Mar 29, 2013 | Laboratory Hiring & Human Resources, Laboratory News, Laboratory Operations, Laboratory Pathology
Clinical laboratory and pathology data from the two of the state’s largest hospital systems will soon be available to providers using the CliniSynch HIE
Ohio’s statewide health information exchange (HIE) is gaining two prominent new members and both are located in the Cleveland metropolitan area. Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals (UH)—two of the Ohio’s largest health systems—announced plans to connect to CliniSync Ohio’s statewide HIE.
Among other things, this will bolster the amount of clinical laboratory test data that can be accessed through the CliniSync HIE. That’s because both the Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals operate sizeable medical laboratories that serve large populations of patients in Cleveland and the surrounding region. (more…)
Oct 26, 2009 | Laboratory News, Laboratory Pathology
Advanced use of EHRs is one characteristic of nation’s quality leaders
It’s a new study and ranking of top-performing health systems that Dark Daily readers will find interesting and useful. Thomson Reuters announced its latest Top 10 rankings, and identified three main ingredients for attaining higher-quality outcomes. They were: 1) a corporate-level coordinating committee; 2) ample involvement in planning from front-line caregivers; and a system-wide electronic health record system (EHR).
Thomson-Reuters evaluated 252 health systems, representing 1,720 hospitals. Its findings were published exclusively in Modern Healthcare. Its rating was based on five clinical performance measures: mortality, complications, patient safety, length-of-stay and use of evidence-based medicine. No attempt was made to measure financial performance. The health systems study used 2007 information from two public databases, the Medicare Provider Analysis and Review and Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ Hospital Compare.