Mar 4, 2011 | Digital Pathology, Laboratory News, Laboratory Pathology
Pathologists likely to be surprised to learn that consumers reach objectively to the results of genetic tests
How consumers will react to the results of genetic tests is a subject of constant debate by many health policy wonks. This same debate has its counterpart in the clinical laboratory testing industry, as pathologists and PhDs discuss the pros and cons of allowing consumers to order their own predictive genetic tests and molecular diagnostic assays.
Rapid developments in whole human genome sequencing will soon make it affordable and fast for any consumer to run their entire genome and have the results analyzed and presented to them in a detailed, easy-to-understand manner. In practical terms, it means medical laboratories and anatomic pathology groups will need to be ready to respond to consumer demand for access to these tests.
Jul 17, 2009 | Laboratory News, Laboratory Pathology
Goal is to improve patient safety and health outcomes, but who is going to pay?
Pathologists are aware of the ongoing debate about the overwork of medical residents, who traditionally worked 100 or more hours per week. Medical experts regularly point out how overworking medical residents may result in fatigue-related adverse events that negatively affect patient safety. These adverse events cost teaching hospitals money in additional care and/or malpractice claims. Now comes a new report published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) which determined that it remains more profitable to continue this practice than to hire extra help.
The study, Cost Implications of Reduced Work Hours and Workloads for Resident Physicians, was conducted by researchers from UCLA and the RAND Corp, a nonprofit research facility in Los Angeles. The study was initiated in response to recommendations from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) to limit medical resident work hours.