News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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Revisiting September 1999: Big Lab News Was AML’s Merger with APL

It was The Dark Report’s headline story ten years ago this month!

Introducing a new feature: Ten Years Ago in The Dark Report
To give Dark Daily readers better context about unfolding events in the laboratory industry, we are pleased to introduce this feature which will appear regularly. Each month, we will dive into our archives and share with you the key events of ten years ago, along with an update to those companies and laboratory executives.

American Medical Labs Merges with Associated Pathologists Lab in 1999

In its September 20, 1999 issue, The Dark Report disclosed that Las Vegas-based Associated Pathologists Laboratories (APL) would be merging with American Medical Laboratories (AML) of Chantilly, Virginia. This bi-coastal merger created the third largest commercial laboratory organization in the United States.


U.S. Labs Use Lean to Slash Costs and Beat the Economic Recession

Hospital labs come in under budget—while still improving quality, service, and revenue

Despite the recession, most first-rank hospital and health system laboratories in the United States remain upbeat about the financial integrity of their organization and their ability to negotiate the deepest economic recession since 1981-82. One reason this is true is the use of Lean, Six Sigma, and similar continuous improvement methods in the nation’s most progressive clinical labs and pathology groups.

Unlike the recession of 28 years ago, clinical laboratories today can use their experienced Lean teams to trim costs without comparable reductions in quality or service. Not surprisingly, clinical laboratories were quick to recognize how, during this economic recession, their existing Lean and process improvement programs could be tweaked with minimal effort to produce maximum operational savings. Thus, hospital labs during the past 12 months have been able to cut significant cost from their operations without any compromise in quality or the level of service they deliver to referring physicians.


Second National Journalism Award Goes to The Dark Report and Robert Michel

Best Investigative Reporting honors earned for story about problems with Vitamin D testing

Top honors in a prestigious national journalism competition were recently awarded to our sister publication, The Dark Report. Editor-In-Chief Robert L. Michel traveled to Washington, DC, to accept the first place award for “Best Investigative Reporting.”

The occasion was the 33rd annual conference of the Specialized Information Publishers Association (SIPA). Handing Editor Robert Michel his first place award was Nora O’Donnell, News Anchor and Political Reporter for NBC News and MSNBC. (more…)

Lab Quality Confab 2009 – Register TODAY!

Here is your personal invitation to join us for the Third Annual Lab Quality Confab, scheduled for September 29-30, 2009 at the Atlanta Hilton Hotel.

Lab Quality Confab is now the lab industry’s biggest international gathering about Lean, Six Sigma, and process improvement. You’ll be glad to learn that this year’s upcoming Lab Quality Confab is bigger, better, and has exceptional learning opportunities for you, including: (more…)

Teaching Lab Managers to Be Coaches Gains Favor as Productivity Booster

Coaching Proves Effective Way To Improve Performance Of Lab Managers and Lab Staff

In the midst of a sustained labor shortage—and facing the impending retirement of highly-experienced baby boomer managers—innovative clinical laboratories and pathology labs are taking special efforts to develop the management and leadership skills of their most promising younger managers. Coaching, rather than mentoring, is more often the preferred approach to achieve this goal.

“Coaching programs in the lab industry are growing in number and effectiveness. This is especially true among the more innovative clinical laboratories in the United States,” observed Jeff Smith, Vice-President of Leadership Development for Slone Partners and Titan Management University. (more…)
