Audio Conferences – Page 3

Staff Your Lab with Top Performers

Leo Serrano

Leo Serrano

How to Recruit and Retain the Best Med Techs

Recruiting and hiring top medical technologists may be the single biggest issue facing laboratories today. And it’s a problem that gets worse every month. Not only must your lab compete with other labs for scarce talent, but in these tough economic times, you may also lack the funds needed to support your ongoing advertising and recruiting efforts.

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Creating Patient Requisition Forms That Dramatically Increase Market Share and Profitability

Pathology Service Associates

Pathology Service Associates
Learn how simple changes to your forms can improve both revenue collection and patient satisfaction!

Uncollected revenue is the bane of every laboratory and pathology group in the United States. And the deck is stacked against labs like yours because reimbursement cutbacks and payer policies that unnecessarily reject claims are making it tougher to collect all the money due your lab.

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Sure-Fire Methods to Slash Your Laboratory’s Reference and Send-Out Testing Costs

Anne T. Daley

Anne T. Daley
How Baystate Reference Laboratories Maintained Clinical Service while Harvesting Big Dollar Savings 
Reference laboratory expenses are out of control. With new, complex and specialized testing options on the rise, many labs are seeing a significant increase in overall expenses. Spending more on testing could mean making cuts in other critical areas of your business, resulting in a negative impact on your operations—and your laboratory’s bottom line.

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Improve Pathologist Compensation and Productivity in Lab

Rich Cornell

Rich Cornell
How to Improve Pathologist Compensation and Productivity for You and Your Lab

Capable pathologists are in great demand right now. And that demand is fueling increased compensation. Good news for you—particularly if you have the right mix of subspecialty expertise and productivity.

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Lab Test Reports That Create Brand Awareness

Curt Johnson

Curt Johnson
Building Customized Lab Test Reports That Create Brand Awareness and Client Loyalty for Your Lab

Customized lab test reports are powerful tools you can use to attract profitable new clients to your laboratory. Progressive labs and pathology groups like yours are using customized reports to differentiate themselves from physicians and large group practices. Here’s your chance to learn the secrets of their success!

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Negotiate The Best Pricing And Terms For Your Lab

Mike Snyder

Mike Snyder
Managed Care Lab Contracting: How To Negotiate The Best Pricing And Terms For Your Lab

When contract renewal time rolls around, you probably face the same dilemma every year: How can you negotiate a good contract for your clinical lab or pathology practice when your payers are pushing for even lower reimbursements?

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Find And Eliminate All Waste In Your Lab

Mark Graban

Mark Graban
How To Find And Eliminate The Waste In Your Lab! Proven Techniques To Successfully Identify Waste In Your Laboratory—And Get Rid Of It For Good

Proven Techniques To Successfully Identify Waste In Your Laboratory—And Get Rid Of It For Good. This eye-opening audio conference from THE DARK REPORT is your opportunity to learn simple, proven solutions to your lab’s most wasteful problems. First up is Mark Graban, Senior Consultant at Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics ValuMetrix Services who will provide details of his three-step approach that will help you attack waste in your lab. Gain the insights and knowledge you need to identify different types of waste, methods for doing so, and typical initial improvements.

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