Samsung’s New All-in-One Bio-Processor Chip Launches Amid Controversy Among Physicians and Medical Laboratory Professionals over the True Value of Wearable Health-monitoring Devices

Samsung is introducing a new, wearable, all-in-one chip for monitoring and processing health data that has the potential to test for common medical laboratory test biomarkers

Leading the drive to create wearable diagnostic devices are companies manufacturing products designed to serve the markets for consumer fitness and consumer wellness. Now a major electronics company says it has a new chip that will redefine how consumers and patients use wearable monitoring and diagnostic devices.

Samsung Electronics has already begun production of this new chip. Its Bio-Processor chip is different from the chips contained in other wearable devices currently on the market in that it is an “all-in-one” chip that could alter how wearable technology functions. Therefore, this new product has the potential to do some diagnostic testing that is currently performed in medical laboratories.

Currently, most wearable devices marketed to consumers for improving health and fitness measure steps and heart rate. The new chip from Samsung is claimed to be capable of considerably more.

A Single Chip for Generating Copious Amounts of Big Data (more…)
