News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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Recent Study Looks at How Consumers Use Wearables That Generate Biometric data and Whether Such Data Might Be Valuable for Physicians and Medical Laboratories

Precision medicine programs can benefit from wearable usage data; however, little information has been collected on personalities and behaviors of the device users

Wearables medical devices have the potential to monitor some of the same biomarkers used in medical laboratory tests today. In addition, these mobile technologies can make it possible for clinical laboratories to monitor patients in real time, as well as allow labs to incorporate such into a patient’s historical record of lab test results.

The trend toward personalized medicine (aka, Precision Medicine) is increasing, with many payment programs based on it. Thus, monitoring and correcting activities that cause chronic disease, or work against treatments, is becoming standard procedure for forward-thinking, technically proficient doctors and hospitals. But are patients onboard with all of it?

Activity Trackers for Monitoring Patient Behavior

With the popularity of activity trackers on the rise, researchers are examining their usage patterns to determine how the devices are being utilized, their target market, and ways to encourage sustained use of the gadgets.

A recent article published in Annals of Internal Medicine provided insight regarding who is using this type of wearable device, how activity trackers are being employed, and the length of time consumers will maintain their usage.

The research was spearheaded by Mitesh Patel, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Health Care Management, Perelman School of Medicine and the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. He believes this is the largest study of its kind to evaluate the usage of wearable fitness trackers.

“Many people are excited by the potential of using activity trackers to monitor healthy behaviors, but there is very little evidence on who is using them and whether or not use is sustained over time,” Patel stated in a Penn Medicine news release. “We found that, though use grew over time, it really varied depending on individual characteristics like age and income. We also found that once someone started using an activity tracker, sustained use at six months was high at 80%.”

Patel is also Director of the Penn Medicine Nudge Unit, a behavioral design team that is studying the impact that nudges or small interventions may have on healthcare. The team is examining ways in which nudges can influence choices, and also direct medical professionals and patients toward optimal decisions to improve healthcare delivery and results. (Photo copyright: University of Pennsylvania.)

Gaming the Study Improves Usage of Test Devices

To perform the study, 4.4 million members of a national wellness program were invited to take part in data collection. Approximately 55,000 of those individuals actually participated in the study, which involved downloading an app to record pertinent information. Researchers tracked and interpreted the data during a two-year period in 2014 and 2015.

The information analyzed included:

  • When participants initially activated their tracker;
  • How often the device was utilized;
  • The average number of steps taken per day; and,
  • Sociodemographic characteristics.

The results of the study were not entirely unexpected, but there were surprises:

  • 80% of the people who initially activated the devices were still using them after six months;
  • Only 0.2% of the invited individuals used the devices in the first year;
  • However, that number increased to 1.2% during the second year.

The usage of wearable activity trackers was nearly double among younger people than it was for older individuals. In addition, people from households with an annual income of less than $50,000 used the gadgets at lower rates than those at higher income levels.

A mere 0.1% of the potential participants were over 65-years old. However, 90% of individuals in this age group were still using the devices six months after initial activation.

The authors of the study stated that adding game elements, such as points, levels, badges and financial incentives may have played a role in the sustained use of the activity trackers.

Gamification and financial incentives are commonly used within wellness programs, but their impact has not been well studied,” Patel stated in the news release. “Our findings provide initial evidence suggesting that these types of engagement strategies may show promise for keeping sustained use high. However, more studies are needed to determine the best way to combine these types of engagement strategies with activity trackers to improve health outcomes.”

Most Commonly Used Mobile Activity Tracking Devices

There were 60 different types of wearable activity trackers that could be used by participants for the study. Seventy-six percent of those participants elected to use the FitBit activity tracker. This mobile healthcare device is worn on the wrist like a watch. It monitors activity, exercise, food, weight, and sleep to provide consumers with real-time data about their activities.

The data collected by the device is sent automatically and wirelessly to the user’s phone or computer. Individuals then can use the FitBit dashboard to view their progress through online charts and graphs. The dashboard also offers progress notifications to the consumer and gives achievement badges when established goals have been reached.

The second most common activity trackers used were Apple devices, such as Apple Watches, which were chosen by 9% of the participants.

Biometric data on patients’ behavior and activities that is collected and transmitted from mobile devices has swiftly become critical data doctors use in precision medicine diagnoses and treatments. Clinical laboratories will likely be including biomarker data taken by these devices in their testing and procedures in the future. The only question is how quickly the data generated by such devices becomes acceptable to add to a patient’s permanent health record.

—JP Schlingman

Related Information:

New Wellness Study Shows Just How Sticky Wearables Can Be, Even Among Seniors

Penn Study Shows 80% of Activity Tracker Users Stick with the Devices for at Least Six Months

Game Time: To Increase Exercise, Study Shows Gaming Strategies and a Buddy Are Key

When Push Comes to Nudge

Improvements to Fitness Wearables Help Stream Data from Consumers’ Homes to EHRs and Clinical Pathology Laboratories

Apple May Be Developing Mobile Device Technology to Monitor User’s Health and Transmit Data in Real Time

Study Reveals Surprises in How Healthcare Consumers Respond to Wellness Programs and Incentives, Some of Which Utilize Clinical Laboratory Tests as Benchmarks

80% of US employers are using financial incentives in wellness programs, and Penn Medicine research suggests better incentive design is needed to get people to exercise

In recent years, there’s been plenty of headlines about wellness programs offered by employers and health insurers. Data show that such programs are cost-effective. But, until now, there were few studies about employees’ attitudes toward wellness programs. Because some of these wellness programs incorporate clinical laboratory testing, medical labs have a stake in their future.

The fact is that companies want healthier employees and they’re willing to pay for it. Experts say about 80% of US employers use financial incentives in worker wellness programs. And for each dollar a company spends on a wellness program, it saves about $3 in medical costs, according to an article the journal Health Affairs. (more…)

McKinsey Study Confirms Trend Toward Narrow Healthcare Networks on Health Insurance Exchanges; Smaller Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups Often Excluded

Ongoing shift to narrow provider networks excludes many medical laboratories, thus causing them to lose access to patients served by these networks

If there is any single trend that has worked against the clinical and financial interests of community clinical laboratories and hospital/health system lab outreach programs, it is the trend of narrow networks. When medical laboratories and other providers find themselves excluded from a payer’s provider network, they lose access to the patients served by that network.

Thus, it won’t be good news that a major consulting company has confirmed that the trend of narrow payer networks is intensifying. The study was conducted by healthcare consulting firm McKinsey and Company.

McKinsey concluded that insurers participating in the government’s Healthcare Exchanges continue to move toward narrow networks of healthcare providers. This trend often leaves smaller clinical laboratories, hospital lab outreach programs, and anatomic pathology groups on the sidelines as insurers attempt to reduce costs. (more…)

Has the Time Come for Integration of Radiology and Pathology?

More collaboration between radiologists and pathologists could speed up diagnoses, increase accuracy, and improve patient outcomes, say advocates of an integrated diagnostic service

For years, certain pathologists and radiologists have floated the idea that an integrated diagnostic service involving both medical specialties could improve patient safety and contribute to improved patient outcomes. Now that the U.S. healthcare system is encouraging tighter integration of clinical services, advocates of an integrated diagnostic service involving radiology and pathology believe that the era of integrated diagnostics may be soon upon us.

There is appeal to the concept of an integrated diagnostic service that would deliver a single, unified report to the referring physician. For example, pathologists and radiologists often work together to work up certain types of cancer. They bring complementary skills to the diagnostic process. Often, particularly in complex cases, their collaboration improves the precision of their respective diagnoses and points the physician to the most appropriate therapies for the patient. (more…)

Does Your Clinical Laboratory or Pathology Group Have the Effective Leaders It Needs During These Challenging Times?

On May 5-6 in New Orleans, leadership will be a major theme when “the U.S. Army War College meets the Executive War College on Lab and Pathology Management” in a special workshop for executive leaders of labs and pathology groups

Some would argue that leadership in medical laboratories today has something in common with the opening line of a famous 19th century novel.

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,” is the first sentence in “A Tale of Two Cities,” Charles Dickens’ famous novel. Many pathologists and clinical laboratory managers would agree that this sentence accurately describes today’s marketplace for medical laboratory testing. (more…)
