote speaker was our own Dark Daily Editor, Robert L. Michel. In attendance was an enthusiastic crowd of laboratory professionals from across Northern California, along with a large number of lab industry exhibitors.

Forsman was speaking on the subject of how community laboratories—particularly hospital laboratories with outreach programs—could play an important role in supporting integration of clinical services within a region. Forsman discussed the leverage that laboratory testing offers clinicians. After mentioning the oft-discussed fact that lab testing costs are about 5¢ on the healthcare dollar and play a role in as much as 70% of all clinical decisions, he provided two insights about the use of laboratory test data at Mayo Clinic which should be of interest to Dark Daily readers.

First, he provided a statistic about the role of laboratory testing inside the Mayo Clinic. Forsman explained that the Mayo Clinic’s EMR (electronic medical record) system has operated since 1995. Laboratory test data comprises 94% of the “objective data” within Mayo’s EMR system. This is a proportion which exceeds the widely-noted statement that laboratory test data makes up 70% to 80% of the typical patient’s permanent health record.

Second, Forsman provided another fact about Mayo to reinforce his point about the essential role that laboratory test data plays within the clinical continuum. At the Mayo Clinic each day, 60,000 laboratory test results are added to the Mayo EMR. This lab test data is in high demand, as Mayo tracks, on average, 200,000 daily retrievals of lab test data from the system by caregivers within the Mayo Clinic.

Forsman’s major point in his remarks was to emphasize how clinical laboratories could improve the value they offer their parent hospitals, referring physicians, and the patients they serve in their local community. He stressed the importance of using financial tools and close management of laboratory resources to accomplish these goals.

In our next Dark Daily, we will highlight insights about molecular diagnostics shared by another nationally-recognized speaker at the CLMA Golden Gate Chapter’s Spring Fling.
