Aug 9, 2012 | Compliance, Legal, and Malpractice, Laboratory News, Laboratory Operations, Laboratory Pathology, Management & Operations
Strategy is to use automation and new informatics solutions to improve productivity of medical lab’s billing and collection departments
Relentless pressure to cut costs is pushing the nation’s clinical laboratories to finally look at back-office functions as a source of important cost reductions. That is a new trend in the medical laboratory testing industry.
“No one should be surprised by this development,” stated Lâle White, CEO of XIFIN, Inc., of San Diego, California. “When it came to cutting costs, for the better part of two decades, most clinical laboratories put priority emphasis on the pre-analytical and analytical stages of their lab operations. This was a good strategy and has produced substantial gains in quality and productivity, even as labs were able to better manage costs. (more…)
Oct 23, 2009 | Laboratory Management and Operations, Laboratory News
Management Tool Contributes to More Collected Revenue, Higher Sales Prices
Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) is hitting the radar screen at the nation’s best-managed clinical laboratories. That’s because shrinking reimbursement makes it imperative for clinical labs and pathology groups to collect every dollar legally due for the lab testing services they provide. RCM is a proven management tool for reducing unpaid claims and unlocking more productivity in the coding/billing/collections process.
“Revenue Cycle Management for laboratories encompasses all the administrative and management functions that contribute to the capture, and collection of revenue associated with lab testing services,” observed Lale White, CEO of Xifin, Inc. of San Diego, California. White has been an acknowledged national expert in laboratory coding, billing, and collections for more than two decades.