Nov 7, 2018 | Instruments & Equipment, Laboratory Instruments & Laboratory Equipment, Laboratory News, Laboratory Pathology, Laboratory Testing, Management & Operations
CRISPR-Cas9 connection to cancer prompts research to investigate different approaches to gene editing
Dark Daily has covered CRISPR-Cas9 many times in previous e-briefings. Since its discovery, CRISPR, or Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats, has been at the root of astonishing breakthroughs in genetic research. It appears to fulfill precision medicine goals for patients with conditions caused by genetic mutations and has anatomic pathologists, along with the entire scientific world, abuzz with the possibilities such a tool could bring to diagnostic medicine.
All of this research has contributed to a deeper understanding of how cells function. However, as is often the case with new technologies, unforeseen and problematic questions also have arisen.
CRISPR-Cas9 Connection to Cancer
Research conducted at the Wellcome Sanger Institute in the United Kingdom (UK) and published in Nature Biotechnology, examined potential damage caused by CRISPR-Cas9 editing.
“Here we report significant on-target mutagenesis, such as large deletions and more complex genomic rearrangements at the targeted sites in mouse embryonic stem cells, mouse hematopoietic progenitors, and a human differentiated cell line,” wrote the authors in their introduction.
Another study, this one conducted by biomedical researches at Cambridge, Mass., and published in Nature, describes possible toxicity caused by Cas9.
“Our results indicate that Cas9 toxicity creates an obstacle to the high-throughput use of CRISPR-Cas9 for genome engineering and screening in hPSCs [human pluripotent stem cells]. Moreover, as hPSCs can acquire P53 mutations, cell replacement therapies using CRISPR-Cas9-enginereed hPSCs should proceed with caution, and such engineered hPSCs should be monitored for P53 function.”
Essentially what both groups of researchers found is that CRISPR-Cas9 cuts through the double helix of DNA, which the cell responds to as it would any injury. A gene called p53 then directs a cellular “first-aid kit” to the “injury” site that either initiates self-destruction of the cell or repairs the DNA.
Therefore, in some instances, CRISPR-Cas9 is inefficient because the repaired cells continue to function. And, the repair process involves the p53 gene. P53 mutations have been implicated in ovarian, colorectal, lung, pancreatic, stomach, liver, and breast cancers.
Though important, some experts are downplaying the significance of the findings.

Erik Sontheimer, PhD (above), Professor, RNA Therapeutics Institute, at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, told Scientific American that the two studies are important, but not show-stoppers. “This is something that bears paying attention to, but I don’t think it’s a deal-breaker,” he said. (Photo copyright: University of Massachusetts.)
“It’s something we need to pay attention to, especially as CRISPR expands to more diseases. We need to do the work and make sure edited cells returned to patients don’t become cancerous,” Sam Kulkarni, PhD, CEO of CRISPR Therapeutics, told Scientific American.
Both studies are preliminary. The implications, however, is in how genes that have become corrupted are used.
“It is unclear if the findings translate into cells actually used in clinical studies,” Bernhard Schmierer, PhD, co-author of a paper titled, “CRISPR-Cas9 Genome Editing Induces a p53-mediated DNA Damage Response,” told Scientific American.
Nevertheless, the cancer-cat is out of the bag.
Targeting RNA Instead of DNA with CRISPR-Cas13d
A team from the Salk Institute may have found a solution. They are investigating a different enzyme—Cas13d—which, in conjunction with CRISPR would target RNA rather than DNA. “DNA is constant, but what’s always changing are the RNA messages that are copied from the DNA. Being able to modulate those messages by directly controlling the RNA has important implications for influencing a cell’s fate,” Silvana Konermann, PhD, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Hanna Gray Fellow and member of the research team at Salk, said in a news release.
The Salk team published their findings in the journal Cell. The paper describes how “scientists from the Salk Institute are reporting for the first time the detailed molecular structure of CRISPR-Cas13d, a promising enzyme for emerging RNA-editing technology. They were able to visualize the enzyme thanks to cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), a cutting-edge technology that enables researchers to capture the structure of complex molecules in unprecedented detail.”
The researchers think that CRISPR-Cas13d may be a way to make the process of gene editing more effective and allow for new strategies to emerge. Much like how CRISPR-Cas9 led to research into recording a cell’s history and to tools like SHERLOCK (Specific High-sensitivity Enzymatic Reporter unLOCKing), a new diagnostic tool that works with CRISPR and changed clinical laboratory diagnostics in a foundational way.
Dark Daily reported on this breakthrough last year. (See, “CRISPR-Related Tool Set to Fundamentally Change Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics, Especially in Rural and Remote Locations,” August 4, 2017.)
Each discovery will lead to more branches of inquiry and, hopefully, someday it will be possible to cure conditions like sickle cell anemia, dementia, and cystic fibrosis. Given the high expectations that CRISPR and related technologies can eventually be used to treat patients, pathologists and medical laboratory professionals will want to stay informed about future developments.
—Dava Stewart
Related Information:
Repair of Double-Strand Breaks Induced by CRISPR-Cas9 Leads to Large Deletions and Complex Rearrangements
P53 Inhibits CRISPR-Cas9 Engineering in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
CRISPR-Edited Cells Linked to Cancer Risk in 2 Studies
CRISPR-Cas9 Genome Editing Induces a p53-Mediated DNA Damage Response
Decoding the Structure of an RNA-Based CRISPR System
Structural Basis for the RNA-Guided Ribonuclease Activity of CRISPR-Cas13d
CRISPR Timeline
What Are Genome Editing and CRISPR-Cas9?
Federal Court Sides with Broad in CRISPR Patent Dispute
Top Biologists Call for Moratorium on Use of CRISPR Gene Editing Tool for Clinical Purposes Because of Concerns about Unresolved Ethical Issues
CRISPR-Related Tool Set to Fundamentally Change Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics, Especially in Rural and Remote Locations
Researchers at Several Top Universities Unveil CRISPR-Based Diagnostics That Show Great Promise for Clinical Laboratories
Aug 1, 2018 | Digital Pathology, Instruments & Equipment, Laboratory Instruments & Laboratory Equipment, Laboratory Management and Operations, Laboratory News, Laboratory Operations, Laboratory Pathology, Laboratory Testing, Management & Operations
Identifying patients who will likely develop prolonged concussion symptoms could lead to new clinical laboratory tests and personalized medicine treatments
Researchers are homing in on a new diagnostic assay for concussion that could potentially generate significant numbers of test referrals to the nation’s clinical laboratories. This innovative work is targeting how concussions are diagnosed and treated.
Each year, thousands of children receive sports-related injuries, including concussions. There are ways for anatomic pathologists and hospital medical laboratories to diagnose concussions; however, testing can be invasive and doesn’t always reveal a complete picture of the injury state.
Additionally, about one third of children with concussions develop prolonged symptoms. However, when prescribing treatment plans, physicians have been unable to predict which patients are likely to recover quickly versus those who will have a longer recovery.
Now, researchers at Penn State College of Medicine (Penn State) believe they have discovered five microRNAs in saliva that could be used to identify patients who will likely experience prolonged concussion symptoms even one month after the initial injury.
The study also found that certain materials in saliva can help diagnose the severity of concussions and could hold the key to more effective clinical laboratory tests and personalized medicine treatments.
The Penn State researchers published their study results in JAMA Pediatrics, a publication of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).
Concussion Leading Sports-related Brain Injury
There are approximately 3.8 million sports and recreation-related traumatic brain injuries in the United States each year and the majority of those cases are concussions, according to The Concussion Place. Most concussions treated in emergency rooms are due to falls, motor-vehicle related injuries, being struck by an object, assaults, or playing sports.
Also known as mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI), concussions are caused by blows or jolts to the head or body that cause the brain to move with excessive force inside the skull. The sudden impact damages brain cells and causes chemical changes within the brain that alter normal functioning. Though usually not life threatening, the damage can be serious and linger for months.
Symptoms of concussion include: headaches, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, balance problems, confusion, memory problems, sleep disturbances, and double or blurry vision. Symptoms usually occur immediately, but could take days or even weeks to appear.
Identifying Severity/Predicting Prolonged Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injuries
After a concussion occurs, brain cells release small fragments of genetic material known as microRNAs while they attempt to repair themselves. A portion of these microRNAs appear in the injured person’s blood and saliva.
In order to determine whether these microRNAs could be used to determine the severity of a traumatic brain injury and predict whether prolonged symptoms would occur, the prospective cohort study researchers gathered saliva samples from 52 concussion patients between the ages of seven and 21:
- The average age of the subjects was 14;
- Twenty-two of the participants were female;
- They were all athletes; and,
- The majority of the samples were collected one to two weeks after the initial injury.
The researchers examined distinct microRNAs in the samples and identified some that enabled them to predict how long a patient’s concussion symptoms might last. In addition, they found one microRNA in children and young adults that accurately predicted which subjects would experience memory and problem-solving difficulties as part of their symptomatology.
The researchers also evaluated the concussion patients using the Sport Concussion Assessment Tool (SCAT-3), Third Edition. Physicians use this questionnaire to assess the symptoms and severity of concussions. The researchers also asked the parents of the concussed patients for observations about their children’s symptoms.
During follow up visits, which occurred at four- and eight-week increments following the original assessment, the Penn State researchers collected additional saliva samples and re-evaluated the patients using SCAT-3.
New Biomarkers Based on MicroRNAs Instead of Protein
“There’s been a big push recently to find more objective markers that a concussion has occurred, instead of relying simply on patient surveys,” Steven Hicks, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Penn State College of Medicine, Hershey, Pa., one of the study researchers, told Penn State News.
“Previous research has focused on proteins, but this approach is limited because proteins have a hard time crossing the blood-brain barrier. What’s novel about this study is we looked at microRNAs instead of proteins, and we decided to look in saliva rather than blood,” he noted.

According to Steven Hicks, MD, PhD (above), who worked on the Penn State College of Medicine study, microRNAs could be more accurate than the traditional questionnaire when diagnosing and forecasting the effects of concussions. “The microRNAs were able to predict whether symptoms would last beyond four weeks with about 85% accuracy,” he told Penn State News. “In comparison, using the SCAT-3 report of symptoms alone is about 64% accurate. If you just go off the parent’s report of symptoms, it goes down to the mid-50s. In this pilot study, these molecular signatures are outperforming survey tools.” (Photo copyright: MD Magazine.)
The goal of this research was to develop a way to definitively ascertain that a concussion had occurred, predict the length and type of symptoms, and then use that data to improve and personalize care for children and young adults who have had a concussion.
“With that knowledge physicians could make more informed decisions about how long to hold a child out of sports, whether starting more aggressive medication regimens might be warranted, or whether involving a concussion specialist might be appropriate,” Hicks told MD Magazine. “Anytime we can use accurate, objective measures to guide medical care, I think that represents an opportunity to improve concussion treatment.”
Further research and clinical trials will be needed to solidify the effectiveness and accuracy of these new biomarkers. However, a rapid, non-invasive saliva test that can determine the severity of a concussion, and predicted whether prolonged symptoms will likely occur, would be widely used and could be an important assay for clinical laboratories. Particularly those associated with hospital medical laboratories and emergency rooms.
—JP Schlingman
Related Information:
Association of Salivary MicroRNA Changes with Prolonged Concussion Symptoms
Saliva Test May Detect Biomarker for Prolonged Concussion
Molecules in Spit May be Able to Diagnose and Predict Length of Concussions
Prolonged Concussion Symptoms Identifiable by Salivary MicroRNA
Spit Test May Help Reveal Concussion Severity
Saliva Test May Lead to Improved Concussion Care for Youths
Jul 20, 2018 | Digital Pathology, Instruments & Equipment, Laboratory Instruments & Laboratory Equipment, Laboratory Management and Operations, Laboratory News, Laboratory Operations, Laboratory Pathology, Laboratory Testing
Should greater attention be given to protein damage in chronic diseases such as Alzheimer’s and diabetes? One life scientist says “yes” and suggests changing how test developers view the cause of age-related and degenerative diseases
DNA and the human genome get plenty of media attention and are considered by many to be unlocking the secrets to health and long life. However, as clinical laboratory professionals know, DNA is just one component of the very complex organism that is a human being.
In fact, DNA, RNA, and proteins are all valid biomarkers for medical laboratory tests and, according to one life scientist, all three should get equal attention as to their role in curing disease and keeping people healthy.
Along with proteins and RNA, DNA is actually an “equal partner in the circle of life,” wrote David Grainger, PhD, CEO of Methuselah Health, in a Forbes opinion piece about what he calls the “cult of DNA-centricity” and its relative limitations.
Effects of Protein Damage
“Aging and age-related degenerative diseases are caused by protein damage rather than by DNA damage,” explained Grainger, a Life Scientist who studies the role proteins play in aging and disease. “DNA, like data, cannot by itself do anything. The data on your computer is powerless without apps to interpret it, screens and speakers to communicate it, keyboards and touchscreens to interact with it.”
“Similarly,” he continued, “the DNA sequence information (although it resides in a physical object—the DNA molecule—just as computer data resides on a hard disk) is powerless and ethereal until it is translated into proteins that can perform functions,” he points out.
According to Grainger, diseases such as cystic fibrosis and Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy may be associated with genetic mutation. However, other diseases take a different course and are more likely to develop due to protein damage, which he contends may strengthen in time, causing changes in cells or tissues and, eventually, age-related diseases.
“Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, or autoimmunity often take decades to develop (even though your genome sequence has been the same since the day you were conceived); the insidious accumulation of the damaged protein may be very slow indeed,” he penned.
“But so strong is the cult of DNA-centricity that most scientists seem unwilling to challenge the fundamental assumption that the cause of late-onset diseases must lie somewhere in the genome,” Grainger concludes.
Shifting Focus from Genetics to Proteins
Besides being CEO of Methuselah Health, Grainger also is Co-Founder and Chief Scientific Advisor at Medicxi, a life sciences investment firm that backed Methuselah Health with $5 million in venture capital funding for research into disease treatments that focus on proteins in aging, reported Fierce CEO.
Methuselah Health, founded in 2015 in Cambridge, UK, with offices in the US, is reportedly using post-translational modifications for analysis of many different proteins.

“At Methuselah Health, we have shifted focus from the genetics—which tells you in an ideal world how your body would function—to the now: this is how your body functions now and this is what is going wrong with it. And that answer lies in the proteins,” stated Dr. David Grainger (above), CEO of Methuselah Health, in an interview with the UK’s New NHS Alliance. Click on this link to watch the full interview. [Photo and caption copyright: New NHS Alliance.]
How Does it Work?
This is how Methuselah Health analyzes damaged proteins using mass spectrometry, according to David Mosedale, PhD, Methuselah Health’s Chief Technology Officer, in the New NHS Alliance story:
- Protein samples from healthy individuals and people with diseases are used;
- Proteins from the samples are sliced into protein blocks and fed slowly into a mass spectrometer, which accurately weighs them;
- Scientists observe damage to individual blocks of proteins;
- Taking those blocks, proteins are reconstructed to ascertain which proteins have been damaged;
- Information is leveraged for discovery of drugs to target diseases.
Mass spectrometry is a powerful approach to protein sample identification, according to News-Medical.Net. It enables analysis of protein specificity and background contaminants. Interactions among proteins—with RNA or DNA—also are possible with mass spectrometry.
Methuselah Health’s scientists are particularly interested in the damaged proteins that have been around a while, which they call hyper-stable danger variants (HSDVs) and consider to be the foundation for development of age-related diseases, Grainger told WuXi AppTec.
“By applying the Methuselah platform, we can see the HSDVs and so understand which pathways we need to target to prevent disease,” he explained.
For clinical laboratories, pathologists, and their patients, work by Methuselah Health could accelerate the development of personalized medicine treatments for debilitating chronic diseases. Furthermore, it may compel more people to think of DNA as one of several components interacting that make up human bodies and not as the only game in diagnostics.
—Donna Marie Pocius
Related Information:
The Cult of DNA-Centricity
Methuselah Health CEO David Grainger Out to Aid Longevity
VIDEO: Methuselah Health, Addressing Diseases Associated with Aging
Understanding and Slowing the Human Aging Clock Via Protein Stability
Using Mass Spectrometry for Protein Complex Analysis
Jul 16, 2018 | Laboratory News, Laboratory Operations, Laboratory Testing, News From Dark Daily
This potential new source of diagnostic biomarkers could give clinical labs a new tool to diagnose disease earlier and with greater accuracy
Clinical laboratories may soon have a new “omics” in their toolkit and vocabulary. In addition to genomics and proteomics, anatomic pathologists could also be using “interactomics” to diagnose disease earlier and with increased accuracy.
At least that’s what researchers at ETH Zurich (ETH), an international university for technology and natural sciences, have concluded. They published the results of their study in Cell.
“Here, we present a chemoproteomic workflow for the systematic identification of metabolite-protein interactions directly in their native environments,” the researchers wrote. “Our data reveal functional and structural principles of chemical communication, shed light on the prevalence and mechanisms of enzyme promiscuity, and enable extraction of quantitative parameters of metabolite binding on a proteome-wide scale.”
Interactomics address interactions between proteins and small molecules, according to an article published in Technology Networks. The terms “interactomics” and “omics” were inspired by research that described, for the first time, the interactions and relationships of all proteins and metabolites (A.K.A, small molecules) in the whole proteome.
Medical laboratories and anatomic pathologists have long understood the interactions among proteins, or between proteins and DNA or RNA. However, metabolite interactions with packages of proteins are not as well known.
These new omics could eventually be an important source of diagnostic biomarkers. They may, one day, contribute to lower cost clinical laboratory testing for some diseases, as well.
Metabolite-Protein Interactions are Key to Cellular Processes
The ETH researchers were motivated to explore the interplay between small molecules and proteins because they have important responsibilities in the body. These cellular processes include:
“Metabolite-protein interactions control a variety of cellular processes, thereby playing a major role in maintaining cellular homeostasis. Metabolites comprise the largest fraction of molecules in cells. But our knowledge of the metabolite-protein interaction lags behind our understanding of protein-protein or protein-DNA interactomes,” the researchers wrote in Cell.
Leveraging Limited Proteolysis and Mass Spectrometry
The researchers used limited proteolysis (LiP) technology with mass spectrometry to discover metabolite-protein interactions. Results aside, experts pointed out that the LiP technology itself is significant.
“It is one of the few methods that enables the unbiased and proteome-wide profiling of protein conformational changes resulting from interaction of proteins with compounds,” stated a Biognosys blog post.
Biognosys, a proteomics company founded in 2008, was originally part of a lab at ETH Zurich.
The ETH team focused on the E. coli bacterial cell in particular and how its proteins and enzymes interact with metabolites.

“Although the metabolism of E. coli and associated molecules is already very well known, we succeeded in discovering many new interactions and the corresponding binding sites,” Paola Picotti, PhD, Professor of Molecular Systems Biology at ETH Zurich, who led the research, told Technology Networks. “The data that we produce with this technique will help to identify new regulatory mechanisms, unknown enzymes and new metabolic reactions in the cell,” she concluded. (Photo copyright: ETH Zurich.)
More than 1,000 New Interactions Discovered
The study progressed as follows, according to Technology Networks’ report:
- “Cellular fluid, containing proteins, was extracted from bacterial cells;
- “A metabolite was added to each sample;
- “The metabolite interacted with proteins;
- “Proteins were cut into smaller pieces by molecular scissors (A.K.A., CRISPR-Cas9);
- “Protein structure was altered when it interacted with a metabolite;
- “A different set of peptides emerged when the “molecular scissors” cut at different sites;
- “Pieces of samples were measured with a mass spectrometer;
- “Data were obtained, fed into a computer, and structural differences and changes were reconstructed;
- “1,650 different protein-metabolite interactions were found;
- “1,400 of those discovered were new.”
A Vast, Uncharted Metabolite-protein Interaction Network
The research is a major step forward in the body of knowledge about interactions between metabolites and proteins and how they affect cellular processes, according to Balázs Papp, PhD, Principal Investigator, Biological Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
“Strikingly, more than 80% of the reported interactions were novel and about one quarter of the measured proteome interacted with at least one of the 20 tested metabolites. This indicates that the metabolite-protein interaction network is vast and largely uncharted,” Papp stated in an ETH Zurich Faculty of 1000 online article.
According to Technology Networks, “Picotti has already patented the method. The ETH spin-off Biognosys is the exclusive license holder and is now using the method to test various drugs on behalf of pharmaceutical companies.”
The pharmaceutical industry is reportedly interested in the approach as a way to ascertain drug interactions with cellular proteins and their effectiveness in patient care.
The ETH Zurich study is compelling, especially as personalized medicine takes hold and more medical laboratories and anatomic pathology groups add molecular diagnostics to their capabilities.
—Donna Marie Pocius
Related Information:
The New “Omics”—Measuring Molecular Interactions
Map of Protein-Metabolite Interactions Reveals Principles of Chemical Communication
A New Study Maps Protein-Metabolite Interactions in an Unbiased Way
Cell Paper on Protein Metabolite Interactions Recommended in Faculty 1000 Twice
Apr 18, 2018 | Instruments & Equipment, Laboratory Instruments & Laboratory Equipment, Laboratory Management and Operations, Laboratory News, Laboratory Operations, Laboratory Pathology, Laboratory Testing, Management & Operations
Three innovative technologies utilizing CRISPR-Cas13, Cas12a, and Cas9 demonstrate how CRISPR might be used for more than gene editing, while highlighting potential to develop new diagnostics for both the medical laboratory and point-of-care (POC) testing markets
CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) is in the news again! The remarkable genetic-editing technology is at the core of several important developments in clinical laboratory and anatomic pathology diagnostics, which Dark Daily has covered in detail for years.
Now, scientists at three universities are investigating ways to expand CRISPR’s use. They are using CRISPR to develop new diagnostic tests, or to enhance the sensitivity of existing DNA tests.
One such advancement improves the sensitivity of SHERLOCK (Specific High Sensitivity Reporter unLOCKing), a CRISPR-based diagnostic tool developed by a team at MIT. The new development harnesses the DNA slicing traits of CRISPR to adapt it as a multifunctional tool capable of acting as a biosensor. This has resulted in a paper-strip test, much like a pregnancy test, that can that can “display test results for a single genetic signature,” according to MIT News.
Such a medical laboratory test would be highly useful during pandemics and in rural environments that lack critical resources, such as electricity and clean water.
One Hundred Times More Sensitive Medical Laboratory Tests!
Co-lead authors Jonathan Gootenberg, PhD Candidate, Harvard University and Broad Institute; and Omar Abudayyeh, PhD and MD student, MIT, published their findings in Science. They used CRISPR Cas13 and Cas12a to chop up RNA in a sample and RNA-guided DNA binding to target genetic sequences. Presence of targeted sequences is then indicated using a paper-based testing strip like those used in consumer pregnancy tests.
MIT News highlighted the high specificity and ease-of-use of their system in detecting Zika and Dengue viruses simultaneously. However, researchers stated that the system can target any genetic sequence. “With the original SHERLOCK, we were detecting a single molecule in a microliter, but now we can achieve 100-fold greater sensitivity … That’s especially important for applications like detecting cell-free tumor DNA in blood samples, where the concentration of your target might be extremely low,” noted Abudayyeh.

“The [CRISPR] technology demonstrates potential for many healthcare applications, including diagnosing infections in patients and detecting mutations that confer drug resistance or cause cancer,” stated senior author Feng Zhang, PhD. Zhang, shown above in the MIT lab named after him, is a Core Institute Member of the Broad Institute, Associate Professor in the departments of Brain and Cognitive Sciences and Biological Engineering at MIT, and a pioneer in the development of CRISPR gene-editing tools. (Photo copyright: MIT.)
Creating a Cellular “Black Box” using CRISPR
Another unique use of CRISPR technology involved researchers David Liu, PhD, and Weixin Tang, PhD, of Harvard University and Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI). Working in the Feng Zhang laboratory at the Broad Institute, they developed a sort of “data recorder” that records events as CRISPR-Cas9 is used to remove portions of a cell’s DNA.
They published the results of their development of CRISPR-mediated analog multi-event recording apparatus (CAMERA) systems, in Science. The story was also covered by STAT.
“The order of stimuli can be recorded through an overlapping guide RNA design and memories can be erased and re-recorded over multiple cycles,” the researchers noted. “CAMERA systems serve as ‘cell data recorders’ that write a history of endogenous or exogenous signaling events into permanent DNA sequence modifications in living cells.”
This creates a system much like the “black box” recorders in aircraft. However, using Cas9, data is recorded at the cellular level. “There are a lot of questions in cell biology where you’d like to know a cell’s history,” Liu told STAT.
While researchers acknowledge that any medical applications are in the far future, the technology holds the potential to capture and replay activity on the cellular level—a potentially powerful tool for oncologists, pathologists, and other medical specialists.
Using CRISPR to Detect Viruses and Infectious Diseases
Another recently developed technology—DNA Endonuclease Targeted CRISPR Trans Reporter (DETECTR)—shows even greater promise for utility to anatomic pathology groups and clinical laboratories.
Also recently debuted in Science, the DETECTR system is a product of Jennifer Doudna, PhD, and a team of researchers at the University of California Berkeley and HHMI. It uses CRISPR-Cas12a’s indiscriminate single-stranded DNA cleaving as a biosensor to detect different human papillomaviruses (HPVs). Once detected, it signals to indicate the presence of HPV in human cells.
Despite the current focus on HPVs, the researchers told Gizmodo they believe the same methods could identify other viral or bacterial infections, detect cancer biomarkers, and uncover chromosomal abnormalities.
Future Impact on Clinical Laboratories of CRISPR-based Diagnostics
Each of these new methods highlights the abilities of CRISPR both as a data generation tool and a biosensor. While still in the research phases, they offer yet another possibility of improving efficiency, targeting specific diseases and pathogens, and creating new assays and diagnostics to expand medical laboratory testing menus and power the precision medicine treatments of the future.
As CRISPR-based diagnostics mature, medical laboratory directors might find that new capabilities and assays featuring these technologies offer new avenues for remaining competitive and maintaining margins.
However, as SHERLOCK demonstrates, it also highlights the push for tests that produce results with high-specificity, but which do not require specialized medical laboratory training and expensive hardware to read. Similar approaches could power the next generation of POC tests, which certainly would affect the volume, and therefore the revenue, of independent clinical laboratories and hospital/health system core laboratories.
—Jon Stone
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Multiplexed and Portable Nucleic Acid Detection Platform with Cas13, Cas12a, and Csm6
Rewritable Multi-Event Analog Recording in Bacterial and Mammalian Cells
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