News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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Cuts in Health Budgets Are Threat and Opportunity for Clinical Pathology Laboratories

Some clinical labs use new pathology lab test technologies to deliver added value to physicians, patients, and payers

Clinical pathology laboratories in the United States and other developed countries across the globe face an unprecedented double-whammy. On one hand, the ongoing explosion of genetic and molecular knowledge gives pathologists and clinical laboratories incredible new tools for diagnosing disease and guiding therapy.

On the other hand, funding for government health programs in the United States and other developed countries is failing to keep pace with demand for health services and the need to pay for all the sophisticated molecular diagnostics and complex therapies now coming to market.


Australian Health Insurer NIB and Navigenics Team Up to Offer Cut-Rate Genetic Testing to NIB Customers

Australian patients are using an American clinical pathology laboratory for their genetic testing needs

It’s a half-price sale of genetic clinical laboratory tests for 5,000 customers of Australian health insurer NIB. NIB wants to encourage its beneficiaries to screen themselves to identify their genetic tendencies for such conditions as heart disease, diabetes, some cancers, and other diseases with a known genetic component.

NIB has arranged for California-based Navigenics to conduct the genetic tests for a price of US $499. That’s a 50% discount from Navigenics’ usual retail price of US $999.


National Survey of Clinical Lab Executive Compensation Is Under Way

Gives human resource departments useful information about salary trends for lab managers

In recent years, the clinical pathology laboratory profession has lacked a reliable national survey of compensation trends for clinical laboratory executives, administrators, directors, pathologists, and managers. That situation may soon change, as two lab organizations are actively collecting the compensation data required to produce a useful national survey of laboratory compensation and benefits.

Slone Partners of Miami Beach, Florida, national recruitment experts for the diagnostic laboratory industry, and The Dark Report are collaborating to produce what is believed to be the nation’s first-ever national survey of trends in compensation, benefits, and perks paid to senior executives, lab administrators, lab managers, pathologists, and Ph.D.s working in the United States.


Why Vitamin D Continues to Be the World’s Fastest-Growing Clinical Laboratory Test

February 24 Audio Conference will cover the A-to-Z of Vitamin 25(OH) D Testing

Clinical laboratory testing for Vitamin 25(OH) D continues to the fastest-growing test on the medical laboratory menu, in the United States and other developed nations around the globe. Over the past four years, the steady increase in physician and patient demand for Vitamin D tests has kept most pathology laboratories scrambling to maintain turnaround times and quality.

To help laboratories understand and respond to this unprecedented demand for a simple laboratory test, national Vitamin D expert Bruce Hollis, Ph.D., Director of Pediatric Nutritional Sciences at the Medical University of South Carolina will conduct a special audio conference on February 24 at 1:00 P.M. EST. Pathologists and laboratory professionals will find Dr. Hollis’ session to be an essential and comprehensive explanation of why Vitamin D has become a high profile subject in medicine and how they should position their clinical laboratories to best serve the demand for Vitamin D knowledge and testing.


Pathologists and Clinical Lab Professionals Urged to Think in “21st Century” Terms

Sir Muir Gray addresses Frontiers in Laboratory Medicine

“Manage knowledge as though it is money” was the advice that Sir Muir Gray offered pathologists and clinical laboratory scientists attending last week’s Frontiers in Laboratory Medicine (FiLM) conference that took place in Birmingham, England. He was explaining how 20th Century Medicine is evolving into 21st Century Medicine.

Sir Muir Gray is the Chief Knowledge Officer for Great Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) National Library for Health.

