News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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New “Best Practices” Turbocharge How Labs Use Lean and Six Sigma

Top labs are leveraging Lean Six Sigma to Boost Performance and Profits

Clinical laboratories and pathology groups using Lean Six Sigma methods are blowing right past the dismal economy and posting strong improvements in operations and financial performance. In fact, at their most innovative, these laboratories are developing new global “best practices” in how they use Lean and Six Sigma.

Both Sprick and Stegall will share the hottest developments in how labs are benefiting from Lean Six Sigma at a special audio conference.

Both Stegall and Sprick will share the hottest developments in how labs are benefiting from Lean Six Sigma.

“Laboratory professionals will be surprised at how fast Lean Six Sigma methods are transforming three areas of the lab,” stated Susan Stegall, Managing Partner at Sprick, Stegall and Associates,  a laboratory management consulting firm based in Charlotte, North Carolina. “We see signs that the most proficient of these laboratories are performing at a ‘best practices’ level.


Sonic Healthcare Enters New England with Latest Clinical Laboratory Acquisition

Agreement to acquire East Side Clinical Laboratory is a reminder that Sonic remains an active buyer of clinical laboratories

It’s another clinical lab acquisition and a new regional market for Sonic Healthcare Limited (ASX:SHL). Yesterday the Australian-based lab company established a beachhead in New England when it acquired East Side Clinical Laboratory, based in Providence, Rhode Island.


Health System Sells Centrex Clinical Laboratories to LabCorp

Consolidation continues in the lab testing sector that serves physicians’ offices

Last week it was disclosed that the health system which owns Centrex Clinical Laboratories, Inc. is selling its laboratory testing business to Laboratory Corporation of America (NYSE: LH ). Faxton-St. Luke’s Healthcare stated that it expected the transaction would be finalized by the end of the year.

Several times in recent years, Faxton-St. Luke’s Healthcare shopped Centrex Clinical Labs to interested buyers. For that reason, news of the sale to LabCorp did not surprise informed observers.


Introducing “Salivaomics” as the Basis for Cheap, Accurate Diagnostic Tests—Administered by Your Dentist!

Researchers at UCLA have published the foundation science to use saliva as the specimen for sophisticated diagnostic testing

Someday soon, when your dentist asks you to say “Ah”, he will then collect a saliva specimen and use a chairside point-of-care test (POCT) to screen you for any number of conditions and diseases. This is the goal of a research team at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), who recently developed what they call the Salivaomics Knowledge Base (SKB).  It is a web-based data management system dedicated to help clinicians use saliva as a diagnostic tool.


Meet the Virtual Dermatopathology Lab, Doing Global Business From Boston

Second opinion dermpath business combines digital pathology, glass slides, and the Internet.

Telepathology, Federal Express, and internet technologies are the cornerstones of a flourishing second opinion business by dermatopathologists in Boston, Massachusetts. In just a few years, the practice has built a national and international clientele. This confirms that there is already overseas demand for access to expert pathologists with subspecialty skills.

Another unique twist to this pathology second opinion business is its use of a subscription arrangement. Referring pathology groups can pay sliding flat fee per case, based on a pre-agreed monthly volume. This arrangement has proved popular.

